social/life magazine - edition #1 - nov 2011

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Issue: 1 November 2011




Gavin Morris

Flying Weatherman


Nicole Chaffey

Fashion Diary

Sarah in Paris

1stexciting edition

Local Yachtsmen On Track for 2012 Olympics

Bob Corbett & The Roo Grass Band

The Drawing Room At The Royal Exchange Hotel social/life magazine : NOVEMBER 2011

fashion n music n sport n events n people n travel n food n you...

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social/life magazine

Here’s something you CAN do...

creative director . ......................................... steve dunkley email: ............................................................................. mobile: .......................................................................... 0428 438 663

sales & marketing director.............. steve james

Purchase these eco-friendly drink bottles to help raise much-needed funds to support the Sea Shepherd Project on it’s continuing mission to protect whales in the Southern Ocean.

email: ............................................................................. mobile: .......................................................................... 0439 732 559

contributors. ...................................................... michael blaxland ...........................................................................................

tegan hughes


elle sheedy

Visit: for more information.

fashion...................................................................... vanessa swilks photography .................................................... tania dunning ...........................................................................................

jacqui clancy


peta wood

Work hard. Party hard!

consultant ........................................................... graham dunkley

Your office Christmas Party is the perfect occasion to celebrate the year as a team.

online content ................................................ isaac dunkley

The right entertainment will get your party started... and keep it going all night!

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rris Gavin Mo therman Flying Wea

apes LandscCha ffey Nicole

ry Fashion hDia in Paris Sara


Local Yachtsmen ics On Track for 2012


Bob Corbett & The Roo Grass


m The Drawing Roo on Hotel At The Hamilt

social/life magazine

ts n people n music n sport n even


fashion n


travel n food n you.


sarah boulazeris


jacqui clancy

jacqui clancy photography


vanessa swilks




make-up simone brennan

the mask academy


peter herd

peter herd’s floral design studio

© Copyright 2011 social life magazine. Unauthorised copying or use of any material contained herein prohibited. All contents remain the property of social/life magazine. Reproduction or use without permission prohibited. Disclaimer: social/life magazine is published in Newcastle, NSW. Submissions by readers and contributors do not neccessarily express the views of the publishers, staff and associates. No responsibility is offered or implied by social life media for views expressed by contributors.

2 social/life


Issue: 1 November 2011

1st excitoning

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social/life magazine contents on the air

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

gavin morris shares his sky-high adventures

Hair Salon

page 4

a sense of place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 nicole chaffey unique landscapes

the drawing room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8 michael blaxland uncovers still life classes in a pub

portland - quirky city . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10 david barett discovers 20 kinds of beer... and doughnuts

from newcastle to paris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 diary of a TV model quest entrant

phone for appointment

02 4959 5713 8 Pemell Steet, Toronto e:

winning combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 16 yachting “golden pair” on track for olympics


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

bob corbett and the roo grass band - rising talent

page 20

a better life through pilates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23 tania dunning reveals pilates benefits

Tania Dunning

Pilates Fitness For Life

dragons afloat

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

breast cancer survivors in dragon boat comp

page 24

am i ever gonna see your face again?. . . . . . . page30 screaming jet joins forces with the angels

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pages 22/25/26/29

social snaps from events around the area - send in yours for next edition

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What is the city but the people? ~William Shakespeare

I’ve always felt that Newcastle was a capital city; a centre of commerce, tourism, entertainment, leisure, art, activities and ... people. You in fact. Growing up in Maitland gave me a fairly interesting perspective about cities. My friends know how far I will go to avoid having to drive anywhere in Sydney... But Newcastle is so much easier to get around. I love the way Newcastle has unfolded, bloomed, exploded into the cosmopolitan mix it has. From Cafes and restaurants, nightclubs and venues, industry, business and fashion.. All a buzzing, thriving network of people of all interests and pass times. The Newcastle I knew as a lad is a far cry from the beautiful place we live in today since the closure of the Steelworks. It was interesting to hear Australian Crawl front man, James Reyne saying that he and his surfing mates used to holiday here from Melbourne because we “...have the best beaches on the coast” ... And, of course, we already knew that... In this magazine, we’ll discover more about the people of our great city and the breath-taking regions around it. We already know it’s the best address on Earth from the easy-going harbour-side eateries, beaches and vineyards to the surface of Mars where a Novocastrian astronomer, Col Mayberry has named a Martian landform after our beloved Nobby’s Headland - a galactic first! So welcome to this first ever edition of social/life magazine. You can receive it digitally if you visit our website and drop us a line. You can even write a story - yep, we’re a little interactive as well... So join in and be part of something wonderful. It really IS all about Newcastle, the Hunter Valley... and You. ... Steve Dunkley Creative Director

social/life 3


on the


Gavin Morris has a wild side. People of the Newcastle Region will know him as a regular TV Presenter on our nightly screens.

Story: Steve Dunkley

4 social/life

“When you’re up there, you can feel the air changing around you,” His career of more than 25 years includes being the Senior Forecaster with the Weather Channel where he covered the Victorian “Black Saturday” Bush fires, and storms that hit The Gap in Queensland. Gavin has been nominated for an Australian Subscription Television Award for 2 years running for outstanding performance by a journalist. Locals will recall Gavin’s regular snow reports in the 90’s which were his first foray into Television.

Thredbo Snow Report days

squall,” he says, “so I quickly dropped down and packed up my wing.

But It was his love of surfing that ignited his interest in the weather, “Trying to predict possible snowfall events posed a new challenge that I loved,” Gavin said. These days, on weekends he can be found seeking thrills in the clouds suspended under the wing of his para glider experiencing first hand, the weather conditions he talks about on TV. On the air... Gavin can tell you how a front forms and then why it affects the temperature or humidity, or how warm and cold air currents combine to create a shift in weather condition. His knowledge of the weather is well-known and something he shares with Novocastrians every day. With a few years paragliding experience sailing the air off Newcastle Beach and at world famous locations like Manilla near Tamworth, Gavin’s love of the weather has meshed seamlessly with his love of flying. His glider is an open parachute-like contraption with a suspended seat and is controlled with various cables. It can surf warm air thermals to amazing heights and zoom and spiral through the air like a surfer across a wave. “When you’re up there, you can feel the air changing around you,” he says, “The

Gavin and Channel Ten’s Magdelena Roze

higher you go, the colder it gets but when you fly into a thermal, you can feel the warm air rising up through your legs and then the altimeter starts pinging as you rise higher and higher.” This is where his meteorology overlaps with sport, “At a certain level, the moisture in the air begins to condense, making clouds, right there around you. We have to avoid rain, that is dangerous for us,” he said.

