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The IGCSE Programme at SJI International for 2022

Students will generally take a total of 8 or 9 IGCSEs, comprised as follows:

A non-English language


English Language

English Literature

Mathematics (with a possibility of Additional Mathematics)

and Three Sciences (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) and one Humanity, Arts subject or Physical Education (IGCSE)

or Co-ordinated Science (equivalent to two IGCSEs including Biology, Chemistry and Physics) one Humanity and one further option (either another Humanity, Arts, Physical Education (IGCSE) or Computer Science)


Pathway A –Single Sciences

 Mathematics (Extended Maths plus

Additional Maths, if appropriate)  English Literature  English Language  Non-English Language

Biology, Chemistry & Physics Science options (all three are studied and examined as separate subjects)

Pathway B –Co-ordinated Science

 Mathematics (Extended Maths plus

Additional Maths, if appropriate)  English Literature  English Language  Non-English Language

Co-ordinated Science (equivalent to two IGCSEs), but including Biology, Chemistry and Physics

Other options

Non –examinable (compulsory)

One choice from  Humanities – Economics,

Geography and History


 Aesthetics – Art, Drama, Music and

Physical Education (IGCSE) and Design

Technology But NOT  Computer Science First option one of:  Humanities – Economics, Geography and

History Second option one of:  Humanities – Economics, Geography and



 Art, Drama, Music, Physical Education (IGCSE), Computer Science or Design &


 Physical Education (Core)  Wellbeing Education (WE)  Religious Education (RE)  Physical Education (Core)  Wellbeing Education (WE)  Religious Education (RE)


For those with a significant cultural or linguistic connection to a language not offered through the mainstream curriculum, our Home Languages Programme offers the chance to study their Home Language as part of the curriculum in the Non-English Language block. We currently offer Japanese, French, Korean, Thai, German, Vietnamese and Russian. Other subjects on request. Additional fees apply.

In addition, students have a double lesson (80 minutes) of Physical Education per week and a combination of RE (Religious Education) and WE (Wellbeing Education) for 80 minutes.

SJII adheres to the principle of continuous assessment. Homework is set and marked on a regular basis. Twice in the year, parents will receive reports for their child, with grades for Attainment and Attitudes towards Learning for each subject. Once a year, parents have the opportunity to discuss their child’s academic progress at the relevant parent teacher conference. An online markbook is maintained for all subjects where parents can access grades for major assessment pieces throughout the year.

Students will take the final IGCSEs examinations at the end of Grade 10, which are externally set and marked.


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