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3rd Quarter 4% Friday Recipients
You Shop, We Give 4%
Every time you shop at the Co-op you help support our local economy and community. 4% Friday is another easy way to do your weekly shopping and contribute to organizations you care about. You shop, and together we give 4% of the Co-op's sales on the 4 th Friday of each month to a non-profit community organization.
Immigrant Resources & Immediate Support (IRIS)
July 22nd
Immigrant Resources & Immediate Support’s (IRIS) mission is twofold: to connect immigrants with existing resources in the community, and to provide immediate assistance to those experiencing a temporary period of crisis. The direct support provided by IRIS includes rent subsidies, emergency housing, groceries, beds, clothing, and financial assistance with medical and utility bills.
IRIS will use funds from 4% Friday to provide immediate support to local families to alleviate suffering by meeting basic needs such as access to food, clothing, and shelter. 100% of funds will be used for rental subsidies, food costs, and warm clothing costs. IRIS’ typical rent subsidies are about $350 per family and the food stipends range from $100-200. IRIS purchases warm clothing at affordable rates and most warm jackets are about $25 each. Many of the recipient’s families are residing in overcrowded living conditions, and IRIS’ rental subsidy can offer support for 5-10 people.
Communities In Schools
August 26th
The mission of Communities in Schools (CIS) is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Since 2008, CIS’ Site Coordinators (full-time mentoring and resource navigational staff) have provided whole-school supports to improve educational equity and 1:1 case management services & comprehensive interventions for in-risk or at-risk youth.
When students face immediate and systematic barriers like homelessness, poverty and food scarcity, it becomes a significant challenge for them to focus on school, due to unmet basic needs like food, snacks, clothing, school supplies and hygiene products. Funds from 4% Friday will be utilized to support CIS’ Basic Needs Resource Closets at 5 schools in the Mount Vernon School District, so kids can get their needs met at school, and therefore have the ability to focus on their education.
MVPD Homeless Outreach
September 23rd
MVPD’s Outreach Coordinator, Erin VonFempe, is a master’s level social worker who works directly with homeless individuals in the community. This program provides services and funding for such necessities as meals, housing, healthcare, treatment for substance abuse, transportation, clothing, and ID replacement. Erin works mostly in Mount Vernon, but also works with the Skagit First Step Center, a temporary housing site, in Burlington.
The Mount Vernon Police Department will utilize funds from 4% Friday for transportation, temporary housing, emergency necessities such as food and clothing, and to procure identity paperwork. The Outreach position is grant-funded in a joint agreement between the City and Skagit County, with most of the grant funds allocated to salary. Thus, funds for daily needs such as those listed above are scarce.