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What is the nature of Mathematics in Grades 7 & 8?
We are preparing our students in Grades 7 to 10 for the International IGCSE Mathematics course with the intention that our students complete the Extended curriculum. Some will also take Additional Mathematics in future years. Grade 7 Mathematics at SJII challenges students of all abilities. The emphasis is on building skills in mathematics in preparation for the IGCSE. From the start of Grade 8 students are formally introduced to the IGCSE course which they will complete at the end of Grade 10.
What is the approach to teaching and learning?
Learning is student-centred as well as inquiry based. Students will learn through different teaching methods, approaches and styles, including pair and group work, activities which promote thinking skills and creativity and IT-based lessons.
Students will be encouraged to undertake their own mathematical investigations under the guidance of their teacher, devise their own strategies for problem-solving and to raise questions relating to mathematical concepts and methods.
What is the subject content?
The following content will be used as a basis to help students achieve the outcomes described above. In this way, although students will become familiar with traditional topics in mathematics, these are seen as a vehicle for promoting mathematical thinking rather than being labored over for their own sake.
Topics Grade 7 Grade 8
Shape Factors and Multiples; Integers; Rational Numbers; Estimation and Approximation; Percentages; Ratio, Rate and Speed
Perimeter and Area of Simple Geometrical Figures; Basic Geometrical Concepts and Properties; Angle Properties of Polygons; Geometrical Constructions; Volume and Surface Area Arithmetic Problems and Standard Form; Irrational Numbers;
Scales and Maps; Symmetry and Angle Properties ofPolygons; Mensuration; Arc Length & Sector Area; Pythagoras’ Theorem;
Algebra Fundamental Algebra; Algebraic Equations and Simple Inequalities; Number Sequences; Functions and Graphs
Statistics Mean, Median and Mode; Displaying Statistical Information –Charts and Histograms Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions; Solving Quadratic; Equations by Factorisation; Algebraic Manipulation and Formulae; Simultaneous Linear Equations; Analytical
Geometry; Linear Graphs and their Applications; Graphs of Quadratic Functions; Motion Geometry;
Mean, Median and Mode, and comparisons between them; Displaying Statistical Information –Charts, Stem and leaf plots, Histograms; Grouped Data; Use ofGraphical Display Calculators.
What is the nature ofthe assessment?
We assess in Grade 7 and Grade 8 with a lens on the students’ next stage of articulation in IGCSE and IB.
In IGCSE all students will do Extended Mathematics and the students demonstrating a higher level of achievement at that time will also take Additional Mathematics. Students wishing to do Higher Level Mathematics in IB may need to have taken Additional Mathematics at IGCSE level. (The IB courses are currently under review and eligibility decisions will be made at the end of 2018).
It is therefore imperative that all assessment is well calibrated to ensure that students are placed in the appropriate courses for IGCSE level and beyond. All classes prepare the students appropriately for all assessment pieces and there is no quota on the number who can take a particular course at IGCSE and IB.
Assessment’s primary purpose is generate learning and can take various forms. Most assessment is not graded and is used purely to give formative feedback to create learning. Only assessment which is wholly reliable (taken under exam conditions) is used to inform streaming decisions. Typically, throughout Grade 7 and Grade 8, students will sit for level tests, an end of year consolidation test and end of topic reviews.
Level tests: Tasks (exam format) based on a number of topics that are done under exam conditions. Students are not allowed to consult their books. End of topic reviews: Tasks based on a number of topics that are done under exam conditions. Students are allowed to consult their books.
Consolidation test: An exam that covers all topics for the year. This is under exam conditions and students are not allowed to refer to their books.
They will also complete formative tasks for homework, as well as a number of mathematical investigations and modelling projects to develop their mathematical understanding as well as their mathematical initiative and problem solving skills. Students may also be required to make short oral presentations. The assessment data provides us with the evidence needed for us to be able to better personalise the learning. For this reason it is very important that students complete this work independently, allowing the teacher to see and respond to their achievement and provide feedback to move the learning forward.
Grade 7 students may or may not be streamed and this depends on the cohort; if streaming occurs, it will be once in May and once before they move on to Grade 8 according to the chart below:
Assessment Weightage Breakdown: Grade 7 Grade 8
May Streaming [Grade 7 ONLY]
Streaming Criteria 20% - End of Topic Reviews 80% - Level Tests
20% - Level Tests and End of Topic Reviews 80% - Big Test 20% - Level Tests and End of Topic Reviews 80% - Big Test
Students also have the opportunity to move between streams at other times if they have been placed in the wrong stream. Such cases are dealt with on a case by case basis based on the evidence that is available at the time. Such cases are uncommon and only happen when students have been placed in a stream that is not in line with their current achievement level. In such cases we endeavour, based on the evidence, to place the student in a more appropriate class.