San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.
Monday, January 7, 2013
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Recommend One!
Pizza & Milk Orders On-Line
Parent Education Night - Thursday
Chevy’s Dine Out January 17
Two games this week
Check for upcoming events
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From the Office
Upcoming Events
The January Series Is Here
Once again, SJCS is serving as a remote Recommend One Parent Education Night - January 10 location for the Calvin College January Series of lectures. Broadcasts began on On Saturday January 26, SJCS will host a Internet Safety School Preview Event for prospective fami- The CPTA will be hosting a Parent Educa- Thursday, January 3. You can come expelies of all grade levels. In a program we are tion Night this Thursday, January 10, from rience the 15 lectures with refreshments and fellowship in the SJCS auditorium at calling “Recommend One,” we’d like to 6:30pm - 8:00pm. The evening topic will 9:30am each weekday morning. Please challenge you, our current families, to inbe internet safety. Our goal is to help parfind information on this weeks speakers vite another family to the event to experients understand what to look for with their below. ence all that our school has to offer. Think children’s internet use, including but not of people in your church, in your neighbor- limited to email, internet gaming, Insta1/8 – Jenny Yang, Welcoming the Stranger: hood, or in your circle of friends who gram, texting, Google and much more. would be a good fit for SJCS. If the family Frank Rivas, a SJCS Parent, and specialist in Justice, Compassion and Truth in the Immigration Debate | Yang is the Director of Adyou invite attends the Preview Event, you internet safety will present and answer will receive a gift from the school. And questions. Please note that this evening is vocacy and Policy for the Refugee and Imremember, if that family enrolls at SJCS, you geared toward parents. If you are interested migration Program at World Relief. She receive $500 in Tiger Bucks! in Child Care for the evening please com- provides helpful insights to Christians who plete the form attached to the Tiger Tracks. feel torn between the desire to show compassion and mercy to immigrants while also Take the weeks ahead to think of people upholding the rule of law. you know who would benefit by being at The CPTA and Administration have also SJCS, and tell them our story. Let them coordinated a student program for Friday, know what makes this community special, December 11. Students in grades 5-8 will 1/9 – Richard Mouw & Robert Millet, Evanand invite them to our School Preview attend. Please contact Betsy Phillips if you gelicals and Mormons: A Conversation and Dialogue | Mouw is the president of Fuller Event in January. Recommend One, and have questions about either event. Seminary and a leading voice in initiating help us grow our school! Watch for more civil dialogue with other faith communities. details in the January Tiger Tracks. SJCS Dine Out Event - January 17 Millet is the leading Mormon theologian and a BYU professor. The two will discuss Chevy’s - 2 Locations Save the Date! The CPTA has coordinated the history of their interfaith dialogue and Fan the Flame explain areas where they agree and disThe SJCS Annual Financial Drive is under- a Dine Out Event to help raise funds for agree. way, and this year’s theme is Fan the Flame. future school wide events. The CPTA has To learn about the goals and targeted areas partnered with the Chevy’s on Almaden 1/10 – Peter Diamandis, Abundnace: The Expressway and the Chevy’s on Saratoga of support for the drive, along with the Future is Better Than You Think | Diamandis Avenue. ways you can give, please visit is the Chairman and CEO of the X Prize http://www.sjchristian.org/current/support_ Foundation which offers large cash incendrive.htm. On the web page, you will find tives to inventors who solve grand chala drive brochure and the official Fan the lenges. He is the author of Abundance Flame video. which explains how the proper combination of technology, people, and capital can meet any grand challenge.
SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741
1/11 – Captain Scotty Smiley, Hope Unseen | Captain Smiley is an Army Ranger, and after losing his sight due to a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2005, he became the Army’s first blind company commander. Since his accident he has surfed, skied, skydived, climbed Mt. Ranier, and completed a triathalon.
Tiger Basketball
This Week at SJCS
Boys Basketball Update
Wednesday, January 9
On Wednesday, December 19 the boy’s basketball team played great team ball defeating Los Gatos Christian School, 40-27. They executed the offense and fast break scoring in transition to get an early lead. Coach Jonathan Fung (aka “Dr. J”) pulled 1/14 – Jeff Van Duzer, Why Business Mathis starters out at halftime to give all the ters to God | Van Duzer is the Dean of the boys an opportunity to play. Alfred BatSchool of Business and Economics at Seat- mani was aggressive in the post and was tle Pacific University and professor of busi- the high scorer with 25 points. David ness law and ethics. He presents a proWood ran the offense with Isaiah Rodrifoundly Christian approach that integrates quez making plays with his quickness. biblical studies with the disciplines of busi- Nick Martinelli and Dylan Holder also ness and economics. contributed with points for the win. The Tigers are first place with a 7-1 record and For a complete list of speakers and topics, with two games remaining in the regular visit http://www.calvin.edu/january. season before heading to the playoffs! Over the holiday break, the team was inspired after attending a Santa Clara University Men’s basketball game, and the 8th graders had the opportunity to scrimmage LunchMasters New Selections LunchMasters, our hot lunch provider, has against the Santa Clara High School basketball team. Coach Fung is very proud of made a small change. Starting with the January menu, there will be 3 items that are the boys as they continue to love, serve, and play for God and each other. always available for the days we have hot lunch. Always available will be Annie's Organic Mac & Cheese, Sushi, and Bagel with Cream Cheese and a Hard Boiled Egg. There will still be 8 other items available Scrip Order Due Friday, January 11 too. You can visit their The first scrip order for the new year is due website,www.thelunchmaster.com, for this Friday, January 11 by 3:30pm. Orders more information. will be available for pick up on Thursday, January 17.
School News
2nd Semester Pizza and Milk Orders
2nd Semester Pizza and Milk ordering is now available on-line. You are encouraged to use these tools for ordering and payment via PayPal. The school office does have forms available and will continue to accept payments and orders. Visit the links below to place your order by Friday, January 11.
Tiger Basketball SJCS @ Liberty Christian Girls at 3:30pm | Boys at 4:45pm
Thursday, January 10
7th Grade Field Trip | Sacred Heart Community Center Tiger Basketball SJCS vs. Baymonte @ Bethany University Girls at 3:30pm | Boys at 4:45pm Parent Education Night - Internet Safety Hosted by the CPTA | 6:30pm SJCS Auditorium
Friday, January 11 End of Quarter 2 Frozen Friday
Advance Dates January 17 | SJCS Dine Out at Chevy’s January 18 | In-Service Day-No Classes Extended Care Open Preschool Closed
January 21 | School Holiday-No Classes Extended Care & Preschool Closed
February 15 | Presidents Holiday No Classes | Extended Care & Preschool Open
February 18 | Presidents Holiday No Classes | Extended Care & Preschool Closed
Pizza Orders: http://goo.gl/wFdP0 Milk Orders: http://goo.gl/WsHMz If you have questions about ordering or payments please contact Mrs. Garside in the school office, 408-371-7741 ext. 233.
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