Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | January 19, 2016 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
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8th Grade Graduation Photos
Moms In Prayer | 8:30am Room 16
Frozen Friday
Jenn’s Pen - Early is On Time by: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson
How many of you remember your first job? I certainly do, and I will never forget the first words of advice that my first boss ever gave me. I have now given those same words of advice to every person with whom I’ve ever worked. I would like to pass them along to you. EARLY IS ON TIME. That four word sentence has been my mantra at work. If any of you know LaJn culture, those words were not easy to get insJlled in the school culture in Miami. Most people ran on what they dubbed “Cuban Time” which meant at least 15 minutes, oPen much more, behind schedule. As we begin the second semester today, let us all remember those four words. Early is on Jme. Commit to arrive early to school so that the day can begin calmly with all students ready to learn. By respecJng the teachers in this way, we will all experience a culture where engaged learning sets the tone for a great school day. Es el &empo temprano
TOUCH A TRUCK! 10am 2pm | SJCS Campus
Advanced Dates 1/25 Re-Enrollment Begins
1st Semester Report Cards Report Cards for 1st Semester will be sent home with students on Friday, January 22.
1/29&30 3-5 Musical
2/1 High Honors Breakfast
Keep bringing in your BoxTops! Every BoxTop is a minimum of 10¢ for SJCS.
2/10 All School Showcase 2/19 CPTA Meeting 2/22-26 Volunteer Appreciation Week 2/26 Volunteer Dinner 3/7 Spring Town Hall
Connect with SJCS San Jose Christian School
Promote SJCS
Touch a Truck is Here!
The Showcase event this past week was a successful event. It is vital for you to continue to promote SJCS in and out of your circle of friends. Our goal is to grow enrollment in the the 2016-2017 school year. Help us achieve that goal by continuing to tell your SJCS story.
Saturday is the BIG day! Come join us and make our first Touch a Truck an amazing time of family fun. Please pass along the attached flyer to a friend-we're hoping to have 500 people on campus. We have arranged for overflow parking in the ebay parking lots, the business park on the corner of Hamilton/Leigh, and at Valley Christian Elementary School. We will have food trucks, the SJPD Bearcat (look it up--it's awesome!), construction trucks, a fire truck, bucket truck, big rig, and many more. You and your children will love this event! See you on Saturday.
Don’t forget that our Showcase for you, our current families, is Wednesday, February 10 at 6:30pm. You’ll be able to see what your children are doing this year and get a preview of what class will be like next year.
Tiger Tracks Spring Auction Planning Begins If you are interested in helping plan the upcoming Spring Auction please email bphillips@sjchristian.org. We are building the committee and need YOU!
Chess Club Cancelled Unfortunately, we did not get enough students signed up to meet the minimum number for a chess club session. Mr. I is deciding whether or not to try again in the 4th quarter, so please email him if you would be interested in a club starting in April.
Mad Science Starts Monday! There are only 6 spots left in our Mad Science class! Sign up today at register.madscience.org/thebayarea. The class will run on Mondays from 3:15-4:15 in room 8.
Pizza & Milk 2nd Semester Please be sure to visit www.sjchristian.org to complete your 2nd semester Pizza and Milk Orders. If you have any questions please contact Tanya Garside, SJCS Bookkeeper at ext. 223.
3-5 Musical Ticket Process Join the SJCS 3rd, 4th and 5th grades in the SJCS auditorium on Friday 1/29 at (7 PM) or Saturday 1/30 at (2 PM) as they present an enjoyable musical based on our school theme. Tickets are free, but must be reserved. January 19-22 reservations can be made by the 3-5 families (6 total tickets per family for either performance). January 25-29 will be open tickets for anyone who would like to attend.
8th Grade Graduation Photos Still Light Studios will be taking 8th Grade Graduation photos on Wednesday, January 20. Please remember to have boys dress in a button down shirt and tie. Both a formal and "street clothes" photo will be taken along with a class photo. Be sure to submit your completed order form including payment on the 22nd. Contact Mrs. Singh in the front office should you have any additional questions.
Frozen Friday this Friday! Please visit http://www.sjchristian.org/current/ quick_forms.htm to sign up for 2nd Semester Frozen Friday. Our student council is ready to serve up frozen treats for all who sign up.
Sports Update Girls Basketball Wrap Up: The Lady Tigers finished off their season with an exciting win over Achiever Christian. With the game tied and .5 seconds left on the clock, Ella stepped to the free throw line and made her first attempt, giving the girls a one point win. The Tigers consistently improved throughout the year. Led by 8th graders, Vasiliki and Carmelina, a young Tiger squad gained good experience and played some tough games. Congratulations to all the girls who made this season a success! Boys Basketball Wrap Up: Last Friday was a thrilling final game of the season against Achiever! Coach Fung (aka Dr. J) was so proud of the team and how each player's faith and character grew throughout the season, both on and off the court. This was evident late in the 4th quarter when Eli sank 2 free throws and Derek dribbled full court and made a lay up! The Tigers and the Orange Crush exploded with cheers – these boys will remember their “moment” forever. Dr J said, "As I watched the team rejoice and love on Eli and Derek after the game, my heart was touched because of the amazing act of Christlike love that was demonstrated." Thank you to eighth graders Jared and Nate for their commitment for playing on the team for the past three years with a spirit of excellence. The Tigers will celebrate their successful season this Wednesday after school. Boys Soccer: There will be an information meeting for all boys interested in playing soccer this season on Wednesday at lunch in Rm 16. First practice will be held on Monday, January 25th. Girls Volleyball: Practice will begin on Monday, January 25th.