San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Top News
School News
Upcoming Events
SJCS Sports
Advanced Dates
First Re-enrollment Deadline this Friday!
Boxtops for Education
Next Meeting February 22 at 8:40am
Spring Town Hall March 11
No Games this Week
Check the calendar for upcoming dates.
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From the Office
Standardized Testing This year, SJCS will be doing its schoolwide standardized testing during the week of March 25-28. Tests will be given each morning to students in grades 1-8, so it is imperative that all students are at school during that week. Even though this is the week leading up to Easter Break, please make every effort to have your children in class for their testing time. Thank you for your cooperation.
Fan the Flame
This year at SJCS has been marked by generosity from our school supporters. The annual financial drive, Fan the Flame, has brought in $107,376.28 to date. These funds support our efforts at teacher improvement, financial assistance for families in need, and improving our school programs. More pledges and gifts come in every week, and we invite you to participate if you haven’t done so already. Thanks Spring Town Hall for your meaningful support! SAVE THE DATE! The Spring Town Hall Meeting will be Monday, March 11 at 6:30 PM in the SJCS Auditorium. As we look to First Re-enrollment Deadline Friday the 2013-2014 school year we want to In order to secure your students’ spots at share the current plans with our school SJCS for next year at a $75 savings per families. We would also like you to submit child, please turn in your re-enrollment your questions and topics of interest to us contracts and checks by this week Friday, in advance. Please email your comments February 22. After this week, the fee increases by $75 until March 22. You help us to bphillips@sjchristian.org. plan for next year by re-enrolling now, and we greatly appreciate your commitment.
CPTA News Meeting this Friday 2/22
2013-14 Academic Calendar When you received your re-enrollment letters in the mail, you probably took a look at the school calendar for next year and noticed the addition of 6 minimum days on the schedule. The early release Wednesdays will provide a great opportunity for our teachers to work in their Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s). Next year, our PLC’s are going to be action- and research-based, so the expanded time will allow PLC members to work on meaningful analysis of their projects and share their findings with their colleagues. Thank you for supporting our continuing efforts to improve our faculty.
The CPTA will hold its next general meeting this Friday, February 22 at 8:40am in the SJCS Auditorium. Agenda Items include: • March Staff Appreciation Week • Spring Town Hall (March 11 - 1st grade hosting) • SJCS and Facebook • 2013 Spring Auction • New Project - SJCS Lip Dub
SJCS Tax ID Numbers
San Jose Christian School Tax ID numbers for those claiming deductions for Extended Care : Federal 94-6050093 State 920-1017-2
This Week at SJCS Tuesday, February 19 4th Grade Field Trip - Davies Symphony Hall - Depart 8:45am Thursday, February 14 Elementary Chapel | 2:00pm Hosted by 1st Grade Friday, February 22 First Re-enrollment Deadline Frozen Friday
School News Box Tops for Education Deadline SJCS has a earned $565 so far in the collection of Box Tops. This is half way to our annual goal of $1000. Bring in all Box Tops you have collected from friends and family. These collections will be sent to General Mills at the end of the month. Submission deadline to the school office is February 25. Label the envelope or baggie with your student's classroom so that they will receive credit towards a party. Watch for an email on other ways to support this program.
Scrip Orders Scrip Orders will be due this Friday, February 22 and will be available for pick up on Thursday, February 28 . Thank you for supporting this valuable program.
SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741
Advance Dates
Tiger Sports
March 1
Boys Soccer & Girls Volleyball
SJCS In-Service Day | No Classes Extended Care & Preschool Open
No games this week. Watch for last weeks game highlights in the next Tiger Tracks.
March 11
Annual Spring Town Hall Meeting
March 18 - 22
Staff Appreciation Week
March 25 - 28
Standardized Testing
March 29
Easter Break | No Classes Extended Care & Preschool Closed
April 1 - 5
Easter Break | No Classes Extended Care & Preschool Open
April 19 & 20
Middle School Performance “Alice in Wonderland”
May 4
Annual SJCS Spring Auction
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