2019 President's Report_Final

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am honored to serve as Chair of the St. Joseph’s Prep Board of Trustees. In my role, I have the privilege of working with 19 dedicated and passionate fellow Trustees— women and men who care deeply about the Prep and bring their own experiences

and expertise to assist our school. While I had many connections to the Prep while working in the Philadelphia business community, my first Prep “citizenship” experience was as a mom in 2006, when my son Christopher entered as a freshman. From the beginning, I knew this was a special place where young men like my son were instilled with the knowledge that they are working for a greater good—to go into the world and make a difference. I knew that I wanted to support that mission in any way I could. When the opportunity arose to expand my citizenship role and contribute my business expertise as a Trustee, I enthusiastically said yes! In the seven years I have been a Trustee, I have seen the school remain steady in its mission. In my experience, success only happens if the right people are in place. I am confident the Prep has those people in place today to bring the Prep of tomorrow to life. I am grateful to Fr. Swope and the women and men who work at the Prep to instill a Jesuit education into our young men. The work they do each day plants seeds that will bloom, sometimes while that student is here at the Prep, but often not until later, in college or beyond. But that seed, that spark, will help change the world. As citizens of the Prep, we all have our obligation to the school we love. Whether through a financial contribution, by volunteering our time, or by being an ambassador for the school to other alumni and prospective students and families, we owe it to our school to support it in any way we can. I have full confidence in that support from you, our loyal friends and family, and again, remain ever grateful for all the wonderful contributions that bring our programs—and our fine young men—to life. Sincerely,

M. Shawn Bort P ’10 Chair, Board of Trustees




ur mission at 17th & Girard is evident in the faces of our students and faculty every day! It is alive for students like Ken Shegogue ’19 featured on our cover. When I first saw this picture I immediately thought, this is such a terrific

reflection of what happens in Prep classrooms every day! Students fully engaged with their teachers, thinking and learning and focused on achievement. That’s the student who comes to learn at St. Joseph’s Prep. Over the past few years I’ve asked our faculty to dream about the future of the Prep. They’ve shared their vision for how they want to teach in their classrooms and the impact it will have on our students. Their ideas are innovative and exciting and have formed the vision for the future which led us to the priorities of the For Others Forever Campaign. This vision will result in a transformation of our main building and have a profound impact on the educational experience of our students. I could not be more excited about the future of the Prep! Of course, none of this happens without the great generosity of our alumni, parents, and friends, and I am grateful to all for your incredible support of the school we love so dearly. This President’s Report recognizes the generosity of our donors and its impact on the young men at St. Joseph’s Prep. You will read their stories through the lens of our Strategic Plan, Many Parts One Prep. As Citizens of the Prep committed to our success, you have invested in ensuring that we reach our strategic goals. I hope you enjoy reading about our progress and about our students who are benefitting from it every day. As we look toward the future, our alumni, parents, and friends will be our most valuable partners to achieve our ambitious goals. Thank you for the difference you make at St. Joseph’s Prep and for Catholic, Jesuit education in Philadelphia. I wish God’s blessings for you and your families. Please pray for all of us at the Prep as we continue the important work of preparing our young men to be Men for Others. Sincerely,

Rev. John W. Swope, SJ ’72 President


Living our Catholic and Jesuit Mission


e, as the Prep, will look to strengthen all programming that directly supports

the education of our young men as citizens, both prepared and disposed to transform society using the values of Jesus Christ, to care for the common good, and to be guided by Ignatian spirituality.


Living our Catholic and Jesuit Mission • Established the Ignatian Engagement Committee • Facilitated Ignatian Retreat for Prep and Gesu School colleagues • Created Coaches Formation Day • Conducted survey on the Ignatian Engagement of colleagues

• Reimagined Ignatian Identity Week with more emphasis on external Jesuit partners • Redesigned student grade-level retreats so they are interwoven from freshman to senior year with themes building upon each other • Reimagined the Sophomore Conversations to be more fully rooted in the Spiritual Exercises



nder the first strategic goal “To live our Catholic and Jesuit mission,” one primary task arose: to formally create

an Ignatian Formation Program for all members of the Prep community—colleagues, students, parents, alumni, and trustees alike. To that end, last year the school formed an Ignatian Engagement Committee (IEC), charged with developing recommendations for an integrated, comprehensive, and cross-institutional program in Ignatian formation. The committee went to work. After researching more than 35 Jesuit high schools across the country, and sensitively taking into account our unique context and community at the Prep, the IEC developed a new manual for Ignatian Formation Programming for

our entry point into a year of renewed Ignatian formation that will include directed prayer, retreat, and other programming so that all of us who are part of this community can journey with Ignatius and find God in all things.”

all citizens—colleagues, students, trustees, and

As the Examen’s graces lie at the heart of our

parents. From that, stemmed the focus for this

Ignatian vision, the Year of the Examen serves

first year: Year of the Examen.

as a vehicle to more actively live our Ignatian

All in the Prep Community will be invited into experiences of the Examen—Ignatius’ simple, daily prayer and indispensable part of the day for any Jesuit and pilgrim of the Lord. “The Examen is a way for all of us to form a deeper relationship with God,” explains Rev. Chuck

foundation and identity. As part of our Jesuit mission, it is also a direct response to the Society’s recent issuing of its four Universal Apostolic Preferences for all Jesuit missions, the first of which is “Showing the Way to God: Discernment and the Spiritual Exercises.”

Frederico, SJ, Senior Director of Mission and

Through our Year of the Examen, we respond

Ministry and IEC team member. “This prayer is

wholeheartedly to that call from Rome.

• Increased sacramental experience for students through the collaboration of Mission and Ministry with the Religious Studies Department • Created Family and Alumni Service Days • Launched a Women’s Spirituality Group based on the “Walking with Purpose” program by Lisa Brenninkmeyer


The mission of St. Joseph’s Prep is to educate young men and prepare them as leaders for what lies ahead for them whether they choose a military career, the religious life, a career in health care, government service, or the commercial sector. Their choices are grounded in the principles and values that are taught at the Prep, significantly influenced by the ministry of faith that


surrounds them in every moment that they are there. As a student at the Prep during the fire of 1966, we were emboldened by the fact that we had a mission to complete and we were always surrounded by the graces of God. Prep graduates go on to accomplish great things, all of which are driven by their grounding in Mission and Ministry.” Paul Zerkow ’68 Paul and his wife Brenda made a leadership gift in support of the Prep’s Mission and Ministry Endowment.