“One of the other pilots was blown across the car park suffering some injuries. It was definitely a good decision to come down while the squall passed.” Having good knowledge of the weather is such an advantage for anyone who enjoys the outside world,” said Gavin. He describes the sensation as “surfing in the sky ... You just can’t see the waves… but you can feel them on the air.” g

Gavin’s flying instructor, Godfrey Wenness told him about the time he caught snow flakes in his gloved hands while on the ground it was peaking 40 degrees, “It’s an experience like nothing on Earth,” he said. A recent incident at Newcastle Beach demonstrated how flying has brought about this intimate relationship with the sky. “I was flying with some other pilots, all very experienced, when I noticed a cloud burst offshore that produced a

Aloft. Gavin on the air over the Hunter Valley social/life 5

Sense Place




story by Steve Dunkley photos by Benjamin Bourke

Nicole Chaffey may be a little too comfortable in her artist’s studio in Wickham. She chooses to sit on a heavy wood table covered with the patina of paint splatters and jars of well-used brushes... The light in this place enters from the tall windows, typical of Wickham woolstore architecture… there is ample to illuminate the wall stands and easels that hold several unfinished paintings.. Other sections of the prefab walls are home to collections of canvases; works-in-progress or put aside for contemplation… There’s a reminder of the room’s location with a suffused mummer of traffic noise coming from the Islington main drag, but here it actually enhances the focused atmosphere creating a hushed vibration. “I’ve been working on my view of things for ages,” Nicole offers by way of explanation, “It’s a simplistic approach,” her feet don’t quite touch

QR Code links your smart phone to Nicole’s Contemporary Art page on Facebook

6 social/life

the floor where a random pattern of mixed paint has been walked into the boards over time, “It’s really all about the light. I think it’s always about the light in Australia; It’s unique.”

I’m immediately reminded of my own art classes so long ago… I’d learned that Australian light was captured by artists like renown indigenous artist Fred Williams who created minimalist outback scenes featuring forced perspectives and unique palette… Somehow the colours seem to be echoed in Nicole’s work. I say so, “Yes,” she says with a wide smile, “I’m very influenced by him and others like him. There’s a kind of non-

literal process there that cuts to the essential elements of the scene.” She uses flat, solid chunks of colour from her light and earth -drenched palette and a landscape emerges, distant, familiar and dreamlike. I take in several of the canvases in various states of completeness. There are landforms and landscapes with recognisable rivers and a kind of God-eyeview hugeness about them. Nicole ironically creates massive canvases with a carefully nurtured palette of oil paints. The resulting vistas are a surprising contrast for her as they tower almost beyond her reach. She makes easy conversation with

interpretations of her choices of colour, “There are colours that feel like they are made of sky. I like to bring them into these canvases and feel the vibrant, unfocused nature of that,” she says,

to fall into and wander. The light is magnetic and vaporous.

“The solid, colours of earth, rock, wood and stone are a contrast that completes the story.”

In other work Nicole has explored the “feeling” of light by the use of charcoal and pencil to create swirling scribbles of tone that fool the eye into a sense of depth and even movement beyond the flat surface.

The feeling of each of these environments is enormous. A landscape

Her vision takes you into a sensory interpretation rather than something literal.

“I want to retain the effects of light rather than the texture of earth or water.” “The light is more tangible to the mind and as viewers this is how we perceive the painted work,” she says . . . “My aim is to transport you to a sense of place.” g For more about Nicole, visit:

novocastrian artist

nicole chaffey social/life 7

Hundreds of Hunter people are finding their inner artist or honing their longforgotten skills in one of the most relaxing atmospheres imaginable. The Drawing Room is a unique boudoir where up to 25 people gather each Tuesday night to settle into an armchair with a glass of wine and sketch “models” who may be clothed, unclothed, in costume or seemingly transported from a theatrical set. The brainchild of retired teacher Ann Caddey, The Drawing Room began upstairs at a Hamilton hotel about 18 months ago and has called the Royal Exchange space in Bolton Street, Newcastle home for the past year. “Life drawing”, according to Ms Caddey, is a art form which, for many people, seems daunting – conjuring up images of serious artists sitting at easels for two hours in a cold hall staring at a naked model fixed in a pose. “I started looking for something more casual,” she said. “There was a studio in Sydney, but that was all burlesque models.” What Newcastle has to offer is an extraordinary array of dancers, musicians, circus performers, actors and performance artists, all willing to take to the Royal Exchange’s stage to be living objects for the gathered artists. Ms Caddey said that while The Drawing Room had uncovered a wide variety of models, the drawing nights themselves were being attended by people from across the community. “We’ve had bricklayers coming straight to sessions from the building site, a mother of five 8 social/life

who treats the weekly drawing time as ‘her night off’, teachers, students, health professionals and people wanting to pick up a pencil or brush from where they left off decades ago,” she said. The Tuesday sessions involve lighting, music and large projected images to set the casual, friendly atmosphere. As she was talking to social/life, Ms Caddey was preparing for that night’s appearance by Newcastle musician Afro Moses.

“We’ll have costumes, music and projections of tribal images inspired by Afro Moses’ Ghanian heritage – people will be able to immerse themselves in the whole atmosphere.” It’s usually experienced amateur or professional artists who attend the Tuesday sessions, but every few months, Ms Caddey runs classes for people with little or no experience who want to learn the basics of life drawing. “They’ll then build up courage to attend our regular nights, with some coming every week, once a month or just when they’ve got time.”

It’s not only the artists who gain from the experienced, though. Ms Caddey said ballet dancers had a great deal to offer as models because they “knew how to move”. “One dancer said after she’d posed for a couple of hours that it was really hard work. ‘Exhilarating and such an experience to feel all the ways the artists were looking at me’.” The final words go to some of the participants: “Go good! As an artist AND a model I love drawing the beautiful models and modelling for such a lovely bunch of artists.” “This place has an atmosphere that is perfect for getting those creative juices flowing. Just sit back, drink wine, chat to other artists, soak up the atmosphere, get inspired by the costumes on show and draw.” “Brilliant friendly and creative atmosphere with top class models! A perfect way to exercise the creativity muscle while having a lot of fun.” The Drawing Room at the Royal Exchange, 34 Bolton Street, Newcastle, happens every Tuesday from 6.30pm to 9pm. Check The Drawing Room on Facebookcontacts.


Story Michael Blaxland

Fostering W

Communit y

alk past Hippo’s Espresso on the Esplanade at Warners Bay and you can’t help but notice how vibrant and full of life it is. People sit out on the street while others look out through the open windows over beautiful Lake Macquarie.

Hippo’s Espresso café was created more than two years ago when owners, Wade and Cindy moved to Newcastle from Bowral. They both had a passion for good coffee and saw a need in the area for a good coffee shop, with unique atmosphere. It was a real lifestyle change for both husband and wife, with Wade previously working as a builder and Cindy a school teacher. The name Hippo came from Cindy. It sounded fun, enticing to kids and also described the size of the café, the lazy atmosphere and the food. Written on the wall, are the words The Third Place; They wanted to create a space away from home and work, a space for the community to take time out or catch up with friends.

care, youth refuge, disabilities programs, teenage counselling, life skills and learning opportunities. Donations from the community support Allambi Youth Services, enabling them to provide the best possible care to children and young people living in out of home care.

