Tiger Tracks - Nov. 17, 2014

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Tiger San Jose Christian School | November 17, 2014 This Week at SJCS Monday


Last Day SJCS Annual Book Fair

Tuesday Wednesday

11/18 11/19

CPTA Meeting 8:30am | SJCS Auditorium

Science Night - 6:30pm - 8:00pm Wing 1 | SJCS Dine Out Event - 11:00am - 9:00pm Una Mas Mexican Grill



Moms in Prayer 8:30am | Library



Advanced Dates November 26 - 28 Thanksgiving Break - ICC - 8th Campus Closed - No Extended Care

December 5 SJCS Christmas Concert | 7pm SJCRC Church

Attendance Line (408) 371-4815

Tiger Stripes Reflections on Who We Are Core Values - Part 6 This is the final article where I will offer some ideas stemming from meetings with Board, staff, and community members. I welcome your comments at bdenboer@sjchristian.org. Core Value #6: Intentional Christian Community: SJCS is a covenantal, faith-infused community. Our faith is passionate and the Spirit is alive among us. We lovingly hold each other accountable to the core values stated here. We demonstrate unwavering support to our fellow community members in upholding these same values. The phone call: within the next six weeks, representatives from SJCS administration plan to call each family at SJCS. What do you think about how we are educating your child? How are we living out our mission and our core values? We look forward to hearing what you have to say!

Superintendent Search Committee This Wednesday the Superintendent Search Committee will have its first meeting to replace current Interim Superintendent Bart Den Boer, whose term ends next June, 2015. Bart declined an offer to stay on for 2015-16, citing a desire to spend some time closer to family and stating the belief that it is better for SJCS to secure its long-term leadership as soon as possible. (Principal Dave Intlekofer has already committed to return as principal for the 2015-16 school year.) Members of the Search Committee include Jen Baham, John Bowen, Bart Den Boer, Jeff Garside, Cher Kooiman, Glyn Norman, Brad Smith, and Arlet Veurink. The early start of the search process positions SJCS well to gather a prime pool of interested parties. Two viable candidates have already expressed interest. Over the next two months or so, please pray for guidance and wisdom for the committee.

Annual SJCS Book Fair Even though today is the last day for the book fair here at SJCS, you can still order online through December 5 at http://tiny.cc/tkfhpx.

SJCS and City Team Please send your non-perishable food items to help meet our city’s need for food this winter. Let’s fill those food barrels by Wednesday!

CPTA Meeting This Wed. The CPTA will be hosting a meeting this Wednesday, November 19 at 8:30am in the auditorium. Agenda items will include planning for the upcoming Staff Holiday Lunch and the Open House event scheduled for January 24. Please plan to attend.

SCRIP Orders This Week Please submit your SCRIP orders by this week Thursday so they can arrive before Thanksgiving. Thanks!

Tiger Tracks Facility Needs - Are you available? Painting, minor repairs, gardening, more... We’d love to have a core of volunteers who are willing to help maintain our campus. Opportunities for indoor, outdoor, short-term and long-term projects. Please join in making our campus the best it can be! Contact Mary Schrotenboer, (mary@schrotenboer.com) or Bart Den Boer (bdenboer@sjchristian.org) for details.

Save the Date! Painting Day at SJCS Tuesday, December 30th Between the holidays, are you free from work? Have a little time? High school students need volunteer hours? We are planning to touch up doors, door frames, cupboards, and more as needed. This cannot be done on a weekend or during the school week, so this is our opportunity to improve your school. We hope you can spare an hour or two or three! Experience the community of SJCS! Contact Mary Schrotenboer, (mary@schrotenboer.com) or Bart Den Boer (bdenboer@sjchristian.org) to sign up.


GIRLS BASKETBALL: Practice Mon. Tues. Wed. 3:15-5:00 Thursday 5:00-6:15: Scrimmage @ Campbell Christian

BOYS BASKETBALL: Practice Mon.-Thurs. 3:15-5:00

Core Values… Frozen Friday will be this Thursday. Got that?

6. Intentional Christian Community: SJCS is a covenantal, faith-infused community. Our faith is passionate and the Spirit is alive among us. We lovingly hold each other accountable to the core values stated here. We demonstrate unwavering support to our fellow community members in upholding these same values.

Our Core Values 1. Biblical Worldview: At SJCS we

value seeing life through the lens of scriptural truth and living accordingly. We acknowledge the sovereignty of God over every aspect of creation. We address the fallen-ness of humanity and the broken-ness of creation by directly addressing their effects on life as God intended it to be. We do not avoid difficult issues; we teach biblical discernment. 2. Educational Excellence: We value high academic standards for our students, cultivating each child’s potential capacity as an image-bearer of God. We value proactive innovation, carefully assessing the need for change and seeking new methods to improve education when appropriate. We provide educational excellence for each student within a safe and loving environment. 3. Whole Child: We value each child as a unique workmanship of God himself. We develop the wholeness of each child’s character, academic progress, effort, physical abilities and artistic expression. 4. Outstanding Teachers: We value outstanding, passionate and faith-filled teachers, who meet the highest professional standards and are flourishing both personally and professionally. Our teachers are committed to the calling of Christian education. 5. Responsible Stewardship: We value responsible Kingdom-advancing stewardship over all of creation, including community, people, time, facilities, financial resources and the environment.

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