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Citywide Teen Centers
from Roosevelt Community Center | Summer 2023 | Community Activity Guide
by San José Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services Community Center Brochures


Fit to the Dance is the perfect class for anyone who enjoys exercising but also loves to DANCE This class is split into 2 different exercise classes The first hour will consist of exercises that build strength, improve mobility/flexibility, and increase your range of motion. Building strength and improving flexibility will help you stay on the dance floor longer The second hour of the class will consist of Dancercise, which is a fun way to get active by combining exercise and dance. Participants should bring their own yoga mat, water bottle, and some comfortable shoes Exercise and dancing will consist of low to moderate intensity.
Instructor: Lisa Dieu Hien Trinh and Master Ta
Time: 1 - 3 P.M.
Room: MPR

Tai Chi is an art embracing the mind, body, and spirit Tai Chi is an effective exercise that consists of physical exercises and stretches Tai Chi has been described as meditation in motion because it promotes serenity through gentle movements connecting the mind and body. The benefits of Tai Chi include reduced stress, improves mood, and better sleep, and promotes weight loss
Instructor: Qin Fung
Time: 9:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.
Room: Dance Studio
Senior Social Dance
Roosevelt Senior Social Dance is a great place for any adults 50+ who enjoy ballroom dancing/music, meeting new people, and anyone looking to have a good time

Time: 1 - 3 P.M
Days: Monday-Wednesday-Friday
Price: $1.00
Scholarships Available
The City of San José offers activity scholarships for children, seniors, and adults with disabilities who qualify. Scholarships will cover 50-70% of the class cost Fill out the scholarship form and bring the necessary documents to any City of San José community center.
Contact any community center for information.
Instructor: PRNS Staff
Time: 9:30 A.M - 10:00 A.M.
Get your day going by joining the Walking Club! Walking can help build confidence in your ability to be physically active and improve your overall health while still being low intensity It is also, a great way to socialize with friends when enjoying a nice walk around the park The Walking Club is perfect for active adults and low fitness participants! Senior membership is required for participation Drop-ins available Class will meet outside in the front courtyard

Come find out how much fun it is to Line Dance Lessons are easy and provide great exercise You do not need a partner or any experience to dance. You will learn classic and popular line dances Dance shoes are recommended
Instructor: Volunteer

Time: 2 P.M. - 4 P.M.
Room: Dance Studio

Ping Pong (Table Tennis) is the most popular racket sport in the world! You will learn from and play with different table tennis enthusiasts. This is a great group that enjoys competition, fitness and fun
Instructor: Open play
Time: 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.
Room: Classroom 2
How to use technology is the perfect class for anyone looking to learn how effectively and safely use their mobile device, laptop, or tablet Participants will learn a variety of technology skills such as setting up an email, sending photos through text, and how to make purchases online

Instructor: PRNS Staff
Time: 10 - 11 A.M.
Room: MPR
Pizza And A Movie Day
Come enjoy a relaxing movie day at the Roosevelt Community Center. We will provide pizza and beverages. Movie will be chosen on the day of the event Registration is required to attend this event All guest must be 50+ and have a current Roosevelt 50+ membership.
Time: 1 - 4 P.M.
Room: MPR
Scholarships Available
The City of San José offers activity scholarships for children, seniors, and adults with disabilities who qualify Scholarships will cover 50-70% of the class cost. Fill out the scholarship form and bring the necessary documents to any City of San José community center
Contact any community center for information.

Community Centers Rental Rates for : Almaden, Almaden Winery, Bascom, Camden, Edenvale,Gardner, Mayfair, Northside, Roosevelt, Seven Trees and applicable Re-Use sites
Hours: Operating Hours Monday through Thursday & Friday until 4pm
Additional Fees