Skagen Designs -The Company

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The Company

The Skagen Denmark collections reflect owners Charlotte and Henrik Jorst’s creative Danish spirit with clean, elegant designs, skillful craftsmanship and technical perfection. The Jorst’s, who have a hand in designing each piece of the Skagen Denmark collection, invite you now to learn the history of our brand and our line of Danish inspired accessories.

Our Mission Skagen Designs strives to create a global community of enthusiasts with our commitment to designing an impressive and unique yet attainable product while offering outstanding service to our customers and consumers.

- Charlotte & Henrik Jorst, Owners

In 1989, Henrik and Charlotte Jorst came to the United States from their native Denmark to follow a dream: that of owning and running their own business, to introduce the Danish lifestyle and philosophy into the lives of many. Skagen Designs was founded by these two natives of Copenhagen on the principle that beautifully designed high-quality objects can be created at reasonable prices.

Today, Skagen Designs is an international company with corporate headquarters in Reno, Nevada, USA, and regional offices in Denmark, Hong Kong, Germany and U.K. The company’s flagship store is located in the inspirational town of Skagen, Denmark. The company operates concept stores in Denmark, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong and more stores will open across the globe in the near future.

The company offers contemporary, Danish design accessories from timepieces, to jewellery, sunglasses and clocks




1995 1989 1999 1997 1993

Charlotte moves to New York from her native Denmark to join Henrik Jorst who was working for Carlsberg Beer. After a Danish colleague sends them a few sample watches to sell, the Jorsts embark on their dream of starting their own business. They marry in May.

After running the business out of their home in Long Island, the Jorsts decide to relocate themselves and the business to Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

Bloomingdales becomes the first major department store to pick up the Skagen Denmark line, and shortly thereafter, other top department stores followed suit with much success.

European distribution of Skagen Denmark begins.

Skagen Designs is named to the Inc. 500 as one of the fastest growing small businesses in the United States.

Charlotte Jorst As a wife and mother of two (teenage) daughters, Charlotte perfectly balances her family life with her success. And, as a champion equestrian, she manages to pursue and excel at one of her greatest passions. Today, we so often hear of women “doing it all” and Charlotte Jorst is indeed one of these women. “I don’t believe in big breaks,” Charlotte explains. “I get up everyday and try to do my best. It is hard work, yes, but it’s what makes 99.9% of people successful and at the end of the day, is ultimately the most rewarding kind of success there is.” Charlotte’s Danish roots instilled her with a love of nature that seamlessly links all aspects of her life together. Outside of the office, Charlotte embraces her love of everything outdoors, including regular competition at the highest levels (short of the Olympic team) of horse dressage, in addition to owning and running Skagen Stables, a small horse farm located in Reno. Charlotte’s motto for living life perfectly sums up her ability to do so much: “There is no reason not to try everything that interests you. Be patient, start at the beginning, remain positive and solve problems as they come.”

S K A G E N 2000 Skagen Designs wins the prestigious Blue Chip Enterprise Award, given by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Mass Mutual Financial Group to companies that have overcome significant obstacles to succeed in business.

2005 Skagen Designs opens New York City Showroom on 5th Avenue. The Danish designed, 2,700 sq ft showroom is a reflection of the artistic and picturesque resort town of Skagen, Denmark. Skagen opens the supply chain office in Hong Kong


2009 2007 2010-11 Skagen Designs celebrates its 20th Anniversary!

Skagen Designs launches the world’s first–ever Skagen Denmark Flagship Store in Skagen, Denmark, as well as a concept store in Tokyo, Japan. The Skagen Denmark Black Label Collection is launched as well as the contemporary line of stainless steel jewellery.

The Skagen Denmark Clock collection launched.

