Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | March 19, 2018 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
16th Annual Spring Auction IMPORTANT DATES Tuesday
Dads in Prayer 8:30am | Meet at the Hippo
Moms in Prayer 8:30am | Room 21 Easter Chapel 8:40am | SJCS Auditorium Minimum Day Early Dismissal 11:45am Scrip Orders Due | 3:30pm
One of the most enjoyable events for the SJCS community every year is the annual auction. The auction supports special projects at school. This year’s event will be on Saturday, April 14 at 6pm at the Women’s Club of San Jose. Tickets are available at https://tinyurl.com/SJCSAuction2018. In addition to the auction activities, the evening includes appetizers, beverages and desserts. Please read the attached frequently asked questions and answers to help in your planning process. The planning team has three areas where they can use your help! 1. Small donation items. The team is in need of the following new items to complete a few of the baskets: Baby items Small Hand Tools Summer floatation devices Kitchen Gadgets Wine Accoutrement Restaurant Gift Cards 2. Reserve tickets for yourself and a few friends! This year you are able to reserve a VIP table that includes a special gift for each of your guests. Our goal is to have 200 attendees at the auction this year. We encourage you to invite friends and family to the event.
JK - 8 No Classes | Extended Care available with advanced RSVP
3. Spread the word! Please share the RSVP link with members of your church group, sports teams and family!
Infants and Preschool | Normal Schedule
Remember, the Spring Auction is a wonderful night out! The evening will benefit every student on campus and many more in years to come.
UPCOMING DATES Staff Appreciation Week March 26-29 Standardized Testing March 26 - 29 Easter Break March 30 - April 6* *see specifics page 2 Spring Auction April 14, 2018
Extended Care Open Friday Extended Care will be open Friday March 23rd from 8:00am - 5:30pm. Please email Kim Basl to sign up your child for Extended Care this day. kbasl@sjchristian.org
All School Easter Chapel - Thursday March 22 - 8:40am We would like to extend an invitation to our parents and community to join us for our All School Easter Chapel this Thursday, March 22. 8:40am in the SJCS Auditorium. No RSVP required.
Staff Appreciation Week March 26 - 29 is staff appreciation week. This week is set aside on the calendar for students, parents and community partners to show special acknowledgment to our teachers and staff. Teaching your students is a blessing and an honor for the SJCS faculty. The CPTA invites you to show your gratefulness with a note or a kind gesture to your teachers. A special lunch is also being provided by the CPTA and classroom room parents on Tuesday the 27th. For more information please contact your classroom room parent.
Tiger Tracks T.I.G.E.R. Summer Camp Details Teaching | Inspiring | Growing | Exploring | Rejoicing Summer Camp registration is now available on line. This summer we will be offering two camp programs: 1.) T.I.G.E.R Camp Youth: Kindergarten - 4th grade. 2.) T.I.G.E.R Leadership: 5th - 8th grade. Dates: Weekly from June 18th through August 10th, 2018.
Costs: $295.00 per week plus a one time $25.00 registration fee per student (includes field trip shirt) Extended Care is available: 8a- 9a and 4p - 6p at the rate of $7.00 per hour Registration: T.I.G.E.R. Youth Camp: https://tinyurl.com/tigercampyouth2018 T.I.G.E.R. Leadership Camp: https://tinyurl.com/tigercampleadership2018 Questions: Payment or financial questions should be directed to SJCS Business Manager, Tanya Garside. Registration or camp content questions should be directed to Camp Director, Kimberly Basl.
We have had a wonderful year of clubs, and we're now going into our final session. Please see the attached flyer and visit www.sjchristian.org to sign up.
Easter Break
Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tigerthis Sports
Quarter 4 Clubs Are Here!
Please be sure to mark your calendar for the upcoming Easter break. There will be no classes and the campus will be closed on Friday, March 30. For Preschool students: No classes April 2nd & 3rd. Limited care is available April 4-6 when arrangements have been made in advance. Please contact Ashley Koepplin with questions. For JK - 8th students: Extended care will be available April 2 - 6. Advanced sign up is required. Please contact Kim Basl with questions.
