Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | September 21, 2015 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
This Week at SJCS Mon
Flag Football Season Opener 3:45 @ SJCS vs. CCS Softball & Cross Country Practice 3:15pm - 4:45pm
WAT Planning Meeting 8:30am | Auditorium Chess Wizards | 3:15 Rm 20 Flag Football @ Milpitas | 3:30 Softball Scrimmage | 3:30pm @ SJCS vs. ACS Cross Country | 3:30pm at Alum Rock Park
Early Dismissal @ 11:45am Softball Optional Practice 12 noon - 1pm
No Classes JK through 8 Teacher Retreat Extended Care Open Preschool Open
No Classes JK through 8 Teacher Retreat Extended Care Open Preschool Open
Advanced Dates 10/3 SJCS Walk a Thon 10/17 School Showcase for inquiring families
Jenn’s Pen
Commitment to Serve
by: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
Thank you, generous families, for your love and support for the fire victims! This is just one of many piles that were taken to families over the weekend. This is how we serve INSIDE OUT.
A month of school already in the books. WOW! Time really does fly when we are having fun. As I have wandered in to classrooms and gotten to know students this month, I have been so grateful that God called me in to Christian education. Please click here to read a few of my thoughts on my new blog, Jenn’s Pen. Also, I hope that you have October 3 saved on your calendar. I cannot wait to see you all at the Walk-A-Thon. What a great community event! It is going to be a very exciting day, and your support for this big day is already appreciated.
Picture Day -Tomorrow School photos will be taken Tuesday, September 22 starting at 8:30 am. Order forms are available in the school office. Please be sure to have your payment and order form ready for the photographer. Pictures for Preschool through 8th grade will be taken. Flag Football, Softball and Cross-Country team pictures will also be taken. Please contact Mrs. Singh if you have any questions.
Extended Care Wednesday In our effort to partner with parents, we would like to offer free extended care (until 3pm) on minimum days. However, we need your help to staff appropriately. If you do not frequently use extended care and would like this Wednesday, September 23rd, please email Kimberly Basl (kbasl@sjchristian.org) with the names of children attending. (If you use extended care regularly, there is no need to e-mail us.)
7th Grade Retreat Last week, Dr. Jonathan Fung lead our 7th grade class on an amazing journey of faith. The purpose of the retreat was to encourage the students to take time to focus on God, away from distractions. Please take a moment to read Dr. J’s reflections on page 4.
Join us! See You at the Pole See You At the Pole gathers gathers millions across the globe to pray for students and their campuses. This year’s theme UNITED is found in Acts 1:14. This year’s theme encourages us to unite as believers to pray continually. Pray for a school year focused on Christ. Pray for your family and friends. Pray for your teachers. Pray for our country. Pray for our world. Parents, students and faculty are welcome to join us in the SJCS auditorium on Wednesday, September 23 between 7:50 - 8:15 AM to enjoy freedom of religion and to intercede on behalf of SJCS and our world.
Tiger Tracks Attention future moviemakers! SJCS is hosting its very own film festival again this fall! We know that our students have great imaginations, critical eyes, and fantastic acting abilities, and we want to show them off! Therefore, on Friday, November 6, we will be hosting a film festival on the red carpet in our auditorium. We have the date, and we have some plans, but we need your participation. Email rdiephouse@sjchristian.org for more details.
Like and Follow SJCS! SJCS is taking to social media to get the word out about all of the great things happening in our school community. Include us in your Twitter feed by following @sjcs_tigers. Visit our homepage and click on the Facebook icon and like our page to get status updates, pictures, and posts from SJCS and share them with your friends. Instagram users can get to our page by clicking on the Instagram icon and follow us from there.
SJCS Magnets are Back!
Photographers Needed
Each family is welcome to one free magnet and is encouraged to make a donation of $2 for additional magnets. Stop by the school office to stock up!
Amateur Photographers/ Videographers/Editors Needed
Chess Wizards Tomorrow Our chess club will begin Tuesday at 3:15 (until 4:15) in room 20. There is still time to sign up! Go to chesswizards.com and follow the links to our after-school program. If you have questions, please email Mr. I.
