SJ FiTness Sample Meal Plan

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Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

SJ Fitness (868) 713-9789

SAMLifestyleDiet PLE

Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

SJ Fitness (868) 713 - 9789


T his program is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as medical or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet or nutrition program. T he use of diet and nutrition to control metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the purpose of this program. T he purpose of this program is to help healthy people reach their cosmetic fitness goals by educating them in proper nutrition and exercise guidelines. N o health claims are made for this program. T his nutrition and exercise program will not help cure, heal, or correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical condition. T he author is not a medical doctor, registered dietitian, or clinical nutritionist; the author is a fitness and nutrition consultant. If you have diabetes, chronic hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, or any other medical condition or metabolic disorder requiring special nutritional considerations, we suggest you consult a health care professional with a clinical nutrition background (M D, R D, or CCN ) for your special nutrition program. Your nutrition plan will not be effective by itself. You must combine a good diet with an appropriate exercise program for optimal results. If you have been sedentary and are unaccustomed to vigorous exercise, you should obtain your physician?s clearance before beginning an exercise program. T he American College of Sports M edicine (ACSM ) recommends that apparently healthy individuals who are male and over 40 or female and over 50 to have both a physical exam and a diagnostic exercise test prior to starting a vigorous exercise program. A diagnostic exercise test and physical examination is also recommended in individuals of any age who exhibit two or more of the major coronary risk factors (smoking, family history of heart disease, elevated blood cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes). Any individual with a known history of heart disease or other heart problems should be required to have a medical evaluation including a graded exercise test before engaging in strenuous physical activity. T he author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any of the information contained in this manual. T he user assumes all risk for any injury, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by using any information described in this program.

Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

SJ FiT ness

Break fast options MEAL ONE

SAMLifestyleDiet PLE


2 HashBrown Potato Patties

1KISS Whole Grain Bread

4 oz lean meat or seafood

Two Boiled Eggs

1/2 Cup Lettuce 1Large Tomato 1Cup Almond Milk

3 Lettuce Leaves 1Large Tomato and 1small cucumber 1Cup Hershey's Chocolate Milk



1/4 Cup Oats and 1Cup Almond Milk 1Banana and One Cup Grapes 1/4 Cup Saute Granola 2 Cups Whole Grain Cereal 2 Scoops Whey or Egg Protein 1Scoop Whey Protein 1Tbsp. Olive Oil and 1tbsp. flaxseed 1Cup Soy, Almond or Low Fat milk 1Tbsp. Sunflower Seeds (Blend together and freeze for 15mins.

Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

m ishelle_john

#SJFitness #BodyR evolution

TUNA WRAP July 27 g canned tuna in water 10AM -206PM 1sweet pepper

½ cup pimento

1stalk celer y, and 1stalk chive 3 Baby Spinach leaves 1lemon/lime 1. Dr ain tuna with str ainer 2. Dice all the afor ementioned ingr edients and place in one bowl with tuna. Th i s r eci p e i s g r eat f o r a d i n n er o r m i d m o r n i n g sn ack o p t i o n . Can b e p r e-p r ep ar ed t o eat f o r at l east t w o d ay s. Yo u can al so ad d o n e t ab l esp o o n o f o l i v e o i l w h en m i x i n g i n b o w l o r o n e t ab l esp o o n o f l o w f at m ay o n n ai se.

3. Squeeze lime/lemon into bowl. 4. Add mild blackpepper and all pur pose seasoning. 5. Mix ingr edients with for k or spoon. 6. Place seasoned tuna in wr ap and eat as desir ed. 7. The tuna can also be wr apped in lar ge lettuce

Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

M id M orning Snack M id-A fternoon Snack Choose any two options listed 1Dannon Gr eek Yoghur t 1Fr uit of choice 2 Cups Mixed Nuts 1Cup Almond, SoyMilk or Low-Fat Milk with 1Scoop Whey Pr otein



1/4 Cup Oats and 1Cup Almond Milk


1/4 Cup Saute Granola 2 Scoops Whey or Egg Protein 1Tbsp. Olive Oil and 1tbsp. flaxseed 1Tbsp. Sunflower Seeds (Blend together Enjoy)

and freeze for


m ishelle_john

Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

SAM PLE Lifestyle Diet

#SJFitness #BodyR evolution


Lunch is an option that can be individually chosen. One is to ensure that they consume: 2 servings starchy carbohydrates 2 Cups of vegetable of choice 4-6oz of lean meat or seafood

Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

SAM PLE Lifestyle Diet

SJ FiT ness


The safest options to have for dinner especially at 8pm or even 9pm is Option Three in Breakfast Section or a salad with 4oz Lean protein. Furthermore, any breakfast option can be used minus the fruit and the juice.


SUPPLEM ENTATION RECOM M ENDATION Take the following with ALL meals and snacks:

2000m g O mega 3 2000m g O mega 6 D rink Chinese Slim Tea after last meal every tw o days

Issue 1 | Nutrition Guide | 2014/2015

SAM PLE Lifestyle Diet

SJ Fitness

Detox shakes The detox shakes listed are just a few of the recipes that can be usedf to detox your body. Detox helps to regulate your hormones and keep your metabolism in check. You can even add Almond Milk or coconut milk instead of water. You are to

complete 7 -days of detox drink ing first in the morning on an empty stomach! ! !

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