Tiger Tracks - February 8, 2016

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Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | February 8, 2016 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815




Sports Practice Mad Science | 3:15 Room 8 Love & Logic | 5pm Room 17



Sports Practice 4th Grade Field Trip



Sports Practice All School Showcase 6:30pm



Sports Practice Moms In Prayer | 8:30am Room 16



NO SCHOOL-Ext Care Open

Advanced Dates 2/19 CPTA Meeting 2/22-26 Volunteer Appreciation Week 2/26 Volunteer Dinner 3/7 Spring Town Hall 3/14-18 Standardized Testing 3/14-18 Staff Appreciation Week 4/9 - Spring Auction

Jenn’s Pen - Showcase Spotlight! by: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson I am really excited about this week’s SHOWCASE! I love to see students celebrate that

Learning is Fun. Enjoy that your child wants to show off the work that they have been doing in class. However, do not stop at that classroom! At each grade level, student work will be available to see and experience. Teachers want to brag about their students and showcase their learning.

Speaking of celebraJons, I want to thank many of you for aKending our first Principal’s High Honor Breakfast that was held last week in honor of students in grades 5-­‐8 who have achieved high honors for the first semester. More than 100 people aKended the breakfast and got to see Chef Intlekofer scramble some delicious eggs and taste Mrs. Singh’s fluffy pancakes. It was a joy-­‐filled morning of fellowship and recogniJon. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each

other up.

Basketball Showdown!

This past Friday night the SJCS community gathered at the Campbell ChrisJan School gym to watch two baKles of epic proporJon. Yes, the gym was buzzing with anJcipaJon as the crowd waited for the 2016 Basketball Showdown to begin. As fans entered the gym they were greeted with vivacious music, friendly faces, and of course, basketball. The night started with the boys vs. girls game. The boys came out ready to play, and with tough defense and aggressive offense they built a big lead. In the second half the girls played tough and began to work their way back into the game. The boys pulled out the win in the end, with a great effort by both teams. The boys and girls then combined to take on the SJCS staff basketball team. A total of 17 players suited up and donned the "old school" SJCS green and gold Rams jerseys to play. The boys and girls combined to give the staff a good baKle and almost took the victory right out of their hands. A^er the game, the staff and students came together to congratulate one another on a well played game. Smiles were all around as families were leaving the gym. It was a night enjoyed by all.

Tiger Tracks Spring Auction Planning Begins

The Auction Is Coming!

If you are interested in helping plan the upcoming Spring Auction please email bphillips@sjchristian.org. We are building the committee and need YOU!

One of the most enjoyable events for the SJCS community every year is the annual auction. The auction supports special projects at school. This year’s event will be on Saturday April 9 at 6pm at the Campbell Community Center. We hope to see all of year there. Attached to the Tiger Tracks you will find a donation form. If you are interested in donating services, vacation rentals or another great item please complete the form and turn it in to the office. Contact Betsy Phillips at bphillips@sjchristian.org with questions or comments.

8th Grade Tributes for Yearbook Just a reminder that Tribute Ads for 8th Graders are due next Friday, February 12. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Singh.

Re-enrollment Deadline Remember that the deadline to get the best rate on reenrollment is Thursday, February 12. If you need another copy of the re-enrollment materials that were mailed to your home please contact the office.

Have You Heard of TIGER Bucks? You, our families, know best about the quality of the SJCS staff, programs, and our campus. Each of you are powerful witnesses for our school in the community at large, and we encourage you to share your love for our school with your friends, relatives, neighbors, and co-workers. To thank you for your efforts in promoting our school, we have developed the TIGER Bucks program. Any family directly instrumental in bringing new families to our school will receive $500 in TIGER Bucks for every family that enrolls at San Jose Christian. Just make sure that the new, referred family names you on the application at the time of enrollment. You may use TIGER Bucks for a variety of school-related expenses. In November we will send you information on how to redeem them.


Please notice that the curb is the RED ZONE. There is no parking or leaving cars unattended in the RED ZONE. That lane is a moving drop-off and pick-up lane. If you need to walk your child to class, please park in a designated parking space.

Sports this


Save the Date! The students and faculty at SJCS will be celebrating our Volunteers the week of February . Our goal is to show our appreciation to each person who supports SJCS with time and energy. This special week will culminate with an appreciation dinner on Friday, February 27. Watch for details and location information in the Tiger Tracks.

