San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.
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Welcome! Beginning the 2012-2013 year.
Extended Care Payments
Middle School Parent Back to School Night
2012 Walk-a-Thon October 13, 2012
Fall Sports Season Kick Off
-Frozen Friday
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From the Office
self-discipline.” As Christians, we serve a powerful Creator and a victorious Savior, and therefore we can march boldly forWelcome! ward into our task of redeeming this world. It was exciting to start the school year last Let’s all rise up to who we are meant to be week since we had spent so much time and in God’s image and work together for a effort to plan during the summer. Here are fantastic school year! a few highlights of that preparation: • We launched a mentor teacher program in which 4 teachers on staff have been des- Tiger Tracks ignated as trainers for the rest of the group The weekly Tiger Tracks newsletter is intended to share important school wide in the areas of intentional Christian pracinformation and is used as a key tool to tices and technology integration. • We brought Google Apps for Education to communicate topics and issues to all famiSJCS. We are excited to explore the uses of lies. Tiger Tracks is currently sent home with the youngest student in each family. technology with our students and to help them learn to use these tools for the glory of This year we are discussing sending the Tiger Tracks only in electronic form. ParGod and the advancement of their educaents would receive the Tiger Tracks as an tion. attachment to an email and also have ac• Synthetic turf was installed on the cess via sjchristian.org. Later this week preschool/JK/Kindergarten play area. We you will be receiving a survey to give input are thrilled with the new surface! to your preference. We are interested in • We brought a new approach to profesthe best way to communicate with our sional development for the staff that will allow them to observe each other in action school community. Please consider what will work best for your family and be preand learn from the wide array of skills we pared to complete the survey later this all have to offer. week. • Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) are continuing after their launch last year. Three different groups will be meeting Parking Lot and Traffic Flow on campus this year, and each will be Thanks to all of our families for making the studying a different book together. first few days of drop off and pick up flow • We have worked with Rosetta Stone to so smoothly in the parking lot. We will launch our Spanish program with their new continue to work with the parents from the Totale package. Starting in 2nd quarter, stu- Montessori school to make sure that they dents will have a truly unique opportunity know all the traffic expectations as well. to develop their foreign language skills in Please remember: before- or after-school settings. • Do not park your car at a curb and leave it unattended at any time (morning or afAs you heard at the opening assembly, our ternoon). school theme for the year is “Rise Up.” We • Be courteous and aware of people beare basing the theme on 2 Timothy 1:7 – hind you who may be waiting to move “For the Spirit God gave us does not make forward. us timid, but fills us with power, love, and
• At pick up, pull all the way forward to allow cars behind you to continue to advance. We will bring your child(ren) to you as you move forward. • When crossing the parking lot, always use the crosswalk.
Job Opportunity: Extended Care Leader Synamon Reeves has done a great job leading our extended care program and our summer camps for the past several years. While she will still run our summer program, her role on campus is expanded this year, and she will no longer be in charge of extended care. We are looking for a passionate qualified replacement for this position to oversee the care of students who are dropped off before 8am or stay on campus after 3:15pm. If you are interested, please contact Mr. Meester.
Student Council Making a Difference Last year, our student council took on a project in which they used cookie sales to raise funds for one of the chapel speakers they heard during the year. Pretty Dube (Doo-bay) works in Zimbabwe to help people become aware of the dangers of HIV/ AIDS and live healthier, God-glorifying lives. Through the cookie sales, the student council members raised $500 to send to Pretty and help her continue her work. Congratulations to our student council members for demonstrating “a commitment to serve.”
SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741
Outstanding Extended Care Invoices
2012 Walk-a-Thon
The annual SJCS Walk-a-Thon is planned Please make sure that all outstanding day- for Saturday October 13. With a beautiful care invoices are paid by Friday, August 31. walking route, lap prizes, raffles, food, and If they are not, or a payment plan is not in new attractions, this is easily one of the place, your child will not be allowed to use biggest events of the school year for our SJCS family. Things to consider this week the before or after school care starting on include: September 4. If you have any questions, 1. A planning committee meeting Friday please contact SJCS Bookkeeper, Tanya morning at 8:30. If you are interested in Garside, in the office. assisting on the planning committee, please join us. There is a place for you. Google Apps for Education 2. Team leads are still needed for ticket Thank you to the parents who have submitsales and raffle planning. ted their approval for their students’ Google Apps for Education account. About 20% of you still need to complete the permission form with the link that was emailed to you Room Parent Meeting last week. If you need the link resent, SJCS is looking for parents to support our please contact the office. In a few weeks, each of you will receive the login informa- teaching staff through our Room Parent program. Room Parents support their tion for your student’s account so that you can see all of the exciting things he or she classroom teacher as directed by the will be doing and have meaningful conver- teacher. Support may include, helping sations that continue the school’s teaching with class activities, coordinating teacher gifts, and coordinating event volunteers. If about the proper use of technology and you are interested in more details and/or how these tools are another way for us to would like to sign up to support your class, glorify God. please contact Emily Rios at (408)6298797.
Upcoming Events
MS Parent Back to School Night All SJCS Middle School Parents are invited and encouraged to attend the Parent Back to School Night on Wednesday, September 5, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
School News Moms in Touch
MOMS IN TOUCH is starting up again for the year on Thursday, August 30 at 1:45 in room 15. Moms in Touch (also known as This is an excellent opportunity to meet the Moms in Prayer) is a group of moms who teachers, get an idea of how the year is meet twice a month to bring SJCS, the starting off, and understand all that SJCS has needs of the school community and our to offer. Parents of 6th-8th grade students children before the Lord in prayer. If you will meet their child’s teachers as they walk are interested in finding out more about through a typical daily schedule of their the group, feel free to join us this Thursday. middle school student. Childcare can be arranged. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Rebecca Miller (family@millers4c.net) or Cher Kooiman (cherkooiman@gmail.com). It has been such a blessing in the past to see the Lord answer so many prayers! We would love to see you there!
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SJCS Scrip Program This week you will find a Scrip order form attached to the Tiger Tracks. Scrip is a simple program that allows families to raise funds for SJCS & their own tuition while making regular purchases such as gas, groceries, and gifts. Scrip order forms are sent home bi-monthly. Your order is due in the office on Friday, August 31. Attached to the Tiger Tracks you will find additional details about the program. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Garside in the school office at (408) 371-7741 ext. 223.
Tiger Sports A message from Mr. Webb Welcome back to a new school year. If you are new I hope your time here has been great so far. I wanted to give you some news regarding the fall sports season. It looks like we will offer the following sports this fall; girls softball, boys flag football and girls and boys cross country. Fall sports regular season play run from August 28 through October 27. I will be coaching the flag football team. Mrs. Phillips & Mrs. Kunde will be coaching girls softball, and I am interviewing candidates for the Cross Country team. Official signups and practices will be starting this week. Here are just a few reminders • Make an appointment for a physical • Turn in sports contracts • Submit the sports fee to the office ($40) • Softball Meeting Tuesday, 8/28 at lunch • Flag Football Meeting, Tuesday 8/28 at lunch • XCountry Meeting & Sign Up date to be announced.
This Week at SJCS Get Involved
Advance Dates
Tuesday, August 28 Room Parent Meeting - 8:45am Location: SJCS Auditorium
Mentor Families
September 3
SJCS is proud to offer a program known as Mentor Families. Current SJCS families are matched up with families that are new to our school. Mentor families are available to welcome new families and answer their questions as they navigate through their first year at SJCS. With our 39 new students we still need a few additional families to partner with these new families. Please contact the school office if you are interested in supporting this program.
School Holiday No Classes/No Extended Care
Wednesday, August 29 Fall Sports Begin *See Sports Section for Details Friday, August 31 Happy Birthday Mrs. Bost Walk-a-Thon Meeting 8:30am SJCS Auditorium Sunday, September 2 Happy Birthday Mrs. Baham
Frozen Friday The SJCS student council will be organizing Frozen Friday again this year for students in Grades 1-8. Frozen Friday financially supports the Student Council program allowing the students to expand their organizational, planning, and leadership skills. Please see the attached form to sign up for the program.
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September 5 MIddle School Parent Back to School Night
September 20 & 21 SJCS Picture Day
October 13 SJCS Annual Walk-a-Thon
SJCS Office Hours Main Office 8:00am - 4:30pm Bookkeeper 8:30am - 3:00pm Student Services 8:00am - 3:30pm