San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Top News
School News
Upcoming Events
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SJCS Sports
Advanced Dates
Principal Update
Yearbook Pictures Needed
Dine Out Event Thursday at Chevy’s
Re-Enrollment Coming in February
Boys Playoff Game Tuesday
Check for upcoming events
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From the Office
Re-enrollment Coming Soon
Principal Beginning in July After a lengthy search for a Principal, we have hired our top choice, David Intlekofer, who will join the SJCS administrative team in July. Mr. Intlekofer currently serves as the middle school Dean and K-12 Director of Professional Development at Annapolis Area Christian School in Annapolis, MD. He brings a strong foundation of faith, experience in working with student discipline, and expertise in guiding teachers in their own professional growth. David and his wife, Kristen, will be moving to the area in June, and we look forward to having all of you welcome them into the SJCS community. The Search Committee, the Board of Trustees, the teachers, and the administration are thankful to God for His direction and provision throughout this search process.
Fan the Flame The annual financial drive, Fan the Flame, has progressed very well. To date, we have received gifts and pledges totaling $99,700, and there is plenty of time to participate if you haven’t yet. Join with us and help us surpass our $100,000 goal for the annual drive and fan the flame! You can click here to check out the information about Fan the Flame on our website. Did you know that recent congressional legislation allows charitable gifts made from IRA’s before February 1, 2013 can be applied to the 2012 tax year? If you have parents or grandparents needing to make mandatory distributions from their IRA’s and are looking to reduce their tax liability, a gift to SJCS is a great idea.
The month of February begins our reenrollment period for the 2013-2014 school year. All of our current families will be receiving re-enrollment materials in the Recommend One! mail during the first week of February. As Saturday, January 26 is our annual school an incentive, all families who enroll within preview event for inquiring families to tour the first two weeks of the re-enrollment the campus, meet staff, and hear about all period will receive a discount on their rethat SJCS has to offer. We want this year’s enrollment fees. Signing up your students preview event to be the best one yet, and as early as possible also helps us plan out we need your help to make that happen! our staffing needs for next year accurately We are challenging every family at SJCS to and efficiently. If you have questions about “recommend one” by inviting someone the re-enrollment process once you receive else who would be a good fit for our the materials, please contact the office. school. When your “one” comes to the preview event, you will receive a special gift from SJCS, and remember if that family ends up enrolling next year, you will reSJCS Dine Out Event - January 17 ceive $500 in Tiger Bucks. The event beChevy’s - 2 Locations gins at 10:30am and concludes at Save the Date! The CPTA has coordinated a 12:30pm. A detailed agenda will be Dine Out Event to help raise funds for fuposted on our website and we will make invitation cards available this week for you ture school wide events. The CPTA has partnered with the Chevy’s on Almaden to share with your friends and family. Stop by the school office on Wednesday to Expressway and the Chevy’s on Saratoga Avenue. Please see the attached flyer for pick up materials & information. additional information about this weeks event.
Upcoming Events
National Geographic Bee
On Thursday, December 20 SJCS held its annual National Geographic Bee for students in grades 5-8. After racking up points in classroom competitions, 10 finalists were selected for the main event. Questions during the finals dealt with topics like U.S. states, world geography, map interpretation, and climate. After several elimination rounds and a hotly contested final round, Hunter from 8th grade emerged as the winner. Hunter will now be able to compete for a chance to attend the state Bee. Congratulations, Hunter!
Parent Education Event - Thank You The Parent Education event was a great success. We want to thank Mr. Frank Rivas for providing a valuable, relevant, engaging presentation. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the Family Media Agreement, you can visit the CPTA page on our website.
SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741
1/22 – Mike Kim, North Korea-China: A SJCS is serving as a remote location for the Modern Day Underground Railroad | Kim is the founder of Crossing Borders, a nonCalvin College January Series of lectures. Broadcasts are continuing this week. You profit dedicated to providing humanitarian can come experience the 15 lectures with assistance to North Korean refugees, and he serves as a consultant in Washington refreshments and fellowship in the SJCS auditorium at 9:30am each weekday morn- D.C. where he helps the U.S. government ing. Please find information on this weeks understand the intricacies of international illicit networks. speakers below.