Wade approached Allambi and offered his support, after getting to know the staff members who were regularly coming into the café. Wade wanted to create communitybased awareness for the organisation, targeting the family clientele. “In the area there is a real need. It is one of the biggest areas in the state for foster care,” Wade said. Jillian, a spokesperson from Allambi admits the relationship is reciprocal, with the two businesses in close proximity to one another and many staff regularly enjoying breakfast, lunch and coffee from Hippo Espresso.

It is this idea of community that motivates Wade and Cindy. As well as running a café they support and promote Allambi Youth Services by displaying signs and brochures throughout the café and it is also advertised on the staff shirts.

Wade is genuine, easy going and loves a chat. He gives back to the community rather than just taking from it, also providing sponsorship to local schools and sports groups.

Allambi Youth Services is a local organisation based in Warners Bay providing youth care, foster care, respite

With the great location there has been no need to advertise and they choose to give what they would spend back to the


“In the area there is a real need. It is one of the biggest areas in the state for foster care,”

- Wade

community. “Word of mouth is better than any advertising,” Wade said. Hippo Espresso is continuing to grow, employing over 36 staff, full time and casual. The café is open seven days and Thursday, Friday and Saturday for dinner. It plans to open five nights for dinner this summer. For a laid back atmosphere, delicious food and coffee, drop into Hippo Espresso g sometime.

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social/life 9



Ex-pat aussie teacher and traveller, David Barrett is visits Portland, Oregon with his wife and twin boys on a road trip from San Francisco to Vancouver, USA.

culture boasts Portland’s beer . pub breweries more than 20

A friend of ours called it a

“quirky” city, and the more you see, the more you discover he is correct. My wife, Yvonne, was told that Portland is the “vegan capital of the universe”. Now, I was a vegetarian for 20 years, but even I could neither cook vegan food that had any taste, nor find a place that sold tasty vegan food, so I am wondering why it is so popular? I cannot answer that question. However, just around the corner is a street cart selling Mexican food. On the bottom of the day’s menu board... Fonzie’s Vegan Bowl. On our trip into the city yesterday we walked past a park surrounded by food carts.... Many had vegan choices.

The city was very quiet when we wandered the streets. Another friend had recommended we go to “Voodoo Doughnuts”. The first indication of the “quirkiness” of the city... there was a 20 minute line-up just to get in the door! It was the second most crowded place we saw in the city. (More on the most crowded in a minute). Not only that, the shop actually has a doughnut with a voodoo stake through it, doughnuts are packed 10 social/life


ridge, P

Steel B Portland’s quirks are a

feast for the senses

in bright pink boxes, and the selection includes some bizarre choices, including peanut butter, maple syrup and bacon. And after leaving the shop, and walking back down the street to the bus stop, we were stopped twice as people wanted to know where “Voodoo Doughnuts” was. More on “Voodoo Doughnuts” shortly.

The most crowded place in town, in the same street as “Voodoo Doughnuts”, is “Powell’s City of Books”, the largest independent bookstore in the world, with more than one million books on the shelves at any one time. The store is three floors and takes up the whole city block. When you walk in the door, the service counter offers a large fold up map of the store, a necessity if you want to find anything. We were there for over an hour and I didn’t get out of the service area with all of the new publications and the discounted books. Yvonne, disappeared into the Fantasy room for the hour and the boys disappeared into the Young’uns section... And this huge store does not even contain all of their products. There are separate stores elsewhere in the city for the technical books, gardening and cooking books and travel books. One of the q“uirky” places on our itinerary is “Bagdad Theatre”, just

a few blocks from where we are staying. In the 1980’s the McMenamin Brothers decided to re-open some old movie theatres, but knew they could not compete with the multiplexes. They came up with the idea to show popular re-runs with an admission price of $2 to $3 How do they make a profit...? on the pizza and beer they sell, which can be consumed while watching the movie. You have a choice of up to 20 beers on tap - Yes, 20! Wow! Cheap movies, Pizza and endless beer choices. Thankfully, they have beer-free sessions in the for kids.

Speaking of beer, there are about 30 pub breweries in Portland alone. This part of the US is famous for its beer. While shopping for groceries after our arrival and wanting to buy some beer, we found the beer section took up the entire back wall of the supermarket. The choices were mind-boggling. I asked one of the managers in the store for his recommendations. He said it was a time consuming and almost



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Voodoo Doug

ay Marke


impossible job keeping track of all of the beers in stock and supplying what is available. And for more quirkiness... once a year Portlanders can kick off their shoes and spread out their blankets for Portland’s favourite open-air “extreme food” picnic experience.

One of the main bridges across the river into the city is closed off, covered in locally grown grass, for a huge, public picnic/ brunch. We were welcome to sample from an array of brunch-y foods (included in the cost of entry), purchase food from the vendor food court, or bring their own picnic baskets to the event. Activities include croquet course, corn hole... all family fun. Corn hole is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing cotton duck bags filled with feed corn at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. (ie: Corn + bag + hole = game.) The surreal ambiance of the day will be enhanced even further through the presence of musicians and colourful performers.

The highlight this year... “Voodoo Doughnut” will

unveil The World’s Largest Box of Doughnuts in an attempt at the Guinness World Record! We will not only see the current record broken, but we can bring the doughnuts home with us. We may be delaying our departure from Portland by a few hours to attend. Locals and visitors are encouraged to bring canned food as donations to a food drive for the benefit of local shelters. (There’ll be doughnuts for sure.) All of this fun, we have discovered in two days. What else is in store for us in the next week? g

Originally from Maitland, David Barrett lives in Osaka, Japan where he is an English Teacher.

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social/life 11


Auditions... On Thursday 3rd February, Australia’s Next Top Model Auditions were being held in Sydney. I had always wanted to try out but never had the courage. After support and encouragement from my friends I decided to enter.... 12 social/life

Story Sarah Boulazeris Photos Jacqui Clancy Styling Vanessa Swilks

Pitt Street Mall was one massive line of beautiful girls all waiting to compete. Each girl was assigned a number and had to present in groups to the judges, Sarah Murdoch, Charlotte Dawson and Ursula Hufnagl, (Chic Management). After I had completed my extremely nervous journey down the catwalk I was told I had made it to the next level, to be considered for a place in the top 100. Excited!

“Congratulations on Making Top 100” Letter.

After waiting a very long 4 weeks I received a letter confirming that I had made Top 100 for Australia’s Next Top Model Series 7. The letter instructed me to pack my suitcase as if I would not be returning home for up to three months. This was really it! I arrived in Sydney, with the hundred other beautiful girls, where we were all briefed on the competition and introduced to the crew. Back to our hotel to get a good night’s sleep, the competition starts tomorrow.

Top 100 Model Boot Camp 5am start! All 100 girls were transported to Fox Studios to start filming the competition. Judges, Sarah Murdoch, Alex Perry, Charlotte Dawson and Jez Smith (Australian Beauty and Fashion Photographer) introduced themselves and announced our first challenge - Bearing all, in swimwear! Sarah then advised us that this challenge will eliminate half of us, that’s fifty girls, going home today. OMG! All the girls looked fabulous in their swimwear although it was clear we were all very nervous. After all the girls had walked the catwalk we had to wait for hours while the judges debated over eliminations. And when the eliminations were announced I was so excited when the Judges told me that I was going through to the next round to compete in the Top 50. Phew. continued > social/life 13

We m ade it to PA WOO-HOOO ! RIS !!!

