Social Life Magazine - Edition #4 - February 2012

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free Issue: 4 february 2012

Coming of Age

BENJALU round off their festival summer

If Only

kayak adventure

Four Wheels

hitting the stockton dunes

Community Growth wickham’s secret garden

Live Live Live

the summer of entertainment

Who’s Next?

tamworth’s star-maker finalists


feature photos

social/life magazine : FEBRUARY 2012

fashion n music n sport n events n people n travel n food n you...

Here’s something you CAN do...

“No great thing is created suddenly.” - Epictetus

Well, the new year is well under way and we’re all settling back into... into what? Work? Life?...

Purchase these eco-friendly drink bottles to help raise much-needed funds to support the Sea Shepherd Project on it’s continuing mission to protect whales in the Southern Ocean. Visit: for more information.

social/life magazine creative director . ......................................... steve dunkley email: ............................................................................. mobile: .......................................................................... 0428 438 663

sales & marketing director.............. steve james email: ............................................................................. mobile: .......................................................................... 0439 732 559

contributors. ...................................................... michael blaxland ...........................................................................................

vanessa swilks


elle sheedy

I’ve always found that the Christmas and New Year season puts a real hole in my yearly momentum. I get up to cruising speed early and before long.... The world just stops and I can’t wait for it get going again. You see, I’ve been reading a very interesting new book by husband and wife team Jeff and Julie Crabtree from Sydney. The book is called ‘Living With a Creative Mind.” I loved the ambiguous title right away. Jeff and Julie (an Educator and Psychologist respectively) have written a detailed and yet, easy to read book that could be used as a kind of owner’s manual for a creative person’s brain. Apparently, we are wired differently to everyone else ... BRILLIANT !!! As a creative myself, it’s fascinating. I know that over the last 20 years in Newcastle, I’ve met hundreds of creatives - It’s like we grow them here in the fertile soil of inspiration... and it seems, we never stop working, thinking, creating... momentum... Writers, Directors, Musicians and Dancers, Artists and Poets... I bet almost everyone knows someone who falls into that colourful group... I know chefs who are poets, a electronics retailer/guitartist, a programmer/ photographer and so on... they are everywhere... Jeff and Julie are on to something... their book says creativity is a process, there are a few hills and gullies and a few sharp turns in the process but like all processes, creativity takes time... and we hate it when the world stops. They’ve interviewed hundreds of creative people to try and find out where the gears are, how to push-start stalled imaginations, where to fill the tank and what kind of maintenance is needed... if any... because sometimes great ideas can even come from neglect and disrepair... wow! And to think I spend my youth digesting all the Sci-Fi I could get my hands on... This book though, I’ll re-read... if just for inspiration. - Steve

photography .................................................... richard armstrong ...........................................................................................

jacqui clancy


benjamin sherack

consultant ........................................................... graham dunkley online content ................................................ steve dunkley website .................................................................... facebook ...................................................... www.facebook/sociallifemagazine email . ....................................................................................

Hair Salon

free Issue: 4 february 2012

of Age Coming festival summer Live Live Live

off their BENJALU round

If Only

tainment the summer of enter

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aker tamworth’s star-m

kayak adventure

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social/life magazine


fashion n music n

sport n events n

people n travel n

cover: Benjalu This Novocastrian band has gone from strength to strength to become an amazing musical export with their brilliant bluesy tunes and energetic live delivery. - See page 22 for more.

food n you... © Copyright 2011 social life magazine. Unauthorised copying or use of any material contained herein prohibited. All contents remain the property of social/life magazine. Reproduction or use without permission prohibited. Disclaimer: social/life magazine is published in Newcastle, NSW. Submissions by readers, thirdparties, contractors or contributors do not neccessarily express the views of the publishers, staff and associates. No responsibility is offered or implied by social life media for views expressed herein.

2 social/life

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social/life magazine


how does your garden grow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4 fig tree community garden

food of the dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 feeding our little friends right

hitting the dunes

Check Us Out on Facebook updates ... news ... photos ... the works!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

page 7

quad bike adventure

local star-maker finalists

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

page 9

the next star-maker could be one of ours

scooters - all about town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 10 tegan hughes takes a ride on two cool wheels

ramblin’ man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 troy cassar daley is on his way

fashion - kid’s days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14 fun, adventure and best friends

out of the shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 benjalu’s coming of age

early warning

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

page 23

the baby animals are coming

sandy’s kayak adventure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26

Click “LIKE” .. and then share us with your friends

sandy saunders launches his “If Only”

weddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28 - send in your social snaps from events around the area for next edition - name each pic with a caption and email - easy.

A Refreshing Approach to Entertainment & Leisure

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social/life 3


IMAGINE your own farm-fresh vegetables a mere step away from your suburban home. Imagine a magical village where neighbours know and help each other, cook and commune together. Fuelled by this spark of imagination, this world does exist – it’s called the Fig Tree Community Garden and it is flourishing at Wickham.

Unlike many other community gardens, Fig Tree is a shared plot garden, meaning anyone can plant, maintain and harvest anywhere on site.

Every week, scores of people are involved in lovingly tending vegetable, fruit and herb gardens, laying out new plots, learning all about how to have their own piece of paradise and gathering for communal meals and support.

Committee president, Kathie Hyman said the support of the licensed club had been vital to the success of the garden, and membership and patronage of the club had also expanded because of the relationship.

The Fig Tree garden is one of a number of community gardens around Newcastle’s inner-city, but it is probably the most vibrant.

“The Fig Tree Community Garden working party has been busy installing new garden beds over the past couple of months, thanks to funds made available through the NSW government’s community building partnership program,” she said.

Fig Tree Community Garden was established in 2004, born out of common goals shared by a small group of people who wanted to growing things organically and sustainably, help increase community relationships and improve the environment.

“This grant has also enabled us to build wheelchair and pramfriendly pathways and upgrade the outdoor kitchen.

Craig Manhood, one of the main instigators of the garden, said interested people were invited to a working bee at the Morrow Park Bowling Club, where the garden was initially established.

“The garden is currently harvesting broad beans, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, rocket, corn will be ripe soon, spinach, all types of herbs, cabbage and much more.

“Unfortunately, we had to relocate the garden after the bowling club closed, but it offered us an opportunity to learn from the mistakes made in setting up the original garden,” he said.

“Major works for 2012 include a revamp of the much-loved pizza oven and installation of an outdoor barbecue, upgrading outside furniture, installation of a donated water tank, building a pergola in the garden, which will also act as a rain catcher for a water tank, and installation of more artworks and contemplative places in the garden.

