Tiger Tracks - September 17, 2012

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San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.


Top News!

School News

Upcoming Events


Tiger Sports


Progress Reports

New Extended Care Summer Camp Leader

See You at the Pole September 26

Picture Day this Thursday & Friday

CPTA Kick Off Meeting 9/28

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Cross Country, Flag Football, & Softball compete this week

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From the Office

New Extended Care/Summer Camp Leader

Progress Reports Believe it or not, this week marks the halfway point of the first quarter of the school year, meaning teachers and students have settled into their routines. Elementary school teachers will be filling out progress reports on their students this week, and parents will receive them next week as a form of communication regarding student successes and struggles. Please take time to look over the reports and talk with your children about them. Should you have any questions or other feedback regarding the progress reports, you may contact the appropriate teacher. Middle school parents do not receive progress reports because they have access to Powerschool, a web-based program that provides real time monitoring of attendance and grades for our 6th - 8th grade students. However, if your middle school student is struggling in class, you will still receive a communication home during progress report time. SJCS strongly encourages both middle school parents and students to become familiar with Powerschool, and if you need help setting up your Powerschool account beyond the letter that was sent home, you may contact the office.

SJCS Directory Information In publishing our school directory we want to have the most current, correct information printed. Later this week you will receive a form showing how your family listing will appear in the directory. You will be required to initial the form as correct or make changes to the listing. Please note the due date to return it is Monday, September 24. Also, remember the SJC directory is proprietary to SJCS. Any use of this information for professional or solicitation purpose is strictly forbidden.

SJCS is excited to welcome Mrs. Tracy L. McElhone as the new leader of our Extended Care and Summer Camp programs. Mrs. McElhone will be taking over for Mrs. Reeves, who is moving into a larger role in the classrooms at SJCS this year. The Extended Care Staff and the Administration were very impressed with Mrs. McElhone’s organization, professionalism, and drive, and we believe she will make a great addition to SJCS. She will begin her role on Monday, September 24 and will be on campus for nearly all of the hours that Ex- Box Tops for Education tended Care is open for the first month of Start collecting and saving Box Top labels her employment. We are sure you will form the many products that sponsor Box enjoy meeting her and getting to know her. Tops For Education. Check out more details on the attached flyer and watch for contest information coming soon. Join the Box Tops Marketplace to earn BONUS box tops

School News Picture Day

Picture Day with Still Light Studios will be Thursday and Friday, September 20 and 21. All students will be photographed for the SJS picture year-book and the class picture. To order photos, each student must have their order form and payment with them on their picture day. Turn in the form to the homeroom teacher anytime before picture day. Grades Preschool,Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 4th and 7th are on Thursday. The more interest parents show in the edu- Grades Jr. Kindergarten, 3rd, 5th, 6th and cation of their students, the more successful 8th are on Friday. The fall sports teams those students tend to be. Furthermore, as will also be taking their team pictures on Christians we seek to follow the Lord’s Friday afternoon. The order form is availcommand to use our talents for His glory. able on our website under "Forms". In that sense, working hard at one’s education is a spiritual calling, a calling we vigorously promote in the SJCS classrooms. We appreciate your partnership with us in the teaching process.

SJCS Directory Ads You have an opportunity to promote your personal business by placing an ad in the SJCS School Directory. For a mere $20, your business-card-size ad can be included. You may double the ad size for $40 or triple the size for $50. If you would like to participate, submit a copy of your business card to the school office or submit a business-card-size artwork via email to amuir@sjchristian.org in a black and white format (tiff, gif or jpeg file).

SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741











This Week at SJCS CPTA News Tuesday, September 18 Cross Country @ Alum Rock Park 4:00pm | Depart at 2:45pm Flag Football @ Campbell Christian 4:00pm | Depart at 3:10pm Wednesday, September 19 Happy Birthday Miss Sytsma! Thursday, September 20 SJCS Picture Day Softball @ Baymonte 3:30pm | Depart at 2:20pm Flag Football @ SJCS vs. Baymonte 3:30pm Friday, September 21 SJCS Picture Day

Upcoming Events See You at the Pole See You At The Pole is Global Day of Student Prayer held in September in schools around the world. At SJCS we are privileged to have the freedom to worship openly in our country. Please join us for prayer at the flagpole on Wednesday, September 26 at 7:50am. Ephesians 3:14-21 is the theme scripture for the 2012 SYATP. To learn more about See You at the Pole visit www.syatp.com.

The 2012-2013 Kick Off Meeting for the SJCS CPTA will be Friday, September 28 at 8:45am in the auditorium. Please save this date on your calendar and plan to attend. CPTA Purpose The general purpose of the CPTA (Christian Parent Teacher Association) is to assist and support San Jose Christian School by providing an avenue through which supporters of the school can become actively involved in the school community. CPTA Goals C.P.T.A. shall promote fellowship among the members of the school community. C.P.T.A. shall promote communication among all groups, which are involved with the school. C.P.T.A. shall educate the school community and, as possible, the community at large as to the nature and purpose of Christian Education. C.P.T.A. shall raise money for the benefit of San Jose Christian School. 2012-2013 CPTA Steering Committee Steve Findley, President Vice President - Open Position Wesley Fachner, Treasurer Lily Kleinberg, Secretary Janelle Hendricks, Teacher Liaison Emily Rios, Room Parent Coordinator April McKie, WAT Committee Lead Betsy Phillips, CPTA Advisor


Campus To Do List During the 2012-2013 school year we are going to have an ongoing campus “To Do” list. We will add and check off items as needed. Please take a look at the list and let us know if you are able to help accomplish the tasks. NEW ITEM • Unload sand into the PS/JK/K sandbox OPEN ITEMS • Power-wash the PS/JK/K playhouses • Paint classroom interiors/exteriors • Paint campus poles • Replant large pots outside school office COMPLETED • Softball Field pitching mound & batters box improvements.

Advance Dates September 28 2012-2013 CPTA Kick Off Meeting SJCS Auditorium | 8:45am

October 4 & 5 Teacher Convention No Classes | Extended Care Open Preschool Open

October 9 High School Information Night SJCS Auditorium | 6:30pm

October 13 SJCS Annual Walk-a-Thon

Walk-A-Thon 2012

October 19 End of Quarter 1

Most students received an envelope on Friday containing information about the upcoming Walk-A-Thon. This week it is especially important to return the BLUE T-SHIRT FORM. If this order form is returned by Friday September 21, your child(ren) will receive a free T-Shirt printed with this year's theme, “Rise Up” logo.

October 26 Teacher In-Service No Classes | Extended Care Open

October 30 Fall Town Hall Meeting SJCS Auditorium | 6:30pm

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