Tiger Tracks - November 24, 2014

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Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | November 24, 2014 This Week at SJCS Monday No Events


11/24 11/25

Boys Basketball Scrimmage (see sports section for details)



Thanksgiving Break No Classes - Campus Closed



Thanksgiving Break No Classes - Campus Closed



Thanksgiving Break No Classes - Campus Closed

Advanced Dates December 5 SJCS Christmas Concert | 7pm SJCRC Church

December 10 A Holly Jolly Preschool Christmas | 6pm

Attendance Line (408) 371-4815

Tiger Stripes Reflections on Who We Are by: Bart Den Boer Strategic Initiatives Part 1 This is the first article where I will report on some strategic objectives identified by Board, staff, and community members at our fall strategic planning sessions. I welcome your comments at bdenboer@sjchristian.org. During the course of our strategic planning sessions, about 40 staff, Board and community members identified a number of strategic objectives SJCS will be addressing over the next several years. These include: 1) increasing enrollment to capacity at each grade level, 2) enhancing our long-term sustainability (and decreasing our lease payments) by investigating alternative campus options, 3) expanding and enhancing learning opportunities for our high-achieving students, 4) considering rehabilitation of our current facilities, and 5) making compensation of our teachers more reasonably competitive with the public sector. Why identify strategic objectives? They provide us our medium term “marching orders” and help us make wise decisions with our time and financial resources. In the weeks ahead I will discuss some of the preliminary plans already in place.

Happy Thanksgiving This week affords us a chance to count our blessings and realize exactly who they came from. It’s important that we remember that we owe our gratitude to a recipient; every good thing in our lives is a gift from the Lord. From all of us at San Jose Christian School, have a blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with friends or family. And above all, give praise to the Lord for the mighty things he has done in your life.

SJCS Auditorium

December 12

Annual SJCS Book Fair

Save the Date!

SJCS Staff Luncheon hosted by the

Thank you to Mrs. Meyer, our wonderful volunteers and the many parents who shopped at the Annual Book Fair. Sales increased by 10% over last years event. We are thankful for the SJCS Library and gift of reading.

The SJCS Preschool will present “A Holly Jolly Preschool Christmas” on Wednesday, December 10th at 6pm. All families and friends are invited. Stay tuned for more details!

SJCS and City Team

New logo wear will be available on Monday, December 1st outside the school office from 8am - 8:45am and again from 2:30pm - 3:15pm. Stop by and check out the new items and buy previous inventory at a 20% discount.


December 18 JK/K Christmas Program and Chapel

December 19 SJCS Geography Bee

December 22-January 4 Christmas Break

January 24 Perspective Family Open House at SJCS 10am - 1pm

Grateful hearts! Our City Team partners were overjoyed with the 1800 pounds of food that blessed their warehouse last week. These resources will feed over 600 families. THANK YOU SJCS for your commitment to serve. Love Does!

New SJCS Logo Wear

Tiger Tracks Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of SJCS. SJCS teachers strive to design lessons that support a love for God, a desire to learn, and a commitment to serve. The SJCS Throughlines provide pillars for this excellent, Christian teaching. The 8th Grade Bible students explore God's word and practice interpreting and applying biblical principles to their lives. Two weeks ago students researched one of God’s names and chose a picture that gives insight into the meaning of the name. After students completed the digital artwork, the class held an art show. Half of the class stood by their art while the rest of the class toured through and asked questions, practicing active listening skills such as eye contact and engaged body language. This 3-day project aimed to develop growing believers, active learners, and effective communicators. We want SJCS students to: • Seek truth with a sense of wonder and fear of the Lord. • Celebrate who God is, what He has done, and what He created. • Create beauty and appreciate the arts. • Ask questions and pursue each subject with curiosity as a lifelong learner. Philippians 2:9-11: "Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow in heaven and earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." If you are curious about other topics, projects, and faith integration in SJCS Bible 8, check out this page of Mrs. Baham's website.
 JESUS AS ETERNAL FATHER (by Katherine K). Just as a father provides for his family, Jesus provides for us as his children. He passes his love to us just as customs were passed down through generations from father to son.

Sports this


GIRLS BASKETBALL: Monday - Practice 3:15-5:00 Tuesday - Practice 3:15 - 5:00 BOYS BASKETBALL: Monday - Practice 3:15-5:00 Tuesday - Practice 3:15 - 4:45 followed by a scrimmage vs. Santa Clara HS Frosh/Soph team depart SJCS at 4:45

The Mission of SJCS The mission of SJCS is to advance the kingdom of God by providing exceptional teaching and curriculum fully integrated with Biblical perspective. Within our committed Christian community, we live to engage and transform culture for Jesus Christ.

Tiger Tracks CPTA November Meeting Summary The CPTA held its general meeting on November 19 in the auditorium. The topics that were discuss included preparation for Science Night held that same evening along with the Dine Out Night at Una Mas. Ideas were brought up to increase marketing for these amazing types of school events. The upcoming Staff Holiday Luncheon was also talked through with a fantastic and festive theme nailed down as well as a delightful menu. Emily Rios will be sending out more information to all families with great ways they can be a part of this event. Other topics of discussion were a possible holiday boutique, student lead poster committees, and the need for box top helpers. Lots of great energy and ideas happen during these times of brainstorming so be sure to catch the next meeting scheduled for Friday, January 30 at 8:45am to be a part of the discussion.

SJCS Hosts Special Performance: King’s Brass King’s Brass Here on December 11: You won’t want to miss this….Tim Zimmerman and The King's Brass will perform for our JK - 8 students from 10:30 - 11:30 on Thursday, December 11. But you can join in by joining us for an evening concert at Church of the Chimes (1447 Bryan Ave). at 7 p.m. King’s Brass presents hymn classics with a contemporary flair. The King's Brass features three trumpets, three trombones, a tuba, percussion and keyboards. These instruments blend together to create a time of innovative worship that will be enjoyed by all generations. You can find out more at www.kingsbrass.org.

Tig er Cubs Tips & Information about Preschool! The Benefits of Staying in One School by Suzie Van Ewyk Children change schools for a few common reasons. Parents may move for a job or relocate to another state, which requires a change to a new school. In other cases, parents elect to have their kids switch schools for personal, social, or academic reasons. Whatever the motive, school changes can have a pronounced effect on a student. There are many benefits to remaining in the same school over time. Social Stability Peer relationships are important for the confidence and academic success of students at all ages. If a child remains with the same group of students, deep relationships are able to form and grow. When students are comfortable in their classroom environment, the educational benefits are profound. Even though every student might not “get along” every day, knowing that they will be together for years provides great incentive for them to work things out, which allows for the teaching of valuable conflict-resolution skills. Academic Stability Students face a variety of academic challenges when switching schools, and grade-level curriculum can vary from one school to the next. The best way to ensure consistency and reduce academic anxiety is to remain in a school where parents and teachers can communicate and plan for upcoming academic challenges. When teachers already know a child’s academic needs, they are ideally suited to prepare that student for the next level and communicate any accumulated knowledge to next year’s teacher. School-Child Relationships Success in school is often built on strong collaboration between the school administration, teachers and parents. There is no greater way to build this collaboration than time. As teachers, administrators, and parents learn to work together effectively, the student benefits immeasurably. Remaining in the same community also allows for teachers (current and past) to work together to meet each child’s needs.


Join us for the SJCS Annual Christmas Concert Featuring the SJCS choir & each of the SJCS bands. December 5, 2014 | 7:00pm | San Jose Christian Reformed Church

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