WHY SUPPORT THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS The Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County makes a pledge every day, and to every young person who walks through our doors: “Great Futures Start Here.” This pledge begins with our mission, and is our commitment to our community, and why we work tirelessly to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. As we strive to continue this pledge, and the work that supports our mission, we celebrate the partnerships that have supported us and will help us forge greater paths into the future. Great Futures Start Here, because we have supporters who make them happen. Reflecting on our pledge, the impact we see in the lives of our youth, everyday, stands out fullest. Whether its helping our Mount Vernon teens mentor younger members in Power Hour homework help, or watching our La Conner youth engaging in a Triple-Play basketball challenge, or seeing the Anacortes & Sedro-Woolley Torch Clubs striving to create the best community service projects—we see the active demonstration of Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles, and Good Character & Citizenship. As our youth enjoy the safety, support, and mentorship provided through the great staff and important programs at each Club, we recognize the standard we hold for the youth in Skagit County. Regardless of background or circumstance, we welcome all youth into our Clubs, pledging “Great Futures Start Here.” With the excitement & great achievements of 2014—including increased attendance, impressive national results, and celebratory events—we are charging into 2015. This success is entirely due to the great Board and staff, the great programs, and the great supporters that we have for our Clubs. But as each Club gets closer and closer to capacity, we realize that our sustainable growth is necessary—imperative. We may be serving more than 1,400 youth in Skagit County, but the need for our programs is vastly greater. And that is where we reach out, and invite you to join us. Help us make the pledge to our youth—“Great Futures Start Here.” 2
Greetings, A new year has a way of inspiring a fresh vitality with renewed energy to be better and do better in our personal and professional lives. This is also true for the Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County as we look forward expectantly to all the growth possibilities before us in 2015. The Board of Directors, Ron McHenry-Executive Director and the Boys & Girls Club Staff are collectively committed to excellence as we serve Skagit County through one of our most valuable resources—our youth and their future contributions to our community. Our organization goals for 2015 reflect the stewardship of building equity in our young citizens. At the heart of our goals are collaboration, sustainability, growth, creating a culture of accountability, and in all things—excellence. Since our beginnings we have come far—our organization has grown, our youth have successfully flourished, and we have seen the Clubs blossom into the hubs of engagement, learning, and development that they are today. Through our dedication to our youth, to our mission, and our core values, we look forward to our continued and greater success in 2015. Thanks to the support of our faithful donors the Clubs are full to over-flowing—and this is a good thing. Each Club is full of positive energy and happy kids in a safe environment, getting help with their homework in addition to the cornerstone of character building programs. Our success also means we have waiting lists with an anticipated increase in the coming year. This brings the challenge of funding the ever increasing demands on facilities, staffing and supplies. As we collectively look to give our best in time, talents and treasures in 2015 please seriously consider joining us in giving your best to enable our Skagit youth to have the tools to succeed in their life endeavors. “You can get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.” (Harvey Firestone) Thank you for supporting Boys & Girls Club of Skagit County, together we make a difference! Stephanie Hooper Bayside Specialties 2015 Board President Dear Supporters, It has been a terrific honor and great pleasure to have served as President of the Board of Directors for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County for the past two years. It has been a life changing volunteer commitment for me as I learned firsthand there are so many children in our County in need of after school programs and services. Our Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County serve a crucial role in our community, but there is so much yet to be done and more kids that need the clubs’ services. Every day, Clubs provide a wealth of programs and activities to prepare young people for real-world successes. By focusing on academics, health & fitness, and leadership & service, the Clubs serve those young people, helping them be better prepared to graduate high school and thrive as adults, contributing to their communities and our country as they move into adulthood. We need to continue to get the good word out in our county, as most of the kids that participate in the programs regularly never forget the positive impact of the clubs, and take those good feelings into adulthood. Our young people are future leaders, workers, voters and community members. They are our neighbors. Over the past two years in Skagit County, we have increased our youth membership from 1,026 in 2012 to serving over 1,460 children in 2014. This is a 42% increase. Over that same time period we increased the number of donations from individuals and businesses by 36%. Amazing work has been done in our county by the very dedicated Board of Directors, our local volunteers, and the skilled staff in our four clubs that work with our youth on a daily basis. 2015 is a year of continued positive change for our Skagit County Boys & Girls Clubs, and I am excited to continue to be a part of it as a volunteer to the organization. Kindest Regards, Annette Booth Allstate Insurance – The Booth Agency 2013-2014 Board President
Dear Friends, Though a child born in Seattle and raised throughout Western Washington, I spent my adult life studying and working across the mountains. It happened by chance, early in my career, that I found my calling—to work for my community in the most rewarding job possible: as a staff person at the Boys & Girls Club. Prior to joining this national movement I had never heard of Club, let alone seen or been in one. In my first week on the job I was hooked, quickly realizing that here was an opportunity to make a tremendous difference in the life of a young person—just as someone had done for me. In my final position prior to transitioning to Skagit County, I was fortunate to have served as the initial Executive Director for the Prosser Boys & Girls Club, after spending six years in various Club staff capacities in the Tri-Cities. Starting that Club and nursing it into existence took so much energy that I constantly told myself it was the last stop in my career. When a mentor’s call came in December 2013 telling me of an open position in Skagit County, by admission I was quite tentative in hearing them out. That mentor had done so much for me, however, that I agreed to look into the opportunity. An initial appointment was set, and while crossing Snoqualmie Pass, my car constantly rumbling from the snow and ice, I thought about all that had been accomplished. I couldn’t imagine leaving the community that had embraced me so quickly as one of their own. Then I met Annette Booth and Ian Crawford. That day in late December will be forever marked in my memory. As we discussed both the triumphs and tribulations of the young Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County, I realized quickly that the skill set provided to me through years of education, development, and mentoring by other Club professionals would fit well with the needs present. Whether it was intentional or not, I may never know, but the CEO Search Committee scheduled my subsequent interview and visit to coincide with the Youth of the Year Celebration. After traveling from Club to Club, enjoying robust conversation with my new friend Mike Crawford, I found myself back in Mount Vernon for the event. Quite comfortable with where I was at in Eastern Washington, I did not arrive with a strong motive to take a position in Skagit County. By the end of the evening, however, I would have fought through a pack of wolves to be here. After spending eight weeks commuting back and forth, working half-time for both organizations through the transition, I felt a bit like I had taken on those wolves, but I also knew that I was home. Nearly a year later, I look back and reflect and feel so very blessed. Our youth, and therefore our entire community, benefits from a dedicated Board of Directors committed to its’ charge to fulfill our mission - to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. The staff that implement the vision and direction do so with passionate abandon, like no other I have experienced. There was a strong organization here prior to my arrival, and for that I am thankful. Some minor changes have been made, but others have been tremendous, and I am proud of them all. The results speak for themselves. Simply stated, we are serving more youth, more frequently, and more efficiently than ever. Having just purchased a home, I’m finally settled in and look forward to seeing so many of you out and about at the many events and festivals that make Skagit County such a special place to be. I can talk about Clubs and our future for hours, speaking volumes to the excitement & enthusiasm that drives us forward. For now, I simply want to thank you for embracing our organization and supporting the 1,400 youth, aged 6-18, that are provided a safe, fun, and positive place to go when school is out. Yours in service,
Ron McHenry Executive Director 4
IN THIS REPORT... Letter from our new Board President ...3 Letter from our Past Board President ...3 Our Club Partners
...2, 6, 7
Letter from our Executive Director
Our Promise to Donors
A Year in Review
...8, 9
By the Numbers
...10, 11, 32, 33
What’s Special about the Anacortes Boys & Girls Club ...16 New Iniatives, Club Mentor
Meet Our Board
Budget Youth of the Year Recap Meet our Admin Team Targeted Programs General Club Information Gala Recap
...18, 19 ...20 ...22, 23 ...24 ...26, 27 ...29
What’s Special about the La Conner Boys & Girls Club ...12 What’s Special about the Sedro-Woolley Boys & Girls Club ...13
Summer Programs
...30, 31
What’s Special about the Mount Vernon Boys & Girls Club ...34 Six Ways We Measure Success
Our Supporters ...18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 36, 37, 38 Calendar of Events
...14, 15 5
Hallmark Refining Corporation
LIFETIME GIVING SOCIETY: $250,000+ LIFETIME M.J. & Shirley McIntyre Foundation
SKAGIT VALLEY YOUTH ASSOCIATION SOCIETY: $100,000+ LIFETIME Mike & Dianne Crawford Jack & Claudette Gubrud Dr. Kenyon Knopf
JEREMIAH MILBANK SOCIETY: $10,000+ ANNUALLY (unrestricted) Bart & Patty Smith Ruth T. Adamitz Robert & Rebecca Gates Jack & Joan Hilde Bill & Susan Henry
Thank You HRC!