The garden was then relocated 500 metres away to its current site at the Croatian Wickham Sports Club in Albert Street, Wickham in mid-2005. 4 social/life

“And the Seeds mural is making its mark – a butterfly-shaped one, that is. As part of a continuing of Octapod-initiated art workshops, visitors to the garden were invited to paint a fine flock of butterflies on the Croatian Club’s wall.” The garden committee has established a membership structure and will be starting membership and volunteer information sessions in February on the fourth Thursday and fourth Sunday starting at 9.30am. These gatherings are to ensure all members and volunteers are introduced to the garden and each other to help everyone to “grow together” more positively. If you are interested in volunteering to help with any major works, the working party is at the garden every Thursday from 9.30am to 2.30pm. Feel free to drop by and introduce yourself. For further information and contacts, go to social/life 5

If you think your own diet has gone to the dogs... spare our four-legged-friends...

business of spreading theword the

Many Business trainers and Entrepreneurs agree that referrals are the best source of customers for a business. A satisfied client is likely to tell their friends of a good experience they had dealing with one business or another. Unfortunately the opposite is also true... “Bad news travels fast.” As the saying goes. Locally run, Word Of Mouth Directories is the very first customer-driven, word of mouth business directory that rewards businesses that offer top quality products and services. Everyone knows the number one thing a business owner can hear from a client is that they were referred to them by an existing happy customer! The whole site is dedicated to positive action. To refer a business that you’re happy with, customers can click on Refer-A-Business and follow the prompts to share the good experience they had with that business. There’s a bonus in doing that because Word of Mouth offers prizes for positive feedback like this, again it’s an emphasises on positivity. There’s a monthly draw for great prizes and the business that received your feedback will also be rewarded with a free listing on the directory. That’s a Win-Win.

Story: Jim Stevens

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes and as man’s best friend, it’s important that we treat them in the way that they deserve. Dog are prone to illnesses and infections when they are not eating the correct diet - just like us. The main source of energy and nutrition that dogs have is the dog food that their owners buy or prepared for them. As a result of this, choosing the correct pet foods for the dog in question is crucial. In the same way that choosing the cheapest food from the supermarket shelf is unlikely to give people all of the nutrients that they need, cheap dog food is also unlikely to hold all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that a dog needs to stay happy and healthy. Another reason that this type of dog food may not be as suitable for every dog is because each dog is unique and their size, breed and age should be taken into account when choosing the correct foods.

The site also provides details of businesses in a convenient directory for ease of use. You can find business of all kinds on the directories. When you need someone visit

For similar reasons, human food and scraps from the table are often unhealthy for dogs to be eating. This is because human foods tend to have a higher fat content in them and can be difficult for dogs to digest. Some human foods can also be harmful for dogs and cause serious health implications. These foods include: Chocolate, which can cause sickness and even death; Onions and Garlic, which can cause anaemia; Mushrooms, as some varieties can cause death; Grapes/ Raisins, which can cause sickness, diarrhoea and abdominal pains; Nuts, which can cause bladder problems; Baby food, which can contain onion; and cat food, which tends to be too high in fat and protein for dogs.

www. and start clicking or scan the QR code here to visit the site via your phone.

In these cases, just as a human can alter its diet to help improve certain health conditions, changing

Site Creator, Graeme Paff is focused on making Word of Mouth Directories a primary hub for local businesses to thrive, “In essence we’re a performance-based business directory,” he said, “We encourage customers and business to interact in positive ways so that visitors to the directories can clearly see who to deal with.” “Our sole aim in creating this website was to have a community feedback program for the customers of these top performing businesses and allow others to share in the benefits of their good experiences,” said Graeme, “We help the process along by rewarding both the customer and the business with the chance to win and we’ve recorded some great messages from happy customers that you can listen to on the website,” he said. Proudly Novocastrian, Graeme believes that encouragement and positive re-enforcement of business and customer relations is the way to go and he’s created the Word Of Mouth Directories to enable people of the region to buy and sell things as well as referring business in a complete circle of positivity.

6 social/life

a dog’s diet to suit their altered nutritional needs can also be worthwhile. In these cases there are a wide range of prescription dog foods available on the market that caters for specific health conditions in dogs. These include specifically tailored dog food for: ageing; digestive health; bladder stones; heart health; dental health; joint care; diabetes; kidney problems; liver problems; and skin conditions. These foods contain the specific extra nutrients that dogs will need to return to and maintain good health and wellbeing. Consult a pet food specialist or Vet for details. Life-long dog owner, Tania Dunning makes her friend, Kuta’s food each day using vegetables and a variety of beef mince, sardines and tuna which gives a wide and balanced diet high in nutrition and essential elements. The correct combination of food for your pet would provide nutrients, vitamins and minerals for different canine medical conditions, including mobility issues, intestinal conditions, skin conditions and urinary problems. It can be a bit of a handful to work out, but with proper advice, not just grabbing cheap biscuits from the supermarket, your dog will not only live a long and happy live but will have stamina, good health and , yes, happiness. These foods will help to ensure that your pet maintains a good standard of wellbeing. It is critical that dogs receive a healthy, balanced diet, in order for them to maintain optimal health. Choosing the correct dog food is especially crucial for dogs with other health considerations and there are a range of tailored dog foods on the market. Always ask your pet’s friendly Vet or produce supplier about nutritious food for your friend. n


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ick safety briefing individual quads. A qu Synergy are ol ntr Co bikes followed, ess sin the bu to Local and introduction e tur ven ad ear f-y ir way. no strangers to end-o then they were on the ff. op en san d activities for their sta the Tra vel ling ou t int o d Go-Karting, trie e y’v de the the st ma pa ve ha the In an d du ne s tha t ose to head off tdo or ou for a cc but this year they ch me are a su ch a ckton Beach for a ad ed for he up gro into the dunes of Sto the , sts en thu sia r. tou e s ou lan dm ark , Quad Bik Sto ck ton Be ac h’s fam rite ou fav a en be s ha a. gn Stockton Beach the wrec k of the Sy ach-goers. It’s exciting haunt of motorised be The ride is a blend of on bikes and le op pe see to al usu breathtaking not un adrenaline thrills and joying the sun, as a group in buggies and 4x4’s en scenery as they move experience that sand and the unique ad. For many it qu n control of their ow ach offers. the vast stretch of Be e. tim was their first lf hour Taking a one and a ha the steeper ke Riding down some of al quad-bi adventure from the loc ence causing eri exp dunes was quite an King at about company Quad Bike miss a beat. to t ves bra the hearts of the scene was set for the n, rso pe r pe 10 $1 said “...Good This wasn’t going As one of the partners something different se I had a rty pa cau d be snacks an job I had a helmet on to be a few plates of ear to m fro cat ire smile like a Chesh hats... oh no. . g’s Bike Kin ear”. We started off at Quad hard wears the where we n ow mt llia Wi in ce Our photographer Ric head offi be to r in done day rie car fun op ch same grin - Too mu jumped into a 4WD tro m Fro rk. s. ne wo du y’s on da Richard? All in a taken to the Stockt up with a helmet there we were kitted Intrepid indeed. e jumping on our and safety attire befor

social/life 7


Skimming the Details

entertainment coming soon ..................................... GANGgajang Saturday, February 18th, Belmont 16 Foot Sailing Club 6.30pm Dinner / 7.45pm Show Contact: 02 4645 0888 Tix:

Protecting your credit card information may be harder than you think... New technology makes data thievery all too easy. Credit card skimming is an international problem, accounting for losses of over one billion dollars yearly. It’s an intimate crime that involves secret and close proximity to the victim. Those victims are most likely unaware that their credit card details have been stollen as if by magic. This type scam is common in Europe, Asia, Latin America and is showing up more in the U.S. and Australia. It’s easy to perform and can happen if you give your credit card to a shop assistant to make a purchase. That employee may not only swipe your card for the payment, but also swipe the card with a small machine they hold in their hand, known as a skimmer. This is now also possible while walking near you in a crowd while your credit card is in your pocket or handbag. They can steal your data without even seeing or touching the card. This small device can store information from the card into the system. The skimmer is equipped to hold information on hundreds of credit cards and from this information, the crooks are able to produce counterfeit cards.

