Tiger Tracks - June 6, 2016

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Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | June 6, 2016 Summer Office Hours 8:00am - 4:00pm

This Week at SJCS Tues


Middle School Awards | 8:40am - SJCS Auditorium 8th Grade Graduation | 7pm Fremont Presbyterian Church



Kindergarten Graduation | 9am - SJCS Auditorium Minimum Day Early Dismissal | 11:45am Extended Care available



Campus Closed | No Classes Preschool Closed



Campus Closed | No Classes Preschool Closed ———————————— Continue Scrip Orders in the Summer! Thursday, June 16 Thursday, June 30 Thursday, July 28 Thursday, August 11

Jenn’s Pen - Inside Out by: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson

It’s here. The final day of school. As the saying goes, 8me flies when you are having fun, and I think this year has flown by. It has been a blessing to be together this year as we have learned to live Inside Out. I trust that we have all experienced God’s grace, mercy, blessing, and peace this year as we’ve all grown academically, spiritually, emo8onally, physically and socially. It has been an amazing year! In the first Tiger Tracks of the year, I challenged us all to allow our lives to speak as loudly as our lips as we set off to Love, Learn and Serve together from the inside out. Take some 8me to reflect on that with your family. Ask your student about what they have learned about living Inside Out. As we live out Christ who is in us, our joy in Him will be reflected to others. That is our charge from our theme verse of Gala8ans 2:20, that we live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave himself for us. Enjoy each other this summer, and may God’s blessing and peace go with you.

Hearty Volunteer Work Days The following dates have been set aside to be on campus work days. These days will consist of painting, staining, sanding, planting, mulching, raking, moving furniture, etc. WE HAVE MUCH TO ACCOMPLISH THIS SUMMER. There are 2 sessions each day: 8AM-12PM AND 3PM-7PM. Come when you can, for as long as you can. June 16,20,22,28,30 July 5 (just the 3-7 session), 7,9,16,18,26,28 August 1,2,4 August 6 is the official all school work day

Last Day of School We reached our school reading goal! Thanks to some amazing readers in our elementary school, we were able to greatly surpass our goal of 150,000 pages read this semester. On Wednesday, we will have a time of celebration with Kona Ice coming to give (free) snow cones to all of our students. This will take place during the school day. Any class parties will be after school (11:45 or later) and will be coordinated by room parents. Thank you for another wonderful year!

BoxTops Class Winner for 2015-2016 Together we raised $597 for SJCS and our curb appeal fund. This year the 4th grade class donated the largest number of box tops. Together they submitted 2166 box tops equaling $216.60 toward our goal. Thank you all for continuing to clip and save! Do not hesitate to drop off your boxtops during the summer. We would love to get a head start on our $750 goal for next year.

Tiger Tracks Looking for a Tutor

SJCS Summer Camp

If you are considering getting extra help for your child over the summer, please see Mr. Intlekofer for a recommendation.

Looking for a great summer experience for your child? Look no further than our very own SJCS Summer Camp! Flyers for summer camp are available in the office, and the full brochures are available on line at www.sjchristian.org.

Extended Care Open June 8 As a reminder Extended Care is open on the last day of school June 8. The campus will be closed on June 9 & 10 to prepare for the launch of summer camp on Monday, June 13.

Report Cards Report Cards will go out in the mail next week for all of our students. Accounts must be current to receive your child’s report card. Please return any borrowed text books or equipment. Additionally please pick up any student medication from the school office.

Amazing Jazz Show Friday evening, we had the chance to enjoy another wonderful Jazz Band concert. Our current Jazz Band members joined together to provide a great evening of musical entertainment. Thanks to Mrs. Baham for another great year of music, and thanks to the many parents who helped with set up and clean up for the show.

Neighborhood Driving Thank you for your continued awareness of the speed limit in the neighborhood and on our campus. Be sure to keep an eye out for bikers, and look forward to next year for special bike to school days.

End of Year Accounts Please note that all accounts must be current by the end of the year for students to receive their final report cards. Thanks for your help!

SJCS Dads Summer Hang time! SJCS Dad’s will meet up for breakfast and fellowship throughout the summer! Come get to know the other dads at SJCS and share your struggles and triumphs, your prayers and your praise! Next meet up: The Original Hick'ry Pit – Campbell 7am to 9am PST, July 9th 2016 Please RSVP to Dan at danstpeter@gmail.com

Trees for the Future SJCS is happy to announce that we are a TreeRing Green Yearbook School! Together we purchased 165 yearbooks and with that our partner, Trees for the Future, will plant that many trees in our school's name. Great job everyone.

Teacher Tales | Spotlight on Milestone Years by Mr. I This year, we have a few wonderful staff members reaching a "milestone" in their service at SJCS. Mrs. (Diephouse) Medeiros and Mrs. Nelson have taught for 5 years at our school. Mrs. Phillips is completing her 10th year; and Mrs. Wakatsuki has served our school for 25 years! Each of these women have a profound impact on our school culture and are a huge part of what makes our community special. Please be sure to wish them a Happy Anniversary, and share a story of how they have impacted your life or the life of your child. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful staff!

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