Tiger Tracks - Nov. 5, 2012

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San Jose Christian School A love for God. A desire to learn. A commitment to serve.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Top News

WAT Results

Events This Week

Tiger Sports


School News

Fall Town Hall

We passed our goal!

P-T Conferences

Cross Country Finals

・Q1 Honor Roll

Mock Election results

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・Food Drive

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From the Office

Report Cards and Conferences

Conferences will be held on November 8 and 9. Report Cards were sent home with 2012 Fall Town Hall Summary On Tuesday, October 30, forty people came each student last week. Please review the to the Fall Town Hall where they heard sev- report and fill out the conference queseral updates about SJCS. The Walk-a-Thon tionnaire so that you are prepared for your Parent Teacher Conference. If you have raised over $52,000 for our students, and we highlighted the classes that earned spe- questions about your conference schedule please call the school office at 408-371cial recognition. Our new professional development program for teachers is bring- 7741. ing about great results in our classes, and Parent-teacher conferences are a critical Mrs. DenOuden shared about her role as one of our technology integration mentors. part of educational success, and our The Spanish enrichment program should be teachers prepare diligently to be ready to starting within the next few weeks, and we meet with you. Thank you in advance for talked about all that Rosetta Stone TOTALe your support of these meetings. has to offer. Lastly, Mr. Meester discussed Childcare During P-T Conferences the importance of regular church attendance as part of our partnership model for During conferences, childcare is available Christian education, and we took a survey through our extended care program. If you of the church attendance habits of those at bring your student with you on conference the meeting. Thanks to all of you for com- days he/she must be checked into extended care. Students should not be unating out and engaging with SJCS! tended on the campus. The cost is $5.00 per hour. Thank you for your attention to October Board Summary The October Board meeting was a strategic this matter. one, and after going over all of the reports that had been submitted, the trustees spent the bulk of the time discussing their role in the Annual Fund Drive that will launch this month. The theme for the Drive is Fan the Flame, and the trustees are excited to share their thoughts on the great initiatives that are underway at here at school and help stoke the entire community’s passion for the work we are doing. We want to keep the momentum of our efforts going and fan the flame of excellence at SJCS so that it grows into a raging fire. The group also spent time preparing for its off site meeting on November 17 which will focus on enrollment growth.

School News Thanksgiving Food Drive Every year, SJCS partners with CityTeam Ministries for a Thanksgiving food drive, which is now underway. Each classroom has a large barrel that we want to fill with non-perishable food items. There is an attachment to today’s Tiger Tracks with a complete list of desired items. The drive culminates on November 15 with the allschool Thanksgiving chapel in which the students will hear from CityTeam’s new director of family services about how the food will be used. Thanks for your generosity!

Praises from Many Places 1st and 2nd Grade Musical On Friday, November 2 the 1st and 2nd grade students treated about 200 guests to a wonderful musical performance with their show, Praises from Many Places. The songs and scripture passages focused on the diversity of God’s Kingdom and how we can be thankful for the rich cultural differences that make our world such a wonderful place. Students dressed in costumes that reflected their own cultural heritage, which served as a great visual reminder of the diverse community we are part of here at SJCS. Thank you to Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Bost, and Ms. Sytsma for their efforts in preparing the students for an outstanding performance and to Mrs. Baham for accompanying the singers!

Book Fair - Two Important Items There are two very important things you should know about the book fair: 1. You can order on-line! Visit http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/sj christian to see all the products available. 2. We need a few more volunteers for sales and packing up. Check out the online sign up to secure your spot today. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080E4C ABA72AA75-book

Lost and Found Please take a moment to claim your child’s clothing, lunch box, shoes, and other assorted items in the Lost and Found cabinets in the auditorium. All unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the day on Friday, November 9. Once you get your items back, please make sure they are labeled for future reference.

SJCS - 1300 Sheffield Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 (408)371-7741











Mock Election Results

SJCS Logo Apparel

On Tuesday, October 30 the SJCS K-8 students voted in a mock election. Everyone completed ballots for President and California Senator, and the middle school classes also voted on the various Propositions on this year’s ballot. In their classes leading up to the mock election, students learned about the candidates, the structure of our government, and the US electoral process. For a video recap of the event, go to http://vimeo.com/sjchristian/election.

We will be placing a logo wear order to be delivered just in time for the Christmas break (December 18). Please visit http://www.sjchristian.org/current/forms/ap parel1.pdf for photos of the items. Order forms are available online and must be received by November 15.

