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Faculty Highlights

SYLVIA BRANCA, with EMILY SLUSSER, contributed “Through a more discerning lens: Understanding college student expectations and experiences over the course of a semester” to the College Student Journal (in press).

ALLISON BRICEÑO contributed “Influence of sequential and simultaneous bilingualism on second grade Dual Language students’ use of syntax in reading” to Reading Psychology.

REBECA BURCIAGA, with Ana Tavares, contributed the chapter “Coraje y Amor: Bilingual Bicoastal Leadership from Preschool to the Professoriate” to Latinas Leading Schools.

LORRI CAPIZZI and BRENT DUCKOR presented “How can Teachers, School Counselors, & Administrators support educational outcomes for students in foster care during extraordinary times?” with the Center to Close the Opportunity Gap.

KYOUNG MI CHOI, with Insoo Oh, contributed “A phenomenological approach to understanding sexual minority college students in South Korea” to the Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development.

MEGAN CUELLAR, with Elizabeth Oommen, Alyssa Scholten, Bethany Rylander, and Mallika David, contributed “Objective measures of lingual and jaw function in healthy adults and persons with Parkinson’s disease: Implications for swallowing” to Physiology & Behavior.

ARNOLD DANZIG, with Gary Martin, Richard Flanary, and Margaret Terry Orr, published School Leadership Internship: Developing, Monitoring, and Evaluating Your Leadership Experience.

FELICIA DARLING, contributed “Make cultural assets count in community college math: Lessons learned from piloting math tasks in a Yucatec Maya school” to Innovation Abstracts.

BRENT DUCKOR, with CARRIE HOLMBERG, Adria Patthoff, and Kip Telléz, contributed “Understanding Pre-Service Teachers’ Formative Feedback Practices in Elementary, Middle & High School Classrooms in High Needs Contexts” to the California Teacher Education Research and Improvement Network.

LARA ERVIN-KASSAB presented “Considering Community and Trauma” at the SJSU Lurie College of Eduation K-12 Teaching Academy.

MARK FELTON, with ELLEN MIDDAUGH and Henry Fan, presented “‘People can get really harsh,’ Supporting youth engagement with contemporary issues through social media” at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting.

MARIA FUSARO, with MAUREEN SMITH, contributed “Imagination and fantasy: Correlates of preschoolers’ science relevant inquisitiveness” to Imagination, Cognition, and Personality.

ANDREA GOLLOHER, with MATTHEW LOVE, presented “Lessons learned from the transition to remote learning” at the Inclusion Collaborate State Conference.

VENEICE GUILLORY-LACY, with REBECA BURCIAGA, and JILA MALEKSALEHI, coordinated the inaugural SJSU x REP4 Learner Design Summit. DINA IZENSTARK, with S. Cole Perry and Reed Larson, contributed “How to bargain successfully with adolescents: What can be learned from youth development professionals” to the Journal of Community Psychology.

SUDHA KRISHNAN contributed “The role of multiliteracies in changing learning spaces and promoting self-advocacy for students with complex support needs” to Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.

SAILI KULKARNI contributed “Special education teachers of color and their beliefs about dis/ability and race: Counter-stories of smartness and goodness” to the Journal of Curriculum Inquiry.

JASON LAKER presented “Living my best life: A conversation about men’s lives in 2020” at the League-Men of Color Virtual Summit.

HEATHER LATTIMER, with MARCOS PIZARRO, contributed “Building a framework for transformation in higher education” to the Handbook of research on leading higher education transformation with social justice, equity, and inclusion.

MARÍA LEDESMA presented “Revisiting Bell’s theory through ‘Power Preservation’: Institutional versus individual interest convergence in the twenty-first century” at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting.

MEI-YAN LU, with NONI MENDOZA-REIS and Angela Loque, contributed the chapter “The Resilient Women of Color Leaders: Narratives of Black and Brown Leaders in P-16 Settings” to Black and Brown Leadership and the Promotion of Change in an Era of Social Unrest.


LYLE LUSTIGMAN, with Ruth Berman, presented “Clause combining in early child Hebrew: Emergent connectivity, increasing specificity, and adult supportive contexts” at the UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference.

CARA MAFFINI, with G. Paradis, contributed “Navigating intercultural relational dynamics: The roles of attachment and cultural values” to the Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development.

NIDHI MAHENDRA, with Tammy Hopper, contributed the chapter “Dementia and related neurodegenerative disorders” to Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders.

ROXANA MARACHI, with Lawrence Quill, contributed “The case of Canvas: Longitudinal datafication through learning management systems” to Teaching in Higher Education.

ROBERT MARX, with Page Regan, contributed the chapter “Lights, camera, (youth participatory) action! Lessons from filming a documentary with trans and gender non-conforming youth in the USA” to Arts and Health Promotion.

RALPH McKAY contributed “Are Your History Slides Effective?” to the World Journal of Education and Humanities.

EDUARDO MUÑOZ-MUÑOZ, with MATTHEW LOVE, and MARCELLA McCOLLUM, presented “The Renaissance of Dual Language Immersion Programs; Implications for SpeechLanguage Pathologists” at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. LUIS POZA, with EDUARDO MUÑOZ-MUÑOZ, TAMMIE VISINTAINER, and Ahoura Zandiatashbar contributed “Broadband Access and Constituent Experiences Under COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place Orders” for California Assembly District 30.

WENDY QUACH, with Aimee Dietz, Shelly Lund, Miechelle McKelvey, and Kristy Weissling, contributed “Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assessment in Adults With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” to Communication Disorders Quarterly.

COLETTE RABIN presented “‘It’s Just a Flat One-sided Feeling’: Care Ethics in Online Teaching” at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting.

NADIA SORKHABI, with Colin Harbke, and Yuki Hasebe, contributed “Peer Bullies and Victims’ Perceptions of Moral Transgression versus Morally-Aimed Dishonesty” to Critical Questions in Education.

KIM TSAI presented “Parental support buffers the impact of daily stress on adolescent sleep” at the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD) bienneal meeting.

PEI-TZU TSAI, with Grace Shefcik, contributed “Voice-related Experiences of Nonbinary Individuals (VENI) Development and Content Validity” to the Journal of Voice.

AUBREY URESTI contributed “Mentoring moment: For kwg” to Philosophical mentoring in qualitative research: Collaborating and Inquiring together.

WANDA WATSON, with Leah Aguilera, Katy Felsinger, and Hannah Swernoff, presented “Bringing our Humanity to the TK-5 Classroom Through an Ethnic Studies Stance” at the Lurie College of Education K-12 Teaching Academy.


REBECA BURCIAGA has become a full professor and the faculty executive director of our Institute for Emancipatory Education BRENT DUCKOR has become a full professor ANDREA GOLLOHER has earned tenure and promotion to associate professor SAILI KULKARNI has earned tenure and promotion to associate professor MEI-YAN LU has become chair of our Educational Leadership department NIDHI MAHENDRA has become a full professor ROXANA MARACHI has become a full professor ELLEN MIDDAUGH has earned tenure and promotion to associate professor LISA SIMPSON has become chair of our Special Education department DAVID WHITENACK has become chair of our Teacher Education department


ELAINE CHIN has retired from our Teacher Education department REBECCA CRUZ has transitioned to Johns Hopkins University JEAN NOVAK has retired from our Communicative Disorder and Sciences department

For more faculty news and bios, visit sjsu.edu/education/faculty.

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