Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | May 16, 2016 Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
This Week at SJCS See Sports Section for Announcements
No School Events
No School Events
8th Grade Field Trip Depart 8:30am Return 3:00pm
Moms In Prayer | 8:30am Room 16 SJCS Dads in Prayer | 8:40am Room 12 Chapel | 8:40am MS 9:30am Elementary SJCS Auditorium
Preschool Chapel | 10:00 am SJCS Auditorium Concert on The Green | 6:30pm Elementary Field REMINDER: Bring your chairs, blankets and picnic dinner to enjoy the evening.
Jenn’s Pen - Loving, Learning, Serving by: Mrs. Jennifer Thompson On Monday, May 9, the SJCS Association gathered to hear about the state of the school, vote on the 2016-2017 proposed budget, and vote in two new Board members. Please join me in welcoming two new Board of Trustee members, John Bowen and Peter Lam. As well, we said a big thank you to two Board members who have served faithfully for the past three-year term, Curt Sacks and Jason Nesdahl. Trustees of our school are men and women who cherish the SJCS mission and vision and actively participate in the growth, advancement, and strategic planning of the school. I want to publicly thank the Board for their support this year. Their gift of time and talent in leadership of San Jose Christian is what allows us to leave a legacy of loving, learning, and serving for generations to come. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:4
GrandFriends Day On Friday, we had a wonderful celebration of our work at SJCS and your support of it. Thank you all for coming to the program and participating in the lives of our students. Thank you to all of the teachers, staff, and volunteers who helped make the day run so smoothly.
Field Day 10 teams competed in our Field Day events on Friday afternoon, and the results were very close. When the dust settled, however, it was the Light Blue team, led by Mrs. Nelson, who took home the title of Field Day Champions. Way to go, Blue! In the faculty vs. 8th grade Tug of War, the faculty defended their honor for the third straight year.
Summer Volunteers Needed This summer, there will be many opportunities to volunteer on campus as we begin sprucing up classrooms and grounds. If you are a hearty volunteer who likes to paint, sand, stain, or drill, please contact Jenn Thompson at jthompson@sjchristian.org. There will be weekly assignments available and many projects can be done in the evenings and weekends!
End of Year Accounts Please note that all accounts must be current by the end of the year for students to receive their final report cards. Thanks for your help!
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San Jose Christian School
Tiger Tracks Tiger Basketball Camp
COTG Student Memo
Tiger Basketball Camp is open to boys and girls, grades 1-4 and 5-8, of all skill levels. Our basketball camp is all about developing fundamentals in a fun and safe environment. The coaching staff is made up of Mr. Bost, Mrs. Nibbelink and former SJCS student-athletes who are enthusiastic about passing on their knowledge to the next generation of Tiger athletes. Campers will participate in activities that will help improve their basketball, teamwork, and sportsmanship skills. Each camper will receive a camp T-shirt. Our camp this summer will run from July 18-22. Registration forms can be found on the SJCS website or in the main office. Please contact Alex Bost at abost@sjchristian.org with any additional questions.
The SJCS Music Department proudly presents our spring Concert on the Green! Come experience this life-giving event with the SJCS community. Grades 4-8 students will worship through music, play skillfully, and give their gifts generously, and receive your encouragement gratefully.
Jazz Show Ahead
Dress code: Grade 4 students should wear dressy casual clothes in any color combination. Grades 5-8 musicians must wear white and black with dress clothes that follow SJCS dress code. All dresses/skirts/pants must be below the knee, and shoulders must be covered.
Friday, June 3 is the date for our annual Jazz Show and tickets are now available in the office for $5 each. The show runs from 7pm - 8:30pm in the auditorium and features our current jazz band directed by Mrs. Jennifer Baham. Door prizes and desserts make it a fun evening for all. Limited seating - tickets are required for this event.
15th Annual Sports Awards Come join us for a time to celebrate all the athletes who participated in sports this school year. Our awards event is at 6:30pm on May 26th at the Campbell Community Center. Watch your e-mail for more information and a sign-up for attendance.
Scrip Orders Due 5/19 Please turn in your scrip orders by Thursday 5/19. The scrip cards will arrive next week. Visit www.sjchristian.org for more information on the SJCS Scrip revenue share program.
Sports this
Concert will begin at 6:30 and run until 7:45 PM. Bring your blankets and picnic dinner. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors! STUDENTS - Warm up times: 5-8 Bands warm up at 6 PM in the music room; 6-8 Choir warm up at 6:15 PM in the music room; 4 Recorders warm up at 6:20 PM in the Grade 4 Homeroom.
SJCS Summer Camp Looking for a great summer experience for your child? Look no further than our very own SJCS Summer Camp! Flyers for summer camp are available in the office, and the full brochures are available on line at www.sjchristian.org.
SJCS Spirit Week Show your Tiger spirit and participate in the 2016 Spirit Week festivities. Each day is a new and exciting dress up theme. The attached flyer has all the details for each grade level. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the plan. Also note that students DO need to consider the SJCS dress code when participating.
Please remember to turn in all athletic uniforms to the office asap. Thank you! Save the date: Sports Awards Night, Thursday, May 26th
Tiger Tracks Teacher Tales | It All Began in a Garden Spotlight on Ms. Basl and Extended Care Written by Jennifer Baham I have a sign on my garden greenhouse that reads "It all began in a garden". In my opinion, a garden is holy ground! The Genesis account of creation is one of many Bible passages rich with garden images. So many connections can be made between gardens and our journey of faith. Ms. Basl, Extended Care Director, recently planted fruits, veggies and herbs in two garden beds near Room 15. Her intent reaches far beyond gardening. Her prayer has been not only for harvest, but for eyes to "see what God will grow as we water." Already, students are making connections between gardening and faith. Last week Ms. Basl was talking to the kids about the process of gardening. The process begins with pulling weeds, tilling the soil, smoothing the dirt, planting the seeds, and finally, watering. One SJCS Kindergarten student added, "It's like the story in the Bible when Jesus said that we plant the seeds in the good soil but not the thorns or weeds that will choke the seed when it tries to grow." The older students who were there were amazed at the knowledge and faith of this young man. Ms. Basl recognized that the Holy Spirit was working through this young man and the Word of God to minister to others gathered around. Love. Learn. Serve. SJCS students carry out this mission each and every day on our campus.
Tiger Cubs Preschool will be participating in Spirit week! Spirit week will be next week 5/23-5/27. This is a very fun week for all students. Please see below for the slight modification to the theme days to for our young students: • Career Monday: Your child can wear something that would include what they would like to be when they grow up! Think Fireman, Doctor, and of course teacher! • Tropical Tuesday: For this day, students can wear what you might wear on a Hawaiian vacation. Fun tropical entire is encouraged as long as it is in dress code. • Sports Wednesday: Support your favorite sports team or dress like a player of any sport. • PJ Thursday: This is for Preschool only and is the favorite of all days! PJ's are always fun to wear at school! • Character Friday: Dress like any character that you like, whether it is a princess or super hero!
May 20 Concert on the Green | 6:30pm | Elementary Field May 23 - 27 SJCS Spirit Week May 26 Sports Awards Event | 6:30pm | Campbell Community Center, Orchard Banquet Hall June 3 SJCS Annual Jazz Show | SJCS Auditorium June 7 Middle School Awards Ceremony | 8:40am | SJCS Auditorium June 7 SJCS Graduation | 7:00pm | Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church June 8 Kindergarten Graduation | 9:00am | SJCS Auditorium June 8 Last Day of the 2015-16 School year June 13 Kick Off – SJCS Summer Camp 2016!