CHRIS GUTT ’20 Sometimes, all it takes is a little spark to start a burning fire. For Chris Gutt ’20, that little spark came after just one hour. “I wanted to fulfill my service hours so I went to tutor during Community Hour,” Chris recounts. “I ended up falling in love with it and went there almost every day.” That one day doing service turned into full immersion in the Mission and Ministry world at St. Joseph’s Prep. Chris joined the Mission and Ministry Board for his junior year and

A resident of Narberth, Chris

worked mostly on service activities, helping to organize the

knew the Prep was a special

Thanksgiving Food Drive and Operation Santa Claus. In the winter, he worked with fellow M&M board members to create

place. “I wanted to go to a school

a presentation about the PAR Recycle Works Program that

that had roots—a place where

helps recently incarcerated people find meaningful work while

relationships were important and

also caring for our common world, one of the Society of Jesus’ recently announced Universal Apostolic Preferences. The

are something that would last past

presentation won second prize at the Ignatian Social Justice

graduation. I saw that with my

Competition, organized by the Northeast Jesuits, and earned a

dad (alumnus Matthew Gutt ’84).”

$15,000 donation to the PAR program.

Last year, Chris won the 2019 Men

This past summer, Chris and several classmates traveled to

For Others Award, presented by

Ivanhoe, Virginia, continuing to serve that community as

the Prep alumni Men for Others

many past Preppers have. In fact, Chris says connecting with people has been the biggest lesson he has learned from all his

committee and given to a student

service. “That has been so valuable,” he notes. “Perhaps I was

who exemplifies the school’s Jesuit

able to show the people of Ivanhoe, or even students I tutored,

mission and lives according to the

a different view of people like me. The work we do on service trips is good, but connecting with people is also a major reason for being there. It has helped me realize that we are all so much more alike than I knew.”

Read more about Chris Gutt’s passion for service and what he thinks about Kairos at www.SJPrep.org/ PrepCitizens-Gutt

St. Ignatius motto: “In all, love, and serve.”


Enhancing Academic Excellence


he Prep will sustain a curriculum that reflects both its roots in the liberal arts

and its aspiration to be at the vanguard of student-centered curriculum and instruction. In order to be highly creative in the design of the overall student academic experience, ongoing curriculum innovation and modernization of teacher classroom instruction—including a new major redesign of student learning spaces—will become part of its culture.


Enhancing Academic Excellence • Created Summer Service Learning courses for academic credit • Instituted monthly grade-level meetings for faculty and staff to review student progress • Developed academic support program by which qualified students can receive help through

enrichment opportunities, extended testing time, or other educational accommodations • Launched annual student evaluations of teacher performance as part of the formative assessment for each teaching colleague • Initiated student perception surveys



ast spring, St. Joseph’s Prep named Andrew

to plan curriculum knowing that the school will

T. Cavacos its 26th Principal, ending

have exciting new educational facilities.

a four-month national search. In his

announcement to the school community, Rev. John W. Swope, SJ ’72, President, expressed his excitement at Cavacos being the school’s next Principal, saying it was clear when he and the committee met Andy that the veteran educator was, “not only well-versed in educational theory, and more than familiar with Jesuit education, but also that the ideals that we value at the Prep are a vital part of his identity. We were incredibly fortunate to find someone like Andy to assume the academic leadership of our school.” The Cavacos selection was the first of a series of hires to bolster the academic administrative team to provide more effective support for our students while also facilitating the accomplishment of many Strategic Plan goals. A more robust team now includes two new assistant principals, Daniel Ranalli ’00 (Academics) and Joshua Rorer (Student Life), and a new Director of Academic Data Analytics, Colleen McManus.

“Instructional spaces should have physical flexibility to promote collaborative work for learning teams and these new spaces will be tooled to maximize access to information and give our students the opportunity to present beautiful work,” he says. “A particularly notable initiative is an Innovation Center where students can create in ways not afforded by the traditional classroom. I’m looking forward to using these new spaces to enhance our curriculum in ways that we may not have been able to before.” He states that a thorough curriculum review, like the one he recently led at McQuaid Jesuit High School, examines how all of the instructional teaching and learning occurs as a whole. “There exists a temptation to view ‘curriculum’ superficially—as a collection of discrete courses, with discrete syllabi and discrete textbooks guiding study and assignments,” Cavacos explains. “A deeper view of curriculum is necessarily more thoughtful

Now poised with key leaders in place, Cavacos

and acknowledges the interconnection of

looks forward to moving academics at the Prep

all learning within a school. A thorough and

forward, seeing ongoing evolution and change as

successful curriculum review first articulates

natural for a Jesuit high school.

the larger essential questions (including those

“Jesuit schools are a trusted educational ‘brand’ rooted in a paradigm linked to the spiritual exercises and supported by modern leadership theory—a cycle of context, experience, reflection, action, and evaluation,” he notes. “There is no room for complacency in our way of proceeding. The strategic plan sets a path forward for ensuring that our academic excellence remains rooted in this paradigm.”

distinctive to supporting the profile of the Graduate at Graduation), learning outcomes, assessment techniques, instructional strategies, and resources that exist within courses (including the integration of technology), across grade levels, and the entire school. Once this context is articulated, reflection and evaluation may begin; we ask where are the strengths, weaknesses, redundancies, and gaps? After reflection, the action of making revisions

Cavacos sees an upcoming curriculum review in

begins. There may be revisions within courses,

much the same way—an opportunity to make

the creation of new courses, blending of some,

the educational experience better for each

discontinuation of others. The review does not

student. He believes that the transformation of

end, it is a continuing cycle, one that adheres to

the main Prep building, outlined in the For Others

the Ignatian paradigm of context, experience,

Forever Campaign, creates a terrific opportunity

reflection, evaluation, action.”



Denise and I are happy to make a donation to help the Prep continue its support of students, both inside and outside of the classroom. Specifically we wanted to target a program that gives all students access to more and better resources to improve their academic experience and performance. The new Counseling Suite in the re-designed Learning Commons focuses on this outcome. We are


grateful that the For Others Forever Campaign gave us this opportunity to invest in the future of the Prep.� Mike Moran ’74, prep trustee 2012-18 Mike and his wife Denise have made a significant donation to the For Others Forever Campaign to support the Counseling and Resource Center which will be created as a result of the campaign.

