Tiger Tracks - Jan. 22, 2013

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San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Top News

School News

Upcoming Events

Happy Birthday

SJCS Sports

Advanced Dates

Recommend One!

Re-Enrollment Coming Soon

School Preview Day Saturday 1/26

Boys Basketball End of Season Comments

Check for upcoming events

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Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Webb! 1/21

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From the Office Who’s Your One? The annual SJCS Preview Event for inquiring families is coming up on Saturday. We are asking every school family to recommend SJCS to one other family and invite them to the event. Word of mouth is a powerful tool, so take a moment to stop and think about friends, neighbors, family members, or church members who would be a good fit for SJCS. Make contact. Give them a call. Invite them to Saturday’s School Preview.

Re-enrollment Coming Soon

January Series Concludes Tomorrow

The month of February begins our reenrollment period for the 2013-2014 school year. All of our current families will be receiving re-enrollment materials in the mail during the first week of February. As an incentive, all families who enroll within the first two weeks of the re-enrollment period will receive a discount on their reenrollment fees. Signing up your students as early as possible also helps us plan out our staffing needs for next year accurately and efficiently. If you have questions about the re-enrollment process once you receive the materials, please contact the office.

We hope you have enjoyed the January Series lectures this month, and we wanted to draw special attention to the closing lecture tomorrow. If you have ever wondered what you can do as a parent or as a family to help in the spiritual development of your children, Chap Clark’s lecture (see below) will be highly valuable for you! If you have time to be in the SJCS auditorium at 9:30am tomorrow, you won’t be disappointed!

Upcoming Events

Each family who attends our event as a result of your invitation will earn you a “Recommend One” Camelback water bottle as a gift, and remember, if that family enrolls at SJCS, you will receive $500 in Tiger Bucks as a token of our appreciation. Attached to the Tiger Tracks is a postcard with information about the event that you can use to spread the word. Thanks for your help in being ambassadors for San Jose Christian School!

SJCS Preview Day

This Week at SJCS

Save the Date! Thursday, February 7 we will host the SJCS All School Open House. This event showcases what your students are learning and experiencing at SJCS. The event begins at 6:30pm and will end at 8:00pm. A variety of short sessions will be offered and time will be allocated to spend in your students current class and in the classroom for 2013-2014. This is a great evening to check out all that SJCS has to offer.

Thursday, January 24

Elementary Chapel Hosted by 2nd Grade 2:00pm | SJCS Auditorium

Saturday, January 26

SJCS Preview Day 10:30am - 12:30pm | SJCS Campus

Invite your friends, neighbors and someone who you believe would benefit from knowing more about SJCS on Saturday, January 26 to see that San Jose Christian School is the choice for Christian Education. Attached to the Tiger Tracks is an invitation card for you to use to “Recommend One” family to SJCS.

All School Open House

1/23 – Chap Clark, Sticky Faith | Clark is a provost at Fuller Theological Seminary and a professor of youth, family and culture. His work focuses on the methods by which we pass faith on to future generations. His latest book is called Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in your Kids.

Frozen Friday

2nd Semester Orders Due Today 2nd Semester Frozen Friday ordering is due today. You are encouraged to use the online form to complete your order. Frozen Friday Orders: http://goo.gl/KvbTE If you have questions about ordering or payments please contact Mrs. Garside in the school office, 408-371-7741 ext. 233.

Report Card Reminders Quarter 2 concluded on January 11, and report cards will be sent home this week. Please remember that PowerSchool does not differentiate between Excused Absences vs. Unexcused Absences and Excused Tardies vs. Unexcused Tardies. If you have any questions regarding your student's absences or tardies, please contact Mrs. Singh in Student Services.

SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741


Volunteers Needed 2013 Spring Auction











SJCS Tax ID Numbers

provided leadership on and off the court and gave us a chance to get to the champiSan Jose Christian School Tax ID numbers onship game. Thanks to all the boys, parfor those claiming deductions for Extended ents and Mr. Webb for inspiring me this Care : season. I look forward to coaching the TiFederal 94-6050093 gers again next season.” State 920-1017-2

The 2013 Spring Auction will be held on Saturday, May 4. The planning team will begin meeting this month, and we are in need of more help. A few of the needs are help with finding a location, menu planning, donations, event set up and invitation design. All are welcome. No previous ex- Boys Basketball End of the Season perience is necessary. Please contact the The Tigers had a great team win beating school office if you are interested in learn- Milpitas Christian School, 43-26 in their ing more and serving in this way. first playoff game on Tuesday, January 15 at Almaden Community Center. The Tigers played tough and were aggressive. Alfred led all scorers with 24 points. Both Isaiah and David made plays scoring six points Scrip Orders Scrip Orders will be due this Friday, January each. Calvin knocked down two buckets, Dylan hit one jumper and Nick made one 25 and will be available for pick up on free throw. Isaac, Michael, and Atheer all Thursday, January 31. Thank you for supcontributed as well as the players providporting this valuable program. ing team support from the bench.

Tiger Basketball


Yearbook Pictures Needed Pictures Needed for Yearbook The creation of the picture yearbook for SJCS is underway, and your pictures are needed. Photos of field trips, classroom projects and activities, concerts, and sports events can be uploaded to TreeRing.

If you have already created a Login: 1. Go to www.treering.com. 2. Log-in 3. In the dashboard select "Photos" 4. Select "Add Folder" SJCS Logo Wear Two days later the Tigers traveled to Walnut 5. Label folder with Last name, first initial We currently have a variety of logo wear Creek Christian Academy for their next and grade. Now you can add photos as available. You can check out the selections playoff game and persevered to the end, events occur. online at www.sjchristian.org under the losing to a very good team. The players campus news section. Included on the list were disappointed but had another oppor- If you have not created a Login: are a fantastic travel bag and the orange 1. Go to www.treering.com/validate. reusable shopping bags. Now is the perfect tunity to continue their playoff run. 2. Enter the school's passcode time to get a new sweatshirt or t-shirt and This past Saturday, the Tigers arrived at (1013449838724379). promote the SJCS logo. Cornerstone Christian School in Antioch. 3. Enter necessary information. The game was a heart stopper with great 3. In the dashboard select "Photos" SJCS fan support. The Tigers were down 15 4. Select "Add Folder" points at halftime but rallied back to tie 5. Label folder with Last name, first initial San Jose Christian School is a community of Baymonte Christian School with 34 points and grade. Now you can add photos as believers, and as such we want to be avail- and send the game into overtime. The Tievents occur. able for prayer and praise along side each gers scored first and battled hard but came Thank you for your help. student, family and staff. Please email up a little short losing 39-35. Point guard bphillips@sjchristian.org with any prayer Isaiah played with heart, scoring, driving, As events come up and you have taken requests you have. assisting and diving for loose balls. Nick some good close up shots of any activity, was tough in the post pulling down replease download them to our page at the bounds, stealing balls and scoring. Alfred TreeRing website. played tough defense and hit some shots in the post. Dylan was aggressive and If you have questions related to the yearFebruary 7 | All School Open House knocked down some big shots including a book, please contact Ms. Muir or Mrs. 3 pointer. David went down with a knee Singh in the school office. February 15 | Presidents Holiday injury in the first quarter and was unable to No Classes | Extended Care & Preschool return. Isaac made two free throws, and Open Michael and Josh played tough defense.

Prayer and Praise

Advance Dates

February 18 | Presidents Holiday No Classes | Extended Care & Preschool Closed

Coach Dr. J said, “We had a very successful season and were blessed to be one of the final 8 playoff teams out of 26 teams in the league. I have seen much growth as our team really united and played hard for God and for each other. We will miss Isaiah, Alfred, David, Nick and Isaac who Page 2

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