Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | September 8, 2014
This Week at SJCS Mon
Fall Sports Practice: Cross Country, Football & Softball
Walk-a-Thon Planning Mtg. 8:30am | Room 12 Fall Sports Practice: Cross Country, Football & Softball Middle School Back to School Night 6:30pm | Auditorium
Fall Sports Practice: Cross Country, Football & Softball 7th Grade Spiritual Retreat Depart Time 3:15pm
Moms in Prayer 8:30am | Room 12 Fall Sports Practice: Cross Country, Football & Softball
7th Grade Spiritual Retreat Return Time 5:00pm
Advanced Dates
9/16 | Picture Day
9/17 | Minimum Day No Classes - 11:45am Dismissal Extended Care Open
9/18-19 | Faculty Retreat No Classes - Extended Care Open
Tiger Stripes by Mr. Den Boer Reflections on Who We Are
Cardboard Challenge Returns to SJCS!
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In a couple of weeks, your students are going to take part in an amazing activity: The Global Cardboard Challenge. The event is the result of interest in a short film called Caine’s Arcade about a little boy with a lot of creativity. You can watch the first movie and the follow up by clicking the highlighted links.
One exciting indication of living out the “Desire to Learn” part of our tag line is the consistently high results on the yearly Terra Nova standardized testing. Our elementary students score an average of two to three years above grade level, while our middle schoolers are three to five years in advance of grade level.
As part of the Cardboard Challenge, SJCS students will join with over 300 groups from around the world in cultivating creativity and ingenuity. On Friday, September 26 student teams will combine kids from all grade levels to dream up and construct interactive games made out of cardboard and other household supplies. The results of their work will be on display for everyone to play at the Walk-a-Thon.
So What’s the Difference? Part 2 High Academic Standards & Exceptional Instruction
Webster says that differentiate means “to see or state the difference or differences between two or more things.”
While we certainly are pleased with these results, our motivation for providing exceptional instruction goes well beyond academic achievement. It comes right out of scripture itself. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,...” Colossians 3:23 How can we be a Christian school unless we are continually seeking excellence? But there is another factor to excellence. We at SJCS are called to examine all things in light of Colossians 2:3, where we read that in Christ ‘are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.’ We at SJCS consider carefully the question, “How can we, or any school, be excellent unless we honor Colossians 2:3 in all subject areas? What a privilege it is to strive for true excellence by recognizing the kingship of Jesus over all things!
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The Global Cardboard Challenge engages students deeply and fits well with the SJCS mission to nurture a desire to learn. Parent volunteers are needed for planning and on Build Day. If you’re interested, please email Ms. Diephouse at rdiephouse@sjchristian.org Stay tuned for more details in the weeks ahead!
Connect with SJCS San Jose Christian School
@SJCS_Tigers sjcstigers
Tiger Tracks Middle School Sports Flag Football: Practice Mon-Thurs 3:15-5:00pm First game: Monday, September 15, 3:30 Home vs. Baymonte
Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School. At SJCS, we are very intentional about our approach to education, and we are proud of our “teach, not ban” philosophy. We teach students to engage culture from a Biblical worldview and practice using discernment in their daily lives.
Softball: Practice Mon-Thurs 3:15-4:45pm First game: Tuesday, September 16, 3:30 Home vs. Baymonte
Reminder: ALL participation paperwork and participation fee must be turned in before athletes are eligible to play in games.
Parenting the Love & Logic Way REGISTER TODAY! The SJCS teaching staff is offering a six session parenting course designed by the Love and Logic Institute. Sessions will begin September 15 and run each Monday 6:30-8:30 pm through October 22. To register or ask additional questions please email umeyer@sjchristian.org.
Rosetta Stone - Last Call! If you would like your child (or yourself) to participate in foreign language learning this year, Wednesday is the last day to sign up. Rosetta Stone makes learning a language convenient, and it has proven itself to be very effective for students and adult learners. Please email Dave Intlekofer (dintlekofer@sjchristian.org) with the student (or adult) name, grade, and language to be learned, and we will get you signed up. Student participation is FREE! Adult subscriptions (1 year long) are $50.
Loaned Field Trip Shirts If you borrowed a Field Trip shirt last year, please return it to the office by the end of the week. Thank you.
A great example of this is in Mrs. Hendrick’s 6th grade Bible class, where students have been discussing the theme of discernment. They have examined the impact that our viewing/listening habits have on our thoughts and actions.been discussing the theme of discernment. They have examined the impact that our viewing/listening habits have on our thoughts and actions. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we are influenced by the world around us and the things we watch/hear/read.
Students have been learning a strategy to examine the messages we receive from various media (advertising, radio, TV, etc.): put them to the TEST!
T—Is it True or Trustworthy? E—Is it Edifying? S—Is it Seen in God’s Word? T—Is it a Trap?
Through this method, students are learning to “Test everything; hold fast to what is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
Picture Day — Reminder Picture Day will be Tuesday, September 16 at SJCS. Be sure to have this on your calendar!
Mom’s In Prayer The SJCS MIP group will be meeting this week on Thursday in Room 12. Please send your prayer requests to sjcsmip@gmail.com.
See You at the Pole See You At The Pole is a Global Day of Student Prayer held in schools around the world, and at SJCS we count it a privilege to participate. Please join us for prayer at the flagpole on Wednesday, September 24 at 7:50am. Ephesians 6:18 is the theme scripture for the 2014 SYATP. To learn more, visit www.syatp.com.
Tiger Tracks Pizza and Milk Payments Just a reminder to turn in your payments for Pizza, Milk and Frozen Friday orders. If you are unsure of the amount, please contact Mrs. Garside at tgarside@sjchristian.org or stop by the school office between the hours of 8:30am - 3:00pm.
MS Back-to-School Night Back-to-School Night for 6th - 8th grade parents is tomorrow Tuesday, September 9. The event runs from 6:30pm - 8:10pm and takes families through a day in the life of their middle school student. Traveling from class to class and hearing from the teachers is a great way to gain insight into our middle school programs and opportunities. SJCS 5th grade parents: We invite you to attend as well to learn about the middle school.
Tiger Cubs - Preschool News & Information ! From our Preschool Director, Mrs. Van Ewyk: !
Many people assume that creativity is an inborn talent that their kids either do or do not have: just as all children are not equally athletic or tall, all children are not equally creative. However, creativity is more skill than inborn talent, and it is a skill parents can help their kids develop. Here are 5 simple ways to foster creativity in your child:
1. Provide the resources they need for creative expression. Kids need a lot of time for unstructured, child-directed imaginative play – unencumbered by adult direction.
2. Encourage your child to fail. Yes, fail – kids who are afraid of failure and judgment will curb their own creative thought. Share the mistakes you've made recently and the lessons you learned, so they get the idea that it is okay to flub up.
3. Encourage children to read for pleasure and participate in the arts. Limit TV and other screen time in order to make room for creative activities like creating a play, learning to draw, or reading every book written by a favorite author.
4. Don't reward children for exhibiting creativity. Incentives interfere with the creative process, reducing the quality of their responses and the flexibility of their thought. Allow children to develop mastery of creative activities that they are intrinsically motivated to do, rather than trying to motivate them with rewards and incentives.
5. Try to stop caring about what your child achieves. Emphasize process rather than product. One way you can do this is by asking questions about the process – Did you have fun? What did you like about that activity? Did you do your best?