Top 50 - Model Boot Camp Another early morning start, off to Fox Studios to film Day 2 of Top Model Boot Camp. Sarah Murdoch announced our second challenge - a clean canvas. Our next photo shoot required no makeup, wearing only jeans and a white Bonds singlet. Sarah, once again, made the horrific announcement that the judges will be reviewing the photographs and twenty girls would be eliminated and sent home today. It was only a five minute photo shoot but it was so much fun. I put lots of energy into the shoot, was surprisingly confident and felt that I had performed well. The judges called us up in groups to advise us of the Top 30. They called my name in the first group which made me think I wasn’t going to make it through to the next round. I was the only one who made it through in my group. What a relief.

Top 30 - Model Boot Camp Today’s challenge was announced by Alex Perry - a test of our strength and confidence. Our next challenge was to model in Sydney Fashion Week, wearing Alex Perry. YAY! Then there was the bad news, judged on our performance, ten girls would be eliminated and go home today. The show was so much fun, it was such an adrenalin rush. I can’t even remember seeing the audience as I was so focused on standing up straight and not tripping or falling in my heels. I made it through this elimination, making the Top 20. WOW. The judges then met with the Top 20 models to break some really big news. The Top 20 were being flown to the fashion capital of the world, PARIS! Behind us were Twenty Guess suitcases filled with Fendi sunglasses, Cooper St Dresses, Love from Venus Jewellery, leggings and much much more. Is this really happening?

14 social/life

Fashion Capital of the World We arrived in France and started filming and touring along the most famous streets in Paris, visiting designer stores such as …. Gucci, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior! ANTM then took us to our hotel, Hotel de Crillion. Royalty, Presidents, music and movie stars are among the rich and famous who have experienced the luxury of this hotel! Hotel de Crillion is one of the most expensive and famous hotels in Paris. I may never have the opportunity to experience such luxury ever ever again.

and Shopping Challenge After breakfast we were off to the Eiffel Tower. Charlotte Dawson was waiting to greet us and told us that the Eiffel Tower had been closed to the public so we could experience it all to ourselves. Whilst on top of the Eiffel Tower we were given our first challenge since Model Boot Camp. Alex Perry and Charlotte Dawson put us in groups of 5 and our challenge was to source an outfit each suitable to wear to a model casting. Each group was given 450 Euro, a map and a French taxi chauffeur to take us around the streets of Paris. My group was Caroline, Madeline, Rachel and Neo.

adeline, Our g roup: M , Neo Caroline, Me l. and Rachae

Our group won the challenge, winning a Gap Voucher and the opportunity to meet International Supermodel Natalia Vodianova. Natalia has achieved success as a runway, editorial and advertising campaign model. To date, Vodianova has completed advertising campaigns for the likes of Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent and Chanel, amongst others. Our group met with Natalia in our hotel which was surreal. Natalia spoke about her upbringing in Russia and her career and achievements. It was an unbelievable experience.

Alex and Meeting with esome !!! Natalia.. Aw

Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte The next two days were spent filming at the amazing, Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte, the biggest privately owned castle in Paris. On arrival at the Chateau, Jez Smith informed the group that we would be doing a photo shoot in the most beautiful couture gowns flown into Paris from all around the world. It was a dream shoot. The photographs were taken in the main room of the castle, the roof was a high dome with windows that looked out onto the Chateau grounds. The Chateau grounds looked like a maze out of Alice in Wonderland.

and Australia’s Next Top Model After returning from Paris my Top Model Journey was brought to an end. Four girls were eliminated and sent home - Georgia, Shannon, Lauren and myself. I wish I could have continued competing and challenging myself more in the competition although I had already gone further than I ever expected. It was sad to leave the competition however I was pleased I would be able to see my family and friends. All up I spent 5 amazing days in Paris! I was lucky enough to experience some incredible restaurants and explore the streets and lifestyle of the French. L’amour Sarah social/life 15


Pictured: Iain Jensen and Nathan Outteridge

A spinal injury suffered in a car accident hasn’t stopped Lake Macquarie yachtsman Nathan Outteridge from realising his dreams of Olympic Gold in the sport he loves with his best mate Iain Jensen. When five-year-old Iain Jensen joined the sabot fleet at Wangi Wangi sailing club on Lake Macquarie, a local sevenyear-old, Nathan Outteridge, was already distinguishing himself on the water. Eight years later, the first pairing of Outteridge and Jensen resulted in a win at the 2000 Flying11 Nationals at Vaucluse – their first National Championship. This year, with several world titles and gold medals under their belts, the boys will contest the Perth 2011 ISAF Sailing World Championships. They will hope to consolidate their selection to represent Australia in the 49er class at the 2012 Olympics. Since the early 90’s, the boys have been regular figures at meets representing a myriad of sailing classes. Their successes, both individually and together, have enabled them to mix, train and race with the world’s best. Nathan, after winning two ISAF World Youth Championships, trained under Australian Coach, Victor Kovalenko and 16 social/life

match raced with the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Iain campaigned in Australia and internationally, first in the 29er, and later in the 49er with skipper Dave O’Connor. In 2004 Nathan was named Australian Youth Sailor of the Year for the second time running, and shortly after that migrated to the newest Olympic class, the double-handed skiff 49er. He was short-listed for the Confederation of Australian Sport’s Young Athlete of the Year. Then in January 2005 while driving from Lake Macquarie to a regatta in Melbourne, the 18-year-old’s car left the road and ploughed into a tree near Holbrook, NSW. He was air-lifted to Sydney’s Prince of Wales hospital with a broken back. He underwent a nine-hour operation to fuse vertebrae, followed by four weeks of hospitalisation with intense physiotherapy. His family were unsure whether he would walk again. Nathan took his first tentative steps in hospital before being

discharged, and was ordered to lie flat for a month. For an additional two months he wore a full body brace to enforce immobility. It was a measure of Nathan’s popularity amongst the sailing community that he was not short of friends to share the slow weeks with. Among those helping to while away the time was Iain Jensen, motoring his Dad’s runabout or paddling his surf-ski across Eraring Bay to Wangi, to talk and laugh with his mate. Twelve months later Nathan, fit and well, with a new determination, commenced his European campaign with Ben Austin in the 49er, culminating in a win at the 2008 World Championships in Melbourne, ...and selection for the Australian Olympic team. Nathan and Ben’s 2008 Olympic series led them heartbreakingly close to a gold medal. In the final race, their closest competitor, Italy, capsized in the storm conditions, leaving the Australians in gold

