Tiger Tracks - February 6, 2012

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San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve. MONDAY, FEBRURARY 6, 2012

Top News!

School News

SJCS Board News


WAT Pictures!


Open House Wednesday

Re-enrollment begins this week

January Board Meeting Summary

CPTA Meeting Tuesday SJCS Auditorium

Class Winners & $300 Club Wednesday

Note the correction on the calendar for 2/20

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From the Office January Board Summary On Monday, January 30, the Board of Trustees convened for what is typically its longest meeting of the year. After the usual updates from teachers and administration, the discussion steered toward the board’s desire for more of the meetings to be strategically focused over the course of the year. The group approved a calendar of meetings that would compress the “business matters” into half the yearly meetings and free up the other meetings to deal with strategic issues like growing the school, upgrading our current campus, possibly finding a campus to own instead of rent, and building the endowment. The board will be trying out this new approach for the remainder of the school year.

Bold Vision, Bright Future

Open House Wednesday Evening

Our annual financial drive continues to bring in funds that help the school accomplish its mission. So far, we have received gifts totaling $45,000. There is still time to make your pledge or donation to help us reach our $100,000 goal. If you would like to talk about making a donation in a method other than cash (stock, land, etc.) please contact the office, and we will be happy to discuss your options with you. All gifts to San Jose Christian School are 100% tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!

We are excited to invite all of you to our Open House on Wednesday evening from 6:30pm-8pm. This event provides a chance for students to show their parents what they have been doing in their current classes while also giving everyone a chance to see what exciting things are in store for next year. Various special sessions throughout the evening will present information on topics like Preschool, the work of the SJCS Board, and transitioning from 5th grade to middle school. See the attached agenda for more details.

This Open House serves our current families, but we will also be inviting inquiring The forecast for Tuesday is rain, so please families. It is vital that people considering be prepared to use the rainy day pickup procedures after school. Instead of classes our school feel welcome and comfortable waiting out along the curb, staff will walk when they step on to campus, so please go out of your way to greet unfamiliar faces. students out to their cars as their rides The remainder of the meeting was spent arrive. Please continue to pull ahead as far We expect to have a large number of people on campus for the Open House, so it is determining staff compensation levels for as possible along the curb so that we can important that you as parents help us keep next year, approving various proposals for keep traffic moving. Thanks for your coan orderly atmosphere by supervising your curricular programs and personnel, and operation. children at all times. We appreciate you setting tuition levels for next year. All of helping to make sure the event is useful and these topics intersect with each other, and it Re-enrollment Is Here enjoyable for everyone. is the board’s job to determine our philoThe re-enrollment packets for the 2012-13 sophical approach to making these kinds of school year will be sent home with your decisions. After much discussion and Box Tops for Education youngest children today. In the packet, thought, the trustees approved the financial you will find the new school calendar, An easy way to support SJCS’ Curb Appeal policies for 2012-13, and our families will your enrollment contract(s), and next year’s Fund is of no additional cost to you. Regisbe getting the re-enrollment materials, inter online at http://www.2ways2earn.com. financial policies. Please read the cover cluding the explanatory letter, this week. This brings cash for our school. Keep clipletter carefully, as the board and superintendent have tried to give excellent expla- ping those Box Tops. Collect them from your family and neighbors. Next deadline nations about the decisions that impact next year’s tuition. We thank all of you for is February 24 to turn in all you have collected. We are almost half way to our making SJCS your school of choice, and $1000 goal. Fill the collection sheet or we hope that you will be reminded of all place your collection in a baggie marked the great things we are accomplishing with your homeroom number. It’s a CONwhen you attend the Open House on TEST to see which class can collect the Wednesday evening. most! The reward will be announced later.

Rainy Day Pick Up

SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741












WAT Pictures

This Week at SJCS


Walk a Thon Class Winner pictures and $300 Club pictures will be taken on Wednesday, February 8. The following classes should wear their WAT shirts on this day. Students who achieved the $300 Club should wear their WAT shirts on Wednesday also. 100% Participation Miss Sytsma - 1st Grade Mrs. DenOuden - 3rd Grade Miss Kass - 4th Grade

Tuesday, February 7

CPTA Meeting

Most Laps Walked Mrs. Nibbelink - 5th Grade Most Money Earned Mrs. Bost - 2nd Grade

CPTA Meeting | 8:45am | SJCS Auditorium Plan to join us at the February CPTA meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 7th at 8:45am in the Auditorium. Wednesday, February 8 Walk-a-Thon Class Winners & $300 Club Pictures - Wear your WAT Shirt! Moms In Touch The SJCS Moms in Touch group will meet All School Open House | 6:30pm this week in Room 13, entering from the 8:00pm door that faces wing 1. This is an amazing group of parents that pray for our students, Thursday, February 9 our campus and, our staff. To learn more Mom’s in Touch | 1:45pm | Room 13 about Moms in Touch please email hwenke@sjchristian.org or come to the Love & Logic Parenting Class | 6:30pm meeting this Thursday at 1:45pm. SJCS Auditorium

SJCS Logo Wear

SJCS Tax ID Numbers

San Jose Christian School Tax ID numbers for those claiming deductions for Extended Care : Federal 94-6050093 State 920-1017-2

Upcoming Calendar February 17 School Holiday | No Classes Extended Care Open

February 20 - Correction School Holiday | No Classes Extended Care Closed

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We currently have a variety of logo wear available. You can check out the selections on line at www.sjchristian.org under the campus news section. Stop by the office to purchase your logo wear.

Tiger Sports Volleyball & Soccer Practice continue Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer practice continues this week. Student athletes should be sure to complete appropriate forms and pay their sports fees by Friday, February 10.

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