There are rings of skimmers working around the world skimming information which can be instantly sent by e-mail anywhere. It’s digital pick-pocketing on a high-tech, world-wide scale. Luckily, a Hunter Valley businessman has found a solution and has made a revolutionary protective sleeve available from his online site. Graeme Paff of Lake


Macquarie recognised the rise of this 21st century crime when a friend’s card was skimmed and a substantial amount of cash simply vanished from their account, “A decade ago, this fraud was not as easy to accomplish as it is today, due to the fact skimmers were very large and had to be hidden under counters,” explains Graeme, “The advanced the skimmer is portable and small enough to fit in a pocket or bag and is effectively unnoticeable. Victims can’t tell by looking who is skimming data... They won’t even know it has happened until it’s too late,” he said. Graeme describes the remarkable protective qualities of the simple device, “The Guardacard sleeve doesn’t bulk up your wallet or purse. It’s a thin, neat sleeve that your card slips right into. The added benefit is that all your credit and debit cards sandwiched between two Guardacard sleeves become protected as well.” Find out more about Guardacard and also watch incredible videos that explain how easy it is to get skimmed and how to protect your digital information while out and about. Visit the website www.guardacard. com or scan the QR code to view the site and information video on your smartphone.

Newcastle Museum Exhibition-Hatching the Past: Dinosaur Eggs, Nests and Young. Date: 4th Nov 2011 - 12 Feb 2012 Contact Museum Reception: 02 4974 1400 Times: 10am to 5pm, Tuesday to Sunday.


Bellydance Evolution II February 25th & 26th, 8:00pm Hordern Pavilion, Sydney Workshops, Yoga, Drumming, Dance Contact: 0438 474 535 Visit:


Laughing Stock Comedy Gala Saturday, March 10th 8:00pm Civic Theatre, Newcastle featuring, The Axis of Awesom, The Blanks (Scrubs), Clair Hooper, Rhys Nicholson... Tix:

.............................................. Baby Animals Saturday, March 17th, Belmont 16 Foot Sailing Club 6.30pm Dinner / 7.45pm Show Contact: 02 4645 0888 Tix:

.............................................. Snakadaktal Saturday March 24th, 8:00pm Northern Star Hotel, Hamilton Visit: Snakadaktal Tix:

.............................................. An Evening with John Cleese Saturday March 24th, 8:00pm Civic Theatre, Newcastle Visit: Tix:

St ar-maker

Hunter Artists named Could Maryville local Bob Corbett be Australia’s next country music phenomenon?

Or could it be Raworth hopeful Kristen Lane? Both artists are in the running for the coveted title of Star-maker at this year’s Tamworth Country Music Festival.

Bob and Kristen have been announced amoung the 20 Toyota Star-Maker finalists. They will now compete against a talented pool of Australia’s best up-and-coming country music artists and if successful, join the ranks of music legends Keith Urban, Samantha McClymont and Lee Kernaghan – all of whom have won the highly-coveted title that helped launch their careers. Bob has numerous accolades to his credit including nine 1233 Newcastle ABC Music Awards. In 2009, he received a grant from the Australian Government, launching him and his band on a national tour. The year prior, Bob released the critically acclaimed album Storyboard and reached the finals of both the MusicOz and Australian Songwriters Awards. Kristen has spent what seems to be all her young life pursuing the dream of country music success and is now making a name for herself as a talented singer/songwriter in local venues winning numerous talent quests. 2010 was a big year for Kristen with the release of her debut single. Now in its 33rd year, Toyota Star Maker is recognised as Australia’s oldest and most prestigious country music talent search. Taking place in January each year as part of the Tamworth Country Music Festival celebrations, Toyota Star-Maker offers emerging talent the opportunity to realise their dream. The sheer level of talent seen at every competition is reflected in the fact that in 2012 alone, 18 of the 50 Country Music Association of Australia Golden Guitar finalists are past Star-Makers.


“Toyota has a strong bond with Australia’s rural and regional communities, and Toyota Star-Maker is a great way to show our commitment and support local talent. It’s a fantastic launch pad for independent country music artists, and we’re very proud to provide this opportunity,” said Toyota Manager Promotions and Events, Wayne Gabriel.

2012 also marks the making of a legend, with Lee Kernaghan commemorating 30 years since he was awarded the Star-Maker title, “30 years ago, I was just like all the finalists – bright eyed, hopeful, and busting at the seams to take my music to the audience. Toyota Star Maker will make that dream come true for one lucky person. There’s a great crop of artists this year and I can’t wait to see what they bring to Tamworth,” Kernaghan said. In addition to an album deal and big budget recording session with some of Australia’s top musicians and producers, the winner will receive a huge prize package including a brand new Toyota vehicle. The 2012 Toyota Star-Maker Final will commence at 12.30pm on Sunday, 22 January 2011 at the Tamworth Country Theatre in the Tamworth Regional Entertainment and Conference Centre The Grand Final, consisting of the judge’s top six contestants, will also be held at the Centre on the same evening from 7.30pm. The event will be supported by a performance from the 2011 Toyota Star Maker winner Luke Dickens,

and 1972 winner Lee Kernaghan. For tickets to the 2012 Toyota Star Maker Finals and Grand Final, please visit www. or phone 02 6768 5800. For more information about Toyota’s commitment to rural Australia visit www. n

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Strengthening Women SL117767

social/life 9

Scooters STORY: Tegan Hughes


Imagine scooting around Newcastle beaches the wind breezing through your hair and how thrilling a trip down to the shops could become after forgetting the milk. “Everyone rides scooters in Europe. They often have a lit cigarette, a baguette, and a mobile phone and they look so stylish while they’re doing it,” said Kristin Whitney, a scooter owner and self-confessed Francophile, who loves anything French and this, includes scooters.

“I feel fantastic when I get on it. I just love it. I think I must look like a goose driving around, I’ve probably got a really big grin on my face,” Kristin said.

Scooters are very suitable to the Newcastle area – just like France and Italy – with the temperate weather and everything being relatively close, and the added appeal of Newcastle Council offering free parking for scooters along with the John Hunter Hospital and Newcastle University.

The disadvantages of owning a scooter are few; helmet hair is not a major problem with Newcastle having short trips to get from one destination to another and, there is the rain, which can be uncomfortable, although it is still possible to ride.