medal position. Then just 300 metres short of the finish line, the Australians capsized and were unable to prevent five boats crossing ahead of them, to finish fifth overall. Nathan and Iain renewed their partnership in January 2009, and in their first season achieved a perfect track record, winning gold in two World Cup events; the Delta Lloyd Regatta in Medemblik, Netherlands, and Sail For Gold in Weymouth, UK. They also took the title in the World 49er Championships at Lake Garda, Italy. They were named the Australian Institute of Sport’s Team of the Year in November 2009. They have been described as a “golden pairing,” and indeed there seems to be a fortunate balance between Nathan’s strategic brilliance and Iain’s speed and focus. Add to this an easy-going longstanding friendship, and the passion that each brings to the competitive arena, and the pair seems built for success. In 2010 they took second in

the World 49er Championships in the Bahamas, and first place in both the Delta Lloyd Regatta at Medemblik, Netherlands, and in the second Sail for Gold at the Olympic venue in Weymouth, UK. When the Moth Worlds were scheduled to be held at Belmont on Lake Macquarie in January 2011, the opportunity was too good to be missed. Two boats were acquired, and, together with the current world Laser champion and ISAF Sailor of the Year, Tom Slingsby, and Sydney sailor, Joe Turner, the boys stepped enthusiastically into another class. They became the now famous “Moth Squad” of Lake Macquarie, all finishing in the top nine in the Worlds.

first place in the pre-worlds, took the world title with ease, establishing a formidable supremacy in the class. After a training period with Australian Development Squad members Will and Sam Philips, and the New Zealand, British & Irish 49er teams on Lake Macquarie, the boys took a detour to Hamilton Island, to compete in the SAP 505 World Championship in April, finishing second Australian crew, and ninth overall. 2011 has seen the boys continue their tour de force in the 49er. In May, after fighting back from a disappointing start, they won silver in the Delta Lloyd World Cup event in Holland.

In June the boys were back in England again for the Skandia Sail for Gold 2011, held at the venue for the Main Image: Undefeated, Iain and Nathan in the Skandia 2012 Olympics at Sail for Gold at the Olympic venue, Weymouth, 2011 Weymouth. After Photo: Clive Rose, Getty Images Europe a trademark slow Top Right: World Champions, Riva del Garda Italy, start (17th in the 2009 Photo: M Jensen first qualifying), the Top & Below: Zhik Australian 49er Championship Photo: Haylee Outteridge pair ramped up the

Nathan himself, after securing the Australian National title and

Fellow Australians Will and Sam Philips had streaked away from the fleet to finish first across the line, with the boys following to secure second in the medal race, and gold in the series.

2012 Olympic test event to compete for selection for the Australian Olympic Team. After jostling with Spain’s Iker Martinez and Xabier Fernandez for first place in the qualifying races, the boys went into the 10-boat medal race trailing by four points.

After another brief rest at home it was back to Europe in July for the 2011 Seiko Open Europeans in Helsinki, competing against sixty-four boats from twenty-one countries.

For a series win, they needed to cross the line leading Spain by at least one boat. This would leave them tied with Spain on points, but winning by a countback.

After the gusty conditions in Weymouth, so similar to Australian conditions, the light breezes of Finland were a test for the boys. However they were consistent from the first race, and it paid off. They went into the medal race leading Great Britain by one point.

The win leaves the Australians unbeaten in the Olympic venue to date, and puts them in a strong psychological position in the lead-up to the Olympics next year.

pressure, and by the final leg were in second place.

When both boats were over the starting line, the battle was on in earnest. The Australians crossed the line in fourth place, leading Great Britain by five boats, and securing gold overall in the series. In August they headed to Weymouth again for the London

After the last World Ranking cycle Nathan and Iain are currently ranked number two in the world behind Austria. A good result in the Perth 49er Worlds in December will consolidate their selection for the Australian Olympic Team. Then it’s all systems go for the 2012 Olympics in Weymouth in July next year. Lake Macquarie will be cheering. g

social/life 17

for the



that , lots of men decided Over the past few years ing better. It wasn’t ss they wanted to start dre code or impressing anyone ss dre a t ou ab ly ari necess t about mselves...), it was jus (those are nice in the e. nc ur appeara feeling good about yo Source: Coolm

Sooner or later, something’s going to rub off if you look like a million bucks. Heading to the tailor to get your pants tapered and tour jacket brought in is one thing, but what if you want to design or modify your own clothes? If you’re anything like the good folk at CoolMaterial. com, you have plenty ideas but don’t know where to start. This Fashionary Sketchbook is that starting

18 social/life

point. Patterns, templates, fabrics and helpful tips line the pages of the combination dictionary+diary+sketchbook that is sure to become every budding designer’s best friend. It might not land you in the pages of GQ, but it’s a pretty good place to start at about $24+ for discerning blokes. g See more: Fashionary Menswear Sketchbook Cool


Bob Corbett & the Roo GrassBand The multi- award winning Bob Corbett & The Roo Grass Band adventurously burst out of the world of folk / country music.

Audiences from coast to coast have showered this highly entertaining four-piece band with standing ovations and encores. With the recent release of his fourth album, Lucky Country, the Roo Grassers are ready to share an even richer palette of colours from their growth as a band.

Music Muster, Whittlesea CMF, Festival Of The Sun in Port Macquarie, Urban CMF in Caboolture, The Bluewater CMF in Port Stephens, the Karuah River Of Music Bluegrass Festival and the illustrious Blue Mountains Folk Festival.

Awards. In 2003 Bob released his award winning debut album The Hurricane Inside which is still held as a favourite by many of his long time fans. Bob Corbett is also an accomplished

However, it is not just the live shows that define this band. Two of Bob Corbett & The Roo Grass Band’s music videos are currently broadcasting nationally on CMC. Their previous single Mandolin has been included on the CMAA Independent’s Day Compilation CD out on EMI, featuring Golden Guitar Winners Felicity Urquhart, The Davidson Brothers and Kevin Bennett. Mandolin has also been included on the 2011 Capital News Official Festival Guide Compilation CD, featuring Luke Austen, Bill Chambers & Anne Kirkpatrick.


Their energy, musical virtuosity and heart felt easy-going nature makes them an Australian band not to be missed. With every performance Bob Corbett’s awardwinning song writing is backed with wellcrafted harmonies, guitars, banjos, fiddles, mandolins and dobros played by Roo Grass Band members Dave Carter, Sue Carson, Robbie Long & Ngariki. All re-known Novocastrian players in their own right. Their Theirprevious previousalbum albumSilver Silver Lining (2010) launched the group on a massive 21,000km tour around Australia. Since then Roo Grassers have been invited to appear at many of the country’s great festivals including The National Folk Festival in Canberra, The Tamworth CMF, Mainstage at Gympie Optus

