The Gadfly, Vol. XXXIII, Issue 04

Page 1



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UPCOMING DEMOCRACY AT ST. JOHN’S EVENTS Tuesday (9/20) SJC Orchestra Rehearsal Great Hall, 4­5:30 PM Kunai Soccer Back Campus, 4­6 PM Americans in the Autumn General Hartle Room 7:30­9:30 PM Dance Lessons Great Hall, 8­9 PM Gaming Club Coffee Shop, 8:30­11 PM Wednesday (9/21) Ultimate Frisbee Back Campus, 4 PM D vs. G and S vs. H St. John’s Chorus Great Hall, 7 PM Friday (9/23) Alumni Soccer Game Back Campus, 4 PM W & K vs. Alum. Lecture FSK Auditorium, 8:15 PM Bill Charlap Jazz Trio Concert Saturday (9/24) Homecoming Waltz Party Great Hall, 9:30 PM Mental Health Support Group BBC Room 109,10:30­11:30 AM Sunday (9/25) Soccer S vs. H, 1:30 PM D vs. G, 3:30 PM !"#$%&'(()*+, Lower Level BBC, 7 PM Mabel the Swimming Wonder Monkey, 8 PM Spector Media Center If you would like to see your event on the weekly schedule, please (-"*.&!"#$%/012"3(#4

As one of America’s long­standing institutions, St. John’s has sup­ ported and discussed democracy as part of its curriculum. However, many students don’t know about their own form of democracy and self­governance: The Delegate Council. F%&E"4.&5(*H(+&?KLM&N&;(.(,")(&C64+2*.&D7(0*#(+)


n light of the SCI’s newest seminar women are permitted to use the common series, Americans in the Autumn, I’d like rooms together in Campbell, Humphreys, to take this chance to talk about our own and Pinkney between 10 AM and curfew, little piece of America: St. John’s. and in the dormitories between 12:30 PM One of the primary concerns of a "+#& 247<(83& E4F1(2)& )6& <47)9(7& .(,*0.")*6+>& St. John’s education is citizenship. )9(&0(26+#&$667&6<&G"+#"..&09"..&F(&2.60(#& From Pericles’ Funeral Oration to the to men.” While we may not be able to Constitution of this great country, we learn identify with these exact circumstances, about what it means to be a citizen and a it’s important to realize that a law such as patriot. To me, citizenship is not simply the one quoted above was the result of one being labeled a member of a group, but group of students seeking protection under actually and actively participating in the Polity Law. In this case, women needed a governance (in this case, the descision guarantee of privacy, so the Polity made a making) of that group. Putting aside the law to ensure this. (Interestingly, the sleep/ lack of political discourse at this college, study law was in the original set of Polity I would like to call our attention to the Laws and will have its 52nd anniversary this lack of citizenship at St. John’s. How do May.) we, who consider ourselves to be Johnnies Every day, all around campus, students and therefore citizens of this great college, talk about issues that arise in their lives. govern ourselves? Each year, complaints are heard about our The answer: poorly. It dining services. My freshman is clear to me that we all We have a Delegate year, there was a big stir about take pride in the Program. Council not simply the campus internet. This Whether or not we take pride to disburse funds to year, printing charges and in ourselves and our student "#140)-(+)0& )6& )9(& -"+4".0& body remains unclear. Why student clubs, but are the big changes that is it that when there is a call also to help govern students are uncomfortable for representation, almost our student body. with. Has anyone thought no one answers it? Do we to solicit the student body’s think that there is no need collective opinion on these for a student government at St. John’s issues? Has there been any effort on the part College? Do we not care enough about the of the student body to voice their concerns state of our Polity to affect change from in a collective manner? No, there has not. within it? And I would like to know why. I recently had the pleasure of peering We have a Delegate Council not simply into the archives of one of St. Johns’ most to disburse funds to student clubs, but also storied tutors, Ms. Barbara Leonard. (Ms. to help govern our student body. Whether 5(6+"7#&8"0&)9(&:70)&;("+&6<&=6-(+>&+68& this means representing their interests known as the Assistant Dean, and a winter to the administration and to the outside holiday party is named in her honor.) world or helping to maintain order through ?-6+,0)&9(7&)9*+,0>&@&<64+#&)9(&A(7%&:70)& Polity Law, the D.C. has the power to be Polity Constitution of St. John’s College in the most effective tool for ending campus Annapolis, penned in 1960. In many ways, complaints and actualizing what we want the Constitution of 1960 is quite similar to to happen. So next time you see something 647&2477(+)&A(70*6+3&B9(&0*,+*:2"+2(&6<&)9*0& that as a student (and citizen) of this historical document, however, lies in its college you would like to address, talk to differences from our modern one. The Polity your Delegates as well as your friends! We of 1960 was one that saw the usefulness want to help represent your interests, but of an autonomous student body. This was we cannot do this unless you, the citizens +6)& .6+,& "<)(7& 86-(+& 8(7(& :70)& "#-*))(#& of St. John’s, help us. to the college, and issues were starting to B"H(& I7*#(& +6)& 140)& *+& 647& 867H>& F4)& *+& arise between the sexes. Accompanying ourselves. Talk to your class Delegates and )9(&C6+0)*)4)*6+&&8"0&)9(&:70)&0()&6<&D6.*)%& J<:2(70&"+#&,()&*+A6.A(#&8*)9&)9(&0)4#(+)& Laws, containing rules like, “Men and body at­large.

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