A trip to France two years ago reignited Kristin’s love for all things French, and on her return she purchased a scooter to satisfy her obsession, adding a bit of Europe to her everyday life. Instead of going down the typical road of purchasing a red sport car, Kristin’s mid life crisis involved buying a scooter, which she describes as low risk, only costing a couple thousand of dollars. “Crisis averted and I haven’t fallen off the bike, yet.” The rewards of a scooter are more greater the couple of dollars it costs to fill up and being eco-friendly, it is the fact that they are so much fun to ride. 10 social/life

There are also no distractions when riding. “No radio, no conversations, you are just left with your own thoughts. It’s a little indulgent.”

With scooters taking off in Newcastle, Kristin has been organising group rides for owners, providing them with an opportunity to socialise and ride with. “It’s great for people who don’t have buddies with scooters,” Kristin said. The group has riders with a wide range of experience, from learners, p-platers to full licenced riders, with range of ages with riders in their early 20’s to others who are 50 plus. Kristin organises these rides once a month, usually on a Sunday. “It’s a good ride, usually 30 – 45 minutes, with a purpose at the end such as a café or art gallery.” The group’s latest ride in December was the Charity Toy Run from Stockton to

Newcastle foreshore. Kristin sees the perfect depiction of the style and class of scooters in the scene from A Roman Holiday, where Audrey Hepburn rides a scooter around Rome in her striped neck scarf and skirt, with Gregory Peck on the back. “Scooters require a certain confidence, not in riding but in yourself, to be different,” Kristin said, “And they make you feel so good when you ride them.” Through her scooter boutique, Greg & Audrey’s Garage – inspired by the movie – Kristin tries to position scooters as a lifestyle accessory rather than a mode of transport. So why not leave the dull car at home and jump on a scooter to add some fun and thrill to your everyday! It’s as easy as dropping into Greg & Audrey’s Garage on the corner of King and Bolton Street, Newcastle or going to www. and you’ll feel the breeze in your hair in no time. n Main: Kristin is ready for a run on her scooter. Top:

Movie poster “A Roman Holliday featuring Gregory

Peck and Audry Hepburn

Above: The cast of Jersy Shore pose with a scooter - While

TV shows come and go, the icon remains timeless.

STORY Thea Westra

what’s stopping you?

As we are approaching the end of another year and the beginning of a new year, it often appears to me that many of us may falsely believe that something magical will change our lives overnight, at the clock strike of midnight. You hear so many saying it around us; “I can’t wait for the end of this year” “Things will be much better in the new year.” “Next year I’m going to ?” “Once we get this year out of the way?” Once I leave this job, I’m going to?” and so on. Honestly, you only ever have the one moment, that is this moment and now! If you have decided on something important for you life, then the time to begin it is now. If something is not happening that you want to have happen, or you’re waiting for something external, it is time to get truthful. Have you decided? I can tell you that once you have a vision and you can really see it and you desire it, there is nothing that will stop you reaching that target. You need to recreate that sensation and that level of desire, for the things that you say you want. So, how is that achieved?


Firstly, get straight with yourself. Quit wanting things because others say it is

what you should want. Spend some quiet times with just you and get connected to your own personal desires. There are many exercises online that can support you with this, ... Yes... make more use of Google! Once you have a list, of at minimum 100 things to do before you die, pick one that stands out and decide to accomplish that one thing, and by when. Now start telling your most supportive and most positive, optimistic friends all about what you’re going to do. Find someone who has already done what you are seeking to do and get help, advice or model your behavior on their state of being and their way of thinking. Get pictures, slogans, objects and anything you can find to put in your immediate environment (work, home, car, clothing), which will consistently pull your focus back to the thing that you have now given priority status in your everyday life. Next, make a blue print for a plan of action, working in reverse from the end date of your project and back to today. Get a couple of those great, inspiring friends to give you detailed feedback on your plan and block any leakages so that it is water tight. Make it so that, if you gave your plan

to me, I could do exactly as it tells me to do and without fail, I would produce your intended end result, with ease and fun in the process. Now follow through! Act on your plan, and do exactly as it tells you to do at the times that you said. Regardless of whether you feel like it, whether you feel tired or just not in the mood. You may even want to set up someone to whom you are accountable each week, for fulfilling particular actions and producing specific results. There will be a part of you, part of your identity that will struggle and keep you in position, where you are now. The only way you will break through is, by breaking through. You will need to go a little beyond where you are comfortable, and change. Yes, you will change. Isn’t that what you want? I could have written much more about all the above and there are many more things to attend than just the simplistic content for this article. I know you will find ways to bridge the gaps that I have left for you. All there is for you right now is to decide exactly what YOU want, why you want it, and by when you will be the person to accept and receive it. Thea Westra lives in Perth, Australia. She publishes a wealth of material for increased life power, self improvement, inspiration, personal success, online business, and internet know-how. Enjoy her many self-improvement resources at and her latest book at

Australia; country talent in t es fin e th y bl Argua Daley has ner Troy Cassar multi-award win tte’s to Newcastle’s Lizo a t gh ni a ed ud incl D entitled Home. launch his new C Troy Cassar-Daley is at the top of the Australian Country Music scene. He has a reputation amongst his peers in the Australian music industry as being the most loved and respected singer/songwriters in country music. This is reflected on a mainstream level by the many industry awarded accolades for his work as a successful recording artist. At a recent concert at Sydney’s Seymore Centre, Troy performed the Classic “People Get Ready” with his band, a song wellknown as n R&B classic. Troy’s version will undoubtedly be regarded as one of the best versions of the song ever recorded.

His guitar solo on the track is world class, gentle and expressive.

accolade), Troy won 6 out of the 6 categories he was nominated for with his album I Love This Place.

His fans will tell you he is a fantastic guy, great entertainer, brilliant guitarist and the most amazing vocalist.

• He won the 2008 and 2010 APRA – Australian Performing Rights Association’s Country Song of the Year.

In a snapshot, his career highlights...

• Over his career he has been awarded numerous other accolades including 7 Deadlys (Australian Indigenous artist awards), 4 CMAA Entertainer of the Year awards, and the 2008 Country Music Association of America Country Music Global Artist Award.