AIDAN MCGAHEY ’20 As an 8th grader, Aidan McGahey was looking for a challenge—a school where he could, “find like-minded people who were as interested in the same compelling academic subjects as I was,” he remembers. Now a senior, he says his expectations have been met. Actually, exceeded. “The Prep was definitely my number one choice from day one. I found so many exciting people here, great teachers

This past spring, Aidan competed

who have gone above and beyond any expectations,” says

in Philadelphia’s National History

Aidan who earned one of our highest Ignatian Scholarships upon his entrance to the Prep. “It’s been absolutely wonderful.” Aidan embodies the ideal Prep student. He pushes himself

Day competition, finishing second in the city in the Historical Paper category. His paper on “Historical

academically, including taking seven AP classes and several

Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

honors courses plus a summer course in Economics at

in Palestine” used primary sources

Saint Joseph’s University. He serves as the President of the Model UN Club, and Co-President of the Speech and Debate

from post-World War I that can

Team. In his “spare time” last summer, he even traveled to

only be accessed at the Historical

Rabat, Morocco to learn Arabic as part of a State Department

Society of Pennsylvania. “It’s one

initiative. “The Prep has always encouraged me to go out of

of the things that I love about

my comfort zone and take things to a higher level. There is something very Ignatian about going around the world and getting first-hand interaction with others.” Throughout it all, Aidan has found like-minded students,

the Prep, how we have access to so many great opportunities,” Aidan says of his school trip to the

along with dedicated Prep faculty, who have supported and

Historical Society, organized by

pushed him along his journey.

History Teacher Leo Vaccaro ’05.

“The willingness of the teachers here to go beyond the

“It was just a Prep van ride away.”

classroom and help me pursue my passions is simply incredible,” he notes. “They give up so much of their time on our behalf. They are so dedicated, not only in the classroom, but outside as well.”

Read more about Aidan McGahey’s experience in Morocco and what he thinks about cultural stereotypes at www.SJPrep.org/PrepCitizens-McGahey


Strengthening an Environment of Involvement, Respect and Connection


t. Joseph’s Prep will become an institution focused on diversity—including but not

limited to cultural, socio-economic, geographic— equity and inclusion through reflective and inclusive processes that ensure that all members of the Prep community are honored, valued, and able to thrive in a diverse and dynamic world.


Strengthening an Environment of Involvement, Respect and Connection • Designed and held Multicultural Student & Family Fall Welcome event • Created Diversity Council to develop a road map to reach strategic plan objectives • Created Alumni Diversity Committee to re-engage with alumni of color

• Created Parent Diversity Advisory Committee, with assistance from parents, to conduct periodic reviews of the needs of diverse families at the Prep • Convened monthly meetings with the 18 local Block Captains in the community • Provided Diversity and Inclusion staff presence in all staffing search committees



or nearly 170 years, St. Joseph’s Prep has

Though the Prep has expanded its geographic

served as Philadelphia’s most-accessible

reach in past decades, it has never stopped

private school. The old adage that the Prep

working to attract students from the city.

is a place “where the son of a bus driver sits next

Currently, about 22% of the student body hails

to the son of a brain surgeon” is firmly etched

from within the city limits (not including

in the DNA of our alumni, nearly all of whom

“near-city” suburbs), a total of nearly 200

express their desire for the Prep to remain that

students. Today’s students come from Philly

beacon of hope and unique blend of students for

neighborhoods as diverse as Francisville,

generations to come.

Pennsport, Rhawnhurst, Packer Park, Mayfair,

While city demographics have changed (roughly 400-500 boys currently graduate from city Catholic schools each year, down from a peak in the late 50s when more than 7,000 city boys graduated annually), the Prep strives to maintain

Passyunk, Callowhill, Fairmount, Mount Airy, Chestnut Hill, Fishtown, Nicetown, Rittenhouse Square, Spring Garden, Brewerytown, Hunting Park, Old City, Port Richmond, Roxborough, Kensington...the list goes on and on.

its socio-economic mix. The type of students

Thanks to the gifts of alumni and friends, many

who used to hail from South Philly may now

financial aid awards are earmarked for these city

come to the Prep from South Jersey. Families who

residents, and enable them to attend the school.

used to live in West Philadelphia may now reside in Upper Darby or Drexel Hill, and boys who used to come to the Prep from the Northeast might now come in from Bucks County. Regardless, students from working-class backgrounds continue to make their way to 17th & Girard.

“In meeting with alumni and donors, I have learned just how much they value the culture of the Prep that includes a mix of city and suburban students,” notes Fr. Swope. “It’s what makes the Prep the Prep, and we will no doubt continue to live out our mission of educating a diverse mix

“We stand firm in our mission of educating the

of young men from across our region. If that

Delaware Valley’s best and brightest,” says Rev.

involves supporting some of them financially,

John W. Swope, SJ ’72, President. “That mix is

we can do that, too, thanks to the generosity of

what drew my parents to send me to the Prep in

our donors and the scholarships that many have

1968, and it is still a big part of what makes the

provided. That’s the beauty of the Prep.”

Prep so attractive to families today.”

• Created Climate Survey for Prep students and colleagues • Launched cultural competency programming for students and colleagues


As the South Philly-born grandson of Italian immigrants and the son of a clothing factory worker/union rep who hung awnings and wallpaper on weekends to make ends meet for our family, the Prep was a game-changer for me—a foundational step towards achieving the American dream. Without a scholarship, our family could never have afforded the tuition, so I view it as a privilege to


provide scholarships to future generations of similarly situated Prep students who have the intelligence, drive, and work ethic to succeed but need a financial boost to have a chance. As they say in the musical Hamilton, “Get your education, don’t forget from whence you came, and the world’s gonna know your name.” Frank Quattrone ’73 Frank and his wife Denise have funded scholarships to support students from Philadelphia. The For Others Forever Campaign supports initiatives that help maintain the Prep’s unique socio-economic diversity.

CARL WHITTINGTON ’19 During his time at the Prep, Carl Whittington experienced many special moments, but it was his time spent with the Black and Latino Culture Club (BLCC) that meant the most. “The BLCC was definitely my favorite experience at the Prep. From attending my first Bakari Awards as a freshman to my last Bakari this past May, I loved every moment of my work in BLCC.” Carl served as the club’s President and says, “The BLCC gave me a community within the brotherhood of the Prep.

Carl just began his freshman year

Some of my most memorable moments in BLCC include

at Villanova University, where he

times like our blanket and sock drive. During the donation

received a full-ride Presidential

collection process we had the opportunity to grow as a club and, with the help of our moderators, learn what it takes to

Scholarship. He feels that the Prep

facilitate an event like that on our own. After the collection

prepared him well for the next

was complete, one of the most enriching moments I ever

leg of his journey. “Although only

had at the Prep was handing out the donations personally

in my first weeks of college, I am

around Philadelphia. Going to neighborhoods in my own city and having personal contact with those struggling with

prepared because of the skills

homelessness only a short drive away from our school

and study habits I learned at the

really brought to mind the opportunities we have and the

Prep,” he says. “From handling a

responsibility that comes with it. That is something that the Prep emphasizes.” Carl also notes that a key aspect of BLCC is the group’s mentoring program with students from the Gesu School.

challenging workload with papers and assignments, to balancing cocurriculars, I know I can handle it.

