Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | September 9, 2013
This Week at SJCS Mon! !
No events scheduled
Tues! !
MS Back to School Night 6:30pm | Auditorium
Wed! !
Minimum Day 11:45am Dismissal
MS Back-to-School Night Back-to-School Night for 6th - 8th grade parents is tomorrow! Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet the teachers and hear about all that’s happening in our middle school. The event runs from 6:30pm - 8:10pm. SJCS 5th grade parents: We invite you to attend as well to learn about the middle school.
RosettaStone Languages
Moms in Prayer 8:30am | Room 3
Thank you to everyone who completed their preference survey for the RosettaStone Foreign Language program. You should be receiving your login information later this week.
Moms in Prayer Begins
Orange Crush Day!
No events scheduled
Advanced Dates Thurs!!
School Pictures The Power of One: Student Anti-Bullying Assemblies
One of the most powerful ministries in the SJCS community begins this week. Moms in Prayer is a gathering of parents who take time to support and uphold the school community in prayer. MIP meets this Thursday at 8:30am in room 3. Come see what
Orange Crush Day
it’s like to be a prayer warrior for our school.
Walk-a-Thon News Congratulations to the 5th grade for filling all their volunteer slots already! And THANK YOU to all our great parents and volunteers who help make this event a success! The next WAT meeting will be Tuesday, September 10th at 8:30 a.m. Your student packets have come home! Now it's time to: • Start collecting pledges • Get your T-shirts Ordered (blue and green forms in your student packet) • Submit your forms to sponsor a booth (yellow form in your student packet) • Invite your neighbors and friends to join us October 5th What: 10th Annual Walk-a-Thon When: Saturday, 10/5 (9am - 2pm) Where: SJCS Middle School Field
Thursday, 9/12
School Pictures
Wed! !
See You at the Pole 7:50am | Auditorium
SJCS Cardboard Challenge 11am - 3pm
10th Annual Walk-a-Thon 9am - 2pm
Wear your orange on Thursday and show your Tiger spirit! Then come to cheer on our flag football and softball teams after school. See page 2 for game times and locations.
Tiger Tracks Tiger Sports This Week Boys and girls practices are going strong, and we look forward to our first games this week. Athletes, if you haven’t turned in your forms, please do so by Wednesday in order to be eligible for the season opener. Girls Softball: Mon - Tues Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm Thurs
@ Campbell Christian 3:30pm
Flag Football: Mon - Tues Practice 3:15 - 4:45pm Thurs
vs. Campbell Christian (home) 3:30pm
Cross Country Practice: Mon 3:15 - 4:30pm LGCT Campbell Park Loop Tues 3:15 - 4:30pm SJCS Loop Wed Run 2.5 miles on your own Thurs 3:15 - 4:30pm Communication Hill
After School Dance Thanks to the elementary parents who completed the preference survey for a K-5th Grade after school dance program. We will be meeting this week to determine which classes to offer and lay out the proposed schedule. Look for more information soon.
See You at the Pole See You at the Pole is a Global Day of Student Prayer held in schools around the world, and at SJCS we count it a privilege to participate. Please join us for prayer at the flagpole on Wednesday, September 25 at 7:50am. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the theme scripture for the 2013 SYATP. To learn more, visit www.syatp.com.
Teacher Tales Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things in the classrooms of San Jose Christian School. Mrs. Van Ewyk and Ms. Schibsted are leading the 2nd and 6th graders in a collaborative worm composting project. Students in both classes are learning about being good stewards of the environment through the use of renewable resources. Every lunch, kids from 2nd grade collect organic products for their “pet worms” to eat: apple cores, banana peels, etc. The compost will be used for our garden project, led by Ms. Schibsted, Mrs. Van Ewyk, Mrs. Wakatsuki, and Mrs. Wynbeek. Students will be growing seasonal vegetables and flowers on campus and learning about caring for God’s earth. If you want to check out our worm garden, it’s located along the back fence by wing 4.