Since 2005, our friends at the Hallmark Refining Corporation has been a dedicated supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County. Providing the best equipment, refining services, waste disposal services and environmental consulting available, in the Photographic, Graphic Arts, X-ray and Electronics Manufacturing Industries, we appreciate all that HRC does for our communities.
Proud to Support Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County
360.293.7431 • 2018 R Ave Anacortes • MON - FRI 8am to 4:30pm
CLUB PATRONS: $10,000+ Kiwanis of Anacortes Noon Club Bart & Patty Smith Ruth T. Adamitz Robert & Rebecca Gates Soroptomist of Anacortes Jack & Joan Hilde Bill & Susan Henry Jerry H. Walton Foundation Tesoro Companies, Inc. Dr. Kenyon Knopf M.J. & Shirley McIntyre Foundation
CLUB LEGENDS: $5,000+ Christ Episcopal Church Thomas Trucking, Inc. TRICO Companies, LLC Pam Nelson & Thomas Strotkamp Gary & Claudeen Talbert Soroptimist International of Anacortes Jack & Claudette Gubrud Tesoro Companies, Inc.
CLUB CHAMPIONS: $2,400+ Jeff & Linda Hendricks Family Foundation Eagles FOE #2069 Dakota Creek Industries Lakeside Industries 6
Frontier Industries, Inc. Pat Rimmer’s Les Schwab Tire Centers Reisner Distributor, Inc. John & Judy Montoya David & Eddylee Scott Tony & Katherine Senff La Conner Senior Center Alyeska Design, LLC Temcov Foundation First Baptist Church, Anacortes Tim Lewis & Ronaye Kos Mike & Victorian Gubrud Soroptimist International of Sedro-Woolley Barrett Financial Community Giving Project
CLUB HEROES: $1,200+ Quantum Construction Tucker Family Foundation Bayside Specialties, Inc. Cap Sante Inn LLC Kiwanis Club of La Conner Fidalgo Island Rotary Foundation Soroptimist International of Fidalgo Island Westminster Presbyterian Church Gerald & Bonnie Bowers Ian & Whitney Crawford Mark & Nancy Crawford Rick & Angela Davidson Ann Dursch Mark & Pam Estvold Bruce & Margaret Evertz John & Mary Ferlin Gordon Gasho Bill Gillespie Thomas Lebovsky and Jane Billinghurst Mike & Barbara Matheson Lyle & Verna McClure Madeleine Roozen-Cook John & Katy Janicki Vince & Terry Oliver Allstate Foundation The Cambia Employee Giving Campaign Jerome & Karen Fisher North Cascade Seventh Day Adventist Church MJB Properties, LLC Rick & Karen Pitt Maggie Potter Ron McHenry
OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR DONOR-INVESTORS The Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County is committed to intentional best practices in non-profit governance, and the Board of Directors, in its role as community stewards, takes this commitment to heart. It is only through a transparent and ethical relationship between our donor-investors, our membership, our staff, and all of Skagit County that we can fulfill this commitment and implement our mission: To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Through their Duty of Care, our Board of Directors, acting as trustees of resources invested in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County, uses diligence, care, and skill which prudent people would use in similar circumstances. They are familiar with the organizations’ finances and activities, and participate in its governance. As such, finances are reviewed monthly in-depth by a Finance Committee. This review includes monitoring any Journal Entries, line item comparison of monthly and year-to-date budget versus actual, monitoring of the Balance Sheet, and a summary of six-week Cash Flow statement with corresponding accounts payables listed. This is supported by a secondary review of finances by the Board of Directors in its entirety that includes a classification comparison of monthly and year-to-date budget versus actual, Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet. The Treasurer receives a complete General Ledger for substantiation, and a second signature is required on all checks, with supporting documentation attached for approval. Each year, as required for membership in Boys & Girls Clubs of America, a full audit is conducted which includes a rigorous risk assessment of accounting and financial reporting systems. Once again in 2014, this resulted in an unqualified, or clean, opinion on our 2013 financial statements. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County is happy to make available to any member of the public a copy of our financial statements for review. The Form 990 filing for the organization can be found on guidestar.org. There you can review the last three most current Form 990’s. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County has made a goal of increasing our transparency by posting all recent Form 990’s, audited Financial Statements and annual Budgets on our website, www.skagitclubs.org, by February 28, 2015. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County maintains a strong, layered, Segregation of Duties for financial controls that ensures no less than four individuals are involved in any single transaction. This process includes an individual to Input the transaction in a timely manner, a separate individual to Review the transaction for mistakes, errors or fraud, another person to Approve the transaction, and finally one last individual to Substantiate the transaction to ensure it is utilized as intended in the carrying out of the mission for the organization. Any and all documents referenced are available for review at the Administrative Office for the Clubs, located at 1605 William Way, Suite B, in Mount Vernon, or can be requested via email at rmchenry@skagitclubs.org or by calling us at 360-419-3723. 7
Bobby Castro crowned Youth of the Year for Skagit County
Skagit Raises Great Kids Breakfast Raises Nearly $100,000, a new record!
Anacortes Club members earn second place in the Milk Carton Derby at the Anacortes Waterfront Festival
Executive Director Ron McHenry Begins
Anacortes Boys & Girls Club Breakfast Breaks new attendance, philanthropy records
All Four Clubs Remain Open from the first to last day of Summer Vacation for the first time ever
Clubs kick-off new Marketing Campaign, highlighting the importance of out-ofschool activities; earn national recognition for efforts
Skagit County Clubs unite to provide KidZone experience at the Skagit River Salmon Festival
“IT’S MAGIC!” Gala raises nearly $150,000, a new record!
Thanks to a special investment, SedroWoolley teens travel to Tacoma to swim with sharks and hike Mount Rainier
La Conner Club holds Scream & Scamper 5k Race to rave reviews
Clubs serve more than 1,400 youth!
WHY ARE THESE NUMBERS IMPORTANT? TEEN VOLUNTEERING Volunteering in adolescence is associated with positive outcomes during the teen years as well as in adulthood. Teens who volunteer are less likely to become pregnant or to use drugs, and are more likely to have positive academic, psychological, and occupational well-being. Adolescents who are involved in community service or who volunteer in political activities are more likely as adults to have a strong work ethic, to volunteer, and to vote. Volunteering is also associated with the development of greater respect for others, leadership skills, and an understanding of citizenship that can carry over into adulthood. Not only are our Club teens volunteering often, they are doing so in record numbers, a good sign for the future of Skagit County.
CLUBS REACH CAPACITY It can be said that kids vote with their feet. Over the past three years, they have been doing so in record numbers, so much so that as an organization, we are well over capacity. By being creative in the hours we serve members, and providing activities outside the walls of our facilities, we are able to maintain safety while serving those who need us most. Currently, three of our four Clubhouses in Anacortes, Mount Vernon, and Sedro-Woolley are moving to waitlist enrollment. As additional, sustainable resources become available, plans are being made to increase capacity through extension sites and other means of reaching youth.
TEEN ARREST RATES As an organization, we won’t be satisfied until the number of our youth not arrested in the past 12 months reaches 100%, but beating the trend is a positive step in the right direction. When factoring in demographics and comparing nationally, our members are making poor choices at a rate less than half of that of their non-Club member peers. This demonstrates that our evidence-based curriculum such as Passport to Manhood and SMARTGirls is making a difference in lives today. 10
SKAGIT - 40%
STATE - 28% REGIONAL - 27%
CLUB CAPACITY 2012 - 88%
2013 - 102% 2014 - 134%
134% 97% 91%
STATE - 91% REGIONAL - 91%
NATIONAL - 92% 11
by Club Director, Kendrick Davis
The La Conner Boys & Girls Club is located on the La Conner School District campus in a converted bus barn & shop classroom. Providing innovative programs to over 60 youth a day, the La Conner Club shines at providing youth, especially those who need us the most, high-yield learning activities in every program area. For the majority of the youth in the Club, the gateway program into service to the Club & community is the Brave Heroes Torch Club. The Brave Heroes is a small-group leadership and service club for boys and girls ages 11 to 13. Through service activities, Torch Club Members identify Club and community needs, develop programs and activities and actively participate in their community. This group of young leaders recently earned 4th Place nationally for its 2014 Project from amongst more than 4,000 Clubs nationwide. This year’s theme was Energy Star Heroes: Be Your Own Amazing. The Brave Heroes Torch Club created an ENERGY STAR Puppet Pals program, writing, directing, and acting in a puppet show to reinforce energy conservation education for young people. Service isn’t all the La Conner Club excels at! Their approach to healthy lifestyles is unmatched in the county. The staff have created a Culture of Wellness throughout the Clubhouse. Their Be Active: Run Happy program was an intense 8-week track & field program led by staff with both prep & collegiate running experience. The program was designed to give all youth an opportunity to set goals, learn proper nutrition & conditioning techniques, and develop passion for running. The program was sponsored by Brooks Running Company, which provided participants with free shoes.