This past year, Prep students served as mentors to

I don’t feel overwhelmed, because

boys in the fifth grade at Gesu. “That was an incredible

it’s nothing that I am not already

opportunity—to help young men learn to become ‘men for

used to.”

and with others,’ as well as men without limitations,” Carl recalls. “The program was an eye opening realization that there are a million opportunities out in the world of which we can take advantage.”

Read more about Carl Whittington’s experience at www.SJPrep.org/PrepCitizens-Whittington


Sustaining the Prep Mission Through Enhanced Revenue Strategies


reate a culture of philanthropy to provide the financial support to accomplish the

mission of the Prep. This culture will be based upon financial transparency and the adherence to a proven institutional advancement model. The financial stewardship will be continually and consistently monitored to ensure the everlasting success of the Prep’s mission.


Sustaining the Prep Mission Through Enhanced Revenue Strategies • Established Trustee-directed fundraising priorities

• Engaged alumni and parents in strategic discussions

supporting the Strategic Plan that will engage all

about the future of the Prep and their role in


securing that future, and established processes for

• Completed campaign readiness study • Approved campaign priorities with board approval • Created engagement opportunities for alumni, parents, and parents of alumni

sustaining these relationships • Formalized ongoing institutional messaging points of interest for Leadership to share with donors • Created full suite of policies to ensure accurate administration of donor specifications on gifts



hree years ago, the Prep’s Development

has enabled the team to build relationships with

Department underwent a transformation

donors so we can truly understand and align

and Bill McKernan ’87, P ’22 ’23 has had a

their goals and wishes with the future needs of

bird’s eye view on the evolution. Since graduating

the Prep,” says Bill, who ended his term on the

in 1987, Bill has been active as an alumnus and

Board this past spring but has taken on another

supporter. In 2013 he joined the Board of Trustees,

leadership position, serving with his wife Cindy

providing him the opportunity to see firsthand

as Co-Chairs of the Campaign Committee.

how the changes in Development were having a positive effect on the school.

Joe Dunn ’65 also sees remarkable changes in Development. “It has been a true transformation,”

“Beginning with the hiring of Betsy Courtney as

says Dunn, who with his wife Pat has made a

our Chief Development Officer, the Prep made a

substantial contribution to the campaign and

very deliberate investment,” McKernan said. “It

agreed to serve alongside the McKernans as

was very clear to Fr. Swope and the Board that an

Campaign Co-Chairs. “We have been able to

increase in philanthropy would be integral to the

discuss numbers in a way that we never have

current and long-term sustainability and success.

before and really examine how we can best serve

In the past three years, Betsy has been able to

the Prep’s mission.”

create a team with the experience and talent to enable the Prep to raise the money necessary to ensure a strong future.” Last fiscal year, over $8 million was donated in support of the Prep’s Jesuit mission. The annual Prep Fund contributions were $3,210,689, an increase of over $500,000. Additionally, 10 newly endowed scholarships were established, a hopeful early indicator of success for the For Others Forever Campaign.

Courtney credits the recent success to the generous donors, most especially the alumni. “I always say that the Prep will only be as great as our alumni want us to be,” explains Courtney. “As a parent, I knew the loyalty of Prep alumni, but now I get to see it first-hand. Our alumni love this school and always react positively when asked to support it. In our meetings with graduates, we hear passionate stories about beloved teachers, lessons learned in sports and activities, and the

According to McKernan, the difference has been

value of a Prep education in these men’s lives. To

personal interactions. “Meeting with hundreds of

see what the Prep has meant to them is certainly

alumni, present parents, and prospective donors

the most rewarding part of this job.”

• Created strategies that lead to increases in percentage of giving, number of donors, new donors, and number of gifts • Created stronger mechanism for the Office of Admission and its Director of Financial Aid to work closely with both Finance and Development in execution of Financial Aid strategy as related to donor restricted scholarship distribution


I support the Prep because I have nothing but good feelings about my time there. I developed wonderful friendships, learned how to adjust to a rigorous academic program, and, in keeping with the Prep’s mission of developing ‘men for others’ I developed a need to support those less fortunate than myself. Supporting the Prep financially enables our school to continue providing


tuition assistance to those young men who otherwise would not be able to enjoy the Prep experience.” Bernie Halfpenny ’62, trustee Mr. Halfpenny has pledged a gift of $500,000 to the For Others Forever Campaign, half to the transformation of the main building of the Prep and half through an estate gift to establish an endowed scholarship.

SAHMIR HAGANS ’21 Howley Scholar When he was in 8th grade, Sahmir Hagans was thinking bigger than just a high school choice. “I was definitely thinking big picture,” says Sahmir, now a junior at the Prep. “I wanted to be ready for college and beyond, and I knew the Prep would do that for me.” First, though, were some challenges. His family didn’t know much about the Prep, but were pleasantly surprised upon visiting the school. Yet one major concern remained—how to

Motivation for Sahmir comes

pay the tuition—but that was alleviated when Sahmir learned

from being a Howley Scholarship

he would be a Howley Scholar.

recipient. “Mr. Howley and his

Funded by Nick Howley ’70 and his family foundation, the

family invested in me and my

Howley Scholarships are given to incoming students who

family, so it’s only right for me to

show academic ability, a desire to serve others, and who would not otherwise be able to attend the Prep without the aid scholarship. Sahmir certainly met that criteria. In the classroom, Sahmir is an Honors Student, excelling especially in history and English. He fondly recalls Mr. Whelan’s sophomore English class where discussions focused on books and on life itself. He also enjoyed Mrs. Ambrose’s US History class, where there’s an abundance of student input and conversations take history into current events. Sahmir feels blessed to be a Howley Scholar and wants to make sure he fulfills the promise that others saw in him. “The Howley Scholarship made it possible for me to attend the Prep, so I want to do my best in school and in everything I do to repay their trust in me,” says Sahmir, who also credits his mother Miesha for, “being heavy into education and staying on top of me.” He adds, “I know that I am blessed to be at the Prep and it is a privilege not everyone has. I’ve had the opportunity to learn that not everyone has the good fortune that we do. It was also important to learn how much work goes on behind the scenes to help support charitable groups as well as students like me.”

Read more about Sahmir Hagans’ Prep Football experience and the role service plays with the team at www.SJPrep.org/PrepCitizens-Hagans

do the best I can,” he says. “I am grateful to the Howley family for their belief in me. I want to make sure I continue to earn that trust.”


