Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | September 15, 2014 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
This Week at SJCS Mon
Tiger Stripes Extended Care Parents: Reflections on Who We Are Please pick up your extended care by Mr. Den Boer
invoices in the extended care room (15) before Wednesday. Thank you.
Picture Day — Reminder
Fall Sports Practice: Cross Country & Softball
So What’s the Difference? Part 3 Biblical Perspectives Throughout The Curriculum
Flag Football Home Opener vs. Baymonte | 3:30pm
Here are two class activities currently posted by SJCS teachers on our website.
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Orange Crush Day 2014 Picture Day Fall Sports Practice: Cross Country, Football Softball Home Opener vs. Baymonte | 3:30pm
Minimum Day 11:45am Dismissal Extended Care Open Fall Sports Practice: Cross Country No Practice Football 12:00noon - 1:30pm Softball 12:00noon - 1:15pm
Faculty Retreat No Classes Extended Care Open
Faculty Retreat No Classes Extended Care Open
Advanced Date
9/24 | See You at the Pole
Activity 1: From Middle School PROBLEM - What outcasts do you see within our society? What are the effects of being an outcast?
CAUSES OF PROBLEM - Who casted them out? Why? What does the Bible say about these people? What does the Bible say about our duty towards these people? How can we help?”
Activity 2: From Elementary School “A song we will be learning in class is ‘One Thing Remains.’ Each week we will be discussing and working on our school them ‘Love Does.’ LOVE IS AN ACTION! I ask for your support in this at home as well, I can see real transformation happening here at school and my prayer is that this momentum carries over to all aspects of our lives.”
What is happening in these lessons? We are a Christian school in all subject areas. Yes we teach Bible. Yes we worship in chapel. But we infuse biblical perspectives throughout the entire curriculum. Because God is God over every aspect of life and culture, learning through the lens of His Word gives spiritual meaning and power to all of our studies. This is who we are at SJCS. Help us be who we are. Hold us accountable to it!
Picture Day will be tomorrow, September 16 at SJCS. Order forms were sent home on Friday with your students. Visit the Tiger Tracks page at www.sjchristian.org if you would like to print an additional form. As a reminder payment is due with your form tomorrow.
See You at the Pole See You At The Pole is a Global Day of Student Prayer held in schools around the world, and at SJCS we count it a privilege to participate. Please join us for prayer at the flagpole on Wednesday, September 24 at 7:50am. Ephesians 6:18 is the theme scripture for the 2014 SYATP. To learn more, visit www.syatp.com.
Orange Crush Day Tuesday 9/16
Wear your orange on Tuesday and show your Tiger spirit! Then come to cheer on our softball team after school.
7:45am - SJCS Auditorium
October Open House
9/26 | Cardboard Challenge
This year, we are adding a Fall Open House event for prospective families to come and learn about our school. Start telling your friends about SJCS and invite them to campus on Saturday, October 25 from 1pm - 3pm. Advertising materials will be out soon.
11:00am - 3:00pm
Tiger Tracks Middle School Sports Flag Football: Mon. SJCS vs. Baymonte @ SJCS 3:30pm Tues. Practice 3:15 - 5:00pm Weds. Practice 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Softball: Mon. Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm Tues. SJCS vs. Baymonte @ SJCS 3:30pm Weds. Practice 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Sports Photos Flag Football, Softball and Cross Country teams will be photographed tomorrow, September 16. Athletes should bring their uniforms and a change of clothes for photos.
Attendance & Absences If your child is sick and unable to make it to school, be sure to call the attendance line by 9am. The number is (408)371-4815. If you are planning an absence for your child in advance, please fill out an advanced absence form in the office.
Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School. SJCS is defined by our Irresistible Christian Community. This can be seen at our many school events, in the parking lot or playground as parents talk in the mornings, and in the partnerships between teachers and parents. It’s also lived out every day in our classrooms.
In Miss Diephouse’s class, the theme for the year is “Together we’ll soar!” In order to make the theme real for the students, they worked together in a group activity.
Each student colored a square of fabric in a way that represented who they are. Each student’s individual gifts and personalities were discussed as they explained the meaning behind their square.
After the discussion, the squares were then combined to form kites (one for each grade). The lesson was that everyone’s unique gifts and passions are valued, and by working together all of the students will rise as a community. In addition, each kite is held together by two sticks in the shape of a cross, reminding students that Christ is the foundation of meaningful community and He is our support.
These kites now hang in Miss D’s room, reminding the students of the irresistible community to which they each contribute.
Like and Follow SJCS! SJCS is taking to social media to get the word out about all of the great things happening in our school community. Include us in your Twitter feed by following @sjcs_tigers. Visit our homepage and click on the Facebook icon and like our page to get status updates, pictures, and posts from SJCS and share them with your friends. Instagram users can get to our page by clicking on the Instagram icon and follow us from there.
Connect with SJCS San Jose Christian School
@SJCS_Tigers sjcstigers
Tiger Tracks Tiger Cubs - Tips and Information about Preschoolers! From our Preschool Director, Mrs. Van Ewyk: Pretend Play: Why is it important
Parents often hear of the importance of play in preschool. But playing with dolls and blocks seems to have little to do with the academic knowledge that children will need to succeed in school. So why is it important?
Play is the foundation for all learning in young children and giving your child time and a few basic toys can provide her with a variety of valuable learning opportunities. Play is how children begin to understand and process their world, and it unlocks their creativity and imagination. Imaginative play develops language, thinking, and problem solving skills—as well as developing motor skills.
Language and Vocabulary Development When playing with other children or adults, vocabulary and language skills are fostered. Children learn to use language to communicate meaning as they pick up new words and hear the grammatical structure of the English language.
Imagination and Creativity In our fast-paced and high-tech society, children have fewer and fewer opportunities to use and develop their creativity. Children who are not given frequent opportunities to play often have a difficult time entertaining themselves, as they simply do not know what to do without instruction. By providing opportunities for open-ended play, your child will automatically get her creative juices flowing, and then the possibilities are endless.
Problem Solving and Mathematics Children can solve complex problems that arise as they play, and they learn some mathematical principles as well. Blocks and puzzles are excellent “basics� to provide your child with many opportunities to foster these important skills.
Gross and Fine Motor Development Gross motor skills involve the large muscles of the legs and arms, while fine motor development is building the muscles of the hands that will be used for writing. Play can provide many opportunities to work on strengthening these muscles without your child even being aware of it!
Gather up the toys you have around the house and make it a point to provide ample time for play. Playing with your child is sure to provide many wonderful childhood memories and will reap some great educational rewards as well!