Tiger Tracks - May 9, 2016

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Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | May 9, 2016 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815

This Week at SJCS See Sports Section for Practice Schedule & Games



Clubs 3:15pm | 4:15pm Mad Science SJCS Association Meeting | 7:00pm - Auditorium



6th Grade Field Trip Departure Clubs 3:15pm | 4:15pm Robotics



Minimum Day - Early Dismissal at 11:45am


Jenn’s Pen - A Grateful Heart by: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson “Give thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One.” Those are words to a Don Moen praise song that has been around for a while. I know that I’ve sung it at least one hundred times, and it has served to remind me that all things are gifts from God. All the great things and all the challenging things in our lives are gifts, but are we always grateful? Do we sometimes catch ourselves saying things like: “I am glad for receiving this, but I wish it was more.” “This situation is hard, how am I supposed to be grateful?” I think we can all answer yes to those questions. Having a heart of gratitude is both a choice and a challenge, however, let this be a reminder to be thankful for everything that we experience in life because God uses it all to draw us closer to His heart and through it all we will learn to trust Him more and more with all of life! A thankful heart is a happy heart and a grateful heart prepares the way of the Lord. The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. Psalm 28:7

GrandFriends Day


All students are encouraged to invite grandparents, parents and friends to the annual GrandFriends Day Celebration this Friday May 13, 2016.

Moms In Prayer | 8:30am Room 16 6th Grade Returns

Click here to RSVP for you and your guests.

Clubs 3:15pm — 4:15pm Young Explorers


A draft agenda and Frequently Asked Questions and Answers are available on our website at www.sjchristian.org


GrandFriends Day 2016 Program Begins at 8:45am SJCS Auditorium Clubs 3:15pm — 4:15pm Kicks & Hoops / Ms. Webbs Favorites

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San Jose Christian School



Tiger Tracks It is not too late to order your yearbook!

Field Day 2016

If you haven't already ordered your yearbook, please do so now. Yearbooks are available at www.treering.com. Our passcode number is 1013449838724379. lf you have any questions or need additional help, please contact Mrs. Singh in the front office.

Our 2016 Field Day event will held this Friday from 12:30pm - 3pm. Field Day is an afternoon of fun competitive team activities for the students. Parents and GrandFriends are welcome to attend and cheer on their students. Please note that Field Day events are mandatory for students grades 1 through 8.

SJCS Summer Camp

SJCS Association Meets Tonight

Looking for a great summer experience for your child? Look no further than our very own SJCS Summer Camp! Flyers for summer camp are available in the office, and the full brochures are available on line at www.sjchristian.org.

End of Year Accounts Please note that all accounts must be current by the end of the year for students to receive their final report cards. Thanks for your help!

15th Annual Sports Awards Come join us for a time to celebrate all the athletes who participated in sports this school year. Our awards event is at 6:30pm on May 26th at the Campbell Community Center. Watch your e-mail for more information and a sign-up for attendance.

Sports this


Each May, we hold the annual SJCS Association Meeting in which our Association members vote in new trustees and approve the budget for the upcoming school year. This year’s Association meeting is Tonight, May 9 at 7pm in the SJCS Auditorium. If you’d like to join the Association, contact Betsy Phillips in the office (bphillips@sjchristian.org).

Jazz Show Ahead Friday, June 3 is the date for our annual Jazz Show, tickets will be available Friday morning outside the school office.

Concert on the Green Don’t miss out on one of the most fun events of the year: our annual Concert on the Green. Friday, May 20 we will celebrate our outstanding music program. Beginning at 6:30pm, you and your family can bring your favorite blankets, lawn chairs, and picnic items to enjoy musical performances from SJCS students in 4th grade and up. The audience sets up on the elementary school field for the performance. No tickets necessary. Just come and enjoy!

Congratulations to all our Girls Soccer players on finishing out their season this past week. The girls ended the year with a home win against Achiever and a well played game against Los Gatos. The girls worked hard and showed great improvement over the season. Please remember to wash and turn in all athletic uniforms to the office asap. The Annual SJCS Sports Awards Night will be held on Thursday. May 26. The event will be held at the Campbell Community Center and will run from 6:30-8:00. Join us for the night as we celebrate our student athletes and coaches!

Tiger Tracks Teacher Tales by: Mr. Intlekofer Spotlight on Preschool We have a fantas+c preschool! It has been such a joy to watch our preschool grow over the past two years, and next year we will be opening an addi+onal classroom (and we will STILL have a waitlist to get in!). The ar+cle below (excerpt from the Iowa Associa+on of School Boards literature review) gives a great overview of the benefits of a preschool like ours. Quality preschool is a wise investment. Research shows that funds invested in early educa+on have a large payback. Children who aJend quality preschool typically enter kindergarten with increased cogni+ve abili+es, increased literacy and mathema+cs skills, and they tend to get along with others beJer than children who did not aJend preschool. Preschool aJendance has also been associated with posi+ve benefits las+ng into adulthood. Adults with quality preschool experience are more likely to take post-­‐ secondary courses, tend to have higher incomes, and are less likely to be involved in the criminal jus+ce system than adults with similar backgrounds who did not aJend quality preschool. The literature review on early childhood educa+on suggests preschool educa+on is posi+vely associated with significant and long-­‐las+ng effects on student achievement. Preschool experience also demonstrated posi+ve and long-­‐las+ng benefits linked to student mathema+cs achievement. Nine out of ten studies measuring short-­‐ term effects reported a significant advantage for children with preschool experience, while seven out of nine longitudinal studies found that students in later years tended to maintain superiority in mathema+cs achievement over peers without preschool experience.

UPCOMING EVENTS! May 9 Association Meeting | 7pm SJCS Auditorium - TONIGHT! May 13 GrandFriends Day | 8:45am SJCS Auditorium May 13 Field Day | 12:30pm MS Field May 20 Concert on the Green | 6:30pm | Elementary Field May 23 - 27 SJCS Spirit Week May 26 Sports Awards Event | 6:30pm | Campbell Community Center, Orchard Banquet Hall June 3 SJCS Annual Jazz Show | SJCS Auditorium June 7 Middle School Awards Ceremony | 8:40am | SJCS Auditorium June 7 SJCS Graduation | 7:00pm | Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church June 8 Kindergarten Graduation | Time To Be Announced June 8 Last Day of the 2015-16 School year June 13 Kick Off – SJCS Summer Camp 2016!

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