Scrip Code for Ordering
Attendance & Absences
Order your Scrip this week, a great way to shop while raising money for SJCS and your own tuition! See the school website for details. If you are new to ordering scrip, log in at www.shopwithscrip.com and register using our San Jose Christian School enrollment code:
If your child is sick and unable to make it to school, be sure to call the attendance line by 9am. The number is (408)371-4815.
SJCS Directory Ads We are currently creating the 2013-14 SJCS School Directory. If you would like to advertise your business in the back of the directory, please email a soft copy of your artwork to Beverly Singh at (bsingh@sjchristian.org). Prices: • $20 - business card size • $40 - larger size • $50 - largest size
If you are planning an absence for your child in advance, please fill out an advanced absence form in the office.
Attachments Today Last week the CPTA held its first meeting of the year, and you will find a summary of the meeting attached. Check it out to see what the CPTA is working on. The first-ever SJCS Cardboard Challenge is coming! See the other attachment for more information about how you and your students can participate in this exciting event.
CPTA%MEETING%SUMMARY%–%September%6,%2013% The$first$CPTA$meeting$of$the$2013514$school$year$was$held$Friday,$September$6$with$many$parents$in$ attendance.$ $ The$ meeting$ kicked$ off$ with$ several$ school$ updates$ including$ school$ enrollment,$ which$ is$ currently$at$185.$$There$were$also$recaps$of$some$back$to$school$events$such$as$the$Back$to$School$BBQ$ and$the$return$of$the$curbside$coffee$cart.$$Both$events$had$positive$feedback.$$The$next$two$coffee$cart$ events$ will$ be$ September$ 12$ and$ October$ 10.$ $ Anyone$ interested$ in$ helping$ out$ should$ contact$ Bonnie$ Elloway$or$Michelle$Niven.$ A$ great$ suggestion$ was$ made$ to$ include$ CPTA$ communication$ in$ the$ students’$ folders$ that$ go$ home$ nightly.$$CPTA$meeting$agendas$and$minutes$will$also$be$posted$online.$ In$talking$about$Dine$Out$nights,$there$was$great$interest$in$having$the$Movable$Feast$food$trucks$come$to$ SJCS$as$one$of$the$fall$events.$$This$idea$generated$a$lot$of$excitement,$so$look$for$upcoming$ announcements$for$this$event.$$Please$reach$out$to$Monina$Wright$$(naturalimagesmakeup@gmail.com) &$ Beth$Braithwaite$(waterlilies@gmail.com)$if$you$want$to$help$with$the$fall$Movable$Feast$event.$$If$you$ have$interest$in$brainstorming$and$planning$a$Dine$Out$night$for$the$spring$(or$any$other$fundraising$ ideas)$please$contact$Peter$Lam.$$Another$proposed$event$is$to$have$a$Yogurt$Land$fundraiser$on$the$ first/last$day$of$the$semester. One$of$the$topics$brought$up$was$planning$a$Science$Night,$or$possibly$a$Science$Fair.$$We’d$love$to$get$ input$ from$ parents$ on$ ideas$ and$ thoughts$ about$ either$ one,$ or$ both.$ $ If$ engaging$ our$ students$ in$ the$ creativity$of$the$world$of$science$interests$you$please$contact$Peter$Lam$(cpta@sjchristian.org)$or$Beth$ Beth$Braithwaite$(waterlilies@gmail.com).$We$would$like$to$have$at$least$two$volunteers$help$drive$this.$ We$also$discussed$Parent$Education$Nights$for$this$school$year.$$Last$year’s$topic$was$Internet$safety,$led$ by$ Frank$ Rivas.$ $ It$ was$ a$ very$ informative$ night$ that$ gave$ our$ families$ great$ tools$ for$ discussion.$ $ We$ currently$ do$ not$ have$ a$ Parent$ Ed$ Night$ on$ calendar.