At the Boys & Girls Club in Sedro-Woolley kids are incredibly excited to be here every day; they rush in through the door and they complain when it’s time to leave. Since opening a new dedicated Teen Center and reopening for full time after-school programming, our Club membership has doubled—more kids are here to stay. Whether it’s help with homework or participating in team games on the play field, there are no “required” programs or activities at the Club. One might wonder how kids are motivated to do their school work; it’s simple—we know there is a need for tutoring and assistance with school work, that’s why we have invested so much in our Power Hour program. The kids choose to take advantage because the staff and volunteers at the Sedro-Woolley Club make it fun and the kids benefit from the results. Our new Teen Center, now in its third year, is a qualified success, with Teens settling in and making it their home away from home. Teens get access to homework help when needed and they also get opportunities to test their skills at a variety of sports. One program that has grown in popularity is Keystone Club, where teens take charge in planning community and Club service projects. They also decide how they are going to raise money to do amazing things. Last August the teens raised enough money to take a trip to the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium to scuba dive in their shark tank. The staff in the Teen Center push them to take ownership of their Club and then spend the week thanking and recognizing them for outstanding work. The Sedro-Woolley Boys & Girls Club is just plain fun. We’ve developed a community here where kids come to let loose and BE GREAT. They create long lasting and healthy relationships with their peers, staff, volunteers, and members of their community. 13
by Club Director, John Garman
2015 JAN
} }
Now a staple in the Sedro-Woolley community, the Winter Fundraiser is an event intended to bolster fellowship among local Club supporters and advocates in a fun way, while raising funds specifically for the Sedro-Woolley Boys & Girls Club.
As the wrap-up to our Campaign for GREAT Kids, the Annual Breakfast is an opportunity to join other civic leaders and Club investors and learn about the return on investment our Clubs provide Skagit County.
Together with more than 4,000 other Clubs around the county, our Clubhouses celebrate our youth and the difference made through the Boys & Girls Club movement in an effort coordinated to bring advocacy for those with the quietest of voices—our kids.
The Anacortes Boys & Girls Club celebrates its’ members and their accomplishments at an event that brings the community together. Combined with a Club tour and short program, participants are educated about what makes the Anacortes Clubhouse unique.
Since 1947, the Youth of the Year program has been changing the lives of teens throughout the United States. Being named Youth of the Year is the highest honor a Club member can achieve, and carries with it scholarships and great prestige.
It’s summer, and what better way to kick it off than at a Garden Party featuring Dueling Pianos! A wonderful night out, Keys for Kids is an opportunity to have fun while supporting a great cause.
When School is out, Clubs are in! We work hard to open our Clubs early enough each day to provide lunch to our members; for some it may be the only full meal they receive. For our working families, we offer a fee-based morning program with rates that are designed simply to cover the cost of the extra program hours.
} }
It’s a busy time as the school year begins. When school starts again, we continue on, making sure that our families have a safe, fun, and positive place for kids each and every day when the release bell rings.
When the days get shorter and the Halloween decorations go up it means just one thing: it’s time for the La Conner Scream & Scamper 5k. Part fundraiser, part Healthy Lifestyle program, running enthusiasts, individuals, occasional joggers, and families all have a great time for an important cause.
For twenty years, golf enthusiasts have descended on a Skagit County Golf Course and played 18 holes, as well as some silly games, for an afternoon Tournament to raise funds that enable our Clubs to fulfill our mission.
A night unlike any other. With incredible food and beverages, exciting auction items and fun games, 350 Skagitonians get together to raise ten-percent of our budget in a single night of fun. There is truly something for everyone, and by the end of the night you’re sure to be asking about the next event.
Throughout each of our communities, local Clubhouses hold their own Dinners with Friends event. These friendraisers serve as Club Youth of the Year Celebrations, with many awards to be handed out. From A/V to speeches, our kids run the show, gaining valuable skills in the process.
When our families need us, we are there. Each year parents have the opportunity to register their youth to attend Clubs over the break. If a need is present, the Club is open for the break, sometimes with extended hours to ensure our kids have a safe, fun, and positive place to go. 15
by Program Director, Taylor Bannister
Since 2000, the Anacortes Boys & Girls Club has been providing quality programs to youth from all over Fidalgo Island. Participants ages 6-18 make the trek downtown after school, and during holidays and breaks, as well. When School is Out, the Anacortes Club is IN! Anacortes is a community that thrives in the Arts and celebrates education and Academic Success. Reflecting that passion, we provide our members with extensive opportunities for expression and, thanks to a partnership with the Anacortes School District, are able to provide three Americorps employees as literacy and education tutors. Our Club members benefit from having the longest tenured employees in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County. Many teens are able to remember these staff being present on their first day as six-year olds. This makes for a special Club experience that creates an open atmosphere in which relationships can thrive and everyone can grow together. The successes of the Anacortes Boys & Girls Club can easily be traced to the strong community support and involvement that features partnerships with the Anacortes School District, City of Anacortes and many other businesses, churches and civic groups. We are seeing record numbers of members each and every day at the Club, with more than 100 coming to enrich their lives and reach the outcomes of Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles, and Good Character & Citizenship. Our kids are active, creative, positive, caring, and ready to take on the world. Your investment in our organization makes this happen, and we are thankful for the support of a community who believes so strongly in making a difference in the lives of youth so that they may make a difference in lives in the future. 16
BOARD OF DIRECTORS President – Stephanie Hooper
Club Mentor is a new initiative for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County that will work to connect our members with a caring, adult volunteer in a one-on-one match that is facilitated through group activities and sessions. The program is designed to give children in our Clubs the opportunity to engage with an adult through a variety of activities developed to encourage open discussions about the importance of Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles, and Good Character & Citizenship. Each matched pair will meet once or twice monthly in small groups sessions supervised and facilitated by a staff member, with a goal of maintaining a match for a period of at least one year. Research shows that youth who spend time with a caring adult mentor regularly for at least one year are:
LESS LIKELY TO SKIP A CLASS Additionally, children who participate are more trusting of their parents or guardians and are five times more likely to graduate. Participants will be recruited by Club staff and referred by teachers, counselors and other community professionals, though no specific qualifications will be needed for a youth to join; everyone can use another positive role model to look up to. Mentors will undergo extensive annual Background checks, be provided with ongoing training and development opportunities, and learn to enjoy and celebrate a special bond that is created through participation in the Program. To ensure the safety and well-being of all participants, sessions will take place at a Club location, or occasionally off-site for special purposes, with transportation provided for youth by a qualified Club staff who will supervise all interactions. You may join hoping to change a life, and then find quite readily it is your own. If you are interested in learning more about Club Mentor and how you might invest your time in making a difference to one of our 1,400 members, please contact Executive Director, Ron McHenry, at 360-419-3723.
