Freshmen’s First Perspectives 04 9/11: Ten Years Later 05 The GIUndergrad Divide 07 From the Archives 08
6"*72&3$&*$&*."&.$18 Daniela LoboDias leads the limbo contestants at Saturday night’s Sock Hop. The student newspaper of St. John’s College. 60 College Avenue Annapolis, Maryland 21401 editors in chief DANNY KRAFT GRACE TYSON Assistant Editors NATHAN GOLDMAN IAN TUTTLE Layout Editor HAYDEN PENDERGRASS business manager HONORE HODGSON Photographer HENLEY MOORE Contributors CHARLES ZUG TOMMY BERRY ANDREW WITWER SARAH MEGGISON JONATHAN WHITCOMB -DIXON JOHN FARRELL JON BARONE JOSH SNYDER Founded in 1980, The Gadfly is the student newspaper distributed to over 600 students, faculty, and staff of the Annapolis campus. Opinions expressed within are the sole responsibility of the author(s). The Gadfly reserves the right to accept, reject, and edit submissions in any way necessary to publish the most professional, informative, and thought-provoking newspaper which circumstances at St. John’s College permit. Articles submitted will be edited for grammar, punctuation, and spelling in most cases. The Gadfly is not obligated to publish all submissions except under special circumstances. The Gadfly meets every Sunday at 7 PM in the lower level of the Barr-Buchanan Center. Articles should be submitted by Friday at 11:59 PM to
letter from
the editors F
irst, an announcement: !"#$%&'() will will involve themselves in !"#$ %&'() as be holding an open writing/editing/ well. If this paper really is to become a homework session every Wednesday from !"#"$%&'()'*)%+"),'-&%./)01)2")+',")&%)2&--/) 7:00 to 10:00 pm in the lower level of the we need help from members of the entire BBC. If you’re working on or thinking about college community. In years past, The a %&'() article and would like to discuss %&'() has not made a concerted effort it with members of to include graduate our editorial staff, If this paper really is to students in the or if you’d just like publication process, !"#$%"&'&(")"#*+$,&$-&*."& a communal place to and this is a mistake. do some homework, polity, as we hope it will, we As GI Josh Snyder’s you’re free to stop by ,""/&."01&-($%&%"%!"(2&$-& article reminds us, for as long or as little *."&",*+("&#$00"3"&#$%%4,+*5 there is a divide, as you’d like. The often unspoken, %&'() will provide between the college’s tea and light refreshments, and we hope to undergraduate and graduate communities. see you there. We hope that !"#$ %&'()$ can serve as a Second, an apology: Last week’s issue of bridge over this divide, and to that end !"#$ %&'() was distributed two days late, we would like to invite all students of the and we regret any consternation this might Graduate Institute to submit articles and have caused. A combination of technical attend %&'()$meetings. and editorial issues coinciding with Labor This week’s issue features Ian Tuttle’s Day prevented us from getting !"#$%&'() !"#"$%&'(1) '() %+") %"(%+) 0((&3"!10!.) '*) out for its regular Tuesday distribution, September 11th, freshman impressions but we are working hard to make sure this '*) %+"&!) 4!1%) 2""51) 0%) 6%7) 8'+(91/) 0(:) doesn’t happen again. Jon Barone’s musings on the value of And third, an invitation: In this space sportsmanship. We’re excited to include, last week, we encouraged upperclassmen also, a reprint of Andrew Witwer’s (A’44) to submit more articles, but we forgot to defense of the college before an attempted mention our hope that graduate students Navy takeover.
? 03
A character from your seminar is building a blanket fort in Gilliam basement when the hurricane raging outside knocks the power out. FRESHMAN
Homer D-#488$/!-94$/!;+!#4/!N+N!35;48! /#$!N&0$/!O$3/!64.$!;#$N!,&-0! $8$-;94-4;)G!!D8/+:!/+N$;#456!#4;/! /+N$+5$!5$&9!&!54CC8$G P!Jonathan WhitcombDixon
Abraham >5-$!1$?9$!'+5$!,348'456! ;#4/!@+9;:!1#+!1&5;/!/+N$! -49-3N-4/4+5/Q P!Hayden Pendergrass
Don Quixote "#$!14-0$'!$5-#&5;$9/!1#+! C39/3$!N$!&9$!-+5/C49456!;+! '$/;9+)!N)!-&/;8$G! P!Anonymous
Editors "#$!/$54+9/!1$9$!&CC&9$5;8)! ;++!,3/)!9$&'456!M$6$8 to 9$/C+5'G!"#4/!N&)!,$!&!;9$5'G! P!Editors
Next week: Someone from your seminar reading had a little too much fun at S&C. Preferred morningafter remedy?
