4 minute read

2020 Vestry Minutes

Report and spoke about new initiatives in ministries for Men, Youth, Ekklesia, Catechism, Women, Children, Community Groups, and Learner’s Exchange. · Aaron Roberts – Gospel Proclamation Aaron described ministry highlights in the 2019 in the area of Gospel Proclamation. We have hired Andrew Buchanan as a part-time evangelist to work with Ekklesia and spend time on the UBC Campus until he moves to Japan in June of 2019. We ran Life Explored; a video/discussion series for those exploring the Christian faith. We also held a series of Welcome Sessions for newcomers. This was a 4-part series helping newcomers to be welcomed into the church. Finally, we completed an analysis of the last 20 years of preaching at St. John’s with the aim of understanding how we have done teaching and preaching the whole counsel of God. With the information from that analysis we have now and have now developed sermon series for the next three years. · Building Update - Jeff Spruston The Building fund currently stands at $1.2 million. The building committee is currently looking at four different options for property: an existing church building, land assembly, leasing a property long term that we could potentially develop, and potentially working with other churches to share and develop space. Last year we looked at four different properties in the neighbourhoods of Kingsway, Kerrisdale, Dunbar, and Main street. We are continuing in conversation with OAC about our future and will be working to securing a threeyear lease by summer of 2020. We made some offers on property but were not successful. We are currently in conversation with a couple of churches that may be a possibility in the future. · Treasurer’s Report – Christine Klukas Questions from the Congregation Are all received bequests put into a general fund, what if the giver wants their gift for something specific? The Trustees encourage individuals to consider St. John’s when creating their wills. When a bequest is received that has restrictions placed on the gift, the Trustees first must decide if it is possible to honor that request before the gift can be accepted. Gifts that are received unrestricted enable the Trustees to determine how they will best be used for ministry.

Why aren’t there two separate budgets: one for the bequest and one for the general fund? In 2019 the Trustees tried tracking bequest spending and general fund spending separately, but quickly realized that this was impractical and unhelpful.


· Adoption of the 2019 Audited Financial Statements Moved by Christine Klukas. Seconded by Bob Cowan. All in favour, none opposed, the motion was carried

· Presentation and Adoption of the 2020 Budget Moved by Christine Klukas. Seconded by Pat Gibson. All in favour, none opposed, the motion was carried

· Appointment of Loewen, Kruse as the Auditors for 2020 Moved by Christine Klukas. Seconded by Chris Walker. All in favour, none opposed, the motion was carried 9. Nominating Committee Report – Margaret Dymond, Trustees

· Motion to approve slate of trustees, synod delegates etc. Moved by Margaret Dymond. Seconded by Michael Bentley. All in favour, none opposed, the motion was carried

· Appointment of Rector’s Warden – David Short Ewan Wilding has agreed to serve as Rector’s Warden for 2020. · Appointment of Lay Communion Assistants – David Short David Short appointed the lay communion assistants as Alternate Lay Delegates for 2020. · Thanking of the SJV Trustees - David Short 10. Other business

· David Short moved a motion thankfully recognizing the richness of the contribution of Regent College to the life of Churches, particularly in the lower mainland, and to the Anglican Network at Canada: Seconded by Kathryn Haller All in favour, none opposed, the motion was carried · Dick Richards requests that the Trustees study the possibility of combining the two Sunday morning services into one service taking into consideration the numbers that have attended over the last four months and how other ancillary services, including Learner’s Exchange and Youth Ministry, might be incorporated if there was one morning service and that the Trustees complete this study and report back with a proposal within 60 days. David Short responded by saying that the Trustees are in the process of reviewing the Sunday morning services as a whole and will report back to the congregation once that review has been complete. · A congregation member was concerned that pastoral care and prayer ministries have not been featured in the meeting. David Short responded by taking about the importance of both of these ministries, and described some of the work in this area. Unfortunately, there is not time in a meeting to cover everything going on in the life of the church. 11. Closing Remarks, motion of adjournment – Chair

Seconded by Mark Gibson All in favour, none opposed, the motion was carried 12. Hymn - Christ Triumphant

13. Closing Prayers – Dan Gifford

2020 Trustees

David Short Ewan Wilding

Joanne Sawatzky Eli Sullivan Alida Garrod Matt Strolz Christine Klukas Ed Bowes

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