Bayside Specialties 1st Vice President – Mark Lawrence Simply Yards Landscaping and Design 2nd Vice President – Mike Gubrud Mike Gubrud Farmers Insurance Agency Treasurer – Becky Taft Skagit Bank Secretary – Carrie Wallace Skagit Bank Past President – Annette Booth Booth Insurance/Allstate Insurance Co. Past President – Mike Crawford Skagit Aggregates, LLC Past President – Maggie Potter Community Relations Services Member – Pat Barrett Barrett Financials, LTD Member – Kate Bennett Leadership Skagit Member – Dr. Carl Bruner MVSD Superintendent Member – Ian Crawford Washington Federal Member – Jackie Huerta Swinomish Casino & Lodge Member – Kelly Kutchick Whidbey Island Bank Member – Karen Mills Member – Tom Pasma Tom L. Pasma Auctioneers Co-Owner Double S Quarter Horses, Inc Member – Sherri Stites Sherri Stites, CPA Member – Kelly Tuohig Shell Refining Corporation
THANK YOU TO MANY OUR SUPPORTERS Country Meadow Village Cook Road Shell Scott & Angie Rutherford Annie O’Brien Lynn & Carol Torset La Conner School District Greenberry Industrial, LLC Bernadette Stanek Matt & Keisha Click Joy’s Bakery & Café Fidalgo Island Rotary Foundation Beverly Dillon Steve & Julie Lidgard Jeff & LInda Hendricks William & Carolyn Chowanec Sundarah Hammontree Gordon Gasho Glass Aquarium Marie Anthony Jim & Carma DeGroot Chad Moses La Conner Channel Lodge Boyd & Ginny Bode Coconut Kenny’s of Burlington Susan Krienen Brian Jackson Insurance Agency, Inc. Pacific Design Lynne Jordan Chris Matal Sally Stomberg Todd & Raquel Setterlund Riverside Health Club Hidden Meadow Ranch Kurt & Ginger Kobs Skagit Speedway Brittney Crandall Brett Sandstrom & Darcy Resetar Eleann Fullington B.J. & Walter Carol Pat Rimmer’s Les Schwab Tire Centers Dean Harrington Tammy Masalonis & Jacob Navarro John & Judy Carr Laurie Gere Fred & Sharon Fisher Richard & Kathryn Bennett Edco, Inc. The Faley Family Tom Kumbakumba Joe Jones Tye Hodgin Sakuma Brothers Mr. Allen & Ms. Walters Carl & Jill Reid Tracy Dugas K.C. & Angela Freeberg Dina Townsend Ann Dursch Jim & Balisa Koetje Rolfson`s Home Furnishings Kris Morse Dana Matthews Lana Hillman Richard Turpin Avalon Golf Links Teresa Goldstein John & Colleen McIntyre Ed Alskog Food Lifeline continued on page 21
2014 YEAR END TOTALS Total Income: $1,126,604 Donations & Contributions - $320,173 (28%) Events & Fundraisers - $340,676 (30%) Grants & Government Funding - $255,095 (23%) Membership Dues & Fees - $129,682 (12%) Program Revenue & Miscellaneous - $6,326 (1%) In-Kind Contributions - $74,650 (6%) Total Expenses: $1,126,535 Personnel & Benefits - $836,066 (74%) General Supplies/Equipment - $17,137 (1%) Occupancy/Capital - $50,989 (5%) Program Delivery - $24,046 (2%) Transportation/Travel - $7,157 (1%) Insurance - $19,106 (1%) General Operations - $22,472 (2%) Marketing/Outreach - $9,314 (1%) Fundraising - $65,712 (6%) In-Kind Expenses - $74,650 (7%)
2015 BUDGET Total Income: $1,263,367 Donations & Contributions - $393,912 (31%) Events & Fundraisers - $400,475 (32%) Grants & Government Funding - $269,720 (21%) Membership Dues & Fees - $153,290 (12%) Program Revenue & Miscellaneous - $7,964 (1%) In-Kind Contributions - $38,006 (3%) Total Expenses: $1,251,169 Personnel & Benefits - $937,940 (75%) General Supplies/Equipment - $14,100 (1%) Occupancy/Capital - $57,289 (5%) Program Delivery - $45,681 (4%) Transportation/Travel - $11,005 (1%) Insurance - $20,568 (1%) General Operations - $26,150 (2%) Marketing/Outreach - $14,029 (1%) Fundraising - $86,400 (7%) In-Kind Expenses - $38,006 (3%)
2014 YEAR END TOTALS Unaudited
30% 23%
6% 1%
5% 1%
2015 BUDGET 31%
5% 4% 1%
2% 1%
3% 19
ANNOUNCING OUR 2014 YOUTH OF THE YEAR Since 1947, Youth of the Year has been the premier recognition program through Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The program is an opportunity to develop essay creation and public speaking skills, learn to create a resume, and practice interview skills, preparing tomorrow’s leaders today. Beginning each Fall in more than 4,000 Clubs a member is named Youth of the Year, the highest honor a Club kid can achieve. During the Winter, winners work toward the next phase of the program where they face judges who score the youth in five areas: Essays, Letters of Recommendation, Overall Application Quality, Speech, Interview. The four youth in Skagit County, representing their respective Clubs, faced quite a formidable panel of judges - Don Wick of EDASC, Kati Collins from Key Bank, Tyler Steinman from Foothills Toyota, Captain Lou D’Amelio from the APD, Dr. Rob Coffey representing the Mount Vernon School Board, Patsy Martin from Port of Skagit, David Bricka of the Country Meadows Village, Brian Hanrahan from the ASD, Joe Jones of Les Schwab Tire Center, Chief Lin Tucker from SWPD, Skagit Valley College President Dr. Thomas Keegan, and Mayor Jill Boudreau from Mount Vernon. Karen Gallardo from Anacortes, Ariana Shirley from La Conner, Justice Lively from Mount Vernon, and Madisen Cork from Sedro-Woolley represented their communities well and in their speeches, reflected on how the Boys & Girls Club had helped them to overcome obstacles and made a difference in their lives. Ultimately, Justice Lively was called forward to accept his well-earned recognition, and it was moving to see the four youth from the four Clubs come together in a celebratory group hug. This was not a competition, it was a life experience. Mr. Lively will come together with 14 other youth from all corners of the State and go through the process all over again. At minimum, he will earn $1,000 in scholarship money, but has an opportunity to be named Washington State Youth of the Year and continue on in the program to the Regional and National level. Five regional Youth of the Year travel to Washington, DC in October for the final phase.
Terry Belcoe Dave & Barbara Cox Erin & Scott Welliver Damian Humphreys Chris Newton Deb Bundy Chuck Manning April Mitchell Wells Fargo Donald & Ora Jonasson Paul Woodmansee Brian Bowser Patrick Dougher Michael & Elizabeth Jackets Joe Medalia Andrea Davis Erin Long Williams & Nulle, PLLC, CPAs Sherri Stites Lisa Koetje Carrie Wallace Wayne & Virginia Kluth Frank Marzec Franklin D. Rozak Cascade Natural Gas Eva Aragon Becky & John Taft Tyler Koble Donald Manuel Matthew Guest Jill Rohrs Cathy Grant Ken Codlin Dr. Paul & Gina Williams Kiwanis Club of La Conner Gary & Judith Shand Ed & Ming Hsu Michael & Jenna Urban Apothecary Spa Glenn & Julie Anderson Jerry & Eva Fader Warren Gilbert Beth & Tim Wallace Allstate Giving Campaign Jeremy Karelsen Photography Scott & Harmony Bahr Gretchen’s Seattle Seahawks Foundation Mary Anderson Del & Donna Reisner Norman & Patricia Dahlstedt Cynthia Simonsen Manresa Castle Ronald Ray Kristine Lytton Gracie Hatten Comcast Strauss Jewelers Pat Hammond Soroptimist International of Fidalgo Island Elsie Palmer Ann Thompson Reinhild & Richard Thompson City of Anacortes Stephen & Elizabeth McLean Brenda DiMaggio Tony Senff & Catherine Ledray-Senff Spane Building, Inc. Joan Yonker Brian Kooy Paul Benz Darcy Owings Martin Esther Partida Rebecca Scott Rebecca Murray Peter Swanson
Matt Atterberry Kim Gardner Jerry & Lori Timblin Tara Dowd & Steven Nelson Glenn & Shawna Johnson Rouw Insurance Agency Jeff Morris Evan Antolin Kevin & Kathi Marilley Kellie & Steve Cargile Lenny Thompson Anacortes Sunrisers Kiwanis Clark & Sally Todd Northstar Stone & Landscape Supply Albert Clay Dale & Susan Ragan Columbia Distributing Marilyn Jacobson TruckVault, Inc. Mount Vernon Red Apple Kirby Amacker Noah & Taylor Bannister William & Annette Boerner Ryan Barrett Christina Hill Danielle Brison Island Hospital Peter Wolszczak & Kelly Cline Envy Salon Michelle Bannister Barbara Kehoe Jon Peterson Georgetown Brewery Thomas Trucking, Inc. Conway Volunteer Firefighters Association Debbie Goldstein Ronald & Jamie Mitchell Lisa Krause Rich Weyrich & Betta Spinelli Brock Mullins Photography Reeve Geary George Lang Frontier Building Supply Joyce Nagel Holly Parkes Margaret Smith Sherry J Hill Bryan McDonald Jay Garman Ashley Furniture Homestore Everett Silvertips Hockey Club All Rivers & Saltwater Charters Danise Reichlin Kelli Barlean Rick Trelstad Jack & Stephanie Hamilton Rod & Karen Carter Deirdre Ridgway Rick & Meredith Machin Vince & Terry Oliver Tom & Pam Allen Karl’s Paints & Art Supplies Helen Pare Andy Porter Photography Jason Easton Skagit Transportation William & Patricia Sarvis R.H. & G.C. Freier Majestic Inn & Spa Jennifer Bullock Colleen Smiley Ed & Catherine Cartmill Skagit Golf & Country Club Mark & Nancy Crawford Greg Bisby First Baptist Church