The January Series Continues
Tiger Basketball Girls Basketball Wrap Up
The girls ended their season this past week with two very exciting games. On Wednesday, we played Liberty Baptist. The girls fought hard to keep their lead and ended up winning the game by 1 point. We faced Baymonte on Thursday and even though we lost by only 6 points, I have 1/15 – Rebecca Skloot, The Immortal Life of 1/23 – Chap Clark, Sticky Faith | Clark is a never seen the girls play so well together! provost at Fuller Theological Seminary and We ended the season with a 4-6 record. Henrietta Lacks | Skloot is an awarda professor of youth, family and culture. winning science writer who specializes in We will miss our 8th graders next year: narrative science writing and has explored His work focuses on the methods by which Tori, Anna, Shelby, Rebeka, and Hannah we pass faith on to future generations. His Marie. a wide range of topics. Her bestselling book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, latest book is called Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in your Kids. tells a riveting story of the collision beBoys Basketball Update tween ethics, race, and medicine. For a complete list of speakers and topics, On Wednesday, January 9 all 16 boys played at least one full quarter as the team visit http://www.calvin.edu/january. 1/16 – Cokie Roberts, An Insider’s View of defeated Liberty Christian School, 44-21. “It Washington D.C. | Roberts is a long-time was a great team win,” said Coach Dr. J. ABC congressional correspondent and leadAlfred led all scorers with 14, followed by ing political pundit. She serves as senior shooting guard Isaiah with 10, and pointnews analyst for NPR and political comguard David with 6 points. Dylan was immentator for ABC News and has been cited 2nd Semester Frozen Friday Orders pressive on two fast breaks as he blew by by the American Women in Radio and the defense scoring 4 points. Atheer was Television as one of the 50 greatest women 2nd Semester Frozen Friday ordering is tough in the post and also put up 4 points. now available on-line. You are encouraged in the history of broadcasting. Isaac was aggressive on defense and to use these tools for ordering Frozen Friknocked down a bucket, as well as Michael day payments are made directly to the 1/17 – W. Dwight Armstrong, Feeding the and Joe. school office. Visit the link below to place World and the Future of Farming | Armyour order by Thursday, January 17. strong currently serves as the CEO of the The next day the Tigers closed out the reguNational FFA Organization. He will exlar season in Santa Cruz with a loss to Frozen Friday Orders: http://goo.gl/KvbTE plore issues that face the domestic and Baymonte, 26-19, whom they had beaten global communities as they race against earlier in the season. The team led most of time to create balanced agricultural systems If you have questions about ordering or the game but could not hang on and finpayments please contact Mrs. Garside in that will feed the world. ished the season with an 8-2 record headthe school office, 408-371-7741 ext. 233. ing into the playoffs this week. Coach Dr. J 1/18 – Garth Pauley, Rituals of Democracy: was pleased with the team spirit and supInaugural Addresses in American History | port off the bench. He was able to inspire Pauley is a professor of communication arts his players at practice the next day to learn and sciences at Calvin College and teaches 2013 Spring Auction from the loss and rise up, turn to God and American oratory. He will share historical The 2013 Spring Auction will be held on play better as a team & for each other. insights of past presidential speeches just Saturday, May 4. The planning team will Coach Dr. J is very proud of the boys and days before the 2013 U.S. presidential inbegin meeting this month and we are in their growth on and off the court. He looks auguration. need of more help. A few of the needs are forward to their first playoff game this week
Student Council offers Frozen Friday
Volunteers Needed
1/21 – Robert Robinson, Celebration through Gospel Music | Robinson is a longtime gospel musician from Minneapolis who has won numerous awards and performed with some of the greats. He will be sharing what critics call “his volcanic talent and glorious sound.”
help with finding a location, menu planin hopes of continuing their playoff run this ning, donations, event set up and invitation Saturday. Come out with SJCS spirit wear design. All are welcome. No previous ex- and support the team. Go Tigers! perience is necessary. Please contact the school office if you are interested in learning more and serving in this way.
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Friday Coffee Cart The CPTA is looking for additional support to help with the monthly coffee cart. If you are interested in helping, please contact Steve Findley at steve@casinopartycreations.com
Yearbook Pictures Needed Pictures Needed for Yearbook
This Week at SJCS Tuesday, January 15
Boys Basketball Playoff Game Almaden Community Center 6445 Camden Avenue, San Jose, CA 95120 Game starts at 3:30pm
The creation of the picture yearbook for SJCS is underway, and your pictures are SJCS Logo Wear needed. Photos of field trips, classroom We currently have a variety of logo wear projects and activities, concerts, and sports Thursday, January 17 All School Dine Out Event available. You can check out the selections events can be uploaded to TreeRing. Chevy’s Restaurants on line at www.sjchristian.org under the 12:00noon - 9:00pm campus news section. Included on the list If you have already created a Login: See flyer for additional details are a fantastic travel bag and the orange 1. Go to www.treering.com. reusable shopping bags. Now is the perfect 2. Enter the school's passcode Friday, January 18 time to get a new sweatshirt or t-shirt and (1013449838724379). SJCS In-Service Day promote the SJCS logo. 3. In the dashboard select "Photos" No Classes | Extended Care Open 4. Select "Add Folder" Preschool Open 5. Label folder with Last name, first initial and grade. Now you can add photos as events occur. If you have not created a Login: 1. Go to www.treering.com/validate. 2. Enter the school's passcode (1013449838724379). 3. Enter necessary information. 3. In the dashboard select "Photos" 4. Select "Add Folder" 5. Label folder with Last name, first initial and grade. Now you can add photos as events occur. Thank you for your help. As events come up and you have taken some good close up shots of any activity please download them to our page at the TreeRing website. If you have questions related to the yearbook, please contact Ms. Muir or Mrs. Singh in the school office.
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Advance Dates
January 21 | School Holiday-No Classes Extended Care & Preschool Closed
February 15 | Presidents Holiday No Classes | Extended Care & Preschool Open
February 18 | Presidents Holiday No Classes | Extended Care & Preschool Closed
SJCS Tax ID Numbers
San Jose Christian School Tax ID numbers for those claiming deductions for Extended Care : Federal 94-6050093 State 920-1017-2