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West Australian astronomy festival wins coveted science award


Credit: ICRAR


An astronomy festival that attracts more than 4,000 visitors a year has won a celebrated award for science outreach.

Astrofest is the largest astronomy festival in Australia and one of the biggest science events in Perth.

In August, the festival was jointly awarded the Chevron Science Engagement Initiative of the Year at the WA Premier’s Science Awards for a decade using space and the night sky to inspire West Australians.

Astrofest is coordinated by the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) on behalf of Astronomy WA, and every astronomy organisation in Perth takes part.

Each year, thousands of people attend the festival to view the night sky through giant telescopes, hear local researchers and science communicators talk about astronomy, and learn more about the SKA.

ICRAR Astronomy Ambassador and Astronomy WA Co-Chair Kirsten Gottschalk said she was delighted that the hard work of so many individuals and organisations has been recognised with a Premier’s Science Award.

“Astrofest is only possible because of the collaborative efforts of an amazing group of amateur astronomers, researchers and astronomy outreach providers all working together,” she said.

Credit: ICRAR

“Every year we love sharing Western Australia’s incredible night sky and the state’s role in the SKA with thousands of people.”

The event was launched in 2009 by Curtin University, Scitech, the Astronomical Group of WA, the Perth Observatory and ICRAR and is now also supported by CSIRO.

Astrofest 2020 will be held on February 29. Visit astronomywa.net.au for more details.

Credit: ICRAR

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