Extended Care Schedule for Friday, 2/12/16 7:00a – 9:15a Free Time/Sign In 9:15a – 10:00a Snack, Playground, Outdoor Games 10:00a – 10:45a Valentine Fortunes 10:45a – 11:30a Indoor Game (Gaga Ball) 11:30a – 12:15p Lunch 12:15p – 1:00p Playground, Outdoor Games 1:00p – 2:00p Crafts/Games 2:00p – 2:45p Heart Pillows 2:45p – 3:00p Indoor Game (Paper Airplane Race) 3:00p – 3:15p Snack 3:15p – 4:00p Playground, Outdoor Games 4:00p – 4:45p Group Game (Captain is Coming!) 4:45p – 6:00p Games/Crafts (Movie @ 5:15pm) Clubs are Here! See the attached and sign up soon!

Boys Soccer: Please turn in all athletic participation documents and fees to the office. Monday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Tuesday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Wednesday: SJCS vs. Los Gatos Christian @ Los Gatos Christian 3:30 Thursday: SJCS vs. Campbell Christian @ Campbell Christian 3:3 Friday: TBD

Girls Volleyball: Please turn in all athletic participation documents and fees to the office. Monday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Tuesday: SJCS vs. Los Gatos Christian @ Campbell Christian 3:30 Wednesday: SJCS vs. Achiever Christian @ Almaden Community Center 3:30 Thursday: SJCS vs. Campbell Christian @ Campbell Christian 3:30

Tiger Tracks

Teacher Tales Community Service turns to Experiencing the “Heart of Christ” -­‐-­‐by Mrs. Coetsee On Wednesday February 3rd, the 7th grade class was off to Sacred Heart Community Services with the intenJon of blessing them with our volunteer hours and a load of donaJons. What ended up happening is that the students were blessed by the “Heart of Christ” that reigns in all the acJviJes and services offered at the center! “Sacred Heart” refers to the Heart of Christ. The heart of Christ is clearly exemplified by not only the staff at Sacred Heart Community Services, but by their moKo, “Dignity, Compassion, and Respect”. The goal of workers and volunteers at the center is to make sure every single person who enters the facility’s doors experiences compassion, dignity, and respect. No one is turned away, and no one is mistrusted. Students learned about the history of the Sacred Heart center, all the programs and services offered at the facility, and about what living in poverty actually means. They soon realized that “living in poverty” does not simply mean having too liKle food. In fact, lack of housing, lack of educaJon, lack of mental ability, lack of income, and such factors can also put one in the “poverty” category. The “face of poverty” in students’ minds is usually a homeless person on the street, so they were surprised to learn that the average person living in poverty in the world is only 5 years old! Another staJsJc which the 7th graders were not prepared for is that over 46 million people are living in poverty right now in the US alone! We brought our part in extending dignity, compassion, and respect to the people in need. The 7th graders donated seven large bags filled with toiletries and warm clothing. Our hands-­‐on community service consisted of re-­‐packing 50-­‐lb bags of carrots into family size bags to be distributed to families. Some students sorted clothing and other donaJons. A^er leaving school with the intent of being a blessing, we ended up being blessed ourselves. We came back to school much wiser, and by God’s grace the moKo of treaJng others with dignity, compassion, and respect will stay with us for a lifeJme.

Tiger Cubs

"W" Signg If you have visited one of the preschool classrooms, you may have heard a teacher say "fix your legs" to one of the students. If you were to look at the child, their legs would be forming a "W." This is o^en called "W signg" and it is not an encouraged posiJon for play. It can have negaJve effects on hips, knees, and body posiJoning. In addiJon, it can affect a child's ability to develop hand dexterity and dominance. While children may seem comfortable in this posiJon, it is best to avoid making this a habit.

Deducting childcare costs for your income taxes? SJCS Tax ID# is 94-6050093. For a detailed receipt, contact Tanya Garside (tgarside@sjchristian.org).

Spotlight on Chapel -­‐ by Mrs. Baham "In the beginning, God created..." (Gen. 1:1) And His creaJon was good. As man's sin entered the world, the beauty was marred and as human beings we struggle to live in the glory of God's image. But as God's people we have hope as the Truth of Jesus Christ teaches us to live freely and fully, through God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As God's people, we can praise Him, even though we live in a broken world. (Ps. 145) As image-­‐bearers of God, we are CREATIVES. CreaJng is part of who we are. On January 14, Iowa arJst Melynda Van Zee spoke at both the MS and ES chapels about her journey as a creaJve. As she painted live and shared slides of her work, we were each encouraged to explore our God-­‐given creaJvity and discover joy in living as God's creaJve people. CreaJvity extends beyond visual art into areas such as problem-­‐ solving, growing relaJonships, doing math, and dancing in the park. As Melynda closed her Jme in chapel, she encouraged us to create freely as she reminded us of Isaiah 62. "You will be a stunning crown in the palm of God's hand, a jeweled gold cup held high in the hand of your God. No more will anyone call you Rejected, and your country will no more be called Ruined. You will be called Hephzibah, My Delight...because God delights in you."

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