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C e l e b r a t i n g 2 5 Ye a r s
January Series
January 4– 24 NT Wright
Listen l Learn l Discern l 2012 Reza Aslan
Deborah Lew
David Gergen Sherry Turkle Pedro Noguera
...and 9 others 15 daily presentations • 12:30 to 1:30 pm EST • Underwritten by Baker Publishing Group For webcast sites, online listening and archives of past lectures, visit www.calvin.edu/january
Coming this January for the 25th year, Calvin College presents the 2012 January Series—the award winning free liberal arts education delivered in 15 weekday, lunchtime lectures. Thousands from around west Michigan will gather on the Calvin campus to hear pioneers in their fields speak on topics ranging from the sociological effects of technology, the future of Christianity, the power of social justice movements, the Arab Spring, the upcoming U.S. election season, and much more. Thousands more will
join the conversation by watching the live feed at 34 remote webcast sites across the continent or by listening online. For details on the series, including presenter bios, remote site locations, online listening instructions, archived presentations and more, see www.calvin.edu/january. Calvin is a Christian comprehensive liberal arts college that annually offers the January Series as part of its mission to develop knowledge, understanding, and critical inquiry in order to build up what is good and bring renewal to our society.
3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616) 526-6000 or 1-800-688-0122
The January Series of Calvin College -‐ Presented by San Jose Chris7an School Wednesday, January 4 Sherry Turkle "Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other" Underwri(en by Van Wyk Risk & Financial Management A professor, author, consultant, researcher and licensed clinical psychologist, Sherry Turkle has spent the last 20 years researching the psychology of people’s rela>onships with technology. She is a professor at MIT and the founder and director of the MIT Ini>a>ve on Technology and Self. Her latest book “Alone Together” explores our digital lives in today’s always on, always connected culture. Profiles of Sherry have appeared in such publica>ons as The New York Times, Scien@fic American, and Wired Magazine. She is a featured media commentator on the effects of technology for CNN, NBC, ABC, and NPR, including appearances on such programs as Nightline and 20/20. Thursday, January 5 John Varineau "The Uses, Misuses and Abuses of Music" in partnership with the Grand Rapids Symphony Underwri(en by Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning John Varineau teaches clarinet and music fundamentals at Calvin College. He is the Associate Music Director of the Grand Rapids Symphony where he conducts all their series concerts including the always popular Lollipop and Picnic Pops concerts. He also conducts the Grand Rapids Youth Symphony, and has served as the Calvin College visi>ng orchestra conductor. John holds a Bachelor of Music from the University of Wyoming and a Masters of Music from Yale University. He is commiXed to nurturing the next genera>on of classical music lovers. He is a frequent visitor to area schools, and shares an infec>ous enthusiasm for music with students throughout West Michigan. Friday, January 6 Edith Mirante "Burma on the Brink: Can a Southeast Asia Disaster Zone Achieve Democracy and Environmental Jus7ce?" Underwri(en by the I.C.N. Founda@on Director of an informa>on project on Burma since 1986, Mirante will describe the challenges facing Burma's
people as they use various tac>cs to expose human rights viola>ons and return to democracy aaer several decades of brutal military dictatorship. The cataclysmic effects of Cyclone Nargis and the inspira>on of the Buddhist monks' Saffron Revolu>on, Aung San Suu Kyi's brave voice for nonviolent change, and the fron>er areas' long‑running civil war are all elements of a beleaguered but fascina>ng crossroads of Southeast Asia. From her firsthand experience, Ms. Mirante will reveal how the extraordinary people of Burma try to protect their forests and rivers against rampant exploita>on and what the interna>onal community can do to help. Monday, January 9 Eric Metaxas "Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy" Underwri(en by the Richard & Helen DeVos Founda@on In a decidedly eclec>c career, Eric Metaxas has wriXen for Veggie Tales, served as writer and editor for Chuck Colson’s Breakpoint, and wriXen for the New York Times. He is a best-‐selling author whose biographies, children’s books, and works of popular apologe>cs have been translated into Albanian, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, and Macedonian. He is the founder and host of Socrates in the City: Conversa@ons on the Examined Life, a monthly event of entertaining and thought-‐provoking discussions on “life, God, and other small topics” held in New York City. He is a frequent cultural commentator on CNN and the Fox News Channel, and he has been featured on many radio programs, including NPR’s Morning Edi@on, Talk of the Na@on, and others. He is the author of two highly acclaimed biographies —Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery and Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.
