San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2012
Top News!
School News
CPTA Summary
Open House
Re-Enrollment Continues
Standardized Testing
February Meeting Summary
Order Scrip this week
Upcoming Events
Thank You for Attending
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From the Office
Box Tops for Education
An easy way to support SJCS’ Curb Appeal Fund is of no additional cost to you. RegFirst Re-enrollment Deadline All of you have received your re-enrollment ister online at http://www.2ways2earn.com. This brings cash for our school. Keep clipmaterials for next year. As you read, you ping those Box Tops. Collect them from have a chance to save $75 per student on your family and neighbors. Next deadline your re-enrollment fee if you turn in your is February 24 to turn in all you have colcontract and $200 fee by Wednesday, February 22. After that date, the cost for re- lected. We are almost half way to our $1000 goal. Fill the collection sheet or enrolling will go up to $275 per student. place your collection in a baggie marked Getting as many commitments from our with your homeroom number. It’s a CONfamilies back as early as possible helps us TEST, the winning class will earn a fabuplan for our class sizes and staffing needs lous ice cream party in their room. for next year. Thank you for your help!
This Week at SJCS Tuesday, February 14
Girls Volleyball vs Achiever | 3:30pm Camden Community Center 6445 Camden Avenue, San Jose
Thursday, February 16
Love & Logic Parenting Class | 6:30pm SJCS Auditorium
Friday, February 17
School Holiday | No Classes Extended Care Open
SJCS Logo Wear
Standardized Testing This year, SJCS will be doing its schoolwide standardized testing during the week of March 26-30. Tests will be given each morning to students in grades 1-8, so it is imperative that all students are at school during that week. Please make every effort to have your children in class for their testing time. Thank you for your cooperation.
We currently have a variety of logo wear available. You can check out the selections on line at www.sjchristian.org under the campus news section. Stop by the office to purchase your logo wear.
Scrip Orders
Attached to the Tiger Tracks is the scrip order form for this week. Orders are due Open House Thank You back on Thursday, February 16 and will be Over 300 parents and students attended the available for pick up on Thursday, February Open House event last Wednesday. Thank 23. you for taking time to connect with your teacher and learn more about SJCS. The Open House also gave us an opportunity to share our programs with inquiring families. San Jose Christian School Tax ID numbers for those claiming deductions for Extended The participation of our teachers and supCare : port staff was wonderful. Thank you for Federal 94-6050093 attending. State 920-1017-2
SJCS Tax ID Numbers
Upcoming Calendar February 20 School Holiday | No Classes Extended Care Closed
March 2 Teacher In Service | No Classes Extended Care Open
March 5 Spring Town Hall 6:30pm - 8:00pm
March 9 CPTA Coffee Cart
March 23 End of Quarter 3
SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741
CPTA News CPTA February Meeting Summary Past Events | Love and Logic classes are going well, and parents have expressed interest in future classes. Upcoming Events | CPTA hosted Staff Appreciation week – In review of the current calendar, Staff Appreciation Week dates may change. Watch for further information from your Room Parents. Dine Out Night | Research is underway for the next Community Dine Out event. Coffee Cart | Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help with the monthly Coffee Cart – Steve Findley will be in touch with you for planning. Additional support is always welcome, so please contact Steve if you are interested in more details. Science Night | No date has been set for Science Night 2012. If you are interested in supporting this event please contact Steve Findley Mentor Family Coordinator | The CPTA is currently looking for a leader for the Mentor Family Program. Passion for people and SJCS are the key requirements. The program is most busy during the summer months when connecting new families to their mentor families. Contact Betsy Phillips or April McKie for more details. Officer Nominations for next year | CPTA board will have leadership positions available for next year. Watch the Tiger Tracks for detailed information about the positions. Open Discussion | Discussion topics included the pros and cons of microwaves in the classrooms and the positive change to Still Light Photography for upcoming graduation and sports photos.
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