In the past, Bob Corbett has received nine 1233 ABC Music Awards including Best Country Song (2 times), The APRA & ABC Music Publishing Songwriter Recognition Award, Broadcasters Choice and the 1233 Tour support prize, which saw him gain invaluable assistance from publicity guru, Paula Jones (Midnight Oil, John Butler, Silverchair). In 2009 Bob received the $10,000 Contemporary Music Touring Program Grant from the Australian Government. This launched Bob and his band on an extensive national tour from coast to coast. In 2008 Bob released the critically acclaimed album, Storyboard and reached the national finals in both the MusicOz and Australian Songwriters

solo performer and can be seen in Newcastle wielding an acoustic guitar and an uncanny ability to use a loop pedal. His live looping abilities are astonishing. Audiences are left wondering how on earth he gets away without having prerecorded anything as he layers his rhythms and vocal harmonies one on top of the other. It is this creativity and innovation that has seen Bob invited to open shows for many of Australia’s premier acts including Sara Storer, The McClymonts, Richard Clapton, Diesel, Ross Wilson, Russell Morris, Brian Cadd, Marcia Hines, Bruce Mathiske and Daryl Braithwaite. g

Bob Corbett and The Roo Grass Band’s new CD “Lucky Country” is Available at g www. g g g iTunes g g Bigpond g JB HIFI g Sanity g Leading Edge g ABC Retail and many more music stores - See Bob’s website for details. social/life 19

lake views fine food great live entertainment

Family Dining n Light Meals n Great Coffee n Gourmet Dinning n Seafood Restaurant n Fine Wine Selections

The Gunyah Hotel: 644 Pacific Highway, Belmont, NSW 2280 : Phone: 02 4945 4603 w:


What’s your favorite Top 5 ?

... no rules... they could be anything at all...

sleeping in the van


Singer-Songwriter, Andy Church shares more than just a life on the road...

Raised on BBQ and college ball, Andy Church combines heart, soul and fine guitar chops to create new music inspired by the innovative bands of the 60’s and 70’s. Originally from Lexington, North Carolina, and steeped in the rich combo music culture of Chapel Hill, Andy has spent a lifetime pursuing great songs from almost every angle... as a performer, session player, guitar dealer, studio organiser, instructor, handyman, avid listener, amateur scientist, and lab rat. - A mystery man. Some of this life experience has gone into the mix of Sleeping In The Van. Thoughtful lyrics and bold melodies are set to a richlytextured blend of electric and acoustic guitars. Not exactly true to any specific genre but touching on many, these songs reflect an honest approach that goes straight to the heart of what makes a boy pick up a guitar in the first place... and play.... he does.... Sleeping In The Van is not a concept album but thematically its playlist offers tales of a musician’s life... the road... home life... family and events... and the occasional circumstances that lead to a roadside stopover with nowhere else to sleep. Any working musician can relate. Andy shares the intimate and light, the momentary details

of life as well as a few broad brush strokes of his life carried by glistening guitar tones.


We get to know something, an emotional echo perhaps, of his surroundings such as the single track Linden Lane. Lyrically, it is rich with visuals provoking memorable moments.


Furry friends..Oscar, Meesh, Kuta and Raj... How cute are these guys?! Purple !!! Still looking for the perfect event to wear these little beauties...


Throughout, his guitar playing is soulful and energetic and pays homage to the vintage greats he holds dear in both style and tone. Despite his fascination for the old-school sounds, his sales and marketing methodology is decidedly 21st century. Andy is one of thousands of musician songwriters who can be found selling CD’s online.

The perfect Purple Bag It’s Cool and groovy down to the funky fringe

Cinque Terra, Italy Seriously one on the most beautiful places on Earth


Singapore Orchids are so beautiful. I love these tiny purple flowers.

Already, we’re told, several Novocastrian musicians have picked up Andy’s CD fanning the discussion about the power of word-of-mouth. Andy may not have to camp out ‘roadside’ these days, but he's living an envious dream - a musician's life.


e Va “Sleeping in th Andy Church e: sit eb w s hi m is available fro .com ch ur ch dy an w. ww

Tania Dunning is the owner operator of Pilates Fitness for Life in Belmont North. Tania is the region’s original practitioner of the Pilates method and lives at home with her dog Kuta, cats, Meisha and Oscar and the boyfriend... ... What’s-his-name...

social/life 21

Style Luncheon Grand Mercure, Newcastle Fashion Stylist, Vanessa Swilks held the first of the season’s style luncheons at Newcastle’s Grand Mercure restaurant this month among a group of fashion-savvy women.


Australi on with Lunche le s ri ty e S z e la th ou resents Sarah B Swilks p testant, Vanessa Top Model con

Vanessa presented wardrobe basics, how to layer, and “what’s In” for Spring-Summer 2011. All clothing was supplied by Westfield Kotara. Photography: Jacqui Clancy

Elisabeth McCarthy and Raewa Rowe

Rona Bell, Lisa Byrne and Karen Guy

Vicky Wallis and Nikki Buckley

Pauline Petro and Dana Pichaloff (Marketing Director, Grand Mercure)

Tanya McHeyzer, Kelley Maybury and Chantelle Roberts

Annette Watson and Debbie Veness


22 social/life

St icky Date Pudding Fool Proof


Recipe Elle Sheedy Photos Peta Wood

250g plain flour 250g brown sugar 6 eggs 125g unsalted butter softened a pinch cinnamon a pinch nutmeg 250 dates chopped 300ml apple juice 1tsp baking powder 1tsp bi carb soda 6 teacups

Butterscotch sauce: 125g unsalted butter 125g brown sugar 250ml thickened cream

Method: n

Preheat oven to 180oC, butter and flour teacups


Combine brown sugar and butter with an electric beater


Put dates and apple juice into a pot, bring to the boil


While waiting for the juice to boil, one egg at a time, making sure they are evenly distributed through the mixture, beat until mixture is light, fluffy and pale in colour


By now, the juice will be boiling, remove from heat and mix in bi carb soda


Fold the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and dates into the pale mixture


Fill teacups 1cm from the top


Place cups in a tray deeper than the cups themselves, fill with hot water to 1/3 of the cups, over with baking paper and foil


Bake for 45-60 min depending on your oven, do not open the oven before this.


Leave to cool before removing them from cups

Sauce: n

Melt butter in a medium pot


Add brown sugar and gently stir until sugar has dissolved


Add thickened cream and simmer for 5 min

life through pilates

a better

Pilates, a growing trend in exercise and fitness is actually an idea that pre-dates World War II. The main benefits of Pilates include core stability, quicker recovery from injury and becoming pain-free without medication. Regular practitioners of Pilates say that the methodology not only speeds up recovery but also helps prevents re-injury allowing greater activity throughout their life.

successfully treated accident victims, injured dancers, pre and post natal mothers and elderly people with hip and knee replacements to achieve a more active and enjoyable life.. It’s no wonder Tania branded her Pilates studio in Belmont

Regularly stretching and strengthening the individual muscles is a good way to gain a balanced, strong body. Pilates also balances and tones your body without creating muscle bulk. People who enjoy strenuous sports or even dancing, can enjoy years of activity because the strengthening of muscles and the core, allow your body both flexibility and stability to perform naturally. Mothers who are preparing for childbirth can experience an easier delivery and more effective recovery with the Pilates method. Tania Dunning has been a practitioner of Pilates for more than 13 year in the Newcastle area and has

North “Fitness For Life.” “I love being able to help people really live,” said Tania. Contact Tania on 0404 037 622 or email: g

social/life 23

Sunday morning training with friends

Just back from Caloundra, QLD, The Newcastle/Hunter Dragons Abreast dragon boat team have collected medals for participating in the regatta and were proud of winning the first race of the event. Teams battled fierce winds of up to 30 knots. Dragons Abreast are an international organisation made up of breast cancer survivors and their friends and supporters. They often hold events, regattas and functions to raise funds for breast cancer research. As dragon boat racing teams, they The team in February, 2010 competeing at Darling Harbour


The next events on their October (Breast Cancer Month) calendar include helping organisers at the Newcastle Corporate Regatta (Oct 23) and participating in the Grafton Regatta (Oct 30th) which is part of the Grafton Jacaranda Festival. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For more information visit: nsw/Hunter.htm ...for training times and race events... also:

Next Fund-raiser: Bunnings Kotara, October 29 - be early


24 social/life

create a spectacle wherever they go.

