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Digging deep: HQ staff join charity tree planting


In what has become an annual tradition, staff from the SKAO’s headquarters took part in a local tree-planting day on the outskirts of Manchester in March.

Braving the region’s typical spring weather which alternated between rain, wind, sunshine, and sleet, the HQ team helped to plant some 250 trees alongside volunteers from other local organisations and under the guidance of the charity City of Trees. The charity’s goal is to tackle the climate emergency by planting trees and restoring woodlands for people and wildlife across the Greater Manchester region.

The SKAO’s involvement is part of the communications team’s partnership with local design agency Carbon Creative; for every graphic design project commissioned, a tree is planted. The agency says the type of native broadleaf planted by the team will typically lock up 135 kg of carbon across a 30-year period.

The HQ tree planting volunteers, from left to right: Cassandra Cavallaro, Raphaël Thénevin, James Collinson, Mathieu Isidro and Alex Clarke

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