Faith & St. John/St. Paul Combining Committee Minutes of June 3, 2015 Meeting Attendees: Pr. Rick Gordon, Mark Watkins, John Reyes, Chris Allen, Sue Harman, Bill Robinson, Dave Six, Judy Vernon, Carol Whidden, Geoff Whidden. Meeting opened at 6:34 pm with prayer by Pr. Rick. Minutes of May 27, 2015 meeting were reviewed and accepted with comments. Chris Allen mentioned that the name of the combined church is still an unresolved issue. A discussion ensued. John Reyes mentioned that the name of the endowment fund will be named the St. John/St. Paul Endowment Fund. In addition, an area at Faith will be named after St. John/St. Paul. The committee also discussed the problems that would be caused if Faith had to change their name. There was a suggestion not to change the legal name, but to just change the name on the sign out front. Judy mentioned that it is carved in granite. It was also suggested that perhaps the new addition could be named after SJSP, but it was built by Faith with many members contributing, so that didn’t seem appropriate. Bill Robinson suggested adding a sign for the SJSP endowment fund to the exterior. Bill made a motion to approve adding outdoor signage to recognize that the church is also the home of the SJSP Endowment Fund. The name of the church will remain Faith Lutheran Church. The motion was approved, (9) yes, (0) no, (1) abstain. Subcommittee Reports:
Financial/Legal/Staffing The subcommittee has a draft of their work out for review.
Lay Leadership/Membership/Fellowship/Worship Pr. Jean and Pr. Rick have worked out a tentative preaching schedule. They will meet again on 7/1 to continue the discussion.
Property Regarding the windows, Sue Harman has quotes from two sources: Marchione, and Studio Arts & Glass. Mr. Marchione visited both facilities. Presented sketches of what could be done. There is the possibility of putting either the Resurrection window or the Good Shepherd window into a backlit box, to be installed in front of the window to the atrium at Faith. Studio Arts and Glass gave costs for removing and restoring six sections of the main artwork panels (Resurrection window and Good Shepherd window). Sue said that Mark checked and the type of lead they use to rebuild the windows is not an environmental problem. 1
Judy Vernon stated that SJSP must determine how much they want to spend on this. Bill Robinson agreed. Sue suggested setting aside $125,000 for windows. Carol moved that SJP set aside $125,000 for the windows. Pr. Rick seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. Sue will firm up the costs to remove the two large windows after July 12. Sue got a call from Father Lutz with the Jubilee Museum in Columbus. He is interested in receiving things from SJSP. For example, The Chapel has expressed interest in the organ, but if not, Father Lutz is interested in it. Regarding the archives, it was mentioned that the University of Akron stores the archives for Faith, and that the SJSP archives could be added at no additional cost. This option is being pursued by Chris Allen. There was a discussion about the copier at SJSP. There is $2376 remaining on the lease. The lease may allow us to move it to Faith. Carol will explore this further. 
Mission Geoff Whidden stated that the mission subcommittee met again today, and has agreed on their document that will be part of the combining document.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm with a prayer by Pr. Rick. Respectfully submitted, David Six Recording Secretary