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Chinese SRC prototype awarded astronomy prize
from Contact 05
The construction of the world’s first SKA Regional Centre (SRC) prototype, led by the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was recognised as one of the top 10 advances in astronomical science and technology in 2019 by the Chinese Astronomical Society.
The Chinese SRC prototype won second place in the category Technology, Equipment Development and Engineering Progress of this annual award for outstanding astronomical achievements in China. The Chinese SRC prototype was first released at the 2019 SKA Engineering meeting and gained global attention.
Aiming to promote scientific research and stimulate technical developments in the astronomy field, and enlarge the widespread impact of the astronomical discipline, the award
invites senior researchers to vote online and commends the top 10 most voted applications. The results of this year’s award were published in May.
As one of the stakeholders of the SKA, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory organises scientists to deeply participate in the SKA science preparation and regional centre prototype construction. The Chinese SKA team will continue to take international responsibilities and be actively involved in the international collaborative activities.
By SKA China Office