Facebook Has a Function:
A Response to “Facebook and Loneliness” by John Farrell A’13
n last week’s edition of! "#$! %&'(), is not, nor has it ever been, to replace editor Danny Kraft penned a provocative actual human connection. Its existence has indictment of Facebook, one of the changed and augmented our relationships, !"#$%"$#&'( )*'#( +$,"-".( "$/( #**0'( 1*%( but it has not made any attempt to replace communication. While his points against them. It does not provide a “hollow it were well taken, I cannot in good imitation of friendship.” It provides conscience say that they were perfectly well something entirely separate: new ways to thought out. Facebook serves a legitimate connect and communicate with other people purpose in our new society, and this that never existed before. Never have purpose is one that can only be understood we been able to say simple things, share within its proper context. Its users are (or pictures, and disseminate our thoughts to at least should be) aware that its scope any of the people we have connctions to and powers are limited. Although it can across the entire world with such ease. provide little in the way of actual human No, Facebook is not “substantial enough connection, what we must remember is that to satisfy loneliness,” but it isn’t supposed we are aware of this #*(2$3((456#(-#('6#-',$'( limitation, and it is Ultimately, the point of the are things as simple with this awareness the desire to share technology is not, nor has it as that we make use a joke or moment ever been, to replace actual with others we might of it. I know that candy is not food, human connection. otherwise never be and this is something able to connect to. of which I am well In truth, I am informed when choosing how best to make speaking more about globalization as a my meals. whole than this simple social network. Spending too much time on Facebook, Things change, and if we change with them though a common phenomenon, is not the we can learn a great deal. It is a good thing technology’s fault. Rather, it is a misuse #56#(/$(567$(.%$6#$%8(16'#$%8()*%$($1,9-$"#( of it and its intended function. The point access to information. Yes, this information of Facebook is largely that we craft our is often out of context, but we as users are experience ourselves. Facebook is a device aware of this fact, and are not worsened for that follows the orders and input of its it, because of the totality of our knowledge users. If most of your online friends are and our persistent willingness to learn and people you rarely interact with, how is that experience. Facebook is not good or bad. something you can blame on anyone but It is a tool with growing and unexplored yourself? uses, a tool that we all have a part in using Ultimately, the point of the technology for good things.
CAMPUS MAIL Accupuncture Returns Dear Polity, Niall Sheehan, acupuncturist, will be returning to campus by popular demand. Just come to the Harrison Health Center on October 5 between 9 AM and 1 PM and enjoy the $:;$%-$"9$( *1( 69<;<"9#<%$( 1*%( ';$9-,9( issues, injuries, pains, or generalized relaxation and balancing. Niall will be 5$%$( #5$( ,%'#( 6"+( #5-%+(4$+"$'+6='( *1( every month. Please come and make use of this great service. Donations are requested to support his continued work. Bernadette Zorio Counselor
Ramifications by Lucy Ferrier A’13 *+,&-#$./0)!1&/!&!23//4&5 2$&'456!73-84'!+.$9!*35-#$+5: "#+36#;!<*$;!;#$/$!845$/!=>"!45;$9/$-;: 75+36#!14;#!73-84'?/!+8'!'$@$-;AB =+1!#$!C3;/!845$/!45!-8&//$/!;1+ D/E!;#+/$!;#&;!'+5?;!-3;!F!;#+/$!;#&;!'+G H5!C&9&88$8/!#$!/$$/!;#$!,+35' I$;1$$5!;#$/$!-8&//$/!#$!#&/!@+35'G >5!#4/!1&)!,&-0!;+!J&K&5!LG M$!;++0!&5!&568$'!8&5$!#$!05$1 I3;!5$.$9!-&N$!+3;!;+!;#$!/;9$$;E "#$!;1+:!;#+36#!-8+/456:!'4'5?;!N$$;G
!"#$%&#'($)!*"$+),#"$-#.+*/#$ Two freshmen; two weeks; two per spectives. Sarah Meggison and Jon athan WhitcombDixon share their *+,-$#./#+0#12#,$&,$2344#5#$,-6'#1-,$ &-$7-8$93"1:,;$,-&+-015$-"#0+$<36+1#)$ -"+365"$-"#$=+35+&>;$&1'$?"&-$0-$ means to be a Johnnie.