TUITION (GROSS AND NET) AND COST PER STUDENT GAP between crimson line and light grey line is the challenge for the Prep and the reason that philanthropic support from alumni, parents, and friends is so important





10,000 FY 2013

FY 2014

FY 2015

FY 2016

FY 2017

FY 2018

FY 2019

COST: Total cost incurred by the institution GROSS TUITION: Sticker price per student NET TUITION: Gross tuition less all discounts, scholarships, and financial aid

ENDOWMENT ASSETS AND DRAW Increasing the endowment is a priority for the Prep to continue its mission ENDOWMENT ASSETS











0 FY 2014

FY 2015



FY 2016

FY 2017

FY 2018

FY 2019



Includes Prep Fund, endowment, and capital donations

Includes all annual operating donations










0 FY 2016

FY 2017

FY 2018

FY 2019

FY 2016

FY 2017

FY 2018

FY 2019



Based on an annual budget of $21 million

Based on an annual budget of $21 million

1% 3% 3% 7% 7%



3% 2% 8% 3%




















t. Joseph’s Prep is grateful to the alumni, parents, and friends who contribute each year to support the Jesuit educational mission of our school. Below is a list of those who have supported the Prep at a leadership level ($2,500 and up) with gifts made

between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Thank you for all that you do for the students, faculty, and staff of the Prep!


Mr. James P. McHugh ’89 P

$500,000 and above

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey T. McKernan ’78 Mr. Sean A. Rooney ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kelly, Jr. ’66

Mr. and Mrs. James Rowen

Paul E. Kelly Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Schwenger

Ms. Monique Leaman

Mr. James Rodgers and

Mr. and Mrs. William T. McKernan ’87 V

Mr. James C. Smyth Jr. ’59

Ignatian Circle

Christopher M. Tretta, Esq. ’71 Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wilson, Jr. ’84 P

$250,000 to $499,999

Pedro Arrupe Circle Mr. and Mrs. James J. Maguire

$50,000 to $99,999

Ms. Megan Maguire-Nicoletti The Maguire Foundation


Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Moran ’74

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bort

Ms. Cynthia Weldon and

Estate of Mrs. Mary Louise McDevitt Burgoyne and

James L. O'Hara, Esq. '84

Mr. James F. Burgoyne '54

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Casale

Thomas J. Paul Inc.

Mr. Terence J. Connors ’72

St. Joseph's Circle $100,000 to $249,999 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Alburger, Jr. ’64 Estate of Robert K. Allen ’46 Mr. Michael Barry and Ms. Patricia Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Cattie ’75 Mr. and Mrs. John T. Facenda, Jr. ’57 Mr. and Mrs. John Figge V Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hagan V Estate of J. Anthony Hayden ’62 Mrs. Patricia Hayden Mr. and Mrs. H. Daniel Heist Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ksansnak ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Lewis ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dunn ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Columbus R. Gangemi, Jr. ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hilferty Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hill, Jr. ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas W. Howley III ’70 Howley Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. James Leyden ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Maratea V Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mitkus ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. McElwee III ’73 Ms. Denise Foderaro and Mr. Frank P. Quattrone '73 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shea ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sosnowski ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zacney

Dr. Charles W. Lockyer Jr. ’62 P


Jesuit Circle

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bennett ’81

$25,000 to $49,999

Berwind Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bird V

Mrs. Patricia Agger

Robert J. Borghese, Esq ’81

Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Bailey ’64

The Bryn Mawr Trust Company

Mr. Christopher M. Barone ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Chen P

Mr. Anthony Metaxas and

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Comly, Jr. ’99

Mr. Peter A. Battisto ’67

The Conestoga Road Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Buckley, Jr. ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Courtney P

Calconix, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. D’Anjolell, Jr. ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Dugan ’78

Mr. William M. Davison IV

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Halfpenny, Jr. ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Dever ’89

Healthcare Services Group, Inc.

DNB First

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Henkels V

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Ewell

Mrs. Stefani C. Hoffner

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer ’43

Dr. Tonya Kaltenbach and

The Gayda Family Foundation

Mr. James H. Kaltenbach ’92

Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Grimes ’52

Mr. Vincent J. Lasprogata ’62

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grugan, Esq. ’88 V

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Louka ’93

Halfpenny Management Company

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McElhenney III ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Haughey ’62

Mr. Michael T. McKeever ’81 P

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Hayden ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Murphy ’91

Mr. Patrick M. Heenan ’97 P

Mrs. Charlotte E. Rodgers

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Heib

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Smith ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Hepp

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith ’57

Mr. Adam J. Hepp ’02

Mr. John W. Swope

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kane ’80 P

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thompson ’59

Mr. Raymond Infante

Mrs. Laurie Tribuiani

Mr. and Mrs. David Ix

Lou Tribuiani Memorial Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Jaskot ’86

Loyola Circle $10,000 to $24,999 Kyle Ambrogi Foundation Mrs. Donna Ambrogi Mr. Gregory C. Ambrogi ’04 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arizin Associated Specialty Insurance Agency Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Backe ’88 V L. Stewart Barbera, M.D. ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Battaglini ’76 Mr. Edward Bennett Mr. James M. Bennett ’82


Mr. and Mrs. John A. Johnson ’53 Mr. Leonard J. Keating III ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kenney, Jr. ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Lange ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Linquata V Mr. Robert P. Madden ’64 Maguire Enterprises, II, L.P. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Maguire ’84 V Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Mancano ’72 Samuel P. Mandell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Massanova ’96 Ms. Beth Solomon and Mr. John J. Matthews ’80 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Matthews ’88 V Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. McCloskey IV ’59

McCloskey Financial Group LLC

Crimson & Grey

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. McCullen, Jr.

$5,000 to $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. James B. McGovern III ’89 V Mr. Patrick S. McKelvey ’03

American Endowment Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. William A. McKenna


Mr. Matthew R. Morano ’97

Archdiocesan Educational Fund

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher O. Morris ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Arizin

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morris V

Mr. Jeffrey Barker ’75 P

Mrs. Mary Murphy

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bellwoar ’81

Mr. Daniel J. Murray ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Bellwoar ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Sean S. Murray ’90

Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Bellwoar ’82

NFL Foundation

Mr. George E. Bendinger ’47

NSM Insurance Group

Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bevilacqua ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Oakes III ’60

Mrs. Joanne E. Boylan P

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bradley

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Olley ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Brennan ’87

Mr. Brendan J. O’Neill ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Bryan ’58

The Pine Hill Group

Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Plourde

Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Cattafesta ’58

Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Quinn ’83

Citizens Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Raucci, Jr. ’54

CKC Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Derek G. Redcross ’81

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Clark V

Redcross Associates LLC

Colonial Electric Supply Co. Inc

Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Reed ’92

The Craig Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Reilly ’76

D’Anjolell Memorial Homes

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson ’50

The EFM Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Scheuerle

Mr. and Mrs. John K. Einspanier

Drs. Rita and John Schmidt ’68

T. Forrest Fisher, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Schreder V

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Fitzpatrick

SJP - Men for Others

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan P. Flynn ’97 P

Richard G. Smith, M.D. ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Gallagher ’69

Mr. and Mrs. William Smith

Mr. Kevin C. Gaynor and Ms. Erica Baird ’62

Mr. and Mrs. John Snodgrass

Mrs. Geraldine J. Geckle

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sorochen ’90

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M.

