San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.
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Orange Crush Day Wednesday, Oct 3
Resources for Parents
Additional WAT coolers & tables needed
No Classes Thursday & Friday
Cross Country, Flag Football, & Softball
September Meeting Summary Attached
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From the Office See You at the Pole Thank you to the 50 or so people who joined us for “See You at the Pole” last week Wednesday morning. The event was a great opportunity to pray for our local, state, and national leaders and ask for the Lord’s guidance over us and our society. It is a privilege to belong to a school community with committed Christians who seek the Lord’s will and go to Him with their praises and petitions.
No School Thursday and Friday Our faculty will be heading to the CSI teachers convention in Visalia on Thursday. This gathering partners our staff with those of the other 5 CSI schools in Northern California for a day of spiritual nourishment and professional growth. Much can be learned by exchanging information and ideas with others in our profession, and we are thankful for the opportunity. On Friday, the SJCS staff will engage in a service project together as we seek to live out that part of our motto: A commitment to serve. We will be excited to share the results of these two events with you next week.
SJCS Board Meeting Summary Attached to the Tiger Tracks you will find a summary of the September SJCS Board of Trustees meeting.
CPTA News CPTA Meeting Thank you the CPTA members who attended the kick off meeting. Minutes for the meeting will be published next week in the Tiger Tracks. SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741
This Week at SJCS Sports Update Tuesday, October 2
Softball @ Achiever | 3:30pm Depart 2:45pm Flag Football vs. Achiever | 3:30pm
Wednesday, October 3 Orange Crush Day!
Walk-a-Thon Planning Meeting 8:45am | Auditorium Softball vs. Achiever | 3:30pm Flag Football vs West Valley MS | 3:30pm
Thursday, October 4
No Classes | Extended Care Open
Friday, October 5
No Classes | Extended Care Open
Flag Football
SJCS 12 At Legacy Christian 26 The Tigers started out great. David W. had a great interception and showed he’s really coming along at defensive back. Josh N. had a great catch for a TD early and also broke off a long TD later in the half. We still made a few key errors that cost us field position and points. The defense did a good job keeping Legacy contained for the most part. Nick M. stepped up for a great stop on 4th down. Matthew S. also made a great pull on their best player. The team is full of young guys who are filling the void of the 8th graders that left. We look forward to seeing Achiever at our place this week.
SJCS 8 Los Gatos 13 The girls now understand what can happen Happy Birthday Mrs. Singh! when you keep a strong defense. After letting the 2nd inning get away from us, the Tigers held the Lions to 1 or 2 runs each inning. Fighting back and scoring 7 of Resources - Resources - Resources our 8 runs in the last inning was an excitFinding the extra help one needs outside ing finish but not enough for a full comethe school setting can be overwhelming. back. Faustine D. did a great job in the SJCS would like to assist you and direct you outfield and Hannah-Marie S. had a strong toward these resources. Many recommengame on the mound. Back to back games dations of resources are available upon re- this week will give the Tigers an opportuquest from Ms. Veurink, the Learning Cen- nity their opportunity to “Rise Up.” ter Director. As these lists are being updated, we would like to receive from our school community the contact information Cross Country of highly recommended individuals, com- Tough race for the Tigers last week at Montgomery Hill. There were close to 150 panies, or organizations you are working runners in all. The course was hot, dusty, with or have worked with in the past. and hilly! The Tigers did a great job push Specific areas are: ing themselves beyond their comfort level. -Speech and language pathologists There are no meets this week, however the -Occupational therapists team will be training hard in preparation -Educational therapists/evaluators for the Division Finals. -Counselors -Psychologists Please send this information to Ms. Arlet Veurink at aveurink@sjchristian.org OPEN ITEMS • Paint classroom interiors/exteriors 2012 Book Fair Paint campus poles The Book Fair is coming! Please mark your • Unload sand into the PS/JK/K sandbox • calendars for this great event that brings SCHEDULED books into our classrooms, the library and Power-wash the PS/JK/K playhouses under your Christmas tree. Sales dates will • COMPLETED be November 13th to 16th and November • Thank you to the Schwatka family who 19th. Come join the fun and support the replanted the large pots outside the reading experience of your child. school office. They look lovely!
School News
Campus To Do List
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Upcoming Events High School Information Night October 9 | 6:30pm Parents and students who are interested in learning about the transition from SJCS to high school are encouraged to attend this evening presentation. Mr. Meester will facilitate a panel of SCJS Alumni who have successfully navigated into both public and faith based high schools. The evening offers a great student perspective as well as tangible details for parents on how to steer through the process.
Fall Town Hall - October 30 The Annual Fall Town Hall meeting provides a great avenue for communication between the parent community and the SJCS administration. If you have questions or topics you would like addressed please email Betsy Phillips at bphilllips@sjchristian.org
Walk-A-Thon 2012 WAT Planning Meeting The next Walk-a-Thon planning meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 3 at 8:45am in the auditorium.
Additional Tables & Coolers Needed! The WAT planning team is in need of 20 6’or 8’ tables for this years event. We also need large coolers. Please contact Betsy Phillips at (408) 371-7741 ext. 231 if you can provide either of these items.
Advance Dates October 9 High School Information Night
October 13 SJCS Annual Walk-a-Thon
October 19 End of Quarter 1
October 26 Teacher In-Service No Classes | Extended Care Open
October 30 Fall Town Hall Meeting