Rebecca Shotton David & Nora McMillan Marjorie Davis Mount Vernon Building Center Marjorie Arketa James & Janet Ebersole Seeds Bistro & Bar, Inc. Krista Paulson Anacortes Pizza Factory Lakeside Industries Apryl Anderson Ken & Florence Dahlstedt Gene Brodbory Dakota Creek Industries 5th Avenue Theatre Paula Brownrigg Randy Welch Katie Stamwitz Kasaundrae Herrera Mount Baker Gymnastices Krista Cobourn Jay Powers Stiles & Stiles, Inc., P.S. Mark Handzlik Doug & Cynthia Eichner Robert & Mary Hendren Bob Cromack Jason & Shelly Gwin Fisher Companies E & E Lumber James & Barbara Richardson Ray & Carolyn Bloom Donnie & Kristen Keltz Mount Vernon School District #320 Alee Yuzon Tesoro Companies, Inc Birch Equipment & Sales Pilgrim Congregational Church, UCC Westview Garden Club Kamb & Kamb Troy Kunz Bart & Patty Smith National Gardening Association, Inc JoAnne Fabrics Matt Halliday Dr. Larry Campbell Scott & Cinde Wakeman Michael Schroyer Vicki Stasch Marketa Vorel Scott & Brigid Buchanan William & Patti Van Wieringen Wilson`s Picture Framing Josh Carpenter Tennenbaum Capital Partners, LLC Terri Maik Safelite Auto Glass Foundation Michael & Jessica Good Anacortes Chamber of Commerce Jacob Koetje & Stephanie Dapper Al Chandler Museum of Northwest Art Tim McLaughlin Darren Boarnet Brenden Jones Isis & Ieyelin McGhee Judy Morgan Peoples Bank Karen Zuidema Tashena Ramirez Stefanie Brown Jeffrey & Deborah Scott Ben Vanderwerff Misoni Tobey continued on page 22
Bill Nutting & Jessie Tapp-Nutting Steven & Adelle Hamel Theresa Schock John Probstfield La Conner Seafood & Prime Rib House Jay Kaemingk Ron & Jan Wesen Michelle Grace Jacqueline Beamer LeAnne Wiseman Jody & Lawrence Bogues David Riddle Dixon Golf, Inc. Jean Lungren Phil & Tamera Brockman Skagit Valley Food Co-Op Brian & Kristia Poppe Elliott Tire & Service Mary Staley Simply Yards Landscape and Design George Sidhu Skagit Ready Mix/Smokey Point Concrete Julie Strain Lisa Eckerson Airfield Estates William Hnedak Leilani’s Photography Victoria Hazzard Torolf & Anna Torgersen Simply Therapeutic Massage Brad & Kristen Tully Tracy & Chris Foy Eldon Brown RaeLynn Shelley Dennis & Melissa Boe Glen & Susan McInelly Reba Sines Kent & Christine Mathes Ken & Laure Bergsma Anacortes Kayak Tours Emerson Nordmark & Kim Liebscher Northwest Linings & Geotextile Products, Inc. Sharon Wright Leah Vazquez Oshkosh Bgosh - Carters Pat Grant Lori Peterson Matt Tannahill Richard M. Simcock, DDS, PS Tucker Family Foundation Skagit Publishing Suzanne & Clifford Harris Charlie Guildner Dana Orbe Showline Beagles Nancy Rytand Sally Hill Rallye Auto Sales, Inc. Curt & Monica Oppel Erin Baker’s Wholesome Baked Goods North Cascade Veterinary Hospital Liberty Mutual Donald & Colleen Slack Towne Foundation Bryan & Carol Harrison Jenna Strand Lucky Seven Foundation James & Marcia Fourness Bill Ronhaar George Reeves & Rosann Wuebbels Mark & Joanne Hansen Elizabeth & Harley Theaker John F. Roozen Robert Hatcher Fred & Marilyn Buckenmeyer EMP Museum
Ron McHenry Executive Director
Noah Bannister Director of Operations
Sarah Arquitt Director of Administration
Tammy Findlay Director of Marketing & Stewardship
Ian Faley Director of Development
Natalie Johnsen Volunteer Coordinator
Kendrick Davis Club Director, La Conner
John Garman Club Director, Sedro-Woolley
Patrick Dougher Teen Coordinator, Sedro-Woolley
Angela Freeberg Club Director, Mount Vernon
Shane Collins Program Director, Sedro-Woolley
Taylor Bannister Program Director, Anacortes
Leah Vazquez Program Director, Mount Vernon
Keith Magee Richard & Linda Nelson Mark & Julie Wenzel Janey Dodge Linda & Darren Jensen Skydive Snohomish, Inc Joseph R Bee Janicki Logging and Construction Bill Bates Colton Staker Mike & Dianne Crawford Steve & Lori Halverson Jerry Kopp Julie Cooley John & Kari Mathis Whatcom Community Foundation Bay City Supply Paula Taylor Dawn Severin Louis Auto Glass, Inc Rock Mountain Sporting Clay Tom & Leona Canonaugh Sheila MnGowan Shannon & Eric Whalen Jessica Guzik Skagit Valley Marine Corps League-Detach. 1043 Blade Chevrolet Diane Morton Janna Gage Sarah Lorusso Scott & Aimee Frantz Jim & Sharon Dillon Red Barn Photography Mexico Café Dale & Monica Summers Overlook Golf Course Domino’s Pizza TJ & Karen Larrick Eaglemont Golf Course Doug Faber Sedro-Woolley Lions Club Eric & Emily Schuh continued on page 25
TARGETED PROGRAMS The Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County offer a well-rounded annual program schedule, which is a combination of National and local initiatives, targeted, curriculum based programs built around our Formula for Impact and organizational values. All of our programs focus on three priority outcomes: Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles, and Good Character & Citizenship. Our Targeted Programs help our members achieve success in one or more of the priority outcome areas. Our Clubs offer so much, we’d love to talk about them all, but here are a few highlights. To learn more, please visit our website: www.skagitclubs.org PAWS to Read: Through a partnership with Dogs on Call, every Tuesday our Anacortes Club is visited by our fourlegged volunteers Geoffrey and Lulu. These two certified therapy dogs and avid book enthusiasts, spend an hour listening to individual members read aloud in 10 minute sessions. While all members are welcome to read to Geoffrey and Lulu, the program is most beneficial to those members who struggle with reading. Many young members face their fears of reading aloud as they curl up next to their four legged friends, Geoffrey and Lulu. Torch Clubs are chartered smallgroup leadership and service clubs for boys and girls ages 11-13. A Torch Club is a powerful vehicle through which Club staff can help meet the special character needs of younger adolescents at a critical stage in their lives. Torch Club members learn to elect officers and work together to implement activities in four areas: service to Club and community, education, health and fitness and social recreation. The Torch Club Awards are presented annually to Torch Clubs with outstanding program and activities in the four areas. This year our La Conner Brave Heroes Torch Club, placed 4th among all Boys & Girls Clubs. SMART Girls is a small-group health, fitness, prevention education and self-esteem enhancement program designed to meet the developmental needs of girls in three age groups. Through dynamic sessions, highly participatory activities, field trips and mentoring opportunities with adult women, Club girls explore their own and societal attitudes and values as they build skills for eating right, staying physically fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships with peers and adults. 24
Paul Godfrey Sarah & Adam Nuanes Darlene Verall Jim & Debra Allen Seven Sisters, Inc. Roger & Sally Crawford Dr. Teak Martin Pacific WoodTech Corporation University of Washington Lorenzo’s Steve McQueary Allen & Holly Grenz Cathy Savage Denise York Michelle Eaton Leanne & Peter Plumly Russell & Kathryn Leach Gregg & Lea Davidson Candy Avelino Deanna Johnson Colleen Wyllis Whidbey Coffee Joanne Steinman Patricia Watson Linda R Dubinski Teresa Mooney Deception Distillery Jeanetta Fortier Robert & Rebecca Gates Franklin Bjorseth Soroptimist International of La Conner Isaac & Sarah Williams Les & Sharon Coopper Michael Curtis Kymberly Wollan North Cascades Health Council Nathan L Zumwalt Kjell Carlsen Gordon Bruchner Shell Puget Sound Refining Company Roger Small Gary Robinson Terry Swenson Barrett Financial Community Giving Project Erik & Jennifer Crawford Ashley Terry Stephanie Magerkurth Dallas Wolkenhauer Jacqueline Zoolkoski Violet Martinson Rachida Gaethle Puget Sound Energy Eva Perry Mike & Suzzane Casey Chris Brown Skagit Island Human Resource Management Association Jennifer Aylor Brian Simonseth Charles Fine Jewelry Anthony Mate Dale & Elaine Gorsegner Stephen & Jean Oakley Richard & Terry White K&H Integrated Print Solutions Duane & Nancy Clark Syd Korrell Cap Sante Inn LLC Chris Johnston Todd & Elizabeth McNett-Crowl Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Target North Hill Resources Sound Recycling Services Echo Arseneau Morgan’s Espresso
