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China publishes development report on participation in the SKA project


The SKA China Office has published a report on the development of China’s participation in the SKA Observatory, summarising the results of past work and outlining the direction for future work.

The report starts with an introduction on the Chinese government’s guiding principles for taking part in the project, which is followed by details of China’s participation in terms of scientific research, engineering, technology and talent development. The report also lists policies and measures for implementation.

Another important part of the report elaborates on the 10 objectives for scientific research for Chinese SKA scientists. Two of these are key objectives and have already been supported by a dedicated national SKA programme in China, namely research on pulsars and the epoch of reionisation. The other eight objectives will be deployed over time.

The report identifies the development of high-calibre, innovative international researchers as an important element to realise China’s scientific objectives as a key member of the SKAO, and sets out plans to make special efforts to grow local science talent and to promote international exchanges.

The SKA China Office, as the management body of the dedicated national SKA programme, is based at the National Remote Sensing Centre of China, undertaking the daily work of inter-department coordination and organising China’s SKA participation.

The cover of the SKA China Office’s new report.

SKA China Office

China’s SKA science objectives are also highlighted on the new SKAO website.


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