Mad Science Filling Fast! As of this morning there are only 7 more slots for our Mad Science club (K-5th only). Go to madscience.org and follow the links to register (make sure you select the Bay Area or Campbell as your location in the upper right).
Lost and Found Missing clothing, PE uniforms, water bottles, books, or anything else? Check out the Lost and Found cabinet located inside the back door of the office (by the bookkeeper and the bathrooms). The shelves are already filling up.
Sports this
We are assembling a volunteer core of event photographers, videographers, and video editors that can be deployed to SJCS events throughout the 2015-2016 year. If you are interested in improving your photography/videography skills beyond what your camera phone can do, some technical coaching will be provided as we go. For video editors, we need folks with some experience in software such as iMovie, Final Cut, or Adobe Premiere (with the ability to edit footage and blend with soundtracks.) Please contact Ken Fong at kfong99@yahoo.com if you are interested in joining the team. Our first assignment will be the Walkathon on October 3.
Flag Football
Cross Country
Practice 3:15pm - 4:45pm
Season Opener 3:45 at SJCS vs CCS
Practice 3:15pm - 4:45pm
Scrimmage at SJCS vs. ACS | 3:30pm
Game Day 3:30 at Milpitas Christian
Meet 3:30 at Alum Rock Park
Optional Practice 12noon - 1pm
No Practice
No Practice
No Practice
No Practice
No Practice
Tiger Tracks Special Section of the Tiger Tracks for our Preschool “Tiger Cubs” Pretend Play: by Suzie Van Ewyk
Pretend Play: Why is it important Parents often hear of the importance of play in preschool. But playing with dolls and blocks seems to have little to do with the academic knowledge that children will need to succeed in school. So why is it so important? Play is the foundation for all learning for young children, and giving your child the time and a few basic toys can provide her with a variety of valuable learning opportunities. Play is how children begin to understand and process their world. Children's play unlocks their creativity and imagination, and develops reading, thinking, and problem solving skills as well as further develops motor skills. It provides the base foundation for learning. Why is play so important and what do preschoolers learn when they play? Language and Vocabulary Development When playing with other children or adults, vocabulary and language skills are fostered. Your child will listen and learn the language she hears without even realizing. Children will learn to use language to communicate meaning as well as picking up new words and hearing the grammatical structure of the English language. Imagination and Creativity In our fast paced and high tech society, children have fewer and fewer opportunities to use and develop their creativity. Children who are not given frequent opportunities to play may have a difficult time entertaining themselves as they simply do not know what to do without instruction. By providing opportunities for open ended play, your child will automatically get her creative juices flowing, and the possibilities are endless. Problem Solving and Mathematics Children can solve complex problems that arise as they play and learn a few mathematical principals as well. Blocks and puzzles are excellent “basics” to provide your child with many opportunities to foster these important skills. Gross and Fine Motor Development Gross motor skills involve the large muscles of the legs and arms while fine motor development is building the muscles of the hands that will be used for writing. Play can provide many opportunities to work on strengthening these muscles without your child even being aware of it! Gather up the toys you have around the house and make it a point to provide ample time for play. Playing around with your child is sure to provide many wonderful childhood memories and reap some great educational benefits as well!
Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School. 1st Grade Alphabet Exchange by Karen Camarota This year’s first grade class is participating in an International Alphabet Exchange. We are joining 25 other Kindergarten and First Grade classrooms from across the country, and even in Canada, to create a classroom alphabet. Here is how it works: Each classroom is assigned a letter. Ours is the letter “D”. Each alphabet letter is customized with items (or pictures) that start with that letter. Once the class has created their alphabet letters, each letter is mailed to the 25 other classrooms that are participating, across the country. Our first grade mailed our letters last week, and we have already received four responses! We would love for all of you to come see our alphabet letters. They will be proudly displayed on our back wall. Our first response was the letter “R,” which arrived from Ms. Lantz’s Kindergarten class in Imperial, Missouri. We got to learn all about Missouri. We are excited to see which letters come next!