Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | February 17, 2015 This Week at SJCS See Sports Section for Practice Schedule
Chess Wizards - 3:15pm | Rm 19
No Events
MS Chapel - 8:40am Elementary Chapel - 9:30am MS Field Trip - Depart 10am
Frozen Friday Lego Robotics - 3:15pm | Rm 20
Advanced Dates February 22-27 Volunteer Appreciation Week
February 27 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 6:30pm
March 6 SJCS In-Service Day - No Classes Extended Care Available Preschool closed for Butterflies, Dragonflies & Fireflies Care available for Caterpillars
Parents’ Night Out February 28
Journey Church has offered our school families free childcare on the evening of February 28th! See the attached flyer for details, and if you'd like to participate, please RSVP to reserve your spot.
Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
Tiger Stripes Reflections on Who We Are by: Bart Den Boer Love…Learn…Serve: Making It Come Alive This is the fourth of five articles on how to use our SJCS tag line to tell our story. A LOVE for God • School, home, and church partner together at SJCS to encourage and train students to love the Lord in all aspects of their lives: heart, soul, strength, and mind. Our Story: We are a community here, a community of partners committed to blessing each other on this journey of parenting, learning, and Kingdom citizenship. This is one of four distinguishing characteristics of SJCS. We do this important work together! A desire to LEARN • SJCS provides exceptional academics to help students learn to their full potential. Students use discernment and Biblical perspective to examine Truth in all subjects and develop a lifelong love of learning. Our Story-exceptional academics: Our exceptional academics result in outstanding scores on the Terra Nova achievement tests each spring, with SJCS students averaging 2 to 5 grade levels above their peers in other private schools Our Story-discernment and Biblical perspective: We combine excellent academics with sound biblical perspective in all subject areas. We do not teach students what to think; we teach students how to think and engage biblically. A Commitment to SERVE • Our students use their learning and talents for a purpose: to engage and transform the world for Jesus Christ. SJCS strives to advance the kingdom of God through service. The Story: coming next week.
The Littlest Tiger! We're delighted to announce that Mrs. Van Ewyk gave birth to a healthy daughter, Kelly, on Valentine's Day. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 7 ounces and is 22 inches long. Suzie and Kelly are both healthy and doing well!
Save the Date! The students and faculty at SJCS will be celebrating our Volunteers the week of February 23. Our goal is to show our appreciation to each person who supports SJCS with time and energy. This special week will culminate with an appreciation dinner on Friday, February 27 here at SJCS. Please save the date!
Tiger Tracks Re-enrollment
Tiger Cubs|Preschool News!
Well done! Great job to all the families who took advantage of the early re-enrollment incentive. The next deadline for a cost savings will be March 12. If you would like to discuss your re-enrollment or any other plans you are considering for next year we encourage you to contact Mrs. Phillips or Mr. Intlekofer. They would welcome the opportunity to discuss your plans for next year.
Preschool Re-Enrollment Time
Bring Us Your Boxtops
Please also remember that the San Jose Christian Preschool is a year-round program--you will be receiving information about the summer semester in the near future. We've been very excited about all the wonderful things happening in our preschool rooms, and we look forward to more fantastic teaching and learning in the future. We're glad you're a part of our community!
We’re driving for another round of Boxtops this month, and the class competition continues. Bring in your boxtops by February 28 for credit.
Special Sweatshirt Order The CPTA will be placing a special order for navy, orange and grey hooded sweatshirts. Remember to complete your order form and turn the form into the school office by end of business today. Orders will be placed on the morning of February 18.
Parents’ Night Out - February 28
Journey Church has offered our school families free childcare on the evening of February 28th! See the attached flyer for details, and if you'd like to participate, please RSVP to reserve your spot.
Sports this week Girls Volleyball:
The Lady Tigers picked up a big win in the season opener against Achiever Christian! Led by 8th graders Naomi, Natasha, and Kathryn the Tigers used a relentless serving attack to defeat the Eagles. On Thursday, the Tigers fell in a tough match to Los Gatos Christian. The young Tigers look to bring home a victory as they travel to Baymonte on Wednesday for a 2:45 game. Tuesday: Practice 3:15-5:00 Wednesday: @ Baymonte 2:45 Thursday: Practice 3:15-5:00
Boys Soccer:
The Tiger boys picked up two big wins last week against Achiever Christian (8-0) and Los Gatos Christian (3-1). Joe W., and Ben J., led the Tigers offensively while Dylan H. held down the opponents on defense. The boys will look to continue their success this week as they travel to Baymonte for a Tuesday game starting at 3:30. Tuesday: @ Baymonte 3:30 Wednesday: Practice 3:15-5:00 Thursday: Practice 3:15-5:00
Thank you to all of you who have asked questions about re-enrollment in preschool. To ease your minds--we have NOT started re-enrollment yet, but you will be getting an email from Mr. Intlekofer later this week with details and schedules, etc.
Teacher Tales Since last November, eight SJCS staff members have been studying the book, How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth, by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stewart. Since most SJCS staff members teach Bible, we are also learning how to teach the Bible for all its worth! Here are ten things we have learned: 1. To understand what a passage means to us today, we must begin with what that passage meant to the author and his original hearers. 2. The hero of all Old Testament stories is God, (not David, Gideon, Joshua, Moses, etc.). 3. Not all Old Testament laws apply directly to us today, and how to tell which ones do apply. 4. The prophets are mainly about reminding the people of what God had already said, not about predicting the future. 5. Even though the Psalms are our words to God, they still serve as God’s word to us. 6. Understanding Jesus’ words about the Kingdom of God (or Kingdom of Heaven) are essential to understanding the gospel message. 7. The Epistles are to be read as letters written to a particular people at a particular time for a specific purpose. Their meaning to us today flows out of that original purpose. 8. Revelation is a mix of three different kinds of literature: prophecy, epistle and apocalypse. Its meaning for us today must flow out of its meaning to John’s original audience. 9. There are at least seven different genres contained within Holy Scripture. We read the Bible most effectively when we consider the characteristics of the particular genre we are reading. 10. Each of us must approach and discuss the Bible with humility and openness, realizing that none of us know or understand it completely.