Dorothy McCartney Gary & Hollie Brand Steve Lipe Wendie Granbeg Lynn and Shawn Fedina Kim Miller Cindy & Todd Anderson Christianson’s Nursery Wendy Rohrbacher Dean & Stephanie Rogers Renee Majumdar Kendall Flannery Pizza Factory of Burlington Jerome & Karen Fisher Deb Castle Katie Bernhardt Robert & Erica Pickett Karen Vandenbosch Frank Willis John & Lori Sadzewicz Deception Pass Tours Brayer Insurance Swinomish Casino & Lodge Arty & Elinor Nakis Don & Kelsey Koenig Central Moving & Storage Papa Murphy’s Sedro-Woolley Olive Garden Charles & Kay Starkovich Pam Nelson & Thomas Strotkamp Valley Electric Co. of Mt. Vernon, Inc. Renee Buchanan Gina Davis Dennis Medcalf Eagles - FOE #2069 Diane Eiesland Marci & Matthew Fankhauser Josh & Sarah Arquitt Rachel Eastburn Carl’s Towing Samish Tyee Gerry & Susan Christensen Colleen Sargent Arvid & Shirlee Mostad Bret & Ingrid Thornton Julie Wilson Candi Newcombe Thomas & Maggie Thompson Business Bank of Skagit County Travis & Vicky Huisman The Simmons Financial Group Mark & Susan Venn Dan & Debbie Boffey Jason & Heather Pratt Columbia Bank Roger Ridgway & Mary Jon Vance Erik & Debbie Pedersen Hamilton Library Chuckanut Distillery Francis & Ann Olsen Hailey York Carol Brown Gere-a-Deli Eleven Vexler & Richard Brocksmith Michael Schweigert Bill & Susan Henry The Handbag Consignment Shop La Conner Weekly News Collin Guildner Naun & Perpetuo Gallardo Josett Comstock Susan Bradley Mark & Nancy Redis Skagit Island San Juan School Retirees Association Fred Meyer Karen Huggins
Thomas Lebovsky & Jane Billinghurst Kohl’s Cascade Facial Surgery & Aesthetics State Farm Insurance Gary & Pam Miller Jeanette Hoffman Jason Gerten David & Syd Olausen Betty Rockwell Richard Olds Carolyn Bushey Dwayne Lane’s North Cascade Ford Scott Richards Insurance, Inc Ken & Jame Witzel Cascade Pizza George Busse Lowe’s Store Bayside Specialties, Inc. Debbie Fernie Alexis Huffstodt David Ryberg CWS Burlington LLC Dan Cameron Susan Wilson Levon & Dorothy Matson Corrigan Edmoundson Susanna Franklin Reisner Distributor, Inc. Jennifer Wilson Enchanted Florist Julianne Ferguson Gary & Claudean Talbert Darlene Kirby Jeff Gabert Jim & Sabrina Enright Bryace Schaffner Barbara Dahlstedt Laura Fletcher Robert Hall Brandon Barth Justin Ward Rich Oickle Cookson Beecher Hughes Law Group PLLC Dianna Whitney Holland America Line, Inc Temcov Foundation Kelly Tuohig Cynthia First Tim Lewis & Ronaye Kos Robert & Jeannette Papadakis James Martin Herbert Lane William & Dolores Thomson Soroptimist International of Sedro-Woolley Steve & Kellie Cook Carrie Balser Tiffani Willoughby Steven & Jan Massey Ronald & Vickie Kesti Carmen Olivarez & Edward W. Christiansen Skagit Ford Subaru Nicole Wilson Chuck & Toni Ruhl James & Joyce Anderson Crossfit Skagit Ian & Michelle Fee Embelish Cory Hutchings Robert Gruber Mike & Linda Adkins Little Caesars Pizza Hidden Wave Boardshop Monica Wilson continued on page 27
Enroll Now! When school’s out, Clubs are in.
for the 2014-15 School Year
25 monthly
Scholarships available
Our Professional Club Staff lead Targeted Programs that encourage Academic Success, Good Character & Citizenship, and Healthy Lifestyles. Our Club spaces provide room for your child to participate in physical activity, educational games, and quiet learning activities. Clubs are open for after-school programs in your communtity. Call your local club for more information. Learn more at SkagitClubs.org
Administrative Office PO Box 947 1605 William Way, Ste B Mount Vernon, WA 98273 360-419-3723 (phone/fax) Anacortes Club 904 6th St. Anacortes, WA 98221 360-588-9045
La Conner Club 305 N. Sixth St. La Conner, WA 9825 7 360-466-3672
Mount Vernon Club 1100 N. LaVenture Rd. Mount Vernon, WA 9827 3 360-428-6995 Sedro-Woolley Club 915 McGarigle Rd. Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284 360-856-1830 26
Just for Teens Only $10 for the 2014-15 School Year
SkagitClubs.org facebook.com/BoysandGirlsClubsofSkagitCounty
MEMBERSHIP OUR MISSION: To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
OUR VALUES: FUN • RESPECT • INTEGRITY COMMUNITY • ACCEPTANCE CLUB HOURS During the school year all of our Clubs operate from 2pm to 6pm Monday thru Friday, except for the Sedro-Woolley Club, which operates from 2:00pm to 6:30pm Monday thru Friday.
WHO CAN ATTEND THE CLUB? Youth ages 6 (or in First Grade) to 18
TEEN CENTER HOURS & TEEN NIGHTS Teen Center Hours are designated hours for teens with an area and programs designated just for them. Teen Nights are for teens only without other Members present. These are generally held on Friday Nights. Anacortes Teen Nights: Fridays, 6pm to 10pm La Conner Teen Nights: One Friday a month Mount Vernon: Teen Center Monday-Fridays: 2pm to 3:30pm. Teen Nights: 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month, 6 to 10pm. Sedro-Woolley: Teen Center Monday – Thursday, 2pm to 6:30pm. Teen Night Fridays 2pm to 10pm.
MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS & REGISTRATION Each Club has their own hours for Registration and Renewals. Please consult our website were you can view hours and download forms: www.skagitclubs.org.
HOLIDAYS & EARLY RELEASE DAYS The Clubs make every effort to accommodate the needs of Youth during holiday breaks or on weekdays for which there is no school. Each Club will have their own schedule based on their corresponding school district. We usually offer a morning and afternoon program. Clubs need at least 15 participants to be open. There is an additional fee for the Morning Program.
Madeleine Roozen-Cook Daniel McIlraith Town of La Conner H. Coleman McGinnis Fidalgo Bay Coffee Jill & Daniel Boudreau Marie-Claire Dole Desha Furin Laurel & Dieter Drews Kurt Swanson Kay & Richard Steiner Page & David King Peter Goldfarb Sheri Miklaski Russ Lee Linda Sylva Kathleen Jennings Alberto Felix Brent Frisbee John & Julie Small Brian Ace Pola Kelley Kendall & Nancy Gentry Jim Sullivan Land Title & Escrow Company Hope Noyes Julie Blazek Phoenix & Jeffrey Brooks Urban Fitness Soroptimist International of Anacortes Jennifer Hogarty Jason Garten Janie & Troy Beasley Ed Perry Martin Brown Linda & Jim Turner Lisa Keenan Team Chambers Wendy Cobb Doug & Debra Lancaster Gina MacDonald Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Tom Hammack State of Washington Clay Learned Betty Foster Betty Hanrahan Stephen Brown MJB Properties, LLC Jason Dempsey Ian Vasco Steven & Sarah Dahl Rashel & Corey O’Neil Darrell & Stephanie Hooper Alyeska Design, LLC Linda Sue McCracken Ronald & Anne Smith Erin Reiger Schuh Farms Mark Bunzel United Methodist Church CPI Plumbing & Heating Jim & Midge Hanson Roselaine Beecher Woodland Park Zoo Westminster Presbyterian Church Kevin & Cynthia Doussard Aldi Kllogjeni Jeanne Klockers Gary Fiedler Feile Brown Deb McNeal Michael & Sandra Youngren Calico Cupboard of La Conner, Inc. continued on page 28
continued from page 27 Kimberly Hix Kenyon Knopf Tahlia Honea Jean Champagne Bruce & Margaret Evertz Mason Mahin Anacortes Diving & Supply Curt Marble Unite Howard & Elaine Huffstodt Jeff Johnsen Mike Yeoman Concrete Theatre Karl & Barbara Hammer Van Ellingson Doug & Gay Woods Aimee Walker Evan Henke Ruth T. Adamitz Swinomish Golf Course Jon & Teresa Ronngren Dan & Cori Hyatt Barb Weymouth Ron DeVries Eli Barrett Marc & Pam Estvold Marlene Alfson & Jeff Barsness Coho Liquidation Les & Fay Huggins Drew & Janet Jamison Whidbey Island Bank - Skagit County Carolyn Howe Washington State University Elliot Johnson Lee Mann Photography Doug & Stephanie Wood Kiwanis - Anacortes Noon Club Kim & Steven Stafford Yeates Family Dental Howard & Diane Goetz William Brown Rob & Joan Martin Nathan & Connie Sheridan Mark Collins Jack & Jeanne Fankhauser Matt Ray Darrell & Elizabeth Heisler Truist Jeff Eoff Mestizo Mexican Family Restaurant Heather Stapleton Joyce Siniscal Heather Swenson Cheryl Bishop Dan & Sandi Sims Rick & Karen Pitt Jack & Joan Hilde Josh Anfinson Jack & Claudette Gubrud Robert Holliman Mac & Jack Brewery Bill Cassels Michael & Carol Herbert Gene & Marilyn Derig Maggie Potter United Way of Skagit County David & Eddylee Scott Jerald & Pamela Munson Dennis Rozier AMC Entertainment Inc. Jeanne Glick & Jean Leib Gary & Colleen Thramer Brian & Caroline Davis