The January Series of Calvin College -‐ Presented by San Jose Chris7an School Tuesday, January 10 Pedro Noguera "A Broader, Bolder Approach to Educa7on" Underwri(en by GMB Architects + Engineers Pedro Noguera is one of America's most important voices for healthy public educa>on. An expert on school reform, diversity, and the achievement gap, he focuses on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic condi>ons in the urban environment. He is currently the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Educa>on at New York University. Noguera is also the Execu>ve Director of the Metropolitan Center for Urban Educa>on and the co-‐Director of the Ins>tute for the Study of Globaliza>on and Educa>on in Metropolitan Sehngs. In 2008, he was appointed by the Governor of New York to serve on the State University of New York Board of Trustees. He is also a part-‐>me high school teacher, the author of several groundbreaking texts, a regular guest on CNN and NPR, and a dynamic speaker who translates social theory into concise, hip language with emo>onal impact and intellectual rigor. Wednesday, January 11 Gabe Lyons "The Next Chris7ans: How a New Genera7on is Restoring the Faith" Underwri(en by The Chris@an Reformed Church in North America Gabe Lyons was at the top of the Chris>an food chain several years ago. A graduate of Liberty University, he was vice president of a prominent Chris>an organiza>on and cofounder of Catalyst, the na>on’s largest gathering of young Chris>an leaders. There was only one problem: he was embarrassed to be called “Chris>an.” So Lyons set out on a personal journey, leaving his comfortable job to found Q (qideas.com), a learning community that mobilizes Chris>ans to advance the common good. He also commissioned stunning research, which became the basis on his landmark book, UnChris@an: What a New Genera@on Really Thinks About Chris@anity and Why it Ma(ers, which he co-‐authored with David Kinnaman.
Lyon’s latest book, The Next Chris@ans, con>nues the conversa>on and gives us reason to be op>mis>c about the future of Chris>anity in America. As a respected voice for a new genera>on of Chris>ans, he has been featured by CNN, the New York Times, Newsweek, and USA Today. Gabe and his wife and family live in New York City. Thursday January 12 Michael Gerson "Religion and Poli7cs in a New Era" Underwri(en by the Gary and Henrie(a Byker Chair in Chris@an Perspec@ves on Poli@cal, Social, and Economic Thought Gerson is a na>onally syndicated columnist who appears twice weekly in the Washington Post. A former speechwriter and top aide to President George W. Bush, he currently serves as Senior Advisor at ONE, a bipar>san organiza>on dedicated to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable diseases. He is the Hastert Fellow at the J. Dennis Hastert Center for Economics, Government, and Public Policy at Wheaton College in Illinois and serves as a Fellow at the Center for Public Jus>ce in Washington, DC. He is author of “Heroic Conserva>sm” and co-‐author of “City of Man: Religion and Poli>cs in a New Era.” Friday, January 13 Jennifer Pharr Davis "Adventures on the Appalachian Trail: True Stories of Lightning Strikes, Stalkers, and World Records" Underwri(en by Barnes & Thornburg This past summer an incredible woman took an incredible journey on foot. That woman, Jennifer Pharr-‐ Davis, covered the 2,181-‐mile Appalachian Trail in 46 days, 11 hours, and 20 minutes. No one, man or woman, has ever covered the trail more quickly. She is the author of Becoming Odyssa, an adventure memoir wriXen aaer her first experience of thru-‐hiking the AT in 2005. Since then she has hiked over 11,000 miles of Long Distance Trails. She has trekked on 6 con>nents and currently holds endurance records on The Appalachian Trail, Long Trail and Bibbulmun Track. She is the owner of Blue Ridge Hiking Company and was named Outdoor Person of the Year in 2008.
The January Series of Calvin College -‐ Presented by San Jose Chris7an School Monday, January 16 Adam Taylor "Mobilizing Hope: Faith Inspired Ac7vism for a Post-‐ Civil Rights Genera7on" Underwri(en by Spectrum Health Currently serving as vice president of advocacy at World Vision, USA, Taylor recently completed a year-‐long fellowship at the White House. He formerly served as the senior poli>cal director at Sojourners and has served as the execu>ve director of Global Jus@ce, an organiza>on that educates and mobilizes students around global human rights and economic issues. He is a graduate of Emory University, the Kennedy School of Government and the Samuel DeWiX Proctor School of Theology. He is the author of “Mobilizing Hope” which draws lessons from the life of Mar>n Luther King, Jr. and previous social movements and applies them to the most pressing challenges facing our na>on and world today. Tuesday, January 17 Joel Sala7n "Dancing with Dinner" Underwri(en by Holland Litho Prin@ng Services Joel Sala>n is a full>me alterna>ve farmer in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. He writes extensively for agriculture magazines and is a popular speaker who defends small farms, local food systems, and the right to opt out of the conven>onal food paradigm. His family’s farm, Polyface Inc., has been featured in Smithsonian Magazine, Na@onal Geographic, Gourmet, and countless other radio, television and print media. Profiled on the Lives of the 21st Century series with Peter Jennings on ABC News, his aaer-‐ broadcast chat room fielded more hits than any other segment to date. The farm achieved iconic status as the grass farm featured in the New York Times bestseller Omnivore’s Dilemma by food writer guru Michael Pollan and more recently the movie Food, Inc. Wednesday, January 18 David Gergen "The 2012 Elec7ons: Issues and Answers" Underwri(en by the Peter C. and Emajean Cook Founda@on
A prominent na>onal journalist, teacher, and public lecturer, Gergen is a professor of public service at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and co-‐director of the school’s Center for Public Leadership. He is also editor-‐at-‐large at U.S. News & World Report and is a regular poli>cal analyst on television. As a trusted advisor to four presidents -‐ Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton -‐ and to both poli>cal par>es, David Gergen offers a bipar>san analysis of the Obama Administra>on, a divided Congress, the 2012 elec>ons, and what today’s headlines mean for the future of America. Thursday, January 19 Reza Aslan "The Future of the New Middle East" Underwri(en by John & Mary Loeks and Meijer, Inc. A dras>c shia is taking place in the Middle East. A new genera>on of youth are clamoring for their rights and freedoms – and they dras>cally outnumber their elders. Seventy-‐five percent of the popula>on of the Middle East is under the age of 35, and fiay percent is under the age of 25. The young, educated, and poli>cally mo>vated youth in places like Iran, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and beyond have a new vision-‐-‐one that represents their values, not the values of a ruling elite or of the genera>on that preceded them. Reza Aslan is a world-‐ renowned expert on the Middle East – its history, economy, culture and popula>ons. In this eye opening talk, Aslan goes beyond skin-‐deep punditry and reveals the true nature of these historic societal changes. What mo>vates the Muslim youth of today? What will the new Middle East look like? How will these sudden regime changes affect the world's economic and poli>cal climate? With unparalleled authority and eloquence, Aslan unravels the complexi>es of the new Middle East and shows audiences what the future holds for this oa-‐ misunderstood part of the world. Born in Iran, he now lives in Los Angeles where he is Associate Professor of Crea>ve Wri>ng at the University of California, Riverside.