Holiday Scrip Schedule

Plan to use SJCS Scrip for your food and gift purchases during the upcoming Holiday season! To place your orders, please In the Mock Presidential election, Governor have them completed by 3pm on the folRomney defeated President Obama 59% to lowing dates: 39%, although President Obama did carry - Friday, November 9 the middle school grades. Elizabeth Emken - Friday, November 30 unseated Diane Feinstein as California - Wednesday, December 13 Senator 57% to 43%. Watch tomorrow’s election results with your children and keep eScrip up the conversation to see if SJCS results match our nation’s. Thanks to Mr. De Graaf Support SJCS with the shopping you are already doing. A percentage of all purfor coordinating our mock election! chases from participating merchants go directly to SJCS. It only takes a few moments to sign up. Go to: www.escrip.com 1. Enter Group Name - San Jose Christian Walk-a-Thon Update School or Group #137225514 After tallying up all of our receipts, we de- 2. Select San Jose Christian School termined that the WAT exceeded our goal 3. Provide your name and address by raising over $52,000 for the students of 4. Register your club card or other credit/ SJCS! We look forward to using these funds debit cards as you wish. for field trips, class supplies, fine arts, athletics, and playground equipment. We are Help SJCS Generate “Free Money” finalizing the 300 Club winners this week and will print a list of the the students who Jamba Juice – Community Card Available through the school office raised $300 or more dollars next week in the Tiger Tracks. We are able to announce the class winners this week. The following Nob Hill Quality of Life Card Available through the school office classes will be celebrating with special class parties this month: Target Red Card – Take Charge of Education Register on-line or by phone 100% Participation SJCS School ID: 3616 6th Grade - Mr. DeGraaf

WAT Class Winners

Most Laps Walked 6th Grde - Mr. DeGraaf 1063 Laps!

Safeway Club Card Renew! or Register at eScrip


SJCS Sports Cross Country The Cross Country team did a great job in the Division Finals last Friday. Both the girls and boys returned home with team trophies. Out of the 15 schools running, the lady Tigers finished in 2nd place overall, and the boys finished tied for 3rd as a team. Nico R., Dylan H., and Rebeka S. all earned individual medals based on their results against over 65 other runners in their races. Congratulations runners, and thanks to Coach Reeves for all of her hard work! It has been exciting to watch our Cross Country program grow every year.

This Week at SJCS Wednesday, November 7

2nd Grade Field Trip - Vasona Park YSI Dep. @ 11:30am Ret. @ 2:30pm

Thursday, November 8

Parent Teacher Conferences No Classes - Extended Care Open

Friday, November 9

Parent Teacher Conferences No Classes - Extended Care Open

Advance Dates November 13-19 SJCS Book Fair

November 21-23 Thanksgiving Break - No Classes Extended Care Closed

November 30 SJCS Christmas Concert | 7:00pm San Jose Christian Reformed Church

December 14 Staff Holiday Luncheon Hosted by CPTA

December 21 - January 6

Most Money Earned 3rd Grade - Mrs. DenOuden

Christmas Break - No Classes Dec. 21 - Extended Care Open Dec. 24 - Jan. 2 - Extended Care Closed Jan. 3-4 - Extended Care Open

CPTA News Meeting Summary Next Week

January 11

Thank you to the parents who attended the CPTA meeting last Friday. A meeting summary will be available next Monday in the Tiger Tracks.

End of Quarter 2

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SJCS Quarter 1 Honor Roll 2012-2013 The following students earned spots on the SJCS Honor Roll for the 1st Quarter of the 2012-13 School Year. To qualify for “Honors” designation, a student must carry a 3.3 GPA. To earn “High Honors” status, a student must carry a 3.7 GPA. HIGH HONORS HONORS Grade 8 Hunter E. Lindsay G. Kelci K. Nico R. Rebeka S. Grade 7 Braeden C. Kayla D. Elaine D. Molly F. Colin H. Bob K. Alicia L. Mary N. Kaylee P. Nia S. Matthew S. Grade 6 Milan B. Emily D. Calvin F. Kathryn G. Dylan H. Elizabeth K. Katherine K. Joshua N. Natasha O. Naomi R. Ashley S. Alexis T. Emma W.

Grade 8 Stanley A. Maria C. Faustine D. Marissa M. Keaton M. Isaac O. Hannah-Marie S. Michael T. Grade 7 Naomi D. Jack J. Atheer K. Michael R. David S. Ashlynn S. John W. Grade 6 Roman C. Ryan M. Benjamin W.

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