Girls Soccer: This past weekend the Lady Tigers finished 3rd overall in the BACSAL playoffs. After winning the South division with a 5-1 record, the girls defeated Fremont Christian in an exciting second round playoff game to advance to the semi-finals. After a hard fought loss to Tabernacle Christian the girls defeated Chinese Christian in a thrilling 2-1 overtime game to capture third place. Congratulations to our girls soccer team on a great season! Girls Volleyball: Practice will start on Monday. March 26. Coaches Nancy Rivas and Susan Bowen will be returning as coaches. Please be sure to turn in all athletic participation forms/fees. Boys Soccer: Practice starts on Monday, March 19. Coaches Kyle and Kayla Power will be returning as coaches. Please be sure to turn in all athletic participation forms/fees. Sports Awards Night is fast approaching! Mark your calendar for May 22nd! The event will be held at the Campbell Community Center Orchard Banquet Hall and will begin at 6 pm. Watch future Tiger Tracks for additional details.
Tiger Tracks Tiger Talk! Connecting parents and students! We provide the prompt, you provide the conversation!
Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of SJCS In the Spot Light Miss Bost and Miss Armenta by Mrs. Baham Watch Our Butterflies Grow and Explore! “Everything is new to our kids. Each day is an adventure!” Butterfly teacher Allie Bost shared. The Butterflies explore God’s world in both structured and unstructured play. “These little ones are able to transition from the baby room and thrive in a new environment. Kids can do and understand more than we think!” Catalina Armenta teaches with Allie and shared how much she enjoys working in the San Jose Christian Preschool. This week’s lesson was on community jobs such as doctors. The little ones loved learning new words like stethoscope and sharing about their own experiences. It is easy to see that the loving, kind leadership in the Butterfly room blesses students, parents, and SJCS faculty in countless ways. Thanks to the new playground we hear daily laughter, play, and learning from our little Tigers.
Tiger Talk Tiger Talk is a section of the Tiger Tracks intended to connect families by providing topics for face to face discussion. These topics offer an avenue to dig into our school theme STOP and listen, GO and do. This week’s BIG IDEA - God has given each of us skills and placed us in community. We each have jobs to do to contribute. Here are some suggestions for how to engage your family on the topic of our jobs in the community. For Elementary: What job would you like to have when you grow up? And why? For Middle School: What qualities do you admire in your parents when you see them at work either at home or on the job? For Parents When you were the age of your children, what job did you think you would have as a grownup? What do you love about your current job? If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Why Attend the Spring Auction? There are a few key reasons to attend the Spring Auction. 1) This is a great way for parents to enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship. 2) This year the event will financially benefit campus improvements, classroom upgrades, and technology growth. Each of these items will impact every person on campus. 3) The Spring Auction is a great way to connect with other SJCS parents. We are stronger together and building community is an integral part of what makes SJCS an awesome school.
I have never attended the auction…why start now? All parents, preschool and up, are encouraged to attend the auction. We want you to invite friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles and Grandparents (Grandparents especially enjoy this event!). This event offers a wide variety of activities. We understand that many people feel they cannot contribute at this type of fundraiser or benefit event, but we attempt to have something for everyone. You can simply “Play Your Part” by attending the auction and enjoying the appetizers, desserts, and refreshments.
Is Childcare provided? No. Due to the change in venue we will not be offering child care for this event.
What is the cost to attend? Tickets are $50 per person. It is also an option to gather a group together and secure a VIP table. Each VIP table has 8 seats and each guest receives a small gift. We ask that one person coordinate/pay for the table.
Where is the auction held? This year the auction will be held at the San Jose Women’s Club - 75 South 11th Street, San Jose, CA 95112
I would like to donate an item or service - how do I do this? The office has auction donation forms available for you. Also, a member of the auction team would be happy to talk with you about your donation idea. Consider asking your employer for their company seats at a sporting event or upcoming performance. There are so many options for donations - perhaps a vacation home, limo service, gardening service and much more. Contact the office to learn more.
What is the attire for the event? We suggest dressy attire this year to compliment our “Play Your Part” theme. Slacks and sport coat or button down shirt for gentleman and dress or skirts for ladies.
Parking? The event location offers street parking on the weekends. Additionally there is a parking structure 1 block west of the venue. For additional information please contact the school office. We are happy to answer additional questions.