Mr. and Mrs. David Sponseller V

Giangiordano, Esq. ’84

Suburban Wholesale Lighting, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Gleason ’83 V

Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.P. Sweeney ’56

Mr. and Mrs. Keenan St.L. Goggin ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sweeney III ’87 V

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Goldner ’84

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Swope ’75

The Graham Company

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tannenbaum V

Dr. Paul J. Green ’59

Dr. and Mrs. Michael K. Taylor ’91

Mrs. Eileen Guest

Ms. JoAnn Trainer

Mr. and Mrs. J. Craig Hadden ’75

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Warner, Jr. V

Haverford Trust Company

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Yezzi, Jr. ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Healey Jr. ’01 P


Henkels Foundation

Mr. Marcel Ricciardelli and

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hill ’53

Ms. Betsy Johnson

Hirtle, Callaghan & Company

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Rosser V

Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Hofmann, Jr. ’63

Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Salas III ’93

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Horstmann ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schanne

Johnson & Johnson

Mr. Michael J. Schoener ’05 Y

Mr. and Mrs. James Keeley, Jr. ’73

Mr. and Mrs. William K. Stewart, Jr. ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Kelley ’59

Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kenney ’72


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Killeen

Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Trainor ’85 P

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E. Kueny III ’79

UNICO National - Greater

Mr. Walter P. Kulp ’87

Philadelphia Chapter

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kweder, Jr. ’65

Mr. and Mrs. George Van Kula P

Mr. David W. Lacey

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wachter III ’00

John R. Leekley, Esq. ’61

Mr. Michael J. Wolff ’08

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lilley V Lima Company


Mr. Richard J. Maccarone ’57

$2,500 to $4,999

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Maloney ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Maloney ’04 Y

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Bailey

Mr. Andrew M. McCloskey ’88

Dr. Asoka Balaratna and

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McCreesh III ’92

Dr. Kathleen Balaranta V

Mr. Joseph L. McElwee ’04 N

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Barker

Mr. Kyle J. McElwee ’08 Y

Dr. Henry V. Bender ’63

Mr. Mark McGovern ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brickner

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Meehan, Jr. ’66

Mr. Mark A. Brousseau and

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Menold P

Dr. Susan Brousseau V

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Morinigo, Esq. ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bryce, Jr. V

Mr. Robert E. Morris ’68

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Byrne III ’60

Mr. James D. Mower, Jr. ’08

Mr. and Mrs. James Cain V

Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Murphy ’74

The Cain Foundation

Mr. Thomas J. Murphy ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Ashley B. Candy ’92 P

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Brien V

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Carroll ’49

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. O’Connor ’50

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cellucci ’94

J. Clark and Marilyn O’Donoghue

Mr. Gregory M. Chatzinoff ’11 Y

Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto Oliver P

Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. Chinappi, Jr. ’59

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Osinski, Jr.

Mr. Peter G. Clearkin ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Stefan R. Politz ’91

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Cocivera CFP ’86 V

Mr. Michael N. Protesto IV ’08 Y

William S. Connolly, D.O. ’61

Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Protesto IV ’04 Y

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Conwell, Jr. ’61

Mr. Martin F. Quinn, Jr. ’02

Gordon E. Conwell Associates, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Rauch ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Cullen ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Reger

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cullen V


Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Davis ’63

The MCS Group, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Armand J. Della Porta, Jr. ’73

The Ernest D. Menold Family Foundation

Mrs. Mary Jane and

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Milani ’52

Mr. Joseph W. DeSalvo ’58 =

Morgan Stanley

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Donegan ’90 V

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Mullen V

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Dougher ’99 P

Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Murphy ’66

Dougherty Electric

Mr. John T. Nugent ’76

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty ’78

O’Connor Family Foundation

Dr. Jodi and Mr. Andrew Duffy V

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Pedicino ’99

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Falcone

Pennsylvania EITC/OSTC Scholarship,

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Finizio ’90 V

#2, LLC

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Frattone ’89 V

Dr. Abby and Mr. Todd Peterson V

Dominic and Janet Genuardi

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Phillips ’76 V

Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Erik Pogwist

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Giblin

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Pooler, Jr. V

Brendan J. Giblin Scholarship Fund

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Porreca, Jr. ’56

Herman Goldner Company Inc.

Mr. Kerry J. Quinn ’06 N

Terence M. Gurley, Esq. ’66

Mr. and Mrs. John Rooney, Jr. V

Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Hak ’61

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rowello ’91 V

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hart V

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ryan, Jr. ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Iannacone ’70

Dr. and Mrs. Sean V. Ryan ’87

I.B.E.W. Local Union 98

SAGE Dining

IRUS Advisory

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Schneider ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Irvine ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schrieber V

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Jaskiewicz ’78 P

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sharp, Jr. ’77

Jesuit Community at SJU

Mr. John Jess Sodaski ’94 N

Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Johnson, Sr. V

Mr. and Mrs. Francesco A. Spezzano ’67

Mr. John and Dr. Hope Kilgannon

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Stefanski ’03 Y

Mr. and Mrs. David Koslosky V

Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Stephenson V

Mr. and Mrs. J. Gavin Krumenacker V

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Swanick

Mr. and Mrs. Sean B. Lamb ’92

Mr. Joseph J. Sweeney

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lawler V

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Tambussi

Mr. and Mrs. William Leahy V

Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Torpey ’49

Ms. Katrina Lukacs V

Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Vacha V

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lyons ’60

Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Vallecillo ’97 V

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew O. Macdonald ’85

Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Viale ’86

Mr. and Mrs. John H. McCarthy ’63

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Villari ’86 V

McGillin Architecture Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Andrew C. von Eschenbach ’59

Hon. and Mrs. Gerald A. McHugh, Jr. ’72

Mr. John P. Votta ’08

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McHugh, Jr. ’75 V

Mr. Matthew J. Washlick ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. McKeon, Jr. ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Young ’84

Mr. Thomas W. McKernan ’51

Maj. and Mrs. Paul F. Zerkow ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland ’52

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Zsembik, Jr. ’85 V


Alumni and parent engagement has been a top priority for the Prep throughout the year. To that end, opportunities have been created to build and strengthen meaningful relationships that benefit the Prep and our students. The Villiger Executive Council, President's Advisory Council, Young Alumni Leadership Council, and New York Council have all grown in membership. The impact is significant to the Prep and our future. To learn more please contact Joe Boyle ’09, Manager of the Prep Fund at JBoyle@sjprep.org.

