Tiger Tracks San Jose Christian School | May 11, 2015 This Week at SJCS Monday
MS Field Trip | Compassion Experience depart 12:45pm
Annual Association Meeting | 7pm
Chess Wizards 3:15pm - Room 19
Middle School Chapel | 8:40am Elementary Chapel | 9:30am
Mom’s In Prayer | 8:30am
5th Field Trip | depart 8:45am
GrandFriends Day! 8:30am | SJCS Auditorium Field Day | 12:30am | MS Field
SJCS Facebook Challenge! Are you following SJCS on Facebook? If you are a Facebook user we need you! We currently have 295 “LIKES” and we want to get to 500! Help us reach our goal so that we can promote SJCS to more families!
Attendance Line (408) 371-4815
Tiger Stripes Reflections on Who We Are by: Bart Den Boer Reflections on Who We Are: Announcing The SJCS Endowment Scholarships
This week I have the privilege to introduce the SJCS Endowment Scholarships. Beginning this spring, each year the SJCS Endowment will announce a total of $10,000 in scholarships for the following academic year. A recipient need demonstrate excellence in only one of the following criteria. Multiple scholarships may be awarded from different criteria. We will announce this year’s recipients before the end of May. 1. School Theme: Student who demonstrates the year’s current school theme over and above expectations. Example: this year a student who demonstrated the fruits of “Love Does.” 2. Intentional Christian Community: Student who demonstrates intentional Christian community through welcoming, encouraging, and building up the SJCS community through prayer, acts of selflessness, etc. 3. Citizenship: Student who demonstrates a high degree of respect toward peers and adults. Demonstrates fairness, seeks peace. 4. Volunteerism: This is a family scholarship awarded to a family who wholeheartedly demonstrates the value of volunteerism here at SJCS. 5. Creativity: Student who demonstrates creativity in problem solving, in the arts, or in any endeavor where innovative and novel solutions are called for. 6. Collaboration: Student who demonstrates a high degree of ability and willingness to work with peers to solve problems and create solutions in any school-related endeavor. 7. Throughlines: Student who demonstrates one or more of the SJCS Throughlines, living them out in heart and life. Nominations: Any staff member may nominate a student for these scholarships. With the exception of this, the inaugural year, nominations are due to the Principal by May 1. The Principal and the Superintendent will make the final determinations, which are to be approved by the Finance Committee.
Summer Reading BOGO! This Friday Get your summer reading materials at our “Buy One Get One” book fair! One day only! Mrs. Meyer has partnered with Scholastic Books for this wonderful summer reading kick off event. This Friday, Grandfriends Day from 8am to 3pm in the SJCS Library (Room 17) you can buy one book and get one free. We hope to see you there.
Tiger Tracks Tiger Cubs|Preschool Info Article Preschool is participating in Spirit Week & GrandFriend's Day! Please RSVP for your child's GrandFriend and review the remainder of daily themes for Spirit Week. Preschoolers will wear the following colors on Friday: Field Day Team Color* *Class Colors: ICC Caterpillars: Red 2's Butterflies: Orange 3's Dragonflies: Green 4's Fireflies: Blue Go Tigers!
Sports this week Girls Soccer:
The Lady Tigers finished the season with an overall record of 5-3. The girls will enter the playoffs as the #2 seed out of the South division. On Tuesday, the girls will host a first round match-up against Valley Christian Dublin, beginning at 3:30. Come out and support your Tigers! Monday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Tuesday: SJCS vs. Valley Christian Dublin @ SJCS 3:30 Wednesday: TBD Thursday: TBD
Boys Volleyball: The boys picked up two wins last week against Legacy and Campbell Christian, improving their overall record to 4-2. The Tigers will play Contra Costa Christian on Tuesday (3:30) at Campbell Christian School in a first round playoff match-up. Monday: Practice 3:15-4:45 Tuesday: SJCS vs. Contra Costa Christian @ Campbell Christian 3:30 Wednesday: TBD Thursday: TBD
14th Annual Sports Awards Come join us for a time to celebrate all the athletes who participated in sports this school year. Our awards event is at 6:30pm on May 27th at the Campbell Community Center. Watch your e-mail for more information and a sign-up for attendance.
Teacher Tales Spirit Week at SJCS Check this section each week for exciting stories about teachers doing great things on the campus of San Jose Christian School. Hey, Tigers! This week is Spirit Week at SJCS. Each day, you can dress up according to the theme. The schedule is as follows: Monday: Sports Day Tuesday: Pajama Day Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (crazy or mismatched clothes/hat/hair) Thursday: Character Day (Dress up as your favorite character!) Friday: Field Day Team Color Remember to follow dress code and get in the SJCS spirit!
End of Year Accounts Please note that all accounts must be current by the end of the year for students to receive their final report cards. Thanks for your help!
Jazz Show Ahead Friday, May 29 is the date for our annual Jazz Show, tickets will be available Friday morning outside the school office.
Concert on the Green Don’t miss out on one of the most fun events of the year: our annual Concert on the Green. Thursday, May 21st we will celebrate our outstanding music program. Beginning at 6:30pm, you and your family can bring your favorite blankets, lawn chairs, and picnic items to enjoy musical performances from SJCS students in 4th grade and up. The audience sets up on the elementary school field for the performance. No tickets necessary. Just come and enjoy!
Association Meets Tonight
Members of the SJCS Association, please plan to attend our Annual Business Meeting tonight at 7pm in the Auditorium. If you are not able to make it, please send in the absentee ballot that was included in the Association materials.
Tiger Tracks GrandFriends Day this Friday! We are in the final preparation for our Annual GrandFriends Day celebration. We look forward to seeing your family here on Friday, May 15! There is still time to RSVP. Click Here to let us know who will be attending and if your family will join us for lunch.
Enroll in Summer Camp Summer is approaching fast, and you should all know about the awesome things we will be doing this year at SJCS Summer Camp. We will be engaging in fun, project-based learning that will get your kids excited about summer time. We will also be playing a lot of games and learning team-building skills with one another. Registration forms may be found at www.sjchristian.org/current/about_daycamp. If you have any questions regarding summer camp, please email Ms. Melinat at amelinat@sjchristian.org.
Terra Nova Testing Results Friday the elementary Terra Nova test results for students were sent home. Middle School results will be sent home today with your students. You will also find a letter included that explains the scoring for you. Please contact the school office if you have additional questions.
After School Enrichment Survey Thank you to all the parents who completed our Enrichment Survey. We will be closing the survey tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12 at 12noon. If you would still like to provide your input please visit: https:// www.surveymonkey.com/s/SJCSenrichment
UPCOMING EVENTS! May 11 Association Meeting | 7pm SJCS Auditorium - TONIGHT! May 11-15 SJCS Spirit Week May 15 GrandFriends Day | 8:45am SJCS Auditorium May 15 Field Day | 12:30pm MS Field May 21 Concert on the Green | 6:30pm | Elementary Field May 27 Sports Awards Event | Campbell Community Center, Orchard Banquet Hall May 29 SJCS Annual Jazz Show | SJCS Auditorium June 1 Middle School Awards Ceremony | 8:40am | SJCS Auditorium June 1 SJCS Graduation | 7:00pm | Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church June 3 Last Day of the 2014-2015 School year June 8 Kick Off – SJCS Summer Camp 2015 – American Adventure!
Thank you event for Mr. & Mrs. Den Boer Save the Date! The SJCS Community would like to thank Mr. & Mrs. Den Boer for serving along side us this year. The Board of Trustees will be hosting an ice-cream social on May 19 from 3pm - 4pm on the middle school playground. Save the Date! May 19 | 3pm