$ $ We$ encourage$ everyone$ to$ share$ any$ ideas$ and$ topics$that$they$have$with$the$CPTA$Steering$Committee,$so$we$can$continue$to$benefit$our$community$ with$ helpful$ information.$ $ One$ suggestion$ that$ had$ quite$ a$ bit$ of$ discussion$ is$ to$ have$ a$ Love$ &$ Logic$ workshop.$$Please$let$Betsy$Philips$know$if$this$would$be$of$interest$for$your$family.$ Planning$for$the$10th$annual$Walk5a5Thon$is$in$full$swing.$$This$year’s$fundraising$goal$is$$55K.$$Student$ packets$went$out$on$Friday,$Sept.$6,$and$classroom$volunteer$sign$ups$are$still$underway.$$Encourage$all$ parents$to$be$a$part$of$this$great$day$that$funds$so$many$of$our$school$activities$and$projects.$$Upcoming% planning%meetings%are%8:30%AM%on%campus:%September%10,%September%24,%and%October%4.$$Please$ contact$ Melissa$ Findley$ (Melissa@bodl.com)$ or$ Nancy$ Rivas$ (nancyrivas@hotmail.com)$ with$ any$ questions.$ Please$ fill$ out$ the$ SJCS$ Passion$ Project$ survey$ that$ went$ out$ at$ the$ beginning$ of$ the$ school$ year.$ $ Your$ feedback$is$invaluable!$$The$survey$gives$all$parents$the$chance$to$make$known$their$gifts,$and$how$they$ can$ contribute$ those$ talents$ to$ uplift$ and$ support$ the$ school$ body.$ $ It$ is$ a$ wonderful$ way$ to$ connect,$ engage,$ and$ serve$ our$ community.$ $ Every$ person$ and$ every$ gift$ are$ valuable.$ $ See$ how$ you$ can$ be$ a$ unique$part$of$our$school.$$ The$CPTA$needs$your$help$in$having$successful$events$for$everyone.$$There$are$many,$many$volunteering$ opportunities$available,$so$please$consider$joining$in$the$fun$and$participating$with$a$CPTA$event!$ The$201352014$CPTA$Leadership/Steering$Committee$can$be$reached$at$cpta@sjchristian.org.$$Please$feel$ free$ to$ email$ with$ any$ questions,$ comments$ and/or$ suggestions.$ $ Plan$ on$ attending$ our$ next% CPTA% meeting%scheduled%for%Thursday,%October%31%at%8:40%AM.$$Meeting$dates$for$the$rest$of$the$year$will$be$ posted$soon.$
• Google the videos “Caine’s Arcade” & “Caine’s Arcade 2” and watch them.
People all over the world have been inspired by a kid named Caine, who used his imagination and some cardboard to make his own arcade. His creativity birthed The Imagination Foundation, and every year they host a Cardboard Challenge, which invites students to use "creative play" to build something with cardboard and their imaginations. This year, the goal is to have over 1 million kids in more than 70 countries participating. San Jose Christian students will team together and join the world by creating a cardboard arcade to be played and displayed at the 2013 Walk-a-Thon. • Invite other people to come play your student’s game at the Walka-Thon.
• Put the Walk-a-Thon on your calendar.
• Donate needed supplies.
• Volunteer for Build Day on September 27.
• Small balls (ping pong balls, bouncy balls, etc.)
• Invite other people to come play your game at the Walk-a-Thon.
• Supplies may be dropped off to room 21 beginning September 11.
• Yarn
• Scissors/box cutters
• Packing tape/duct tape
• Cardboard
• Put the Walk-a-Thon on your calendar.
• Bring one random thing you have around your house to add to your team’s building supplies (bring it with you on September 27).
Part of the 2013 Global Cardboard Challenge. Presented by the Imagination Foundation, San Jose Christian School, and you!
SJCS 2013 Cardboard Challenge