17th & Girard Young Alumni Circle

Mr. Gregory M. Chatzinoff ’11 Y

$500 - $2,499

Mr. Stephen O. Connors ’08

Mr. Joseph G. Clement ’12 Y Mr. Brendan Courtney ’10 N

Mr. Raymond F. Andruszko ’09 Y

Mr. Kevin J. Courtney ’08 Y

Mr. John B. Antiskay ’13 Y

Mr. Michael J. Cunningham III ’04 Y

Mr. Jeremy E. Bailey ’10 Y

Mr. Charles W. Cycon ’03

Mr. Joseph J. Bailey ’08 Y

John J. Cycon Esq. ’03

Mr. Joseph A. Biancaniello ’09 Y

Mr. Anthony P. D’Angelo ’07

Mr. Joseph B. Boyle ’09 Y

Mr. Michael J. DeFeo ’11 Y

Mr. Stephen M. Boyle ’11 Y

Mr. Robert J. Della Polla ’09 Y

Mr. Christopher F. Cannataro ’11 Y

Mr. Sean DiGiulio ’07 Y

Mr. Mark A. Casale ’11

Mr. Anthony N. DiPrinzio ’15 Y


Mr. Brendan P. Dougherty ’12 Y

Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Protesto IV ’04 Y

Mr. Shawn R. Duff ’04

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G. Rafferty ’05 Y

Mr. Joseph J. Ehrenreich ’11 Y

Ms. Meaghan McGrath and

Mr. Thomas J. Elliott ’06 Y

Mr. Michael J. Robinson ’04 Y

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fallon III ’02 N

Mr. Daniel A. Romanelli ’11 Y

Mr. Matthew E. Fanelli ’09 Y

Mr. Daniel P. Rowley ’08 Y

Mr. James O. Fenningham ’07 Y

Mr. Kevin C. Ryan ’08 Y

Mr. E. Colin Fleming ’09 Y

Mr. Michael E. Santoro ’02

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Funston ’06 Y

Mr. Vincent P. Sarubbi, Jr. ’07 Y

Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Gannon ’09 Y

Mr. Rexford W. Schilgen ’11 Y

Mr. Jeffrey L. Garvey ’09 Y

Mr. Michael J. Schoener ’05 Y

Mr. Michael J. Geraghty ’08 Y

Mr. Gabriel A. Schrier ’11 Y

Mr. Kyle R. Giangiulio ’07 Y

John H. Shindle, Jr., Esq. ’04 Y

Mr. Steven M. Giordano ’05 Y

Mr. Vincent J. Sirianni ’12 Y

Mr. Daniel P. Gordon ’04 Y

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Stefanski ’03 Y

Mr. Nicholas P. Hansinger ’09

Ms. Melissa Foster and Mr. Alan C. Stoudt ’03

Mr. Matthew K. Harrison ’14 Y

Mr. Patrick D. Swanick ’12 Y

Mr. Olutolani O. Ibikunle ’10

Mr. James E. Tadley ’09 Y

Mr. Colin P. Kane ’10 Y

Mr. Vincent J. Tague ’10 Y

Mr. Gavin P. Keirans ’06 Y

Mr. Robert M. Tobia, Jr. ’09 Y

Mr. Joseph T. Kelly IV ’04

Mr. Drew M. Valerio ’09 Y

Ms. Amanda Pacheco and

Mr. Ryan T. Wall ’14 Y

Mr. Kevin C. Kennedy ’08 Y

Mr. Krzysztof Walski ’06 Y

Mr. Ryan P. Kirlin ’05 Y

Mr. Michael A. Zwaan ’14

Mr. Timothy M. Koenig ’12 Y Mr. Michael J. Leithead, Jr. ’09 N Mr. Louis J. Lombardi ’11 Y Mr. Ryan P. MacWilliams ’08 Y Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Maloney ’04 Y Mr. Conor J. McCabe ’08 Y Mr. Kyle J. McElwee ’08 Y

P President’s Advisory Council

Mr. Daniel P. McGeever ’09

V Villiger Executive Parent Council

Mr. Shane P. McKenzie ’12 Y

Y Young Alumni Leadership Council

Mr. Andrew C. McLane ’09 Y

N New York Alumni Leadership Council

Mr. Colin J. McShane ’08 Y

= Deceased

Mr. Matthew S. Mellen ’10 Y Mr. Christopher A. Morell ’07 Y

PLEASE NOTE: This President’s Report is a

Mr. Ryan A. Neff ’14

publication for alumni, parents, and friends of

Lt. and Mrs. Francis J. O’Connell, Jr. ’02 P

St. Joseph’s Prep. Great care has been taken

Mr. Matthew C. O’Donoghue ’10 Y

to ensure the accuracy of this report. If an

Mr. Stephen J. O’Hara ’10 Y

omission or error has occurred, please contact

Mr. John R. O’Rourke ’03

Mr. Joe Boyle ’09, Manager of the Prep Fund,

Mr. Ryan P. Pierce ’08 Y

at 215-978-1004 or jboyle@sjprep.org.

Mr. Michael N. Protesto IV ’08 Y

Thank you!



ncreasing the Prep’s Endowment is one of two priorities of our For Others Forever Campaign. We are grateful to the alumni, parents, and friends of the Prep who have established named endowed scholarships to provide opportunities for deserving young men to experience a Prep education.

Endowed Named Scholarship Donors

Mr. James P. McHugh ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. McKeon, Sr. ’47 Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen

Mr. and Mrs. George J. Alburger, Jr. ’64 Mr. Louis J. Cissone ’52

James L. O'Hara, Esq. and Ms. Cynthia Weldon ’84

Mr. William M. Davison IV

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Paul ’72

The Society of the Friendly Sons

Thomas J. Paul Inc.

of St. Patrick

Mrs. Charlotte E. Rodgers

Mr. and Mrs. Columbus R. Gangemi, Jr. ’65

Mr. James Rodgers and

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hagan

Mr. James C. Smyth, Jr. ’59

Mrs. Patricia Hayden and

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Sosnowski ’58

Mr. J. Anthony Hayden ’62 =

Stand Up for Speedy

Mr. George P. Keeley ’47

Estate of Quentin C. Sturm, Sr.