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Bursting the Johnnie Bubble
In this second installment, Tuttle focuses on the anniversary of September 11, 2001 and the decade that followed, noting the impor tance of that day for citizens of America and the polity alike by Ian Tuttle A’14
B-"*!.$%CDEFF*1"2*3.&4*G'%<*$4<7')"*'$*'77/9')(%"#*($*%-"*.!")'),*.0* the Ground Zero Memorial Park nears. photo by Kelsea Mannotz
eptember 11th again. Hohum. It seems to roll around each want to relive it—the pain, the chaos, the fear. But on September year without any particular fanfare. Perhaps we gather, in 11, it is not enough simply to bring those events to mind. To re town squares or churches. Maybe we pray. At the least, we take member is to return to the day and feel, again, the vulnerability of brief note of the date: “September 11th—tragic.” It brings to mind a country attacked, the moral outrage, the unity of a nation reeling images of the World Trade Center pouring smoke, ashcovered as one. !"#"$%&'()$* +""'),* %-&./,-* %-"* $%&""%$* .0* 1"2*3.&45* 6&"6,-%"&$* >)*#.'),*$.5*2"*6)#*./&$"7;"$*%&/7<*&"9"9="&'),?**@"*&"9"9 rushing into the rubble; we think of the consequences, of the wars, ber that this was not a “tragedy” or a “disaster”; it was a stark evil American soldiers overseas, spilled blood and treasure. With worked not against a particular political party or electoral caucus the tenth anniversary and the dedication of the 9/11 Memorial at but against the United States of America as a whole. We remember Ground Zero, this year certainly saw more than the usual coverage. that, on that day, every individual death left a gulf in the nation, But it did not change the fact that, for most of us, many of whom not just in isolated families or cities. We remember why we com were still in elementary school in September 2001, the events of mitted ourselves to rooting out those responsible and ensuring that that day are distant, detached, over there somewhere. And that nations like Iraq and Afghanistan would no longer protect those sense of separation only increases with the years. conspiring against American lives. Even so, we have not forgotten. If any event is shared in our September 11th awakened the West to a new cultural fault line, nation’s memory, it is the attacks of September 11. So why are we no longer an Iron Curtain patrolled by blackbooted infantrymen, continually told to remember? =/%* (* +/'#5* ');'$'=7"* 7')"* &/))'),* %-&./,-* -.9"$* ')$%"(#* .0* )( Are we remembering the 2,977 dead? Their families and friends tions, so that weapons to maim and murder are now assembled remember them everyday; they don’t need in basements instead of munitions fac a special day each year to feel the chasm of If any event is shared in our tories. And it awakened the West to a death. Are we remembering the patriotism type of ideological warfare, no nation’s memory, it is the attacks new that swept the United States in the days longer the tiptoeing diplomatic dance of September 11. So why are we of SovietAmerican relations, or the that followed? Sure, but we harbor no de 7/$'.)$* %-(%* 89"&':(* 2'77* ";"&* 6)#* '%$"70* continually told to remember? gentlemen’s agreement of Mutually As so united again. What about the heroism? sured Destruction, but housetohouse 3"$5*%-"&"*:"&%(')7<*2($*%-(%5*=/%*%-"*9")* gun battles with faceless combatants ()#*2.9")*2-.*%-&"2*%-"9$"7;"$*')%.*%-"*6&"$*(&"*).*7.),"&*%-"* who use their children as shields. silverscreen size they were that day—the way that they deserve There are major policy questions that will determine the future to be remembered. The acuteness of the memories of September of America’s presence in the war against terror. What is to be done 11th has been dulled by the fatigue of two wars, bitter political di with Pakistan? Will the Arab Spring promote or deter the growth visions, and staggering economic challenges. What remembering of AlQaeda in the Middle East? What about the new cells break we do is through a glass, darkly—the edges are fuzzy, the sounds '),*./%*')*!7(:"$*7'4"*3"9")A**@-(%*(=./%*-.9",&.2)*%"&&.