The January Series of Calvin College -‐ Presented by San Jose Chris7an School Friday, January 20 Ralph Edmond “Real Solu7ons for Hai7's Future" Underwri(en by Miller Johnson Ralph Edmond grew up in the midst of three drugstores as the son of a Hai>an pharmacist. Aaer studying at the State School of Medicine and Pharmacy in Port-‐au-‐Prince, he accomplished a second degree in Business and Marke>ng Management at the Bernard Baruch College in New York City. Upon returning to Hai> in 1989, Ralph took a different step in the field of pharmaceu>cals—a step toward the Hai>an produc>on toward the Hai>an market. He and his business partner soon founded Laboratoires Farmatrix, which today employs over 65 people. Aaer a decade of experience as an entrepreneur, Ralph aXended a conference in Michigan on “Business as a Calling,” where he discovered his goal to bring mentoring and job crea>on to Hai>. Through the tool of mentoring, Ralph believes that business people and entrepreneurs can break the barriers of social and economic class. He will explain how “free” aid can hurt their economy and keep it from growing, how poverty and violence can be fought through investments and how common humanity can be shared through mentoring. He will also discuss how the Hai>an Government, the NGO and the private sector can beXer interact to move Hai> forward. Monday, January 23 Deborah Lew “Stories and Songs from Broadway” Underwri(en by Peregrin Financial Technologies, Portland, OR Ms. Lew is an actress who played the role of Belle in “Beauty and the Beast” on Broadway and appeared in the Broadway revival of “The Threepenny Opera.” Most recently, she was part of BartleX Sher's acclaimed
revival of “South Pacific” at Lincoln Center. Other off-‐ Broadway shows include “Cinderella,” “Candide,” “Cupid and Psyche,” “No, No, NaneXe,” “Up in the Air,” “West Side Story” as Maria, “Amour” as Isabelle, “Les Miserables” as CoseXe, “Miss Saigon” as Kim, “ The King and I” as Tup>m, and “Myth” as Elizabeth. Deborah has been a concert soloist at Jazz at Lincoln Center and, na>onally, with the Asian Americans on Broadway concerts. She is a Calvin College graduate who will return to her alma mater to share with us a collec>on of songs and stories from her experiences of growing up in Grand Rapids, moving to New York City, and working to build a career in the theatre. She will recount stories from past show experiences and the audi>on process, as well as life in the Big Apple. The presenta>on will include performances of songs from her favorite shows. Tuesday, January 24 N.T. (Tom) Wright "How God Became King: Why We've All Misunderstood the Gospels" Underwri(en by The Center for Excellence in Preaching Widely regarded as one of the world's foremost New Testament scholars, Professor Wright has wriXen over fiay books, both for the academy (his series Chris@an Origins and the Ques@on of God) and for a mainstream audience (the Everyone series of guides to the New Testament). He has also wriXen books of apologe>cs, including the best-‐selling Simply Chris@an. He has been featured on ABC News, Dateline NBC, The Colbert Report, and Fresh Air and has taught New Testament studies at Cambridge, McGill, and Oxford universi>es. Upon his re>rement as the Bishop of Durham for the Church of England in 2010, the University of St. Andrews appointed the Right Reverend Dr. Nicholas Thomas Wright as Chair in New Testament and Early Chris>anity for the St. Andrews School of Divinity.
C e l e b r a t i n g 2 5 Ye a r s
January Series
January 4– 24
Listen l Learn l Discern l 2012
Fifteen days of a free liberal arts education comes to California! Live Internet Video Feed 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. San Jose Christian School 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008
free admission
For online listening and archives of past lectures, visit
www.calvin.edu/january The January Series is underwritten by Baker Publishing Group
www.calvin.edu 3201 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 (616) 526-6000 or 1-800-688-0122