Happy Birthday Mr Entertainment Shortland Hotel, Shortland A legend of the Novocastrian entertainment industry celebrated his 60th birthday this month. Congratulations to Steve Hicks who shared the evening with family and friends at the Shortland Hotel. Many local musicans and industry notables attended to help Steve make the night a great success and were entertained by top-flight performers, Peta Evans-Taylor, Mick Jones and The Snape Brothers and friends. Photography: Greg Lunn

Steve Hicks, Birthday milestone

Chris Varley and Steven Pickett (EAO) discuss the finer points of the industry

Yianni Mordtidas (GenR8 Entertainment) and Troy Ravlen (Quaan)

Deb and Mick Potts (Swansea Hotel)

Left: Mick Snape and Steve enjoy the show. Below Left: Songstress, Peta Evans Taylor entertains with unique renditions of popular tunes. Below: Soloist, Mick Jones set the scene with a set of favourites.

(Phonic) Terri Wilson

oyle (Juicy

and Eve B

Eddie Price and a mate enjoy a yarn at the bar.


Paul Carroll (Iguana) and Steve Werren (Soloist)

Brad Elliott (Snape Brothers) and Terry Lantry (EAO)

social/life 25

Capel Vale Winery Dinner Gunyah Hotel - Balcony 644 Restaurant The Gunyah Hotel at Belmont played host to Capel Vale Winery’s Annual Wine Dinner in August. (pictured left) Host, Brett Hetherington joined Capel Vale’s Customer Manager, Murray Carroll (centre) and National Sales Manager, Stewart Hodges (right), for a gourmet meal over a selection of Capel Vale wines.

Photography: Tania Dunning

Kathy Donaldson, Susan Pyne, David Phillips and Archie Hetherington.

Raylene and Rodney Mace were joined by David Moore and Louise Moore from Red Funnel Food Services.

Anne and Bill Brecht (seated) shared the evening with friends Barry and Linda Pont.

Minnie Hetherington, Melinda Phillips, Greg Pyne and Richard Donaldson.

Merilyn Dunn and Dianne Briggs enjoy the event.

Paul O’Born, Restaurant Manager, “Curley” and Sue Jenner.

26 social/life

Looking Lookingfor forthat thatperfect perfect Looking for that perfect Looking for that perfect looking for that Blend? Looking Looking for for that that perfect perfect Blend? Perfect Blend? Blend? Peta ME PetaEvans EvansTaylor Taylor Blend? Blend? ME Blend? ME ME ME ME ME ME

Peta Evans Peta Evans-Taylor Peta Evans Taylor Peta Evans Taylor Peta EvansTaylor Taylor Peta PetaEvans EvansTaylor Taylor

The Premier Hotel Local business partners Rolly de With, David O’Connor and Ben Richardson of the Junction Hotel and the Sunnyside Tavern have teamed up with Neil Slater of Scratchley’s to restore this Newcastle landmark to her former glory. The iconic Premier is the place to be....... Socialise, relax and unwind in the family-friendly atmosphere. The Premier’s in-house restaurant offers superb food.

Jason JasonBone Bone

Jerome Jerome

Jason Bone Jason Bone Jason Jason Bone Jason Bone Jason JasonBone Bone Bone

Jerome Jerome Jerome Jerome Jerome Jerome Jerome

Our Chef has created a menu for both lunch and dinner 7 days a week, catering for those with traditional tastes as well as those who prefer more contemporary cuisine. If you are heading to the races or watching the Jets home game, the Premier is the place to meet. And with something happening every day of the week (Trivia, meat raffles, live entertainment and kids disco), why not drop in and say hello to Ben and the staff at The Premier Hotel…. Always a good time….

Kim Kim&&Mik Mik Kim Kim& & Mik Kim Mik Kim Mik Kim &Mik Mik Kim Kim& && & Mik Mik

Cosy CosyVelour Velour Cosy Velour Cosy Velour Cosy Velour Cosy Velour Cosy Velour Cosy Cosy Velour Velour

Café Treats CaféTreats Treats Cafe Café Treats Café Treats with tasty beats... with tasty beats... Café Café Treats Treats with Tasty Beats... with tasty beats... with tasty beats... with with tasty tasty beats... beats... AGT DJ DJ Patson AGT AGT DJPatsan Patsan DJ Patsan DJ Patsan DJ DJ Patsan DJ DJPatsan Patsan Patsan



Entertain your Entertain your social Entertain Socialyour Life social Entertain your social Entertain your social life with live MUSIC..... Entertain Entertain your your social social with MUSIC... life withLIVE live MUSIC..... life life with live MUSIC..... life lifewith with withlive live liveMUSIC..... MUSIC..... MUSIC..... P: 0249559450 4955 9450 P:02 P:02 49559450 W: W:

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Swansea Hotel Deb and Mick Potts know a thing or two about creating a great pub atmosphere. Originally from Newcastle, they have had an adventurous few years leaning the trade and refining several hotels before completely renovating the Swansea Hotel. Their first pub, back in 1994 was the Ellalong Hotel followed by Boolaroo’s Commercial Hotel in 1998 and later The Shaft Hotel in Elermore Vale and then The South Dubbo Hotel on NSW’s Western Plains. They’ve really gone the distance. “We wanted to create a place that was an extension of our lounge room,” said Deb, “We renovated everything and made a place that is all about friends, food, entertainment and it’s important to us, that people enjoy their experience here.” More than four years later, Swansea Hotel has become a lifestyle destination for a wide age group, “We have regulars from years before we got here, to young friends and families who enjoy the casual atmosphere, food, and music. Under their banner of Eat, Drink, Enjoy. It’s a place where you can watch sports on the big screens and share a drink with mates as well as fine dining in their bistro restaurant and experience Newcastle’s fine talent on weekends including Sunday afternoon. Visit:

Royal Newcastle Graduate Nurses Association Re-Union Sebel Hotel Newcastle The Royal Newcastle Graduate Nurses Association was established 59 years ago and has more than 240 members.