Lynn Oliver Larson Gross, PLLC Thorne Metal Studio Donna Jones Christopher & Monique Ray Steve Glover Ed King ServiceMaster Clean by Roth, Inc. Johanna Stearns Jim Eberhardt & Kaylene Farley Carl & Carmen Bruner John McArdle RIS Insurance Services Lydia Randall Josh Williams Erwin Stroosma & Kathy O’Connell-Stoosma Papa Murphy’s Anacortes Leana Hagen Mike Steiner Mitch Everton Kelly Bauer Kroger Economic Development Association of Skagit County Steve & Stephanie Daly Mike & Victorian Gubrud Christopher & Jennifer Cram Alice Bohnker Insurance Debra Breitenfeldt Adara Salon InFaith Community Foundation Nels Strandberg Danielle & Michael Russell Nick & Nikki Petosa Andrea Locati Nordic Yachts NW, LLC Per Dona Salon Spa Jack Kennedy Thompson’s Greenhouse Judd & Black Debra Heinzman Mike Simpson Clark & Louise McKee Greg Adler Gateway Transmissions, Inc Melissa Pearson The Cambia Employee Giving Campaign Donald O’Brien Joseph Stout Dave O’Lovuhun Steve Sweeden Kevin Anderson Darcy Silvest Joe Slidich Lisa McConnell Richard & Tina Lloyd WA State Boys & Girls Clubs Assoc. Brian & Christine Youngquist David & Patricia Jorgensen Leo Osborne John & Marie Erbstoeszer Taproot Theatre Lena Breen Dave McCoy Michelle Worley Anacortes Community Health Council Joanne Swenson Deanna J. Nickerson Thomas Rizzo Jeff and Linda Hendricks Family Foundation John & Betsy Senff Conover Insurance Services, LLC Allen & Rose Garden Paula Fors Randi Dykstra Annette MacCartney Tom Horstman
Annette Booth Day Creek Sand & Gravel Amanda & Kyle Baker Sharon Whiting James Ford Kimberlee M Ray Diem Ly John & Judy Montoya Mary Tourtelot-Cashetta Oliver-Hammer John Garman Terry Freeman Don & Marie La Conner Senior Center Hampton Inn & Suites Greg & Lou Ann Reed Wayne Ackerlund Judi Gates Children’s Museum of Skagit County Gary & Janet Davis John & Mary Ferlin Angel of the Winds Casino Vanessa Jones Joshua Anderson Insurance, Inc Hal & Cheryl Rogers Amy Roberts David & Helen Marshall Anita Mitchell Heather Cid Cassie Dalgliesh Erin Holden Jeanne D North Melissa & Hugh Dougher Azusa Farm & Garden Michael & Lisa Janicki Dad’s Diner A-Go-Go Jerry & Elsie Annett Motor Trucks, Inc. Christina Barsness James & Cathryn Griffith Lena Shultz Brian Arend Kevin Johnson Jody Ayon Mark & Sandy Hagen Christine Johnson North Cove Coffee Jennifer Carter John & Katy Janicki Brad Teeter Susan Hall Julie & Jeff Buchanan Smiley Insurance Ian & Whitney Crawford Read Me a Story Somer Damm Lowman House LLC Costco Frederick & Elaine Morton John Doyle Macy’s, Inc. Quantum Construction Inc. Bernadette Halliday Patti Baith Louis DeRosa Bob & Kelly Miller Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Karl Yost Mariott Glassworks Frank & Sharon Higgins Vesta Schindler Tena & Doug Brown Gary & Sarah Hess MARGEP, INC. continued on page 36
A MAGICAL NIGHT FOR KIDS On Friday, November 7th, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County held its Annual Gala event to raise funds for operations of the four Clubs located in Anacortes, La Conner, Mount Vernon and Sedro-Woolley. “It’s Magic!” took place at the new Christ the King event center in Burlington. With many Silent and Live Auction items to choose from, there was something for everyone, and as a result, bids reached all-time highs on many items. The generosity of the Skagit community was in full force throughout the evening as auctioneer Tom Pasma and guest Emcee Rob Martin led the audience through the program. Boys & Girls Club supporters from all parts of the County were in attendance, and there was a celebrity sighting, as Scooter the Beer Guy, famed for his presence as a vendor at Mariners and Seahawks games, joined the effort as a special guest beer steward and a spotter during the Live Auction. Guests were treated to remarks by 2014 Youth of the Year Bobby Castro who is currently attending the University of Washington, in addition to commentary from Club kids representing all of our communities. The night was an incredible success, with more than $145,000 raised for youth in Skagit County, a 50% increase over the previous year. Because of generous sponsorships from many Skagit County businesses and organizations, all money raised that night will go directly to the Boys & Girls Clubs implementing its mission; to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. “As we enter the holiday season, I’m so thankful for the philanthropy demonstrated by our community,” said Annette Booth, President of the Board of Directors for the Club. She went on to praise the collective effort that made the evening truly magical, “Our Gala Committee really wrapped themselves into making this a big year for the organization. On behalf of myself and co-chair Stephanie Hooper, we’d like to thank everyone who was a part of making it such a magical night for kids.” 29
SUMMER This last Summer was a blast for Club kids. Here is a brief summary of some of the activities featured at each club and a glimpse of plans for the coming Summer. At the La Conner Club, Club Director, Kendrick Davis, braved the Ice Bucket Challange, some talented Club Members got the chance to compete at the Hershey State Track Meet, Members learned about their environment at Bay View State Park and Torch Club Members helped out businesses in La Conner. This Summer they will focus on 8 fun themes while incorporting Academic Succes, Healthy Lifestyles, and Good Character and Citizenship for each week. The Themes are: Once Upon a Time, Gold Rush, Outer Space, Mighty Jungle, Time Travel, Big Top, Under the Sea, and Map Key. Sedro-Woolley Club Members dove with Sharks, went on many hikes around Western Washington, and created flower arrangements from their very own dahlia garden. A couple of field trip highlights for the coming Summer will include visiting the Taylor Shellfish Farm out on Chuckanut Drive where staff from the Taylor Shellfish provide kids with tours in the tidal areas, informative shellfish lessons, and fun on the beach; and the Avalon Golf Course for some golf lessons and fun on the greens. Mount Vernon Club Members grew their own garden, went zip-lining, attended a Mariners Game, and led Science projects at the Skagit River Salmon Festival. This Summer will be packed with themed activities such as: Around the World (Activities centered on learning about other countries and cultures) Tune In (making music, listening to music, writing songs, games with music and dancing), Olympics Week (sports centered activities), and Fun with Food (cooking activities, food related games, and learning about nutrition). Anacortes Club Members also got to go zip-lining, explored Padilla Bay, put on a newpaper fashion show, and grew a beautiful garden. This year they are planning Lights, Camera, Action week focused on having Hollywood fun while delving into the Boys & Girls Clubs Digital Arts Suite programs (photography, claymation, etc.) as well as “hopefully” a trip to see a Tacoma Rainiers game with other Boys & Girls Clubs & YMCA’s in WA. 30
31 Credit: Cookson Beecher
Enroll Now! for Summer Break 2015
Monthly fee For a family of any size *Scholarships available
Morning Program 7am-1pm $100 per week. Scholarships Available *minimum enrollment applies
Registration Dues: one time fee for new enrollment
$25 Single $50 Family $10 Teen* *There is no monthly fee for teens Learn more at SkagitClubs.org
During our Summer Program, Members have an opportunity to engage in Targeted Programs, participate in community events, volunteer, go on educational field trips and participate in Clubs within the Club like SMART Girls, Torch Club, Positive Sprouts & Keystone Club .
The Mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
Our Targeted Programs focus on these three main areas:
Enrollment Starts: April 1, 2015
We strive to Furnish the Dreams of the less fortunate children in our communities. Referring a child to receive a mattress set is where we need your help to accomplish our mission. Visit www.furnishingdreams.org to learn how you can help.
WHY ARE THESE NUMBERS IMPORTANT? ABSTENTION FROM ALCOHOL Teens who start drinking before age 15 are 5 times more likely to develop alcohol dependence or abuse later in life than those who begin drinking at or after the legal age of 21. This is a chilling statistic. Choices made early in life can have long reaching consequences and are an indicator of future productivity and lifestyle habits. Our members making the right choices means lower future health care costs, a greater impact on contributing to the tax base, and likely fewer family problems as they become adults.