Several Skagen Denmark stores open in the United States and Hong Kong. 233 – Signature style,and 585 series awarded “red dot” design award in 2010 809 Series - Awarded “red dot” design award in 2011 233LSS- awarded the “Good Design” Award in 2011

2001 Skagen Exhibits for the first time at Basel World

Henrik Jorst “While overseeing the design of all of our Skagen products, I find inspiration from many different arenas, continually pushing the brand to the next level, keeping our image current and yet maintaining our true identity.” A highly competitive tennis player, Henrik now acts as a member of The International Tennis Club of Denmark and continues to represent Denmark in international matches. Off the court and on the greens, Henrik also pursues his passion for golf. In addition, Henrik is an avid collector of classic cars. With 21 cars currently in his collection, including rare Jaguars, a Porsche, a Ferrari “Dino” and two Cadillacs, Henrik’s fascination with mechanics, from timepieces to cars, is apparent. Henrik’s ability to excel when faced with challenge, whether in his professional or personal life, is grounded in his distinctly Danish philosophy: “Keep it simple. Seek out what you love and doggedly pursue your passions.”

A f t e r t we nt y ye ars in t h e a cce s s o rie s d e sign wo r l d, m any h a ve s aid t h e S kag e n D e nm ar k Watch Co ll e c tio ns h a ve re a ch e d a pinn a cl e o f co nt e mp o rar y cult ure all t h eir ow n. Loyal S kag e n D e nm ar k co nsum e rs a cro s s t h e gl o b e e njoy t h e watch co ll e c tio ns t h at e pito mize t h e e l e m e nt s o f D anish d e sign, wit h gra cef ul st y l e, slim an d sl e e k lin e s, subt l e, inspiring co l o rs, an d ag e l e s s pie ce s t h at l ast ye ar af t e r ye ar. D e sign e rs at S kag e n co ntinu e to wo r k o n t h e co ll e c tio ns t h at re f l e c t t h e D anish life st y l e an d e l e m e nt s o f m o d e r n d e sign an d all t h at h as co m e to life in t h e S kag e n D e nm ar k p ro du c t s t hro u gh o ut t h e ye ars.

Skagen Slimline

Since 1989

T h e pinn a cl e o f d e sign in t h e S kag e n D e nm ar k watch lin e is fo un d wit hin o ur B l a ck Lab e l Co ll e c tio n. T his lin e p re s e nt s revo lutio n ar y, m o d e r n st y ling fit fo r co nn ois s e urs o f co nt e mp o rar y d e sign. T h e inspiratio n fo r t his lin e ex p an ds b eyo n d t h e b o rd e rs o f o ur h o m e an d l o o k s fo r inspiratio n in t h e re alms o f ar t, archit e c t ure, ab st ra c t sh ap e s an d s o cial int e ra c tio ns, all w hil e st a ying t r u e to t h e minim alist s e nsibilit y t h at h as b e co m e s y n o ny m o us wit h t h e S kag e n D e nm ar k b ran d.

SKAGEN JEWELLERY T h e S kag e n D e nm ar k J ewe ll e r y Co ll e c tio n fe at ure s e l e g ant, s o p histicat e d D anish d e sign wit h cl e an lin e s an d o rg anic d et ails, t h e t ra d e m ar k o f all S kag e n D e nm ar k p ro du c t s.

Re minis ce nt o f h ow a s e rie s o f sm all m o m e nt s co m e to g et h e r to fo r m a b e autif ul life, t h e Ref l e c tio ns Co ll e c tio n is a s e rie s o f st a ckab l e rings inspire d by t h e ap p re ciatio n fo r t h e lit t l e t hings t h at m ake life s o wo n d e r f ul.




I nspire d by t h e s am e co ast al e l e m e nt s t h at fin d t h eir wa y into all o f o ur p ro du c t co ll e c tio ns, o ur sungl as s e s evo ke t h e cl e an, f luid lin e s o f o ur D anish sh o re s an d t h e m any e l e m e nt s fo un d b urie d b e n e at h o ur s an ds.

Tim e is o ur b usin e s s, an d as d e sign e rs o f tim e, it ’s al wa ys o n o ur sid e. Wit h o ur Cl o ck Co ll e c tio n, we want e d to gra ce h o m e s an d b usin e s s e s wit h t h e s am e m o d e r n s o p histicatio n fo un d in o ur watch lin e s an d b ring t h e minim alist D anish a e st h etic to p e rs o n al sp a ce s eve r y w h e re.

