1 minute read
The cover
from Contact 15
FRONT COVER: A celebration of the construction progress seen across both SKA telescope sites in early 2024, from the deployment of the first SKA-Low antennas in Australia, to the assembly of the first SKA-Mid dish in South Africa.
Published by the SKAO Communications team.
Editor: William Garnier william.garnier@skao.int
Managing Editor: Cassandra Cavallaro cassandra.cavallaro@skao.int
Editorial team: Mathieu Isidro, Liz Williams, Letebele Jones
Staff writers: Matthew Taylor, Sebastian Neuweiler
Science liaison: Dr Tyler Bourke
Design: Joe Diamond, based on an original design by Carbon Creative
Cover design: Martin Hadfield, Craig Davis, Carbon Creative
We welcome your contributions to Contact! Get in touch with us at magazine@skao.int
All images in Contact are courtesy of SKAO unless otherwise indicated.