• Troy’s career spans 8 albums over 16 years. • He has been awarded 4 ARIA’s • Has won a total of 21 Golden Guitars. As a result, Troy has the honour of being the most awarded recipient of the Male Artist of the Year in Golden Guitar history. • At the 2010 CMAA Golden Guitar awards (Australian Country music’s highest

Tania Dunning

Pilates FitnessFor Life

Enjoy fitness & good health with Newcastle’s original APMA Accredited Pilates practitioner hpersonal instruction hfully equipped studio hpre & post natal hgeneral fitness hresistance training hrehabilitation hsportspeople & dancers hchronic pain management hmen & women of all ages and fitness levels

Belmont North studio: 0404 037 622

Troy will perform at Lizotte’s on March 3 to Launch the new CD. Visit for details. n

great coffee is just the start...

u o Y t Pain g n o S a


When he came to the realisation that he could sing, quite late in life, he decided to give his love for country music a go. His favourite country music singers are a mix of U.S. and great Aussie talent including Alan Jackson, George Strait, Adam Harvey, Troy CassarDaly and Lee Kernighan, and Adam’s unique voice is a mixture of their classic county styles. Currently singing at a number of local venues and his latest new single “Under Your Spell” (co-written by Adam, Rod McCormack & Mel Sommers and produced by Rod McCormack) has become quite popular. It is now being played across a number of Australian radio stations and also in the UK, US, NZ and Canada. Released in Nov 2011, Adam’s latest release, an album entitled Paint You a Song, has a lovely mix of new originals and includes a few classic songs from Smoky Dawson. Adam is a regular at the local Newcastle Steel City Country Music Club at the home of country music in Newcastle, the Five Islands Recreation Club in Speers Point. He is attends, singing and supporting the many fantastic country music artists who visit, such as Gina Jeffreys, Adam Harvey, Wayne Horsborough, Aubrey & Martin Beggs, Amber Lawrence, and Catherine Britt, to name a few. Adam is a cancer survivor (AML – Acute Myloid Luekaemia) and is frank about his experience with the condition, “I support the Mater and the Leukaemia Foundation because they saved my life and I want to help them do their good work.”

our favorite place to meet 468 the esplanade warners bay (02) 4948 0800

A percentage of proceeds from CD and Merchandise sales as well as live shows will always be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation and The Mater Hospital Heamatology Ward. Everything purchased from Adam’s online site as well as a percentage of all his live and recorded earnings is donated to this cause. Visit social/life 13

Aprons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $6.00 . . . rrp $19.95 Chrochet Dress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rrp $49.95 Stripe Tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $11.95 . . . rrp $29.95 Available Gumboots, Westfield Kotara

STYLING: Vanessa Swilks / PHOTOS Jacqui Clancy

Garden Tidy 3 yrs+ $30.00 Neat carrier full of gardening utensils to inspire your budding little gardener. Includes 4 plastic gardening tools, play spray bottle, plastic watering can and 4 flower pots. This encourages children to enjoy using their imagination and inspire them to explore the world.

Available in Blue and Pink Available Kids Central

Red Shirt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Black Denim Short . . . . . . Denim Short w/ Braces. . Blue Shirt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linen Pant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sale $13.95. . . . . . . . . . . sale $16.95. . . . . . . . . . . sale $11.95. . . . . . . . . . . sale $13.95. . . . . . . . . . . sale $13.95. . . . . . . . . . .

rrp $39.95 rrp $39.95 rrp $39.95 rrp $39.95 rrp $49.95

Available Gumboots, Westfield Kotara

social/life 15

Blue Shirt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $13.95 . . . rrp $39.95 Linen Pant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $13.95 . . . rrp $49.95 Red Stripe Tee. . . . . . . . . . . sale $16.95 . . . rrp $16.95 Check Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $13.95 . . rrp $ 39.95 Red shirt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $13.95 . . . rrp $39.95 Green Short w/ Braces . . sale $10.95 . . . rrp $39.95 Palm Boardie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $9.95 . . . rrp $29.95 NCAA Red Tee. . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $6.50 . . . rrp $16.95 Available Gumboots, Westfield Kotara

Egg And Spoon Race 2yrs+ $10.00 Great fun for racing against friends. Careful you don’t drop the eggs or they might crack! Includes 4 eggs and 4 spoons. Crazy Golf 2 yrs+ $35.00 Pick a club and take a swing. Swwwooosh, straight down the middle. Includes 2 golf clubs, 2 golf balls and 5 crazy obstacle holes. Great in building a child’s physical development. Available Kids Central

16 social/life

Bubble Machine 3yrs+ $37.50 Send streams of gorgeous bubbles into the air, ready to be chased, building a child’s physical development. Lots of bubbles at the touch of a button. Available in Pink and Blue Available Kids Central

Giant Bubble Mix 1L $7.50 Accompanies the ELC Bubble Machine to create magical bubbles. Vest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $10.95. . . . . . Shirt w/ Tie . . . . . . . . . . . sale $13.95 . . . . Jeans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sale $16.95 . . . . Stripe B&W Tee. . . . . . . . . sale $6.50 . . . . Orange Boardie. . . . . . . . . sale $9.95 . . . . White Soccor Tee . . . . . . . sale $6.50 . . . . Navy & Red Boardride. . . . sale $9.95 . . . .

rrp $49.95 rrp $39.95 rrp $49.95 rrp $16.95 rrp $29.95 rrp $16.95 rrp $29.95

Available in various colours. Available Kids Central

Available Gumboots, Westfield Kotara

social/life 17

Lawnmower 3 yrs+ $35.00 Pretend to cut the grass, just like mum and dad. See the grass whiz around inside the mower as it is pushed along. This encourages children to enjoy using their imagination and inspires them to explore the world. Available in Blue and Pink

Wheelbarrow 3 yrs+ $45.00 Your little one can enjoy hours of fun in the garden with this lovely wheelbarrow. Available in Blue and Pink Available Kids Centrall

18 social/life

Chrochet Dress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B&W Stripe Tee. . . . . . . . sale $6.50. . . . Orange Boardie. . . . . . . . sale $9.95. . . . White Soccor Tee . . . . . . sale $6.50. . . . Navy & Red Boardie . . . . sale $9.95. . . . Stripe Tank. . . . . . . . . . . sale $11.95. . . . NCAA Red Tee. . . . . . . . . sale $6.50. . . . Palm Boardie. . . . . . . . . . sale $9.95. . . .

rrp $49.95 rrp $16.95 rrp $29.95 rrp $16.95 rrp $29.95 rrp $29.95 rrp $16.95 rrp $29.95

Available Gumboots, Westfield Kotara

At Early Learning Centre (ELC), both fun and child development are at the heart of everything we make and everything we do. The fantastic toys at ELC are designed with specific developmental benefits in mind: to simulate the senses, promote active problemsolving, help children connect with others, learn about themselves and make sense of their world. Early Learning Centre range available at Kids Central or online at

n Westfield Kotara is offering a huge rage

of childrens clothing including fresh new designs and fashion arrivals.

social/life 19

Gresford to Dungog

&Surrounds promotion of the district and is well respected. Pick up the Allyn and Paterson information brochure for further area information. Only a short distance is the the Allyn River Drive which can be explored for hours and days on end, leading the Mt. Allyn Lookout. The feature and Hunter’s Hidden Secret No. 3 is a stop at Allynbrook to St. Mary’s Church on Allyn. Not only is this one of the most beautiful riverside picnic and paddle spots imaginable but is picture perfect in every way notwithstanding the magnifically restored church and grounds. The bonus is Ron and Elinor’s Heritage Retreat B&B. Call in and inspect !! THE QUEST is how to express the myriad of sights, attractions and adventures in this region in such limited space. OK... then lets spend the weekend there and do and see as much as we can.

