Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | April 13, 2015 This Week at SJCS Monday Welcome Back!
8th Grade departs for Ashland Trip Chess Wizards 3:15pm - Room 19
No Events
Moms in Prayer - 8:30am | SJCS Library
Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
Tiger Stripes Reflections on Who We Are by: Bart Den Boer It’s Auction Time
Auction time is here! Typically, the auction has supported means used by SJCS staff to infuse 21st Century practices into the teaching, thinking, learning and creating that happens in our classrooms every day. This year we are emphasizing Math and Technology, two of the S.T.E.M. areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.) As a result, we know that our students are receiving the strong foundation they need, especially in the S.T.E.M areas, and that they’re getting it in a way that prepares them for the world in which they are, and will be, living. So how does an auction fit into a “reflection on who we are?” We are called not only to prepare our children for this world, but also to teach them to live to transform their world, making a reality of “your kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.” Certainly our current world is in great need of S.T.E.M.-worthy agents of transformation! This coming Saturday night, you can join us in this effort.
2014-2015 Yearbook Reminder
8th Grade returns from Ashland Trip
Just a reminder that the deadline to personalize your yearbook pages is Sunday, April 19. Yearbooks may be purchased until the end of the month without personalized pages.
13th Annual Spring
6:00PM - 9:30pm Campbell Community Center Orchard City Banquet Hall Make your reservation now!
Keep those quarters coming! We are so very close to reaching our goal of raising $5,000. As of last week, students have brought in $4,444 which provides approximately 32,000 meals. The deadline is Friday, April 17 so let's get busy!
Moms in Prayer Please submit your prayer requests to the SJCS Moms in Prayer group via email at sjcsmip@gmail.com. This group of prayer warriors will be meeting Thursday at 8:30am in the library.
Chess Club Starts Tomorrow!
Tickets for the upcoming MS School performance of the Wizard of Oz will go on sale Wednesday, April 15 in the school office.
There is still time to sign up for round 2 of chess club, which starts tomorrow! This will be a six-week session, on Tuesdays from 3:15-4:15 in room 19. Please register online at chesswizards.com or drop your registration form in the office to Mrs. Singh.
CPTA News CPTA Coffee Cart Friday! Also a great opportunity to get a sneak peek at the Auction list!
Are you looking for new ways to get more involved with the SJCS community? Well, the CPTA has a number of great opportunities for you to participate and meet new friends! The CPTA will be holding an election to fill a number of leadership positions at our next general meeting. Descriptions for the various roles can be found at http://www.sjchristian.org. In addition to these leadership roles, there are a number of other ways to serve. Please contact the CPTA at cpta@sjchristian.org for details.
Tiger Tracks Sports this week Girls Soccer:
Please remember to pay the $50 participation fee to the office asap. Monday: SJCS @ Baymonte 3:30 Tuesday: Practice 3:15-5:00 Wednesday: SJCS vs. Achiever @ SJCS 3:30 Thursday: Practice 3:15-5:00
Boys Volleyball: Monday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Tuesday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Wednesday: SJCS @ University Prep Academy 3:30 Thursday: Practice 3:15-4:45
Teacher Tales
Tiger Cubs|Preschool Info Article The Auction is for Preschool too! Remember that Preschool Families are invited to the SJCS Spring auction this Saturday! The event is a fantastic evening of fellowship and fun! We would love to have the parents, friends, and families of our Preschool students present to enjoy this special event! The Preschool classes have created wonderful items, including an alphabet book, a decorated planted pot, and artwork that you can only bid on if you attend! We hope to see you there. PS Lost and Found Reminder The Preschool lost and found is located in Room 1. It is getting full...please check it to see if your child is missing anything!
Spotlight on Chapel!
Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School. LOVE DOES. Love works for good. Love lives truthfully. Love shares and encourages. Love comes down (Immanuel Love). Love lives in community. Love forgives and accepts. Love surrenders to the Father's will. Love seeks justice. Each month SJCS students worship together. We sing and listen and participate in some of the many aspects of what LOVE DOES. So many wonderful things happen during our chapel times. First, corporate worship focuses our hearts and minds on our Creator God, who IS LOVE. We see through Scripture and song the immeasurable love of God and the call each one of us has to share God's love with others in our lives. Second, students develop leadership as they play in worship band, lead prayers, recite Bible memory, and invite their pastors to speak. Our SJCS chapel band meets weekly to suggest songs, practice harmonies, and prepare for skillful worship. Students across campus offer to lead in prayer. Many classes memorize Bible verses to go with the month's chapel theme. Parents, local pastors, and teachers speak to our students as one way to educate, mentor, and challenge our individual and corporate walks with God. Lastly, our students open their hearts and minds to many aspects and nuances of love. This month's theme is Love Surrender's To the Father's Will. The April 2nd all-school chapel focused on two aspects of this theme. Jesus modeled surrender for us. Jesus prayed, "Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began." John 17:1-5 As Christ-followers we choose to surrender to the Father's will. It is in this recurring act of putting God before self that we truly live. Ms. Joo Lee shared at the Easter chapel about the opportunity she has had to share the gospel message and God's love to people far and near. Ms. Lee was born in Korea, but spent most of her life in Russia, serving with her parents as missionaries. Later, Ms. Lee worked as a missionary in Uganda. Through story and picture, Ms. Lee reminded us anew of God's call to share God's love with the world. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16 For more details on chapel and prayer cards with facts about the countries discussed, visit the SJCS Chapel tab on Mrs. Baham’s website.