ABSTENTION FROM CIGARETTES Statistics about Teens and the correlation between behaviors and smoking are scary. According to the Surgeon General, teenagers who smoke are 3 times more likely to use alcohol, 8 times more likely to smoke marijuana, and 22 times more likely to use cocaine. Cigarette smokers are also more likely to get into fights, carry weapons, attempt suicide, and engage in high-risk sexual behaviors. We are proud that none of our Club members engaged in smoking this year, but we know that it is something we must continue to work hard to prevent.
ABSTENTION FROM MARIJUANA We know our work is having an impact on our youth. It may be several years until the effects of the legalization of marijuana in Washington State and its impact on youth may be realized. Like alcohol, marijuana remains illegal for possession and consumption amongst individuals until age 21. At the Club, our efforts focus on providing information to our members and developing their minds to think analytically and critically about all decisions regarding their choice in having a Healthy Lifestyle.
by Club Director, Angela Freeberg
Each day Mount Vernon Club kids and youth benefit from a strong and growing relationship with Mount Vernon School District. The Mount Vernon Club, whose facility is located at LaVenture Middle School, partners on several school district programs. One of these programs is the meal program offered at LaVenture Middle School. Thanks to a grant that was awarded last spring to Mount Vernon School District, Club kids eat free Monday-Thursday from 4-4:30pm. The goal of the food program is to address hunger in Skagit County, making sure that all children receive the food they need to be nourished. This school district program, which is open to all children and families, was extended to Club kids when it began last Spring. It has been an enormous benefit to Club kids, increasing the amount and quality of food that they receive each day while at the Club. The Mount Vernon Club is also excited to be a part of the 21st Century program with Mount Vernon School District. On Tuesday & Wednesday of each week students at LaVenture & Mount Baker Middle School participate in the Boys & Girls Club’s SMART Moves program as part of their after-school education program. The SMART Moves program covers topics such as understanding their community, making right choices, what kind of person they want to be when they grow up, healthy friendships, and peer pressure. Teens participating in the program are also offered free memberships to the Club. The Mount Vernon Club has been thriving and seen enormous growth over this past year. It is looking forward to 2015, increasing its number of youth served and building upon its relationship with Mount Vernon School District. 34
Helps our Clubs assess and improve the quality of our programming as well as deepen our impact on the youth we serve. It is used to develop an annual action plan to guide staff in increasing the Club’s impact on youth.
Allows us to measure ourselves in 21 different areas to include: aspirations; strategic growth; increasing impact; financials; resource development; and strong boards. Promotes benchmarking against like Clubs around the region and nation in addition to tracking our own performance over time.
We complete this assessment annually. This tool measures safety policies and procedures in 50 different areas, focusing on transportation, technology, facilities, hazards, emergency response, insurance coverage, and come-and-go practices.
The annual audit is conducted by a licensed certified public accountant who analyzes our financial transactions, procedures and activities in order to assess the fiscal soundness of the organization.
This thorough self-examination and report looks into the organization as a whole and allows us to gather 60+ pages of data on our programs, attendance, board activities, financials, resource development and personnel.
Provides measurement indicators on our three strategic outcome areas: Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles and Good Character & Citizenship—in addition to indicators related to the Club experience. Utilizes member tracking data and local and national survey data to benchmark our local Clubs’ impact.
Highwaters Media John & Julie Cooper Eric & Beth Blank Brian Hanrahan Terri Hackett Frontier Nicholas & Kristen Van Jaarsveld Marjorie Kilbreath M & J Stout Honey Salon William & Susan Murray Ken & Joan Liebscher Dan & Darby Hewitt William & Wendy Rabel Bill Irning John & Nancy Darnton Maxine Bogart Shane Collins Alaska Airlines Bill Gillespie Linda Fergusson Steve & Dian Jahn Lyle & Verna McClure Olof & Erin Anderson Jeff Leer Mark & Mary Kiser Jeromie & Kristina Skinner John & Sylvia Matterand Emmett & Mary Richards Simply Silver Ally Behne Zap Pro Lube & Brake Ron McHenry Bailey Wyles Glow Cleaners Terry & Melissa Willard Steve & Darcy Wells Rick & Angela Davidson Sandra Ball Nancy & Joe Halton MaryAnn Hatfield James & Pat Grenfell Skagit River Ranch Dan & Marie Donat Jamie & Sarah Southard Jessica Danese Nickie Ray Randi Fredig Brett Fox & Eva Fox-Revocable Scott & JoAnn Blade Navsukh Enterprises, Inc. Jennifer Maillet John & Trish Archibald Karl & Debra Pankaskie Leslie O’Laughlin Employee Benefits Planning LLC Mike & Barb Matheson David Weymouth Gesila Brito Eric & Lynette Johnson Skagit Cycle Christine & David Stafford Kaydeen Franey William & Susanna Epler Mit & Maureen Harlan Elizabeth & David Bishop Boeing Company, Employees Community Fund Kitty Hawk Cafe La Conner Civic Garden Club Jim & Mary Scott North Cascade Eye Associates PS Jessica Armey Jason & Bobbilyn Randi Lauren Beth & Kevin Meenaghan Patricia Dunn
Each of us must come to care about everyone else's children. We must recognize that the welfare of our children and grandchildren is intimately linked to the welfare of all other people's children. After all, when one of our children needs life-saving surgery, someone else's child will perform it. When our children dial 911, someone else’s child will answer it. When our children need a helping hand, someone else’s child will be there to lend it. If one of our children is threatened or harmed by violence, someone else's child will be responsible for the violent act. The good life for our own children can be secured only if a good life is secured for all other people's children. Mike & Dianne Crawford hold these words to be true & dear to their hearts. That is why they are proud to support the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County
is Proud to Support Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County
Proud Supporter of Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County
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Cathy Roppo Holley & Sean Weyrich Janet Vazquez John & Kristen Boyes Kiwanis Club of Mount Vernon Semrau Engineering & Surveying Lin & Carla Tucker Craft Stove Raymond & Stephanie Freier Dr. Robert Coffey, MD Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. Maia Halvorsen Allstate Foundation John L. Scott Real Estate Lynn Boone Roger Peterson Lynn Pugh Julie & Robert Stuart State of Washington Tides Foundation Elsa Mansfield Tiffany Urland Associated Petroleum Products, Inc. Vic Johnson Leslie Dorn Kyle Doran Jason & Rebecca Smolsnik Helping Hands Food Bank Mount Vernon Beauty School, Inc Christ Episcopal Church La Conner Retirement Inn Barbara Holmknist Heather Hernandez North Cascade Seventh Day Adventist Church Rejuvenation MD Johnny Picasso’s Michael & Dana Webb Valley Pride Pat Rimmer’s Les Schwab Tire Center- Sedro-Woolley Shannon Eagleburger Sandi Andersen Suellen Lemmon Boundary Bay Brewing Co. A & C Automotive Dan Fisher Matthew & Heather Miller Pioneer Market Banfield Pet Hospital Kara Moore Gerald & Bonnie Bowers Jayne Branch John & Sarah Ney Steve & Felisa Hoglund Johnny Lee Rick the Peanut Man Foundation The Brown Lantern Alehouse Take2seconds Doug & Laurie Lundgren Karen Mills Kari Mason Jay Bowen Gallery Bushey Pet Sitting Dorie Jones Art Jensen Davin Wood Colleen Craig Anne Braaten Train Wreck Warren & Linda Walz John Voth Strandberg Custom Homes & Design TRICO Companies, LLC Skagit Law Group, PLLC Jill & Jason Schnabel continued on page 38
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is proud to support Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County
Skagit State Bank BNSF Railway William Whittemore Kathie Roll Kendrick Davis-Pittmon Kelly M. Kutchick Foresters Skagit Valley Branch K.C. & Lori Knudson MillerCoors Skagit River Steel & Recycling Von & Elizabeth Kuehn Kimberly Fuller Mark & Gayle Nilson Cindy Smith Betty Ehblad Dick & Susan Straathof Jack & Carole Straathof Bruce & Sylvia Gillette Shower Pill Foothills Pontiac Buick Toyota Hallmark Refining Corporation Brown Line, LLC Don Wick Charlotte Y Martin Foundation Trust Roosevelt Dental M.J. & Shirley McIntyre Family Foundation Just Peachy Yogurt Bob & Marian Sadler Logan Wright Terry Finn Thomas & Danielle Palmer Verna Berentson Brett Fontes Cory Ertel Dwayne Resnik B.J. Larson Boxes and Bears
PRINTING The printing of this Annual Report was generously provided by K&H Integrated Printing Solutions. K&H has committed to printing all of our major publications for the next several years. They print our brochures and recently printed our Gala Programs. We are very grateful for this in-kind donation, without which, we would not be able to produce such a high quality publication. K&H recognizes the value of us providing the community with this report. Educating the community about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County provides us a basis for continued fundraising so that we may offer the Youth of our Community the Greatest Future possible. 38
Jay & Terry Ackley and K&H are proud to support Boys & Girls Clubs of Skagit County
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