&'$95* something of a drone, the sights missing a dimension, color, some like the Fort Hood massacre, the attempted Christmas Day 2009 thing. airline bombing in Detroit, or the foiled 2010 Times Square car We “remember.” But it’s distant. Remembering is losing its bomb? potency. These questions are vital, but they are the daytoday territory So we must mean something different when we say, “We re of White House brains, congressional leaders, and the intelligence member.” We do not intend to remember that day like we remem community. The duty of those with 9to5 lives is smaller, quiet, ber what we ate for breakfast or what we wore yesterday or a con and personal—though perhaps not any easier. versation with a friend last week. It is stronger. This is a different It is to remember. We are not obligated to agree with every kind of memory. On September 11 to remember means to relive. political or military decision; we are only bound to remember that, That suggestion might seem macabre. September 11th remains for one decade ago, an America at peace was, without provocation, the nation, and for so many individuals, an open wound. We don’t struck and awoken to a new, active evil in the world. When we re
Berry Good Advice with Tommy Berry
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Dear Tommy, I don’t know what to do, but there’s this new person who’s stolen my last name. People talk about him on campus and it frustrates me each time I hear my name that this other guy has. What am I supposed to !"#$%&'($)*+()!,$-((.$)'"/!/.0$1/23$-45$2,$*)65$.)2($/6$7,/.0$)+"4.!$ 8)2946$/.$51($:)!7,$.";< Sincerely, Heathryn B (full name redacted for privacy) = Dear Heathryn, Boy, that sure sounds awful. I can hardly imagine anything worse than that. Oh wait, I can think of one thing: arriving on an unfamiliar campus as a freshfaced and wellmeaning newcomer, trying your best to adjust and make friends, and then suddenly being accused of theft by someone ,"4&'($.('(+$('(.$2(5<$>,$,"4+$";.$*"0/83$%$)99)+(.5*,$2).)0(!$5"$ steal your name without you ever catching a glimpse of me. I suppose that makes me quite the cat burglar, doesn’t it, Heathryn? Well, I’ve got news for you. Unless you were born before March 15, 1989, I’ve had this name longer than you have. Since your charge of theft has now been thoroughly discredited, here’s an alternate theory: You’ve had two years to grow complacent and secure in your role as the only Berry on campus, and now a little competition has suddenly made you more nervous than a cranberry on Thanksgiving. But that’s the funny thing about Berries: the more of 51(2$,"4$?.!$/.$".($9*)8(3$51($2"+($*/@(*,$/5$/6$51)5$6"2($)+($0"/.0$5"$ get squeezed. In regards to my using “your” name in !"#$%&'(), what would you have me do, call my column “Tommy Good Advice”? As it 1)99(.63$51)5$;)6$51($.)2($"A$51/6$8"*42.$A"+$51($?+65$6('(.$,()+6$"A$ its existence, but then I realized that “Berry Good Advice” had been staring me in the face the whole time, and that “Tommy Good Advice” was stupid and made no sense. So I’m not going back to that. I have to say, Heathryn, that I’m not upset as much by your spurious accusations as I am by your ingratitude. I’ve made your name famous, and this is the thanks I get? My advice to you is to stop feeling like such a blue Berry, and make the best of your currant situation. Sharing a name with a famous advice columnist is something you should be proud of. Not everyone can be Ann Landers. Sometimes, you have to ?.!$9()8($/.$-(/.0$B5).$C).!(+6D
The Architecture of St. Anne’s Parish
@+$>"#$3#/.+'$.7$32-#8)$0.-#$&->$ &+'$&-/"5>#/>2-#$-#65#A3$>.$/.0#=$ B"&-8#3$C24$#D18.-#3$.77E/&0123$ &>$+#&-:)$<>;$F++#93$G&-53";$ by Charles Zug A’15