Ron and Elinor rebuilt the entire site to create their unique bed and breafast in the country that has become both their home and business. The site was originally the Alynbrook school.

Drive up Friday afternoon through Maitland and Paterson and spend the evening socialising, eating,drinking and staying at the Historic Hotel Beatty at East Gresford. The pub offers the ultimate in country hospitality and operated by the same family since 1865. Ask publican, Bernie to fill you in on family history. The town hosts several yearly events including then unique Billy Cart Derby held on Easter Saturday each year. It is part of the annual Gresford Easter Fair.

I have no doubt that you will book a stay there and as a bonus they are offering for midweek stays in February in the School House or French Wing pay for 1 night and receive another night free. Just ring 02 49389663 and mention the Social Life offer.

The top 3 suggestions for you Saturday in Gresford is the return trip to Lostock Dam, a visit to the Camyr Allyn Winery and the Allyn River Drive. Built on the Paterson River in 1971, Lostock Dam is a approx pleasant half hour drive from Gresford and offers range of water activites, camp grounds, bushwalking and is renown for it’s bass fishing. Back to East Gresford and only 1Km out of town is the one of the original Welsh settlements which includes the historic homestead and Camyr Allyn Winery run by John and Judy Evers. The Cellar Door is a wonderful experience and offers wines to die for. The Shiraz is amazing. John is a great driving force in the development and 20 social/life

Dam and the Telegherry Forest Park. Pack a picnic lunch and you can loop in and out and back and forward between these tracks and roads via creeks, waterfalls and campgrounds.Visit the Dave Sands Memorial, walk the Jerusalem Trail and savour the district views from The Knob. Other notable drives are the Fosterton Loop through dairy farms and river flats. Discover another Hunter’s Hidden Secret known as Witches Elbow. Tranquil, picturesque and known only to the locals is this lovely part of the Williams River, cool off or just paddle in these lush surroundings. Continue on the some out of the way villages such as Alison - where Aussie Cricketer, Doug Walters received his primary schooling. If you are still hungry there are cafes ad eateries all through Dowling St Dungog and then it’s only just over an our back to Newcastle. Once again for a group travel arrangement or any information on these areas call Greg Watt on 0412761936.

For all details on the Gresford area refer to After a full day in the Gresford area time has come to head for the half hour trip across to Dungog. Your choice in pub accommodation is the Royal Hotel and Bank Hotel. A.K.A. the top and bottom pubs, both are owned by the Clark family. The accommodation between the 2 hotels totals well over 30 rooms, making Dungog one of those rare towns easily accessible to Newcastle that can accommodate a large group. No doubt this is one of the major reasons why Dungog is one of the event capitals in NSW. From the famous Pedalfest in September, Rodeos, Markets and Shows through to the Motorcycle Thunderbolt Rally and The World renown Dungog Film Festival... both in a busy month of May. From every direction from Dungog there are sights and adventures. Roads lead to the foothills of the Barringtons, Chichester

Sample the old world charm of the Hotel Beatty, situated in the southern foothills of the World Heritage Listed Barrington Tops National Park.

52 Park St, East Gresford NSW 2311 p: 02 4938 9451

Fun, Sun Cruise After several years of cruising periodically from Newcastle, P&O’s Pacific Sun is to about to embark on it’s final 7 cruise Novocastrian season. With a variety of destinations including South Pacific, Qld and New Zealand she will leave Newcastle finally on 17th March for a 2 night cruise home to Sydney.

The initial cruise leaves for the South Pacific for 10 nights on 9th February, visiting the Ports of Noumea, Lifou, Vila, Mystery Island and Isle of Pines-offering a blend of South Pacific Culture and History through to some unspoilt Island paradises offering the best in adventure and snorkelling. Onboard will be our Hunter Adventure consultants and variety entertainment specialists, Greg and Sue Watt. With them will be a group of over 50 locals to experience another round of ship and island life and be part of the karaoke and variety shows that Greg and Sue will host whilst onboard.

This will be the 7th P&O group hosting for them since 2005 and it has provided many a local talent the opportunity to perform their wares on the high seas.

Greg says that the “Sun” is the ideal entertainment ship with onboard venues tailor made for the singers,dancers and performers-including a classy show lounge where on the final couple of nights the passengers get the opportunity to perform as professional performers do. Sue aka “Karaoke Queen” and “Social Butterfly” will ensure that by the end of the cruise that all 1000 plus passengers will have seen them in action and will know them personally. Life long friendships have been formed from previous cruises. Greg and Sue give great thanks to Brett and Louise Dann from the Hunter Travelworld Group/Cruise Travel Centre for their great support in their cruise adventures and

Pacific Sun 2010 - Some of the gang who P&O Karaoke Cruise

entertainment sponsorship over the past seven years. Ring the CTC on 02 49359900 for any deals on these or any cruises. Also Greg and Sue will be introducing Social Life Magazine to all that they meet. The great result for supporters of the magazine is that they will be also on a “virtual” 10 night cruise.

Greg and Sue - In character (Better the devil you know.... LOL

Gateway to the Barringtons... In the foothills of the Barrington Tops



OUR GREAT AUSSIE PUBS Great Food - Cold Beer Great Mates Great Entertainment Country-Style Accommodation (Large tour groups welcome)

Camyr Allyn North - East Gresford - Hunter Valley Ph: 02 4938 9576

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4992 3070

social/life 21

Photos Benjamin Sherack

Benjalu is a name that

shouldn’t be unfamiliar to most Novocastrians -these muso mates have been playing together locally and nationally since their high school days. Now, the band has just hit home turf after a big summer full of festivals, new faces and ultimately good times.

“This summer has been amazing!” said guitarist, Luke Elsey. “Subsonic, Festival Of The Sun, Woodford Folk Festival and Peats Ridge all one after the other,” “We have had a ball, each festival with a unique vibe and plenty of new material creeping into the set. The response has been great!” A break is not in sight as the boys continue touring the country and recording when they can. Benjalu has also just been announced to play Byron Bay Bluesfest 2012 – nothing short of a dream for the band. Here they will be playing alongside some of their biggest influences including John Fogerty (of Creedence Clearwater Revival), Roger Daltrey (The Who), Crosby, Stills and Nash, The Specials, John Butler Trio and Ziggy Marley. Anthony Morris, bassist for the band,

says he has noticed the steady increase in support for Benjalu. “Over the past couple of years we’ve expanded our touring schedule, each time we return to an area the crowds get bigger, the sing-along’s stronger and the diversity of the audience widens, and that’s really rewarding.” Benjalu’s tunes are a distinctive infusion of roots, rock and jazz along with the occasional touch of reggae. Their live set is rife with energy and impossible not to groove along to. After Peats Ridge Festival, FasterLouder reported “Lead vocalist Ben Gumbleton has all the elements of a standout frontman.” After releasing ‘Shadows In The Sun’ EP mid 2011 there is talk of the next recording and the debate of whether to continue their run of EP’s or take the leap into an album. “We’ve discussed releasing a debut album for a while now but we feel it creates more interest for a young band like us to offer strong samplers of our music and backing it up with the live experience”, Anthony explains. Either way, Benjalu are heading for a big 2012 with new tracks on the way along with more touring and festivals on the cards. They are definitely the Newcastle band to watch this year and have a busy 12 months ahead. Visit:

for a u l a j n Catch Be ing gig

com e m o h e fre 12 0 2 h t 6 2 y uar


s Wharf.

