Tiger Tracks - Feb. 10, 2014

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Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | February 10, 2014

This Week at SJCS Mon


No Events Scheduled



No Events Scheduled



Open House on Wednesday

Coffee Cart on Thursday

Be sure to come to campus Wednesday night from 6:30pm - 8:00pm for our annual All-School Open House. This event is a chance for our parents to celebrate what their children are doing in class this year and get a preview of next year by visiting other classrooms as well. See you Wednesday!

Get your morning started off right with the CPTA Coffee Cart at the curb outside the office. Coffee will be available from 8am - 8:45am on Thursday morning. Catch up with friends before the long weekend!

All School Open House 6:30 - 8pm

Tuition Gift Certificates Now Available


Save money! Buy future tuition at this year’s prices! Last week, we attached information to the Tiger Tracks about the new SJCS tuition gift certificate program approved by the Board of Trustees at our January meeting. With this program, families can buy future years of SJCS tuition at current year prices. Purchases must be made by April 15 to qualify for current year pricing. Contact Tanya Garside to purchase your gift certificate today.


CPTA Coffee Cart 8am - 8:45am | Curb by office



No School - Presidents Weekend Extended Care Open



No School - Presidents Weekend Extended Care Closed

Advanced Dates February 21 7th Grade to Sacred Heart 11:35am - 3pm

February 26 Neighborhood Association Mtg. 6:30pm | Auditorium

February 28 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 7pm | Auditorium

March 5 SJCS Minimum Day 11:45am Dismissal

March 10 Spring Town Hall 6:30pm | Auditorium

2014-15 School Calendar Mr. Intlekofer sent out a soft copy of the 2014-15 school calendar by email earlier this month, but you can find a hard copy attached to today’s Tiger Tracks. If you have any questions about what you see on the calendar, you can contact the office.

SJCS on the Radio Tune in to KFAX 1100 AM this Saturday morning (2/15) at 10:30am for “Every Square Inch - The Christian Education Radio Show.” The episode will feature Mr. Meester discussing Flourishing as an overarching goal for Christian education. You can also find Mr. Meester sharing on past episodes, along with local Christian educators weighing in on many topics by visiting the show’s website: http://www.squareincheducation.org/.

Pick Up Daycare Invoices If you didn’t pick up your January Extended Care invoice in room 15 yet, please stop by and get yours today.

Lost & Found Is Full! The shelves of the Lost & Found cabinet are overflowing with clothes, lunch boxes, water bottles, and more. Please come by to claim your items and make sure to label them with the appropriate name. The cabinet is located in the back of the office by Mrs. Garside’s desk. We will also set the items out on tables in the main entryway later this week.

Bring Us Your Boxtops We’re driving for another round of Boxtops this month, and the class competition continues. Bring in your boxtops by February 28 for credit.

Connect with SJCS San Jose Christian School iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @SJCS_Tigers iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sjcstigers iiiiiiiiiiiiiii www.vimeo.com/sjchristian iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii www.sjcssupt.blogspot.com iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Tiger Tracks The Auction Is Coming! One of the most enjoyable events for the SJCS community every year is the annual auction. This year’s event will be on Saturday April 12 at 6pm at the Campbell Community Center. We hope to see all of year there. The auction supports special projects at school, and the funds we raise help

SJCS offer our students outstanding 21st Century education. Attached to the Tiger Tracks today, you will find an auction donation form to use if you have something to contribute to the event.

IXL Class Competition Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Our second IXL competition for the year includes all

the students in grades 1 through 8. The class who accumulates the most IXL medals per student in a threeweek period (Feb 5 through Feb 25) will win two prizes: First of all, they will be able to shave Mr. Webb's head in any fashion they choose, and as if that is not enough incentive, they'll also win an ice cream party! Good luck to all!

Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories of teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School. A Change of Heart - Ms. Veurink I love it when a lesson turns into something even better than expected. This is exactly what happened with my third grade students. For a reading lesson, we read “Julius, the Baby of the World.” The academic goals of this lesson were connecting text-to-self, text-to-text, and creating adjectives. The story is about a new baby brother being added to the family. Lily, the big sister, is not thrilled about having to share the limelight with her new baby brother. Lily’s attitude and behavior is a far cry from positive, but by the end of the story, we see a completely different Lily. The adjectives the students used to describe Lily at the beginning of the story were: selfish, disruptive, angry, disobedient, rude, mean, jealous, judgmental, and uncooperative. The adjectives used to describe Lily at the end of the story were: loving, caring, protective, happy, helpful, kind, sweet, and self-controlled. This led to a discussion on the Fruits of the Spirits as found in Galatians 5:22-23. Lily had a change of heart. Students were given the task to create a visual that would best show the change in Lily from the beginning to end of the story. Each child created a unique visual. The stick puppet of ‘bad’ Lily show her outward appearance of anger and her small heart (like the Grinch) shows her lack of love. The stick puppet of the ‘good’ Lily shows her loving outward appearance, but more importantly, her heart has grown (just like the Grinch) due to God working in her heart. The black hearts represent the sin in her heart and the flashlight represents God light. Lily’s heart at the beginning of the story is black with no light from the flashlight. Lily’s heart at the end of the story has a flashlight (God) shining brightly in her heart. God’s love shines in our hearts and creates change. As our theme verse says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 This article with even more visuals can be viewed on the Learning Center website.

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