?.!$51(+$5"$-($)$*)8@$"A$65,*/65/8$).!$)+81/5(854+)*$4./5,$$ in most American churches. To my disappointment, St. Anne’s Parish seems to be no exception. Passing through the vestibule into the congregation area, one realizes immediately that dark, heavylooking wood predominates at eye level and below. This is perfectly acceptable; however, the wood ensemble continues all the way from the pews into the high altar, which is itself entirely wrapped in the darkness of wood. The awesome Christ image itself – which ought to gather attention itself as a convex mirror gathers light – is hampered by /56$ ;""!(..(66D$ E1($ ?04+($ (66(.5/)**,$ -*(.!6$ /.5"$ /56$ background and is lost in endless waves of mahogany. Indeed, the description thus far may conjure up images of a Tudor hunting lodge. But one only need cast his gaze to the rafters in order to see that St. Anne’s sojourn into the age of Henry ended before it even began. The ceiling itself is an absolutely beautiful shade of blue, outlined by lovely white moldings, and above the high altar is painted a wonderful sky scene of clouds and stars. The stained glass windows are delicate and pristine, intricate and tasteful, and in the afternoon sunlight they are tinged with a mellow green hue. The small buttresses that line the high walls are like delicate scrolls with a quasi >)+"F4($ 7)+(D$ G'(+,51/.0$ )-"'($ /6$ */015$ ).!$ !(*/8)5(3$ everything below heavy and brown, which made me for a moment wonder if the designers intended to imply some sort of stylistic heaven/earth allegory through their design. These are the two main diverging styles I was able to distinguish while observing the church’s interior. There were some even more anomalous stylistic aspects, like the heavy, brutish, almost modernist columns, as well as the white trellislike pattern on the wall of the left transept. H(54+./.0$ 5"$ 2,$ ?+65$ 65)5(2(.53$ 51(+($ /6$ )$ 8"29*(5($ lack of stylistic and architectural unity in St. Anne’s I)+/61D$G'(+,51/.0$)-"45$51($/.5(+/"+$6((26$!/6"+0)./J(!3$ eclectic, and frivolous. Nothing is very serious – quite contrary to the nature of highchurch spirit – because ."51/.0$ /6$ 4./?(!D$ K.($ 8).&5$ 9*)8($ /5$ /.$ )$ :"51/8$ "+$ Classical or even strictly modernist tradition; instead, it seems as if everything inside has been hashed together 1)91)J)+!*,D$%.!((!3$51(+($)+($'(65/0(6$"A$).$"*!3$4./?(!$ 5+)!/5/".3$ -45$ 51(+($ /6$ ."$ 4./?(!$ 94+9"6($ 5"$ ).,$ "A$ 51($ architectural devices.
The Great GI Undergrad Divide
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is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“If you want to meet people then (,-"<;*''&22#1?",-"'*+)C" 8&*)/*(-"'(/)-!('C M2&" (,2'-" 7,2" 7*!(" (2" &-*<," *<&2''" (,-" go where they are. Be friendly G,-&-" *>>-*&'" (2" @-" *" 8*>" @-(7--!" ;+!-'"*!$7*$1"(,-&-"+'"'2#-(,+!8"(,*("<*!"@-" (,-" (72" '(/)-!(" @2)+-'" 2=" F(C" H2,!B'E" (,-" and open yourself. That’s less )2!-C /!)-&8&*)/*(-'" ;+3-" +!" (,-" 2;)" '<,22;B'" formal but certainly effective.” :''+'(*!(" U-*!" F/'*!" S**;#*!" -<,2-)" 72&;)" 2=" )/'($" (2#-'1" (&*)+(+2!'1" *!)" !"Assistant Dean Susan Paalman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Jocks of the Week
UPCOMING !"#$% &'(% )"*'+,(-. EVENTS Tuesday (9/13) St. John’s Orchestra Rehearsal Great Hall, 4 PM
As the freshmen consider what it means for Odysseus to come home from war, it is important to note that this is not an abstract question. In 1945 the Naval Academy made a proposal to buy our campus, and the Senate Committee on Naval Affairs held hearings to discuss the sale. The fol lowing is excerpted from a speech given at one such hearing by Andrew Witwer, a World War II veteran and member of the class of 1944. Ed.
Kunai Soccer, 46 PM Back Campus
Dance Lessons, 89 PM Great Hall Americans in the Autumn SCI Seminar, 7:309 PM BBC General Hartle Room Wednesday (9/14) Ultimate Frisbee, 4 PM W vs. S and G vs. H Back Campus St. John’s Chorus, 7 PM Great Hall !"#$%&'()*)+,-.#)*)+,&/011)2+ BBC Lower Level, 710 PM Friday (9/16) Kunai Soccer, 46 PM Back Campus Lecture, 8:15 PM Tutor William Braithwaite on The Supreme Court’s “Judicial Power” Under Article III FSK Auditorium Saturday (9/17) Ultimate Frisbee, 2PM W vs. H and D vs. S Back Campus Sunday (9/18): Soccer W vs. G 1:30 PM D vs. H 3:30 PM !"#$%&300*)+,4&5&67 BBC Lower Level 89&%2:&;2:<#&<)=0&*2&100&%2:(&0>0+*& 2+&*?0&;00=<%&1@?0#:<04&A<0"10& 03")<&!"#$%B1C@"D0#:
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