n ery, Quee w e r B e h T

Photo Nathan Henshaw

22 social/life

baby animals

Originating from Perth, Baby Animals are widely regarded as THE rock’n’roll success story of the early ‘90s. Who can forget the the tenderness and maturity of so many of the band’s classic songs: the powerful assault of Early Warning, the tortured restraint of Rush You, the delicate rock ballad Painless, the angst contained within One Word? Songs that still hold their own today, a vindication of the kind of songcraft that defies fashion. Powered by a voice with a unique combination of ball-breaking power and sensuous intimacy that never fails to stop you in your tracks, care of one Suze DeMarchi, and driven by the extraordinary guitar talents of Guitarist, Dave Leslie. Suze DeMarchi began singing with Perth bands Photoplay and The Kind in 1982, honing her craft and fine tuning the skills that would make her one of the most dynamic front women Australia has ever produced. After a stint as a solo artist and with band DD & The Rockmen, DeMarchi formed Baby Animals in 1989 with Leslie and Eddie Parise. Their 1991 self-titled debut album spent six weeks at number one, achieving eight-times Platinum status, and the band toured the country extensively before going on to tour the globe with The Black Crowes and Bryan Adams. Baby Animals the album spawned five hit singles, earned the band three ARIA Awards including the prestigious Best Album, and eventually led to an international tour with rock legends Van Halen. For the 12 years from its release in 1991 through until 2003, the album carried the mantle of highest-selling debut Australian rock album. In 1993 Baby Animals released their second album Shaved and

Dangerous, featuring the singles Don’t Tell Me What To Do and At The End Of The Day, and went on to tour the US with Robert Plant. During the next year DeMarchi relocated to Los Angeles, where she has resided since. Baby Animals officially disbanded in 1996. Suze released her solo album Telelove in 1999, featuring the single Satellite, and in 2004 she was inducted into West Australian Music Industry Hall of Fame. By 2007, the Baby Animals had reformed to record Il Grande Silenzio for Liberation Blue, and also re-released the two albums, Baby Animals and Shaved and Dangerous. In 2008 Baby Animals toured Australia for first time in 13 years and earlier this year, were part of the Rock N Roll Symphony national tour with Chrissie Amphlett and Diesel. “I’ve always been a rock’n’roll girl at heart”, says Suze. “There was never any other band for me”. Catch the Baby Animals at Belmont 16 Foot Sailing Club on Saturday 17 March. See the Club for details. n


Looking out over one of the world’s most picturesque harbours, it’s hard to beat The Brewery for a relaxing meal with family, friends or colleagues. Enjoy casual meals, alfresco dining or a la carte experiences seven days a week.

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The Gunyah Hotel: 644 Pacific Highway, Belmont, NSW 2280 : Phone: 02 4945 4603 w: 24 social/life


Tuna &OliveOil Elle’s easy


Recipe Elle Sheedy Photo Steve Dunkley

Hopscotch Sundays Market

From The Shops: 1 can corn kernals 1 425g can tuna chunks 1 can green peas 1 sliced Spanish onion 2 punnets cherry tomatoes, havled 60g baby capers 500g fettuccini 1-2 tsp. crushed garlic 2 tbsp. sweet chilli sauce ½ bunch dill, chopped ½ bunch flat leaf parley, chopped 500ml extra virgin olive oil salt and cracked pepper 100g parmesan (to serve) 1 lemon (for garnish)

On November 27th 2011 the first Hopscotch Sunday Market was held at the Broadmeadow PCYC. The day was a fantastic success showcasing the region’s most beautiful baby and kids clothing, accessories, shoes, jewellery for mum and bub and maternity products. Once people had enjoyed their leisurely shop, many of them kicked back and relaxed with a coffee, grabbed a bite to eat and let their kidlets enjoy the free face painting, music, colouring in and of course some HOPSCOTCH! Organisers are some

please with the feedback they received, they hope to continue to grow and keep on delivering that high end shopping experience with a relaxed and family oriented atmosphere. 2012 will see another 4 markets with the first 100 people through the door will receive a great showbag filled with samples and special voucher offers! There will also be over 20 lucky door prizes!! The next Hopscotch Saundays Market will be hed at the Broadmeadow PCYC on Sunday, February 26th from 9am until 2pm.

In the Kitchen: • Cook the fettuccini, drain, cool and set aside. • Warm a small amount of olive oil in a pan, add the onions, garlic, half of the dill and parsley. Cook on medium heat until the onions are transparent. • Put the rest of the ingredients (except parmesan and lemon) in the pan and toss until everything is warm, whilst drizzling oil through the ingredients. •Add the pasta to the pan, add enough oil to coat the pasta and ingredients. • Season to your liking



** ** This is a base recipe so you can add your own flare. For example, fresh chilli, baby spinach, rocket or swap the tuna for poached salmon. social/life 25

STORY: Steve Dunkley

In our December edition, we brought you the uplifting story of Sandy Saunders, keen kayak paddler and outdoorsman. Sandy had a dream of building his own kayak and enjoying beautiful Lake Macquarie in between walks and other active pursuits. He’s pushing 70ish and you’d never know it. Sandy’s dream boat “If Only” has made it to the water and is a dream to ride. Complete with custom sail array and rudder mechanism and judging from his enjoyment, he says, “it’s terrific.” Sandy and a mate took the kayak out for a shakedown on Lake Macquarie and it performed beautifully even with the temporary sails that convert the kayak into a mini yacht. Sandy developed the design from an original craft from the 1930’s - he made refinements and chose the materials to personalise the steering and creature comforts (The seat is contoured for his own shape.) So satisfied is he in the design, that he and some friends have been planning a unique adventure. Sandy and a group of keen paddlers will truck their kayaks to Bulahdelah where they will paddle the Myall River into the Myall Lakes with strategic stop-overs where the group will camp during the three-day trip. The trip will end at Nelson Bay where their vehicle will collect them and their boats. “We hope to do about twenty kilometres each day,” said Sandy, “With our mate, Tony McCullum acting as support person in case


26 social/life

someone in the group needs assistance. He’ll be in the motorised recovery boat.” Sandy describes Tony as a good organiser and a good cook. Excellent attributes for a support guy, “He’ll organise our camps and prepare the meals as well as supporting us on the water, “He was really keen to come along and he’ll be so important along the way.” Tony’s boat will transport the group’s tents, food and other supplies leaving the adventurers to concentrate on the work of paddling without the additional bulk and weight. It will also provide a mobile stop-over point if the paddlers need to take a break without having to head in-shore. Sandy almost offhandedly mentions that a few of the guys have already been on adventures to Mount Everest and the Kakoda Track, both of which are gruelling in their own right. “We started as just two of us planning the trip - but two became three and tree became four - there’s a bunch of us making the trip now, said Sandy, “and actually, we don’t mind how many go with us. He said the hardest thing about a trip like this transporting your own water, “This is because there’s no ready drinking water out there - you have to provide your own and we’ll need plenty.” His home-built kayak, “If Only” is almost complete and will be one of two home-made craft making the voyage from Myall River to Nelson Bay.