International Footprint

Skagen Denmark products are available globally in the world’s best department stores and specialty retailers. Please take a look below at the worldwide map to see a snapshot.

EMEA Headquarters Copenhagen, Denmark Germany Canada

APAC Headquarters Hong Kong


Osaka, Japan

World Headquarters Reno, Nevada


New York



India Singapore


AMERICAS Nordstrom, USA — Bloomingdales, USA — Macy’s, USA — Dillards, USA — The Bay, Canada — Liverpool, Mexico

EMEA PLAZA, Denmark—Salling, Denmark — Karstadt, Germany — Kaufhof, Germany — Christ, Germany — House of Fraser, U.K. — Goldsmith, U.K. — John Lewis, U.K. — Bijenkorf, Netherlands — Hour Choice, UAE

APAC Takashimaya, Japan — Tik-Tak, Japan — LOFT, Japan —David Jones, Australia — BJX, Australia — The Esplanade, Singapore — Tangs, Singapore — Just in Vogue, India — Shoppers Stop, India — Pantaloon, India — Hyundai Department Store, Korea — Time Studio, Phillippines — Chronos, Phillippines

Skagen, Denmark

Copenhagen, Denmark

Skagen Denmark Stores 2007 – The first Skagen Denmark flagship store opens in the inspirational northern coastal town of Skagen, Denmark. 2008 – Skagen Denmark concept stores open in Copenhagen, Denmark - Osaka, Japan and Taipei, Taiwan. 2009 – Skagen Denmark concept store opens in Nagoya, Japan and an outlet store opens in Illinois, US. 2010 – Skagen Denmark concept stores opens in Hong Kong and outlet stores open in Florida, and California, US. 2011 – Skagen Denmark concept stores open in New Jersey, US- Oberhausen, Germany - Stratford City, United Kingdom - London, United Kingdom - Aarhus, Denmark.

London, UK

Oberhausen, Germany

New Jersey, USA

Design Ure Smykker

ALT for Damerne

Design Ure Smykker



Brand Communication

The interest of media, the trade and hundreds of thousands of consumers is peaked each year through our marketing initiatives. Successful outreach through targeted press initiatives, trade and consumer advertizing, online and offline, and product placements have resulted in millions of brand impressions. The Skagen Denmark Collections are featured in international, national and regional magazines and catalogs as well as online via social marketing initiatives, reaching hundreds of thousands of consumers each year. Glance below to see for yourself a small selection of these initiatives.

Skagen Americas Skagen Designs, Ltd. 640 Maestro Drive Suite 100 Reno, NV 89511 USA toll free 877.SKAGEN.1 direct 775.850.5500 fax 775.850.5530 email web Skagen Asia Pacific Skagen Designs, Ltd. 2501-2 25/F - Billion Plaza 8 Cheung Yue Street - Cheung Sha Wan Kowloon - Hong Kong direct +852 3568.8769 fax +852 3568.0877 email web Skagen Europe, Middle East, Africa Midtager 29 2605 Brøndby, Denmark direct +45 45883460 fax +45 45885690 email web Skagen Designs GmbH Rommerskirchener Str. 21 D-50259 Pulheim Germany direct +49 (0) 2238 475 500 fax +49 (0) 2238 475 539 Skagen Designs UK TS2 Pinewood Business Park Coleshill Road Solihull West Midlands B37 7HG - UK Toll free 0808 2023682 fax +44 0121 7798179 email Skagen Designs Retail A/S Midtager 29 2605 Brøndby, Denmark direct +45 45883460 fax +45 45885690 email

S kagen A mericas + 1.8 0 0.791.678 4 · T + 1.7 75.850.550 0 · F + 1.7 75.850.5530 · E sales @ S kagen Europe, M iddle E ast, A frica T + 4 5.4 588.3 4 6 0 · F + 4 5.4 588.569 0 · E sales @ S kagen A sia Pacific T + 852.3568.8769 · F + 852.3568.0 87 7 · E service @ © 2012 S kagen D esigns, Ltd. A ll rights reserved

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