Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | December 3, 2018 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
Upcoming Dates DECEMBER 7 Preschool Christmas Concert Preschool | 9:30am | SJCS Auditorium Music Department Concert 5th - 8th grade performers | 7pm | Central Christian Church 11 The King’s Brass at SJCS | SJCS Auditorium 14 Staff Holiday Luncheon hosted by CPTA 15 Christmas Boutique | 10am SJCS Auditorium 20 JK/K Christmas Program 9am Performance for Parents 9:45am Student Performance 21 PS Christmas Chapel | 10am 21 JK-8 Early Dismissal 11:45am 22-January 6 Christmas Break Please refer to page 2 of the Tiger Tracks for information on Extended Care (JK-8) and Limited Care (Preschool)
Legacy by Mr. Hucks Charles Spurgeon, a London pastor who lived in the 19th century, is known as the “Prince of Preachers” and for good reason. Spurgeon was renowned for his oratory skills and could preach sermons that would captivate his audience. Over the course of his 38 years as a pastor, thousands of people came to hear him preach and when he died, the whole of London mourned his passing. Spurgeon left a great legacy of stalwart faith in Christ and a treasury of writings still read and respected by theologians today. One of his quotes which I came across the other day, challenged me as both a parent and an educator: “You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, training them up in God’s fear. . .as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of Host.” What a challenge for Christians! What an encouragement, also! While directed at parents, this quote applies just as well to Christian educators. Training Christian young people is serious business. We are working with parents to equip their children to be soldiers for Christ. Thank you, SJCS families, for trusting us with this awesome responsibility. Who knows? Maybe the world’s next Spurgeon will be one of your children. Thank you for helping us continue our legacy of offering a quality Christian education for almost 60 years.
Christmas Concert - Angels We Have Heard on High Please join Grades 5-8 Bands and 6-8 Choir on December 7 for the December 7 Christmas concert at Central Christian Church (2555 Meridian Ave, SJ 95124). The evening concert will begin at 7 PM and finish by 8:15 PM. We hope you bring your family and friends! BAND & CHOIR PARENTS: • Please check your email for the SignUp Genius to volunteer in support of the concert • Please note the CONCERT NIGHT DRESS CODE: White shirts (modest blouse for girls; collared shirt for boys), black pants (or floor length skirts/ dresses; or black leggings under a knee-length skirt), & black dress shoes. Ties encouraged. Red accents allowed. No hats or distracting clothes, please.
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San Jose Christian School
Tiger Tracks Extended Care JK-8 | Holiday Schedule
Extended Care (JK-8 only) will be available 8am - 5pm January 2nd - 4th. Sign ups are required to reserve your spot. Please email Kim Basl to confirm care for your child/ren. Kim can be reached at: kbasl@sjchristian.org *Extended Care will be closed December 24th - January 1st.
Limited Care Preschool | Holiday Schedule
Limited care* dates for Christmas break have been given out. The dates are January 2-4 and the hours are 8-4. If you no longer needs your days, please let Mrs. Koepplin know. Ashley can be reached at Akoepplin@sjchrsitian.org.
Preschool Announcements
The Preschool Christmas performance is this Friday! Please invite your friends and family to come watch at 9:30 in the auditorium. Limited care* dates for Christmas break have been given out. The dates are January 2-4 and the hours are 8-4. If you no longer needs your days, please let Ashley know. *Please note that Limited Care is different than Extended Care. Extended Care is for JK-8 student
Girls Lacrosse Free 1-day Clinic
If you are a 4th-8th grade girl and are looking to try a new sport please join us on Friday, December 14th from 3:15p - 4:15p to try Girls Lacrosse. Experience is not necessary and equipment will be provided. Please email Kim Basl if you are interested in attending this special sport event. kbasl@sjchristian.org
Christmas Boutique at SJCS
We are so excited to launch a new event here at SJCS. The 1st Christmas Boutique will be held on Saturday, December 15 from 10am - 4pm. Fabulous vendors have reserved their space and we have room for a few more. Invite friends, neighbors, co-workers and family to stop by. Here is a preliminary list of vendors - Artisan Almonds - Tara At Home - Mindy Webb Photography - Riverstone Spa - Premier Jewelry - Pampered Chef - PartyLite Candles - Succulents, Etc. - Cupcakes for College - Bobbie’s Baubles - Miss Maegan’s Bowtique - The Peaceful Closet - Norwex - Hello Fresh - All Honey - Mary Kay - Smokin Mason Our very own SJCS Student Council will also be on campus with delicious holiday snacks and warm seasonal drinks. This is an awesome way to showcase SCJS without pressure. We look forward to seeing you Saturday, December 15th!
Sports this
Girls' Basketball Monday: Game vs. Legacy @ Campbell United Methodist Church (CUMC) 3:30 Tuesday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Wednesday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Thursday: Game @ Calvary Christian 3:30 Boys' Basketball Monday: Game vs. Legacy @ CUMC 4:45 Tuesday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Wednesday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Thursday: Game @ Calvary Christian 4:45