Top and Bottom Right: Sandy and a mate take “If Only” through its paces on Lake Macquarie.

“What I like about this craft is that it’s designed for sailing as well as being a kayak that you paddle,” said Sandy,

we’ll likely stick together for the duration rather than race or over-do ourselves,” he said.

During the testing of “If Only” Sandy decided that a single paddle would be manageable while sailing rather than the traditional double paddle. This will allow for greater control of the craft and will simplify the process greatly.

By his tone of voice, it’s clear that this is all about the pure enjoyment of being out on the water with mates really being surrounded by nature, the lake, friends, “It’s all for fun and enjoyment.”

“Even with the mock-up sails that I used just for testing, it went really well and the keel worked perfectly. I’ll have proper sails made for it soon so it’s more manageable and weighs less than the temporary ones although for this adventure it is all about paddling the kayaks rather than sailing.”

Like a seasoned boatman, Sandy raises the questions of the wind, mossies and sand flies, “That’s why we’ve aimed for March to make the trip. Most of that will be in our favour and if the wind gets a bit high, rather than fighting it, we can hug the shoreline and make our way home that way.”

Another adventurer, Ryan Rogers has built what Sandy describes as a magnificent kit sea-going kayak that will be his ride for the trip, “Brian is a strong paddler and we might have a job keeping up with him but, you might have gathered,” he says, “we like a bit of a chat and the trip is not a marathon, so

“Either way,” he says, “it’ll be something to remember.” Sandy is always good for an inspirational thought. Today he said of this adventure, “I guess that some of us are, well, older I suppose, but no matter, you can always reach for the stars.” n

Sandy’s “if Only” set-up with temporary sails, ready for a shake-down cruise.

social/life 27

Marut from Canada and Jamie Britt from Dudley were married at the Hilton Hawaiian village Waikiki, Hawaii on 7th Oct 2011 Photography: Arrow Photography.

Tristah Allen and Brent Thompson from Bellbird were married on the October 29th, 2011 at Peppers Barrell Room Chapel where the couple held reception in the Barrel Room also. Photography: Theresa from Arrow Photography.

Daniel & Krystal Hutchinson were married on November 19th, 2011 with a ceremony at Hunter Valley Gardens Chapel. The couple held their reception at Peterson’s Champagne House Photography D&V Photography. Aaron & Jaime Strudwick were married on November 4th, 2011 with a Ceremony & Reception Ironbark Hill Estate. Photography D&V Photography.

Social Life Magazine welcomes submissions of wedding photography as well as images of special occasions, parties, events and charity functions. Please send quality pictures with captions to

28 social/life


Leading Hunter music agency EAO Entertainment has once again won the prestigious ABIA Entertainment NSW Agency Of The Year Award. Specialising in providing music for weddings as well as private celebrations and corporate functions. EAO has won the award for seven consecutive years and continues to set the benchmark in the industry. If 2012 is the year for your wedding or major celebration, talk to the experts at EAO on 4962 1855 or check out

This Is Australia . . .

Dave Carter

Australian rock legends GANGgajang are doing a series of shows around the Hunter this summer. The band, whose hits include “House Of Cards”, Hundreds Of Languages”, “Gimme Some Lovin’” and the classic “Sounds Of Then” will be at Club Singleton on Friday Feb 17 and at Belmont 16s on Saturday Feb 18. Tickets available from the venues.

makes Music the moment

Brilliant local singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Dave Carter has announced that, after 3 decades of producing great music with the likes of Cold Chisel’s Ian Moss, Moving Pictures’ Alex Smith, Special Branch, Bliss and, most recently Loonatic Fringe, he is to launch a new solo project in 2012. While continuing to work with Bob Corbett’s Roo Grass Band, Mark Wells’ band and perennial favourites Love That Hat, Dave will be performing his own show, presenting a mix of classic covers and his own material. March will see him enter the studio to begin recording for a solo album with the possibility of selected full band gigs later in the year. Given his profile and recognised talent, Carter’s solo work will be eagerly anticipated. In the meantime, check out

Up For Awards

Bob Corbett’s reputation continues to build. Following his nomination for the coveted Starmaker Award at this year’s Country Music Festival (the award had not been announced at the time of writing), Corbett and The Roo Grass Band have been nominated for 3 awards at the Victorian and National Country Music Awards. The big night will be in Melbourne on February 11. All Novocastrian music lovers are right behind you guys! To show your support, check out the band’s latest album “Lucky Country”.

OMg! It’s The Paper Wolves

Soloists, Duos, Trios, String Ensembles, Bands, MC’s and more.



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For anyone who has ever been to an OMG! gig, you can tell they are something special and you wonder just when they are going to take off. Well, the guys have called their original band Paper Wolves and much of 2012 will be spent preparing their debut album. They are currently working with a series of producers to obtain the best sound and will start doing some more live appearances – one to watch out for!





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the Prince of Wales - Merewether The Prince is situated in the heart of the beachside suburb of Merewether. Located amidst the major shopping and entertainment precinct of The Junction and just a few minutes from the beach. The Prince is a complete entertainment venue. Facilities include 3 separate bars housing Fox Sports, TAB and Sports Bet terminals, a first floor function room including spectacular wraparound balcony, an a-la-carte café as well as a drive-thru bottle P:02 49559450 W:

shop which is home to the only Fromagerie (walk-in cheese room) & gourmet deli in the Newcastle area. Visit:

Happy New Year Exchange Hotel, Hamilton A full house of happy faces greeted the New Year in style. The Exchange Hotel played host to one of their favorite bands, Incognito who kept the dance floor packed all night. Midnight came and went and the party comtinued into the early hours of 2012 ... Happy New Year Newcastle. Photography: Angela Murphy

social/life 31



Lost in time ... ’80 Doo Giant shoulder pads ... Oh dear



hmm.. a rethink here perhaps sweetie?


WIN is your best friend

a STYLE tragedy

From an episode of Knight Rider...

Without this, you’d never find the pocket Boy George called... He wants this back!

waiting to happen?

LET’S HELP If your friend needs a fashion make-over.. here’s your chance to make them a winner !! They could winn a $200 Westfield Card and a 2 hour makeover. Here’s how to enter: “LIKE” our Facebook page and then simply upload a picture of your fashion victim (with their permission!) Go to:

One word darling... PANTS !!!... OMG !!!


Go to...

Click on.. the



(friend, Like or Subscribe)

your friend’s fashion tragedy pic

(with their permission)

You may enter multiple entries however there can only be one winner! The competition will close at 5pm, Wednesday 14th February 2012. See terms and Conditions on our Facebook page.

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