Robyn McMellon

& Lee Hughes

The Annual Re-Union Luncheon is one of many events the Association holds as a fund-raiser to support a nursing scholarship at The University of Newcastle as well as the archiving of historical records and the Royal Newcastle Hospital Heritage Trust. The 2011 Luncheon was held on August 27th, at the Sebel Hotel in Newcastle that was constructed on the site of the original Royal Newcastle Hospital. Attending were more than 130 people who had an association with the hospital over the years between the 1940’s to mid 2007. This year, the Association published a book, “Sisters of The Valley - First World War Nurses From Newcastle and The Hunter Region,” written by historian, Christine Bramble. The book reveals that at least 75 trained nurses from the Hunter Valley Region joined military nursing units to care for wounded. 21 of the nurses trained or worked at the (then) Newcastle Hospital. The book is available from The Association for $30.

Carol Wakeman, Julia Cox & Pat Butterworth

Alison Clinton , Lee Hughes & John Duggan

June Graham & Isabel Higgins

Jan Stevens

Deirdre Anderson & Anna Holmes

Contact email:

Jeanette Deitz Annette Williams


ola Evan

edy & N

Kit Kenn

social/life 29

yeah... it’s

As seen on TV Julia Morris is immediately recognisable as one of Australia’s favourite comedians... ‘Best Australian Act’ at the Time Out Sydney 2009 Comedy Awards.

After nearly two years of living in LA, the funny Lady from Gosford returns home to tour with a head full of her favourite stories about the insanity of living in Hollywood, life with two young children and many examples of general misbehaviour. Having performed to crowds all over the world, Julia Morris is one of Australia’s most successful and polished comedians and has appeared on stage with such comedy royalty as Richard Pryor, Jason Alexander, Whoopi Goldberg, Jerry Lewis and Robin Williams. Julia has featured in nearly every major international comedy festival from Montreal to South Africa, won the Herald Angel award at the Edinburgh Festival 2002 and was named Time Out London’s ‘Comedy Performer of the Year’ in 2004. Julia’s 2008 and 2009 standup tours were both nominated for the Helpmann Award (Australia’s most prestigious theatre awards) and she won 30 social/life

Julia is a regular feature on every Australian commercial television network and in April 2008 she won Channel 7’s celebrity singing show It Takes Two. Her first set of memoirs, entitled Don’t You Know Who I Used To Be?, were released to popular acclaim in April 2009. Julia is being supported by the wonderful Jackie Loeb who is returning from performing in Vegas. Jackie has recently been nominated for a MO Comedy Award and is another familiar face from Good News Week, Spicks and Specks & The Footy Show. Don’t miss out on these internationally acclaimed divas of fun - The girls will take over Lizotte’s at Lambton on November 9th. Jackie Loeb has been a fixture on the global stand-up comedy landscape since she exploded onto the scene in 1992. Described as Gobsmackingly Excellent and Completely in your face funny by publications across the galaxy, Jackie has maintained her reputation as one of today’s most hilarious and gifted stand-up comedians while simultaneously distinguishing herself as a Corporate MC, Actor, Vocalist, Musician, Voice Over Artist and Writer. g More information check out...

Fans of Aussie rock have had their prayers answered. Novocastrian’s especially so. In a blending of legends, Rick Brewster’s Angels and Newcastle rocker, Dave Gleeson have performed two incredible shows to rave reviews... and there are more to come... Only a few weeks ago, Rick Brewster’s Angels fronted by Dave Gleeson of The Screaming Jets performed two mind-blowing sell out shows in Sydney and Adelaide. They showcased the band’s new single Waiting For The Sun as well as performing all the classics, leaving fans screaming for more, excited at the prospect of a new revitalized Angels. Following that wave of enthusiasm, what had started out as a bit of fun between Gleeson and the Brewsters has created a new chapter for

the Angels. “The crowd was awesome, the Annandale Hotel was packed front to back. I was loving every minute of it,” said an ecstatic Dave Gleeson, Rick Brewster is reenergised with the performance, “We have finished the new EP and there will be an album. Can’t wait to play more shows with this band!” he said. With the single, Waiting For The Sun having already been played nationally on Triple M, fans have had a taste of what to expect on the upcoming EP. In August, Politically Incorrect launched their comedy CD Vol1 to media and the entertainment industry at a launch night at their HQ’s in Crows Nest. The Angels closed the show with Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again, We Gotta Get Out Of This Place and

Meatloaf in action performing his classic “Paradise By The Dashboard Light.”

Meatloaf A Day On The Green - Bimbadgen When Rock Icon Meatloaf slayed the audience at Bimbadgen Estate this month, Richard Armstrong was there with friends to capture the moment

Take A Long Line. In a tough room the band blew the crowd away. Post show there were many comments on how amazing they sounded with Gleeson in the front man position. The new look Angels just returned from Japan and played at a benefit concert with Jimmy Barnes to help build a future for the locals whose lives were adversely impacted by the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Meanwhile, here on their home turf, the lads will be heading to the Hunter as part of their Waiting For The Sun tour, which will be their first of many with Dave Gleeson on board. According to industry insiders, If the shows at The Annandale and Norwood were any indication, fans new and old are set for an Angels experience reminiscent of gigs in the early years at the Sydney’s famous Bondi

Lifesaver venue in 1979. Former Status Quo Bassist, Alan Lancaster witnessed the show, “It is like they are reborn! Definitely a step up. All the harmonies were in tune and the band played really tight. Dave fitted like a glove.”

Maree Dobson, Wendy Skyrus and Jen Bloomfield

In launching the tour, The Angels have yet another surprise for their fans, releasing their first video since Caught In The Night in 1997. The Angels with Dave Gleeson will appear at Belmont 16’s, November 26. See the club for details.


Richard Armstrong, Wendy Skyrus, Ian Lawson in front of the stage See the video Waiting For The Sun on YouTube (Scan QR code below).

Big show for a big act.

Linda McLaren enjoying the show

social/life 31




4 On Saturday September 24, hundreds of Sydney girls entered the coveted Myer Fashion on the Fields Competition held at beautiful Rosehill Gardens. Jennifer Young from Newcastle joined the fashion field amongst a palette of every colour imaginable! A very well deserved Angela Menz was announced the Myer Fashion on the Field winner, 2011. Angela dyed the fabric of her skirt and made her entire outfit including her fascinator. Very well done Angela!




Rosehill Racecourse - September 2011

1. Myer Fashion on the Field Winner, Angela Menz

2. Entrants including, Jennifer Young from Newcastle

3. Spring Carnival Ambassador Nikki Phillips with Underbelly Star, Firass Dirani 4. Hopefuls parade their outfits

5. Jennifer Young with last years Runner Up

6. Hosts, Luke Jacobz (Xfactor) and Sarah Cummings (Channel 7 Newsreader) welcoming entrants 7. My favourite dressed! Spring Carnival Ambassador, Laura Dundovic Main Picture (left) - Jennifer Young by Photographer, Matt Briggs Story/Styling /Photos: Vanessa Swilks

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