Ms. Monique Leaman

Mr. John W. Swope

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Lewis ’81

Christopher M. Tretta, Esq. ’71

The Leyden Family Charitable Gift Fund

UNICO National -

Dr. and Mrs. James J. Leyden ’58 Mr. Richard J. Maccarone ’57 The Maguire Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Maloney ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Maloney ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McBride ’41 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. McCullen, Jr.


Greater Philadelphia Chapter


rowing our endowment through the creation of funds that support specific programs such as Mission and Ministry and athletics is an important focus of our For Others Forever Campaign. The following donors have demonstrated their commitment to these vital areas of Prep life.

General Endowment

Prep Crew Endowment

Estate of Nicholas Albrecht

Mr. Jeffrey Barker ’75

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bort

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Barker

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burnetta ’82

Mr. Christopher M. Barone ’97

Mr. Chris Fried

Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cellucci ’94

Ms. Patricia Gulas

The Conestoga Road Foundation

Estate of Vincent Harris ’45

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dever, Jr. ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Brendan P. Johnson ’88

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Connolly, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kane ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Dever ’89

Mr. Vincent J. Lasprogata ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Ewell

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson ’50

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Fallon III ’02

Joseph & Pauline Seiberlich

Mr. and Mrs. C. Max Funk III ’04

Charitable Remainder Trust

Mr. Joseph A. Galone ’93

Mr. John J. Stock ’53

Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Gannon ’09

Mr. Anthony Torre III ’91

Dr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Garfall III ’98 The Gayda Family Foundation

Mission and Ministry Endowment

Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Gayda ’72 Scott R. Gorman, S.J. ’98

L. Stewart Barbera, M.D. ’50

Mr. Andrew F. Hakanson ’07

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Facenda, Jr. ’57

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Henderson, Jr. ’50

Mr. and Mrs. James Rowen

Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hill, Jr. ’66

Dr. and Mrs. Kimon H. Sargeant

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley P. Jaskiewicz ’78

Maj. and Mrs. Paul F. Zerkow ’67


Dr. Tonya Kaltenbach and

Mr. Brett Ryan ’98

Mr. James H. Kaltenbach ’92

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schrieber

Ms. Emily Smith and

Dr. Thomas Sergi and Dr. Lynne Sergi

Mr. Andrew B. Kelly ’00

Mr. Jeffrey P. Smith ’92

Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kenney ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Stranen ’72

Mr. Ryan P. Kirlin ’05

Strott Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Sean B. Lamb ’92

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Sweeney ’78

Mr. Walter K. Link ’49

Dr. and Mrs. Michael K. Taylor ’91

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Linquata

Mr. and Mrs. James F. Thompson ’59

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. McGowan ’91

Mr. John P. Votta ’08

Mr. Matthew R. Morano ’97

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wachter, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Morinigo, Esq. ’97

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wachter III ’00

Mr. Zakir Murji ’16

Mr. and Mrs. David R. West

Mrs. Mary Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Murphy ’99 Mr. Thomas J. Murphy ’95

Prep Football Endowment

J. Clark and Marilyn O’Donoghue Mr. Matthew C. O’Donoghue ’10

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Backe ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Stefan R. Politz ’91

Mr. Douglas Lantier

Mr. Kerry J. Quinn ’06

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson ’50

Mr. Martin F. Quinn, Jr. ’02

Mr. and Mrs. David P. Wilson, Jr. ’84



reating vibrant new learning spaces is essential to maintaining the Prep’s legacy of providing a best-in-class education for driven young men from the Greater Philadelphia region. We thank the alumni, parents, and friends of the Prep who are early investors in the vision for the future of the Prep.

Capital Project Donors

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ksansnak ’58 Dr. Charles W. Lockyer Jr. ’62

Estate of Robert K. Allen ’46

Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Maratea

Estate of Mrs. Mary Louise McDevitt Burgoyne and

Mr. and Mrs. William T. McKernan ’87

Mr. James F. Burgoyne '54

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Moran ’74

Mr. Louis J. Cissone ’52 =

Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Reed ’92

Mr. Terence J. Connors ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Robinson ’50

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dunn ’65

Mr. Sean A. Rooney ’80

Mr. and Mrs. John Figge

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Schwenger

Dr. Paul J. Green ’59

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Shea

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Halfpenny, Jr. ’62 Mr. and Mrs. H. Daniel Heist Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hilferty Paul E. Kelly Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Kelly ’66 Mrs. Christine Kiernan

To read a full list of donors, go to www.sjprep.org/PresidentsReport



2018-19 Board of Trustees

2018-19 Board of Fellows

Ms. M. Shawn Bort P ’10, Chair

Rev. George W. Bur, SJ ’59

Dr. Mark C. Reed ’92, Vice Chair

Rev. William J. Byron, SJ ’45

Mr. Jeremiah J. Buckley ’78 Mr. Terence J. Connors ’72 Michael D. Gayda, Esq. ’72 Mr. Bernie Halfpenny ’62 Mr. Anthony J. Hayden ’95 Mrs. Joan Hilferty P ’14, ’16 Paul J. Jaskot, Esq. ’86 Mr. Brendan P. Johnson ’88 Rev. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Joseph D. Mancano, Esq. ’72 Rev. Richard S. McCouch, SJ Mr. William T. McKernan ’87 Rev. Thomas A. Pesci, SJ ’67 Mr. Derek Redcross ’81 Mrs. Audrey Schwenger P ’16 Mr. John J. Swanick P ’07, ’12 Rev. John W. Swope, SJ ’72 Christopher M. Tretta, Esq. ’71 Rev. Kevin Wm. Wildes, SJ

Mr. Leo J. Carlin, Jr. ’81 Mr. Armand J. Della Porta, Jr., Esq. ’73 Mr. Paul D. Geraghty P ’97, ’00, ’03, ’08 Mr. J. Anthony Hayden ’62 = Mrs. Kathleen Heist P ’98, ’00 Mr. T. Roderick Henkels ’82 Mr. Anthony J. Iannacone ’70 Mr. John A. Johnson ’53 Mr. James W. Kane III ’73 Mr. Paul E. Kelly, Jr. ’66 Mr. Matthew H. McCloskey IV ’59 Mr. Joseph F. McElwee III ’73 Mr. Thomas J. McParland ’52 Mr. Wadell Ridley, Jr. ’77 Mr. Sean A. Rooney ’80 Mr. Joseph A. Ruggieri ’69 Mrs. Ann Sweeney P ’86, ’90, ’92 Joseph C. Vignola, Esq. ’67


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