Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | May 31, 2016 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
This Week at SJCS Weds
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Moms In Prayer | 8:30am Room 16 SJCS Dads in Prayer | 8:40am Room 12
SJCS Jazz Show | 7:00pm SJCS Auditorium - Tickets available in the school office —————————————— Continue Scrip Orders in the Summer! Thursday, June 16 Thursday, June 30 Thursday, July 28 Thursday, August 11
SJCS Facebook Challenge! Are you following SJCS on Facebook? If you are a Facebook user we need you! We currently have 339 “LIKES” and we want to get to 500! Help us reach our goal so that we can promote SJCS to more families!
Jenn’s Pen - The Love of Music by: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson A long, long time ago, when I stepped foot into my first day of 5th grade band, a flute was put in my lap. I had dreamed of playing the tuba, but my little rural school in Vermont didn’t have one on hand, so the director gave me something the polar opposite. I didn’t quite know what to do, but because of the talented Mr. Croudis, a tomboy like me fell in love with music! I loved Band and Choir, and participated in both from 5th grade through 12th grade. (By the way, I taught myself the tuba in high school, and toted around a big white tuba in the marching band. That dream was realized!) I thoroughly enjoyed the Concert on the Green because it took me back to those great memories. I am so glad that at SJCS we are committed to educating the whole child, and I believe that music is a terrific way to grow creatively, emotionally, spiritually. Our very talented director, Mrs. Jen Baham, encourages our students to grow in all of these areas, and she has helped many SJCS students grow in their love of music. I thank her, the students who practice, and the audience that enjoys all that our musicians offer. So please be sure join us for the final concert of this year, the fantastic Jazz Show on Friday night. Tickets are available in the school office. I will see you there!
Get Your Yo-Yos! Get your Yo-Yos! After our fantastic assembly on Friday, yo-yo fever is alive and well in our elementary school. What a great activity for hot days! YoYo Around the World has provided yo-yos for us to sell in our office (a percentage of the proceeds benefit the school), and they can be purchased before or after school (NOT during recess). We have three models of yo-yos ($8, $12, or $16), so stop by the office to get yours today.
Jazz Show Ahead Friday, June 3 is the date for our annual Jazz Show and tickets are now available in the office for $5 each. The show runs from 7pm - 8:30pm in the auditorium and features our current jazz band directed by Mrs. Jennifer Baham. Door prizes and desserts make it a fun evening for all. Limited seating - tickets are required for this event.
Looking for a Tutor If you are considering getting extra help for your child over the summer, please see Mr. Intlekofer for a recommendation.
Extended Care Open June 8 As a reminder Extended Care is open on the last day of school June 8. The campus will be closed on June 9 & 10 to prepare for the launch of summer camp on Monday, June 13.
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San Jose Christian School
Tiger Tracks SJCS CPTA: Christian Parent Teacher Association Thank you to each person who contributed to the success of this school year. As we look to the future and the 16-17 school year, we would like to invite you to consider getting involved with one of the following groups. Annual Walk A Thon - we are looking for leads to help execute an ultra successful event. The WAT will be October 1, 2016. Attached to the Tiger Tracks you will find a list of options. We are looking for at least 2 people in each area. Please email Melissa Findley Melissa@bodl.com with your interest. Mentor Families - we are very thankful to re-launch the Mentor Family program. Sadly, we did not have this program during the 15-16 school year, however we have a new lead coordinator (Thank you Nicole Agustin!) and the program is back, better than ever. If you are interested in hosting/mentoring a new family OR if you missed out on the program this year and would like to participate in 16-17 please complete the attached form. Room Parents - The CPTA also coordinates a wonderful Room Parent (RP) program. The role of a Room Parent is to support the home room teacher. The classroom teachers guide the efforts of the Room Parent. It is very likely that there will be more than one parent interested in supporting the teacher and that is GREAT. If you are interested in being a lead RP or on a room parent team please complete the form attached to the Tiger Tracks. The RP coordinator will follow up over the summer with additional information.
SJCS Summer Camp Looking for a great summer experience for your child? Look no further than our very own SJCS Summer Camp! Flyers for summer camp are available in the office, and the full brochures are available on line at www.sjchristian.org.
Summer Volunteers Needed This summer, there will be many opportunities to volunteer on campus as we begin sprucing up classrooms and grounds. If you are a hearty volunteer who likes to paint, sand, stain, or drill please contact Jenn Thompson at jthompson@sjchristian.org. There will be weekly assignments available and many projects can be done in the evenings and weekends!
End of Year Accounts Please note that all accounts must be current by the end of the year for students to receive their final report cards. Thanks for your help!
Tiger Basketball Camp Tiger Basketball Camp is open to boys and girls, grades 1-4 and 5-8, of all skill levels. Our basketball camp is all about developing fundamentals in a fun and safe environment. The coaching staff is made up of Mr. Bost, Mrs. Nibbelink and former SJCS studentathletes who are enthusiastic about passing on their knowledge to the next generation of Tiger athletes. Campers will participate in activities that will help improve their basketball, teamwork, and sportsmanship skills. Each camper will receive a camp T-shirt. Our camp this summer will run from July 18-22. Registration forms can be found on the SJCS website or in the main office. Please contact Alex Bost at abost@sjchristian.org with any additional questions.
June 7 Middle School Awards Ceremony | 8:40am | SJCS Auditorium June 7 SJCS Graduation | 7:00pm | Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church June 8 Kindergarten Graduation | 9:00am | SJCS Auditorium June 8 Last Day of the 2015-16 School year (minimum day - dismissal at 11:45am) June 13 Kick Off – SJCS Summer Camp 2016!
Sports this
Please remember to turn in all athletic uniforms to the office asap. Thank you!
Tiger Tracks Teacher Tales | Words of Grace Words of Grace Each day, Extended Care writes a verse next to the sign-out iPad in room 15. Often, picking up kids and transitioning and the rush of the day can be times of stress for parents. The words of grace next to the iPad remind us to slow down, reflect, and keep our minds focused on God and the peace He brings. Thank you, Extended Care, for your reminder to be Growing Believers in every aspect of our lives. Don't forget to sign up for summer camp to experience more of the wonderful things happening in our Extended Care/Camps program!
Summer Camp at SJCS Summer is approaching in just 2 weeks! That means that Summer Camp Registrations are due. Please find a copy of the camp brochure in either Room 15 or the office. Or you can check out our website at: http://www.sjchristian.org/current/about_daycamp.htm
Summer Schedule Updates *We will be CLOSED July 1st and July 5th Week of June 27th – July 1st: price reduced to $225 (originally $275) Week of July 5th – 8th: price reduced to $200 (originally $250)
Field Trip Changes: Week of July 11th – 15th: Sanborn Park is now a trip to Yogurtland! Week of July 25th – 29th: Golfland is now a Carnival Day with carnival games, hotdogs, popcorn, face painting, prizes, and more! For more information on Summer Camp please contact: Kimberly Basl kbasl@sjchristian.org 408-371-7741 x246