Tiger Tracks - April 8, 2013

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San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Top News

Yearbook Orders

Extended Care

Upcoming Events

SJCS Sports

Save the Date

March SJCS Board Summary

Last week to order your yearbook!

Summer Camp Supplies Needed

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Soccer & Volleyball vs. Baymonte-Tuesday

Spring Auction May 4, 2013

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From the Office

tees, the trustees approved some policy changes suggested by the Endowment Committee. These changes are meant to Like Us on FaceBook! provide more clarity about the purpose of Social Media is a powerful tool for generatthe Endowment, the methods by which the ing awareness, sharing our stories, and funds are invested, and the oversight reconnecting with families who are seeking quired for the investments. It is the board’s Christian Education. San Jose Christian goal to build the fund to at least $1 million School is currently using Facebook as a tool as soon as possible so that it can become a for marketing, and we need your help to source of usable income for the school. generate momentum. Your first step is to visit www.facebook.com, search for San As always, we continue to be grateful for Jose Christian School and LIKE US! Then, the leadership of our trustees, and we ask as we post, you can continue to support our for your continued prayers on the board as efforts with likes and comments. This is a it seeks to guide the school into the future. simple and fun way to support SJCS.

SJCS Middle School Performance Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Tickets are now available for both performances of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, our middle school drama. The dates of the performances are Friday, April 19 and Saturday April 20. Tickets are $5 for each designated seat. Please help honor the efforts of these students by attending one of the performances.

Extended Care SJCS Summer Camp Global Adventure

Plans are well underway for the SJCS Global Adventure. The summer staff is beSJCS provides a unique opportunity for parents and school community members to ginning to gather materials, and you can help. Please begin to collect the items govern the school through their membership in the SJCS Association. The associa- listed below and bring them to school to tion meets once each May to approve the the Extended Care check-in table. Thank March Board Summary you in advance for your support. annual budget and elect new board On the Monday before Easter Break, the • egg cartons members. Board members are chosen board of trustees held its March meeting. • shoe boxes The strategic portion of our discussion cen- from within the association membership • moving boxes in good shape (all sizes) tered on the idea of Mission Advancement, and serve 3-year terms. The 2013 meeting • toilet paper & paper towel spindles will be held on Monday, May 13 at a term that refers to the financial develop• cardboard oatmeal containers 7:00pm in the SJCS auditorium. ment and relationship building that needs • cardboard milk cartons (cleaned only) to occur to help the school most successWe will attach an association membership • unused piping/tubing for building profully fulfill its mission. The trustees believe form to the next Tiger Tracks so that you jects that we are making progress in this area, can become part of this vital body. • 2 liter & 1 quart but there is more we could be doing without demanding too much of our time and resources. One of the benefits of having a principal next year will be the freeing up of Grand “Friends” Day time for Mr. Meester and Mrs. Phillips to Save the date (May 10th) for the SJCS Grand Preschool Summer Program work on this aspect of the school. Many “Friends” Day Celebration. Each student is Preschool is offering a great summer program for our young students. Contact good ideas for building relationships and encouraged to invite an adult friend, expanding our connections came out in the grandparent, or family member to campus Valerie Arballo for a detailed schedule of summer themes and availability. meeting. to participate in the days events. More details will follow later this month. In the process of going over the monthly reports from the board’s various commit-

Join the SJCS Association

Upcoming Events

Preschool News

SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741 - Attendance LIne (408)371-4815


Tiger Sports Track Meet










Yearbook Orders Remember to order your yearbook as soon as possible. The deadline to purchase is this Friday, April 12. Be on the look out for an email reminder. If you have any questions regarding the yearbook please contact Mrs. Muir or Mrs. Singh in the office.

Each year Bethel Lutheran School hosts a track meet for a variety of local schools. This year the meet is on Saturday, May 18. It is open to students in Kindergarten through 8th grade. Please see the attached flyer for the event details. Enrollment forms Add photos & memories to your 2 free cuscan be picked up in the office if you are tom pages (customized pages are opinterested. tional).

School News Lost and Found Are you missing a PE Uniform or sweatshirt? A lunchbox? Take a moment to look through the stacks of ‘found’ items on the table outside the auditorium. It would be most helpful to label your child’s articles of clothing, lunch boxes and water bottles with their last name so things can be returned to the rightful owner. All items unclaimed will be donated to a worthy organization.

Moms In Prayer The SJCS Moms in Prayer group will meet this week on Thursday. This is an amazing group of parents that pray for our students, our campus and our staff. To learn more about Moms in Prayer please contact Rebecca Miller or Cher Kooiman.

This Week at SJCS Tuesday, April 9 Girls Soccer @ Baymonte | 3:30pm Boys Volleyball @ Baymonte | 3:30pm

Thursday, April 11 4th & 5th Grade Field Trip | Depart 12:35 Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos Return 2:00pm

Frozen Friday

Advance Dates April 19 & 20 Middle School Play Performance Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland May 3 Fine Arts Festival Hanford Christian School May 4 11th Annual Spring Auction Camden Community Center

We are looking for photos of any classroom activity and/or field trips. If you have photos to share, please contact either Ms. May 10 GrandFriends Day Muir or Mrs. Singh in the office.

CPTA News Scrip Orders Scrip Orders will be due this Friday, April 12 and will be available for pick up on Thursday, April 18. Thank you for supporting this valuable program. If you are new to ordering scrip, log in at ShopWithScrip.com and register using our San Jose Enrollment Code: AA67C9B41L314

Spring Auction “Stepping Out & Stepping Up” May 4, 2014 6:00pm Camden Community Center

The Auction Planning Team is looking for a few additional items to complete some exciting baskets. If you can donate any of the items below, please drop them by the school office.

Moms In Prayer | 1:45pm

Friday, April 12


Kitchen Gadgets Candles Hand Tools Books Stationary Frames Car Accessories Office Items Small Electronics

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May 13 SJCS Association Meeting May 17 SJCS Spring Concert on the Green May 27 Memorial Day No Classes | Extended Care Closed May 29 SJCS Sports Awards Event May 31 Annual Jazz Show June 4 SJCS Volunteer Appreciation Brunch June 5 8th Grade Graduation Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church June 6 Kindergarten Graduation June 6 Last Day of School June 10 – August 9 SJCS Global Adventure Summer Camp

Prayer and Praise San Jose Christian School is a community of believers, and as such we want to be available for prayer and praise along side each student, family and staff. Please email bphillips@sjchristian.org with any prayer requests you have.

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